End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 650 From today on, only I can stand in the sky


Inside the giant pyramid, the reincarnation ceremony was going on, and as the metal hexahedron was lifted into the air, golden lines began to swim in every corner of the room.

Apocalypse and Charles lay on the slate bed, side by side, but not the same.

As a villain boss who regards himself as a god, Tianqi is very qualified in not being close to men and women. A perfect woman like Mystique can kill as soon as she wants to kill her. This is very similar to Russell, and he is not close to men.

The golden flow spread to the slate bed under Charles, and the unnamed substance carrying the spiritual power of the apocalypse opened an all-round invasion.


Apocalypse tried twice, but failed to erase Charles' spiritual will. The strange situation puzzled him very much.

The same telepathy, Apocalypse and Charles are very different in terms of ability performance, Charles can gain insight into the thinking of others and remotely control their brains, while Apocalypse focuses on the invasion and defense of thinking.

Switching to the attack mode, Apocalypse is invincible in singles, and the lethality in group battles is so lethal that Charles can't even see the taillights of the Star Destroyer.

And this time, he also lost in the duel!

Tianqi was shocked. After several inspections, he finally found out the reason for the failure of the invasion.

In Charles's brain, there is another powerful spiritual energy. This energy is exactly the same as Charles in nature, but it is far from what Charles can match in terms of quality and quantity.

What surprised Tianqi most is that this spiritual energy can be perfectly integrated with Charles, and even when mixed together, it can be completely indistinguishable from each other.

Every time Apocalypse reincarnated, he was divided into two strands because his mind could not be oriented and confirmed, which eventually made it impossible to capture Charles' body.


Tian Qi is very curious about who the master of this power is. His reincarnation ceremony has never failed, and judging from the performance of the other party, it seems that he made a targeted deployment after making a special trip to study his ability.

Telepathy invaded, Tianqi explored along the spiritual connection, and saw countless transparent human-shaped lights and shadows in the dark world of spiritual aggregates.

The other party dispersed his mental energy into hundreds of millions, making it impossible for him to locate, and the search operation failed again.

Tian Qi opened his eyes with a cold face, and put the mysterious man on the must-kill list. He has walked step by step through thousands of years, and he evolved from a human to a god by relying on the ability of reincarnation. Now this ability is restrained, If the mysterious man is not killed, he will have trouble sleeping and eating.

Tianqi thought too much, Professor X couldn't restrain his ability, and he was able to save Charles because they were the same person. Apocalypse chooses another mutant to reincarnate. Even though Professor X is experienced, he is no match for his menace.

The reincarnation failed, and Tian Qi was not in a hurry, at least on the surface he was not in a hurry, sitting on the throne with his eyes closed and meditating.

Apocalypse is waiting for Russell. He wants to defeat Russell in front of the whole world and declare to the world that he is the only God. For this reason, when building the pyramid, he deliberately left the Cairo TV station to broadcast live.

The live broadcast at the beginning, like launching a nuclear bomb, used Charles' ability to control the signal operators of all TV stations. After that, there was no need for it. Television stations from all over the country spontaneously contacted Cairo and requested a real-time broadcast.

The price is negotiable!

For a while, the advertising space of Cairo TV station was fired at sky-high prices.

It's the end of the world, and it's not appropriate to advertise?

Don't ask, just ask for a meal!

The end of the world... isn't there still a few hours, besides, what if it doesn't go away!

Global live broadcast, this wave of advertisements is blood money no matter how you look at it!

The director of Cairo TV station pondered for 0.01 second, and all the offers were accepted. He knew that the money was bad, but it was delicious!

The whole world is concerned about Russell, who has been named by Apocalypse. Apocalypse claims to be a god, and Russell is called an "old god". The relationship between the two parties is imaginative.

There have been more than a dozen versions of speculation about Russell's identity on the Internet.

After a human flesh search found no such person, and it was determined that Russell had never had any records on Earth,

The collective climax of netizens all over the world, the version has been doubled by more than a hundred times, and the collective action of experts from all walks of life has put a halo on Russell's head one after another.

Although there are various identities, they basically all mean the same thing, this guy is not human!

is God!

The operation is as fierce as a tiger, and the ending is the same as the beginning, but the audience just loves to watch it, and thinks what Brick said makes sense.

Apocalypse saw it in his eyes and smiled in his heart. This was the result he wanted. He killed Russell forcefully in front of the whole world, shattered the fantasies of believers, and established his supreme divine power in one fell swoop.

Whether he would shoot himself in the foot with a stone, Tian Qi never thought about it at all. He fought once before, and Russell's strength was just that, and he was killed with a slap.

How to lose the crushing game?

"From today on, only I can stand in the sky!"

Tian Qi even prepared the lines after the victory, and the lights and cameras were all in place. It can be said that everything is ready, except for the male number two.

Ten minutes later, Tian Qi slowly opened his eyes, and through the void, he sensed Russell's position.

"Old God, you really didn't disappoint me..." Tian Qi said, slowly stood up from the seat of God, a purple light curtain wrapped him, and began to move instantly.

"You three, keep an eye on Charles, and don't let anyone take him away." Before leaving, Tian Qi ordered.

"My master, please rest assured!"

The three figures knelt on one knee and sent Tianqi away respectfully. The three of them are the newly recruited knights of Tianqi. Maybe they are not as good as Storm Orolo in terms of potential, but they are all first-class masters in actual combat.


In the sky of Egypt, the aircraft traveled at high speed and jumped over the air blockades of various countries, and Russell and his party were inside.

Because Hank the Beast was beaten up by Russell, and someone with a black heart didn't say anything about sprinkling holy light healing, so although Hank refitted the aircraft in a short period of time, he missed the battle due to injuries.

This is a good thing, Hank is not there, Russell is the guest ace driver, and he breaks through the high-altitude blockade with ease.

Apocalypse's arrogant behavior angered several Superpowers. Although they did not cooperate with each other regardless of previous suspicions, they also maintained a tacit synchronization in private. The army drove straight in and jointly surrounded Cairo.

Egypt: Brothers, this...isn't appropriate! ?

Group of Five: Get out!

It's like when an aircraft crosses a blockade, the X-Men can see countless small dots moving on the ground, as many as tanks, missiles, cannons, etc., in a joint military exercise.

There is only so much that can be seen, and there are places that cannot be seen, such as the Mediterranean Sea, where there are countless iron bastards lying in the water.

On the plane, Russell was humming a ditty, talking and laughing with Deadpool, except for these two heartless guys, everyone else looked generous.

"Mr. Russell, what is your battle plan?" Mystique Raven asked, Professor X is not here, she is the temporary captain.

"Apocalypse and I were singled out. Nightcrawler used teleportation to take others to the pyramid and rescued Charles." Russell said, he had already thought of the name of the plan, which was to save the big...save Charles' hair follicles.

"It's so simple, isn't it too childish?"

"Simplicity is effective, and the more complex things are, the more error-prone they are." Russell shrugged. Changes are not as good as plans, so it doesn't matter if you have one or not.

"No, you misunderstood, I mean, don't you need two people to help you deal with Tianqi?"

"I appreciate the good intentions, but I can support them spiritually. People must not stay. Originally, Tianqi and I were split 50-50. With you, the outcome would be 28 immediately. I am... er, Tianqi is 8!"


Ruiwen's face turned dark after hearing this, and she simply stopped talking because she was bored. Professor X chose to believe Russell one more time, and she just followed the letter.

The aircraft is getting closer and closer to Cairo, jumping over several pyramids at high altitude, and the lair of Apocalypse is dazzling in the setting sun.

At this moment, at the foot of the pyramid, a small blue dot rapidly enlarged, Tianqi manipulated its own molecules, and turned into a huge blue giant that stood upright.

Deadpool covered his face and exclaimed again and again: "Russell, look, that guy can actually grow bigger!"

"Aren't you too?"

"It really is."

Having said that, Deadpool suddenly lost interest, it just became huge, who is not!

"Nightcrawler, take everyone and teleport into the pyramid." Russell said calmly, "Ruiwen, be careful, be careful of the four knights of Apocalypse. Apocalypse is a self-proclaimed god, and every time he appears, he must be accompanied by four knights." .”

"I see!"

Russell added: "By the way, one thing must be noted. I suspect that there are actually five of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Don't be fooled by the last one."


Ruiwen didn't know why, so in case she was too close and was infected by the sand sculpture virus, she hurriedly reached out and pressed Nightcrawler's shoulder, and quickly disappeared into the cabin.

In this way, the superheroes and sand sculptures on the plane disappeared one by one, and finally only Russell was left.

With no constraints around him anymore, Russell could finally be bold and bold. He suddenly increased the engine, drove the aircraft, and slammed into Tianqi's big face without hesitation.

boom! ! !

The aircraft collided with the defensive cover of the stand and exploded in the air a thousand meters away from Tianqi. This scene was seen by thousands of households in front of the TV, and they were all stunned.

How to evaluate this kind of behavior of sending to death, warrior or sand sculpture?

Three seconds later, these stunned people all rubbed their eyes in disbelief, and froze in place like a log.

In the exploding fireball, a pair of holy wings of light extended, expanding rapidly to an exaggerated level that covered the sky and the sun.

A figure with its back to the setting sun magnifies along with the wings of light, like a newborn sun, its brilliance shines between the sky and the earth.

The giant's size is slightly shorter than Tianqi's, but that's not the point. The point is that the light wings on the back swirl the wind, and it just floats slowly in the sky without touching the ground.

The scorching white light swept away the afterglow of the setting sun, and the giant's whole body was radiant. Whether it was the arms or the face, all were blurred by the strong light so that only an outline could be seen.

"Oh, God!"

The whole world lost its voice, and finally understood the meaning of the old gods in Tianqi's mouth.

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