End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 666 Terrific Chapter Name


Steve opened his mouth a few times, and finally chose to call Russell Sir, which he had called when he was in Hydra, and he was used to it.

After Russell walked out of the portal, two mages from Karma Taj followed closely behind, and a Winter Soldier sent a signal into the sky to locate Natasha and Yelena.

"Steve, it's been a while since I saw you, and you've betrayed."

Russell said sadly: "It was in vain that I trusted you so much, appointed you as the captain of Hydra, and called on everyone to learn from you. It's all right now, stabbed me in the back without saying a word, let me explain to everyone, call Everyone continue to learn from you and betray me together?"

Bucky spoke from the side: "Steve, you have already lost. If you surrender now, the officer will punish you lightly."

"Oh, did you? Why don't I remember saying that?"

Russell looked at Bucky in surprise, and asked suspiciously, "Bucky, do you want to trick them into surrendering themselves, and turn their backs on them after they're caught, stuffing the men into the locker room and stuffing the women into the basement?"

Bucky turned pale, and hurriedly explained: "No, no, I don't."

"Bucky, you can't lose too much in life. Our hydra is a righteous organization. I have repeatedly emphasized that you can't bring in evil spirits. Why don't you listen!"

"Sir, how could you..."

"There is no need to explain anymore. As a senior cadre of Hydra, it seems that such insidious and vicious words can be uttered. You have disappointed me. Go back and write a 5 million-word self-criticism, and no repetitions are allowed in the middle."


Bucky entered a state of autism, and after his soul regained his freedom, he gained a new right that he didn't have before, which was to hang Russell in his heart.

He persuaded Steve to voluntarily surrender, what was the starting point, not for...

Well, maybe partly for Steve, but more for the collective good.

The collective is the entire Hydra, and the Hydra is Russell's property, rounded up, he persuaded Steve to surrender, not for Russell.

As a result, the leader of his family couldn't talk at all, and directly blocked the back road. If the other side wanted to surrender, they had no choice but to risk their lives.

Most importantly, Bucky really wants to know, is 5 million words serious?

Sure enough, upon hearing Russell's words, Howard immediately closed his helmet, and Maria and Carter were also ready to fight.

They didn't know if Russell was joking, or if he really had such a plan. Considering that Hydra had never been a traitor, they didn't rule out the possibility of such punishment.

Russell waved his hand, signaling to be safe and calm: "Don't get excited. Although I don't accept voluntary surrender, I also don't agree with Bucky's proposed punishment method. After all, Hydra is an orderly organization, and there are still some morals that should be... Oh, except for Bucky, who's been single and kind of freaking out."

Bucky: "..."

While speaking, several tails of fire streaked across the sky. Natasha, Yelena and others rushed to form an encirclement circle in mid-air, surrounding the four of Steve.

The back and forth, left and right retreats were all blocked, Steve took a deep breath: "Sir, this matter has nothing to do with Howard and the others, it's me..."

Russell interrupted directly, and said forcefully: "There is no need to explain, the facts are in front of me, and I only believe what I see."

At this time, Howard said: "Boss, you may not believe it, I have always loved the organization, and I am very proud of being a member of Hydra. This time, I was coerced by Steve, so I had no choice but to go with him I took a desperate risk, and during this period, my heart was suffering endlessly, and I always wanted to return to the embrace of the organization."

"..." xN

As expected of a businessman, he sold his teammates after changing hands!

Howard opened his visor, and gave Steve a sneaky look. There is no way to go to the sky, and there is no way to go down. He couldn't beat him, so he had to vote.

From his point of view, even if Steve couldn't beat him without the three laggards, he should have no problem escaping.

Thinking so, Howard grabbed his wife Maria and Steve's concubine Carter one by one in each hand, and the three took off their battle clothes and surrendered.

"Stop acting, do I look stupid?"

Russell curled his lips: "I said I don't accept surrender. When I feel comfortable playing, when will I dig a hole to bury you."

Howard looked sad and indignant: "Boss, give it another chance! It's hurtful to fight and kill. It's all your own people. Anyone who hurts is your loss."

Russell said meaningfully: "There is no loss, and my people will not be injured."

Howard was about to say something more, when Maria and Carter suddenly put on steel battle suits, raised their guns and short cannons, and aimed at their lovers.



The sudden betrayal made the two elders feel as if they were struck by lightning, and they quickly realized that the two women were controlled by Russell.

"Attack from the heart, they can't resist my order... If you don't understand, I can cover it up again!" Russell looked at Steve with a smile, his eyes narrowed, and his eyes fixed on Howard.

Howard froze in place, his eyes changed from struggling to calm, and finally stood there expressionless. Maria behind him put away her weapon, and the husband and wife walked into Russell's camp side by side. The wizard opened the portal and sent them to the Wakanda base.

"Look, capturing captives is so simple, why accept surrender?"

Russell smiled slightly, making Steve feel cold all over, not daring to meet his gaze.

Steve thought too much, Thanos couldn't do it even with the Soul Stone, and it was even more impossible for Russell to control him.

In fact, Russell's newly acquired telepathic ability can easily invade and control the spiritual thinking of ordinary people.

Invading Howard, who had taken the heart-shaped herb, was a certain degree of difficulty, and the limit of his intrusion was roughly that of strengthened and professionally trained agents like Carter.


Teka withdrew the weapon on Steve's forehead expressionlessly, and pointed it at his own head, scaring Steve to make a hasty move, knocking her unconscious with a knife in his hand.

"Steve, when I found out that you defected, I was not angry at all, even if you took Howard and the others, I was the same." Russell said: "Because I know very well that no matter how many like-minded companions you find, they will Become my man."

"..." Steve gritted his teeth, feeling a deep sense of powerlessness in his heart.

"But thanks to you, I was able to eliminate the unstable factors inside Hydra, and I have to say something about it... well done!"

Steve's scalp was numb, and he said coldly: "This is the reason why I left Hydra. It's not that you weave false memories to deceive me, but that you enslave other people's spirits. If Hydra is as you said, it will become After joining the Justice Organization, you shouldn’t be like that mustache, dictating everything and controlling everyone’s will.”

"Regarding this point, I have revoked everyone's contract. They are very grateful to you. Because of this test, they have gained my trust."

Steve looked around in surprise, and got a nod of acquiescence from Bucky, which made his heart cool again.

"Steve, you're so narrow!"

Russell shook the Infinity Gauntlet, knocked Carter into the air with a snap of his fingers, ordered someone to take her down, and continued: "The Hydra ruled by me and the Hydra ruled by the Red Skull are two different things, and we must look at the new pattern with old eyes , can only be hit head-to-head."

Steve: "..."

Yes, the Red Skull is not worthy of carrying shoes compared to you!

"A failed betrayal successfully made me laugh, but it also brought a little joy to my boring daily life." Russell strode towards Steve, swung a heavy fist, and stopped in front of his door : "Lastly reiterate, I don't accept surrender, fight with me, if you win, I can promise to return Howard to you."

"Then grab it again?"

"Don't say that, I'm a positive person, I've always convinced people with reason, and I don't engage in conspiracy!"

Russell frowned: "Hurry up and do it, you won't want to know what will happen if you lose."

No, I know!

Steve thought in his heart that with Russell's style, he would definitely help Carter hold a wedding, and the groom would be Bucky.

And he, as the best man, will attend the wedding, and perhaps even send a message of congratulations to the two newcomers.

Russell proudly said: "I will help Carter hold a wedding, and the groom will be Bucky, and you will appear as the best man at that time. How is it? Does it hurt or scare you?"


Steve had no expression on his face. He, who had already guessed the answer, was not afraid at all, and even wanted to laugh a little.

"As for Howard, this old white-eyed wolf has learned my knowledge, used the resources I provided, got a pair of good kidneys, and has a wife who is over fifty years old and is still as beautiful as a flower. I am not grateful, but still follow you Play betrayal together." Russell rolled his eyes: "I heard that he has a son named Tony Stark, why not capture him..."

"Determining the fate of others arbitrarily, that's why I left Hydra!" Steve snorted coldly, and hit Russell's jaw heavily with an uppercut.


Russell stretched out his left hand and received the punch firmly. On the Infinity Gauntlet, the purple light was dazzling. He slowly lowered his fist and looked directly into Steve's eyes: "Captain, you have double-standards. If you didn't let Howard Breaking away from the contract, he will not be in danger, and will always live the life he wants most."


Steve swung his fist again, and was held tightly by Russell. The power gem and the photon energy competed with each other. Steve said word by word: "But he lost his freedom, lost himself, and is just your slave."

"But I saved his life!"

Russell suppressed Steve's fist: "Your eyes can only see the present, but mine can see the future. If it wasn't for me, Howard would have been murdered, and you... because the person who killed Howard It's Bucky, you broke with his son and died in a civil war between heroes."


"It's possible that Carter was already old when you returned to Earth. You missed her wedding and only caught up with her funeral." Russell said, "Comparing the two, you should thank me."

"Impossible!!" Hearing the word wedding, Steve's tone became even more excited.

"Don't worry, even so, you haven't been single for the rest of your life. You and Carter's niece are on good terms. That girl admires you very much and is chasing after you. You say you only love Carter, but your body is more active than her."

"Impossible, Peggy's niece is already forty years old."

Russell chuckled: "It's not her, the one I'm talking about hasn't been born yet!"

"Then...then, it's even more impossible!!!" Steve's tone was unprecedentedly excited, and he was incoherent.

"Steve, you're too humble, don't underestimate yourself, you are far worse than you think."

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