End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 671 Cree, Welcome to Earth

With the dark star in the center, the three frigates opened their launch ports and ejected a total of twelve ballistic warheads.

The whole body of the missile is pitch black, with azure blue energy stripes on its surface. After detaching from the hull, the thrusters are activated and enter the earth's atmosphere at an extremely fast speed.

The blue light flickered in midair, and the twelve warheads stood still in midair. The propellers spewed flames slowly, but they still couldn't move forward.

The distance of the space is infinitely elongated, and these warheads can't get close to the surface even after exhausting their entire lives. Even if they explode, the fireworks produced will have a pitifully small impact on the surrounding area.

Dark Star quickly detected the anomaly.

"Sir, planet C-53 intercepted our missiles with a defense system of unknown power."

"It's not a defense system, it's a cosmic Rubik's Cube..."

Ronan listened to the deputy's report with a frown, looked at the frozen picture of the missile in front of him, and pondered: "Who is using the power of the Rubik's Cube, Marville? How did he do it?"

"It's not clear yet. He is the heir to the title of Captain Marvel. I'm not surprised to create any kind of miracle." The deputy shrugged. Judging from his tone, he seemed to be a fan of Steve.

"Idiot, the heroes announced by the empire are not worthy of worship, and the idols of the whole people are too much, you really think Captain Marvel is omnipotent?"

Ronan dismissed it. Captain Marvel is a political star created by Supreme Wisdom. Although his strength is indeed powerful, half of it is based on traffic, and he is not as invincible as the official propaganda.

The Cosmic Rubik's Cube is the space gem. To induce the power of space on a large scale, there must be tools to control the gem, such as the infinite gauntlet in Thanos' hand.

It's not impossible to force the gem to respond by relying on one's own strength, but Ronan doesn't think Marville has this kind of strength.

Ronan was very curious. Just when he was about to order to land on the earth and asked Marwell to find out the reason, the frozen picture of the twelve missiles suddenly became dark, as if swallowed by a mysterious giant.

"what happened?"

Ronan's heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly zoomed away from the screen, only then did he see it clearly.

Between the blue sky and white clouds, a pair of huge jet-black wings of light spread out and soared upward at a terrifying speed. The moment the twelve missiles came into contact, they were corroded into scrap iron by invisible forces.

The camera zooms out further and further until the outline of the entire earth appears in the picture, and the black wings of light stand out from the atmosphere and stand out.

The screen zoomed in, Russell's face appeared under the lens, his closed eyes suddenly opened, and the whites of his pupils were all pitch black.

Ronan felt a chill in his chest, and his intuition told him that the other party had already locked him.

"I seem to have seen this face somewhere..." As if thinking of something, a flash of fear flashed in Ronan's eyes, and he hurriedly ordered: "Attack, intercept it quickly, don't let him approach."

The two wings of the frigate warship spread out, launching a huge number of small airships, forming a large net, covering Russell's position from a distance.


The sound of piercing the air came, and Ronan rolled forward and fell to the ground, knelt on one knee and raised the Kree Warhammer called 'Universal Weapon' to block the sneak attack of his deputy.

"Asshole, are you crazy?"

Ronan cursed loudly, and when he saw the black eyes of his deputy, he felt a chill in his heart.

The deputy's eyes were exactly the same as the ones he saw with Russell before. Ronan knew that he was being controlled, so he didn't say anything more. He swung the long sword that was pressed down, raised the warhammer to release the energy impact, and killed the deputy on the spot without hesitation.

Outside the atmosphere, the black wings of light behind Russell extend infinitely, forming a huge encirclement circle, the area of ​​which is larger than the encirclement network constructed by small airships.

The light wings closed, and the black fog rose densely. After opening again, the huge number of small airships all turned into decayed residues.

"Attack! Free fire, knock him out!"

Following Ronan's order, the Dark Star and the three frigates turned on all their firepower, aiming at the front and covering fire.

The three frigates were scattered, the main guns in front of the battleship were charged, and the two wings opened up one by one.

Countless small airships were ejected, and the locusts generally outflanked the two sides when they crossed the border, and rushed towards the earth in a black pressure.

After the battleship's main guns were fully charged, the secondary guns fired first, and the dense missiles completed the saturated coverage strike first.

Three rounds of attacks followed, and in an instant, beams of light suddenly lit up, forming a shining light curtain, illuminating the entire dark universe.

The overwhelming and devastating blows are the military strength that the Kree Empire is proud of, and it is also the reliance for them to run rampant in the boundless starry sky.

However, in the next second, a vast black mist spread out without warning, and the previously shocking light beams were now as small as pearls of rice grains, suddenly lit up and then went out quickly.

The iron hoof of war, representing the beam of death, is vulnerable to the corrosion of darkness.

With his wings on his back, Russell stretched out a black screen with his hands, continuously releasing the energy of the dark dimension, erecting an indestructible and solid city wall, blocking the attacks of the star warships from outside the earth.

The light beam was submerged in it, and it was as silent as a mud cow entering the sea. The missiles and small airships were directly corroded into scraps of copper and iron, and shattered into worthless space junk, floating in the universe.

The three rounds of offensives were over, and the most powerful battleship's main guns failed to penetrate the Dark Domain. The momentum of the four battleships headed by Dark Star was obviously weakened.


The Kree attack ended and Russell's counterattack began.

With a big wave of his hand, he pointed at one of the frigates, bent his five fingers and gripped the claws, and tightened them into fists.

I saw the boundless black mist emerging, turning into a big hand that covered the sky and the sun, and grabbed the frigate.

The corrosive energy disintegrates the energy defense cover of the battleship, and the continuous black mist penetrates into it, carrying hallucinogenic and crazy negative factors into it. Under the cannibalism of Kerry soldiers, the entire frigate is pinched into a bleak and dull place. Scrap iron.

The corrosive energy remained unceasingly, devouring the disintegrated scrap iron. From the attack to the end, a warship disappeared out of thin air, not even ten seconds before and after.

"Retreat! Return to the jumping space node!"

Ronan was sweating profusely, almost roaring to give orders. The technology of planet C-53 is not worth mentioning, but there are strong people on this planet who can easily destroy a civilization.

Ronan recognized Russell's face. The black order's arrest warrants are still circulating among civilizations. The reason is that Russell killed General Deathblade, the leader of the five generals of Obsidian.

According to gossip, Thanos personally participated in the hunt for Russell, and the two broke out in a battle on Morag.

The specific results are unknown, and the dark sect kept silent about it, but Thanos was seriously injured, and the Morag star was destroyed and was included in the restricted life zone since then, but it is a fact that cannot be concealed.

The cause and effect can easily be deduced...

Thanos' younger brother was killed, and he personally brought people to find a place, but he was almost beaten to death.

This matter has been rumored among the major cosmic civilizations for a period of time. Of course, it is limited to high-level or well-informed people.

Coincidentally, Ronan belongs to both high-level and well-informed people.

Ronan naturally wouldn't provoke the killer star who even lost the tyrant, and felt infinite remorse in his heart, cursing Marville for being a scam.

If I said earlier that the Rubik's Cube has an owner, wouldn't he stop coming?

The three interstellar battleships retreated slowly, but Ronan's face became increasingly ugly, as if twelve missiles could not penetrate an inch. His car, the Dark Star, was fully powered, and remained in place, with a posture of death.

Russell raised the Infinity Gauntlet, and the blue light of the space sapphire shone.

The next moment, driven by him, the purple light representing the gem of power bloomed together.

The Dark Star and the two frigates stood still, purple destructive flames glowed on the surface of the battleship, and the huge energy and shock waves crazily devoured the energy shield of the battleship, exhausting it in the blink of an eye.

The energy invaded, and the hull slowly disintegrated. Starting from the surface, the steel and iron frames were peeled off, and decomposed to the molecular level under the ravages of the surging force.

The destruction of the three interstellar battleships was a foregone conclusion. Ronan knew that he was unable to recover, so he held on to the almighty weapon, the Warhammer, and wanted to teleport himself back to the Cree Empire.


The space near the low-earth orbit is completely locked, and the only place he can teleport is...


There is no choice, Ronan is a person who does great things, and he does not want to perish with the dark star, so he decisively teleports to escape.

Thirty seconds later, under the ravages of the power gem, the three interstellar warships all disintegrated and turned into cosmic dust.


In the middle of the desert, Ronan knelt on one knee with a hammer in hand. The pure blue skin of the Cree attracted the attention of Natasha and the others. Before he could say anything, a hail of bullets followed.

Ronan possesses strength, stamina, speed, and reflexes far beyond ordinary people. When wearing an armor suit, all abilities will be enhanced.

The war hammer named "Universal Weapon" is a high-tech crystallization of the Kree Empire. It is a god-level individual weapon with the ability to decompose and reorganize matter, absorb energy, control gravity, create force fields, launch shock waves, and teleportation.

Therefore, these ordinary attacks were not taken seriously by him at all, and he easily blocked them with a defensive structure.

boom! !

Natasha released the shock wave of thought power, smashing the defensive force field like a heavy hammer, and hitting Ronan's spiritual level directly, causing his mouth and nose to bleed, and he almost fell to the ground because of his unsteadiness.

"Who are you?"

Looking around at the surrounding Hydra crowd, Ronan secretly groaned, the only one he recognized was Natasha, and the Dark Order also had a wanted warrant for her.

Where is this backward and barren primitive planet? It is clearly the hiding place of the boss!

Seeing Mar-Will lying on the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead, Ronan's pupils shrank, his brain opened wide, and he realized that it was a conspiracy. Someone used Mar-Vell to lure him into the bait.

It's ridiculous that he thought he had found a bargain, so he foolishly delivered it to the door.

Russell will rush over at any moment, Ronan knows that this place is not suitable to stay for a long time, teleportation is activated again, and he is about to escape with a warhammer in his hand.

With a bang, the shock wave of photon energy hit, breaking Ronan's concentrated thoughts, and the remaining momentum not only knocked him out, but even the war hammer was thrown out of his hand.

Steve staggered to his feet and stared at Ronan, feeling extremely regretful: "Kree people, you shouldn't have come to this planet."


Seeing the first-generation Captain Marvel who had been missing for many years, Ronan took a deep breath. The water on the earth was deeper than he imagined, so he hurriedly turned around to pick up the "universal weapon" warhammer.


Russell stepped on the warhammer, condescendingly facing Ronan's sweaty face: "Kree people, welcome to Earth!"


"It's a poor country, I don't have anything to offer to entertain you, so I'll just use my enthusiasm..." After finishing speaking, Russell clenched his fist with infinite gloves, and with a standard meeting ceremony for earthlings, he punched Ronan on the head.

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