End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 681: The Birth of Catwoman

After sending away Bruce who came to find fault, Russell searched the house for a long time, but couldn't find a small prop.

Two possibilities!

One is that Bruce hid things superbly, stuffing things like bugs in places he couldn't imagine.

The other, Bruce left nothing behind, was that he was too cautious.

Considering that Batman was dressed in black, Russell insisted that the first possibility was the most, and shouted towards the door: "So who, the new assistant who arrived today, find someone to clean up the upstairs and buy a new set of furniture by the way."

No response!

Russell was furious, and just when his capitalist ugly face broke out and he was about to fire the other party, he suddenly remembered that he had already been fired.

I have to recruit assistants again!

"Damn Bruce Wayne, how dare you pry my headlights, I took the wheels off the Batmobile tonight." Russell returned to the grill, muttering, while continuing his plan of grilling meat.


A skewer of barbecued meat was put into his mouth, and his teeth bit down on something hard, neither a stone nor a bone. When he spat it out, it turned out to be a small bug.

( ̄□ ̄;)

"Nimma, this is the rhythm that even the rooftops have to be changed..."

With a sigh, Russell continued to eat his barbecue, wondering whether to move out of Gotham, a place of right and wrong.

He came to Gotham City to trigger a world mission on Batman. He met twice in a row, one of which even made a move, but he failed to do so.

That being the case, it doesn't make much sense to stay in Gotham City.

Thinking of the world mission, Russell spread out the map and looked at it. Not far from Gotham is a famous metropolis. In addition, there are familiar place names such as Amnesty Bay, Central City, Star City, Key City, and Seaside City.

If you want to trigger world quests, it would be a good choice to take a trip to these cities.

Here, Russell crossed out the last place name!

But Russell had investigated before, and superheroes like Superman, Flash, Aquaman, and Green Lantern did not appear.

Here, Russell crossed out the last name again!

According to the existing intelligence analysis, Russell has a general understanding of the background of the world he is in. It is roughly based on the DC universe with the theme of "Justice League". Because of the appearance of Constantine, elements such as hell and heaven have been brought into this world.

Moreover, judging from the plot of the encounter between Russell and Constantine, and the handsome face of the latter, he should be a responsible and good person, but the fact is the opposite. Only the face is similar to the plot, and Constantine is as scumbag as ever.

Taking Constantine as an actual case, not being able to guarantee the strength of other superheroes will also be the strength in the comics...

This is very scary!

Because superheroes are powerful, supervillains are even stronger!

To trigger the world quest, Russell now has two options, one is to go to Zha Kang, and the other is to go to Wonder Woman Diana.

Of course, it is not ruled out that the world mission will be triggered in Gotham City, but he has not met the right person yet!

"Stay for another week, if there is still no change, try your luck with Wonder Woman..." Thinking of this, Russell raised his hand and crossed out Zha Kang.

In fact, there is another possibility in Russell's mind that the trigger location of the world mission is in the Arkham Asylum.

Because he doesn't like places where psychopaths and super criminals gather together, he regards Arkham as the second-to-last option, which is only ahead of Zack Kang, and he will consider going if he has no choice.



Tonight, the Egyptian cat was very honest, lying motionless to admire the moon, and did not go out to have a tryst with a wild woman. Russell was in a good mood, thinking about buying a carload of high-end canned food tomorrow as a reward.

Who would have thought that this scumbag cat was already rotten. As soon as Russell finished boasting in his heart, it tiptoed to the balcony on the other side, scratching at the window glass and barking.

Russell was furious, opened the window, pointed to the outside and said loudly: "I'm going to talk about it here today. If you take a step out of this window, don't come back in the future. I don't care if you die outside..."

In the middle of the conversation,

He was speechless, because the Egyptian cat jumped down and didn't listen to what he was saying.

"Hmph, I want to see what's good about that woman."

Russell breathed out nasally, took out the watch from the space ring, connected his fingertips, and jumped off the balcony.

The roar shook, and the vertical propulsion glider in the house started, catching him in the air, and heading straight for the Gotham River outside the dense forest on the outskirts of the city.

"It's not in the direction of the city, but the Gotham River... What's the situation, is this scum cat having a new love, or is it going to catch a couple of hot ones at night?" Russell followed curiously.

The Egyptian cat on the ground heard the sound of the propeller, looked up and saw the excrement shovel following him, grunted twice in dissatisfaction, shook and continued to move forward.

Soon, the Egyptian cat came to the shallows of the Gotham River, jumped a few ditches, raised its paws and scratched twice.


After being pampered at Russell's house for a few days, she suffered from a princess disease that has no cure and does not want to be cured.

It didn't want to suffer such grievances, raised its head and meowed twice, and called dozens of wild cats from the surrounding area.

A bunch of cats got together for a meeting. This meeting has nothing to do with a full-scale invasion of the earth, because they haven't thought of a good way to deal with the dogs.

"Meow meow meow~~~" XN

A series of meows that humans could not understand ended, and the Egyptian cat and the head of the wild cat on the opposite side reached a consensus, and moved their paws together to plan on the shallow sand.

Digging pits is the strong point of dogs. Cats can dig a toilet at most. After digging for a while, dozens of cats lose interest, lose interest, forget the content of the previous meeting, and leave without looking back, leaving behind Egyptian cats. Messy in the wind.

It has no choice, it can only use the ultimate big move, summoning the shit-shoveling officer who watched the excitement.

Russell was very curious about the behavior of the scumbag. He stepped on the glider and floated in the air. When the light of the water ring Nanya flashed, five streams of water converged, and soon a corpse was dug out of the sand.

Female corpse!

It's an acquaintance, Russell recognizes this face, the Egyptian cat fooled around with her all night yesterday.

"This is... the birth of Catwoman!?"

Russell felt something, and manipulated the water flow to wash away the sludge on the corpse, and slowly placed it on the ground. Immediately afterwards, he took a few steps back and lowered the glider, quietly watching how the Egyptian cat revived the opponent.

Shrouded in mist, strange clouds rolled to cover the moonlight, half of the Egyptian cat escaped into the darkness, and its two cat eyes emitted a faint green glow.

It jumped onto the chest of the female corpse, its head drooping slightly, and met the pair of eyes that were dying.

Buzz buzz———

A silent breath of death permeated the air, and Russell's hair blew up, and he spread his wings of light behind his back with a bang, blocking the biting cold with the power of a holy angel.

The power of death emerges from the mist, more precisely, from the eyes of the Egyptian cat.

Under the joint action of cloud and mist, an indescribable force resisted the invasion of moonlight and communicated with the eyes of the Egyptian cat, forming a very mysterious energy position.

That feeling, in the perception of the bystander Russell, seemed to have opened the gate of Hades.

Meow meow meow----

After a piercing scream, the Egyptian cat inhaled the surrounding mist into its mouth, and blew it down on the corpse's stiff face.

Russell could see clearly that the mist seemed to possess physical energy, pouring in from the facial features of the female corpse, and the dilated pupils shrank obviously.

Like a cat's eye, it shrinks into a vertical line!

At this moment, the moonlight dispelled the dark clouds, and when the first ray of moonlight fell, the cold body of the female corpse gradually warmed up, with a new look of vitality, and the stopped heart began to beat.

Russell raised his hand to roll up a stream of water, and brought the revived woman to his side, his eyes lit up and looked at her.

Witnessing a resurrection from the dead with his own eyes, it was like a cat's paw scratching at his heart, which made his heart itch, and he was eager to know the reason behind it.

There is no magic fluctuation!

Russell can be sure that he witnessed a transformation from death to life without feeling the fluctuation of magic power!

"Meow cat~~~"

The Egyptian cat lay on the woman's chest and stretched out its paws towards Russell, signaling that he was hungry, and asked him to bring the offerings quickly.

Russell understood, and stretched out his hands towards it.

At this moment, the woman opened her eyes with a 'hum', and in front of her eyes were Russell's two hands stretched out to her chest.


Looking at each other, a look of panic flashed in the woman's eyes. It is conceivable that the next thing is to scream.

Russell didn't panic at all, in the wilderness, she just broke her throat...

Keke, I was wrong.

Russell was not at all upset, ignoring the woman's terrified eyes, and calmly hugged the Egyptian cat in her arms.

Leaving aside that this was an obvious misunderstanding, even if it wasn't a misunderstanding, but a shameless chest attack, with a pair of wings behind him, he could still turn black into white.

Don't shout, don't be afraid, don't ask, it's about killing demons!

The woman propped up her hands and found herself lying on a curtain of water. She looked at the light wings behind Russell in amazement, her eyes drifted, and she couldn't believe it: "You are an angel, you saved me?"

Russell pondered for a moment, nodded and said: "Yes, I found a wandering soul crying, so I came to have a look."

The cat he raised saved the woman, which means he saved the woman, and there was nothing wrong with it.

"Meow meow meow~~~"

The Egyptian cat raised its paw and scratched at Russell's chest. Because it couldn't speak, the woman just glanced at it and ignored it. She said excitedly, "Thank God, I've always been a devout believer, I knew..."

"Take a rest first, you are tired!"

Russell focused his eyes on the woman, and invisible spiritual power came out of his body, causing the woman to fall down in a daze.


Selina Kyle!

A young working woman living in Gotham, like many others, believes that Santa Claus is not a fairy tale, but a real existence, and aspires to become a magical girl.

For this reason, she studied hard, hoping to be admitted to a magic academy with excellent grades.

After she became an adult, she gave up her unrealistic fantasies and obediently became a motivated young man who worked nine to five and worked overtime on rest days.

But once in a while, when I'm alone in a bachelor apartment, I can't help but draw the curtains, sculpt in the living room, and recite the lines of the middle and twenty feet.

Selina works in a cosmetics company and lives an ordinary and contented life, but living in the city of Gotham is not as ordinary as you think. Disasters and opportunities always come unexpectedly.

Especially for a person like Selina whose parents died when she was just an adult, once the template is matched, it is difficult to think of being ordinary!

Some time ago, after taking a shower, she changed into her pajamas and was posing in the living room. When she heard movement on the window sill, she found an Egyptian cat visiting her house.

Every night after that, the cat would visit, and as long as she wasn't working overtime, she would tease each other with cat food and toys.

It's a pity that Egyptian cat is relatively cold and has always dismissed her toys and cat food.

Selina didn't know that the Egyptian cat was not aloof, but that she was too poor, and the poor-quality cat food and toys were too lazy for the Egyptian cat.

Just this evening, she stayed in the company again and worked overtime to catch up on the design drawings. In an emergency, the design drawings had to be sent to the suburban factory before midnight.

Because it was too late, the factory was unwilling to pick up the manuscript, so she could only send it there by herself, and accidentally ran into an inside story that she shouldn't have seen, she was killed and silenced, and her body was thrown into the Gotham River.

Russell was sitting at the desk, and after listening to Selina's story, he said speechlessly, "Selina, your story is a bit bloody!"


Selina didn't speak, her eyes followed the cat teasing stick in Russell's hand.

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