End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 700 The most suitable character template for Russell

It's as dark as ink!

Holy white as light!

It's as red as fire!

The three of them competed at the same time, urging the energy in their bodies to fight against the other two. The energy frenzy surged, and the ground in Los Angeles rumbled and trembled. Several nearby buildings screamed and screamed, and large pieces of glass shattered. It seemed that the entire building would collapse at any time. .

A little further away, the sea level is turbulent, the waves recede as if the tide is ebbing, the sea is covered with dark clouds, and the thunder is rumbling, as if a natural disaster is brewing.

A TV station helicopter appeared at an unknown time and captured the scene of the confrontation between the gods. Realizing that life is more important than overtime pay and bonuses, he turned around and left far away, aiming for the city outside Los Angeles.

TV station?

What are you going to do at the TV station at this time? Of course, run away while you have a plane in your hand!

It can't be called running away, aerial photography of traffic jams, and real-time broadcast of city news.

For a time, the City of Angels became the hardest-hit area, people scrambled to flee, those with planes took planes, and those without planes drove cars.

If you have nothing, call 911 for help, and then find that the line is busy and can't get through.

The army and the state police maintained the order of the retreat. While directing the people to retreat, they covered the retreat. As they retreated, they found themselves at the forefront.

This is embarrassing!

The two groups thought it was too risky to wait in place, so the state police commanded the army, and the army commanded the state police, and continued to retreat outside the city steadily.


Buzz buzz———

The central area where the three faced each other was filled with surging energy, making the air harden like a solid.

Russell's forehead gradually fell into cold sweat. The two guys on the opposite side didn't talk about the morals of the rivers and lakes. They agreed to fight for their own dignity, but in the middle of the fight, they suddenly started to join forces against him.

Whether it's Gabriel or Mammon, in a one-on-one situation, Russell is not afraid of any of them. Give him some time, and he is confident that he can take it down.

One-on-two is hard to say, at least in the confrontation of energy, it is completely at a disadvantage.

Russell was really surprised by Mammon's performance. In the movie, when he was possessed by Angela, he was knocked down by Constantine, and his fighting power was weaker than that of Angela when he was not possessed.

Right now, it is extremely vigorous, vaguely, it seems to be slightly stronger than Gabriel.


The pressure on his body was getting bigger and bigger, Russell didn't dare to sit still, he summoned the black flame sword, and clenched his hands tightly to provoke it upwards.

The strong arm force stirred up the substantive energy position, and the momentum of the explosion exploded straight up into the sky. The red, white, and black clouds seemed to be hit by a shell, and a large hole was sunken inward at the center.

In an instant, the color of the clouds changed, and the three colors were all dark and difficult to show. They rolled and rolled in all directions, and then split and dissipated little by little.

At the same time, Gabriel and Mammon moved forward side by side, attacking Russell from two directions, one left and one right, at the same time.

Gabriel is still the holy spear that judges fate. The fire element weapon manifested by Manmeng with scorching energy is more interesting. There are two battle axes with red blood lights attached, one long and one short, one big and one small.

He held one in each hand and looked extremely uncoordinated, as if he would fall due to unbalanced balance if he took two steps.

Man Meng let out a low cry, his arm muscles tensed and swelled, and he threw the smaller hatchet in his hand, then held the giant ax with both hands, and hit Russell twice in a row.

Gabriel seemed to have the mentality of saving energy in paddling, but at the same time, he was half a step behind Mammon at the start. The holy spear was restrained and ready to go, and he waited for Russell to show his flaws before delivering a fatal blow.

The short ax flew towards him, followed the fluctuations of the air in a flash, like a venomous snake, aiming at Russell's neck.

Russell frowned slightly. Man Meng seemed to be a reckless old man, but he could still play such tricks in battle. Without hesitation, he turned half a circle on the spot and flashed to the left.

When the hatchet approached the position where he was standing before, he suddenly stopped, and the big sword slashed on the hatchet with a heavy force, changing its flight trajectory, and hitting Gabriel who was waiting for an opportunity.

boom! ! !

At this time, Man Meng approached with a huge ax in his hand, his red skin tightened suddenly, and his muscles entangled his body. Looking closely, he looked like writhing red pythons, giving people a creepy visual shock.

Russell didn't dare to take it hard, and vibrated three pairs of black wings, swishing straight to the sky.

Man Meng handled everything lightly, and stopped in time when he missed a blow. He flapped his bat wings and rose on the spot. Seeing his relaxed appearance, the blow just now obviously had some power left.

The corners of Russell's mouth hooked slightly, and the distance between Vibrating Black Wing and Mammon was getting farther and farther. As expected, Mammon's pair of bat wings, which were extremely awkward to look at, were not born with him, and he himself was not good at air combat. A ground-level melee master, especially with strength as his outstanding advantage.

At this moment, a strong light hit from behind, Russell's heart tightened, and he bent down hurriedly, lowering his head to avoid the point of the holy light spear piercing the back of his head.

Gabriel had rich experience in combat, and failed to succeed in the sneak attack, so he immediately changed his tactics and used the Holy Spear as a stick, and smashed it down hard.

Russell was hit on the shoulder, his entire arm was numb, and he vibrated his wings to stabilize his falling body.

The palpitations recurred, without even thinking about it, the black flame sword in his hand slashed straight down towards the source of danger.

The sword light is like ink dyeing, dyeing the air into darkness, sparks bloom, and at the same time as the attack, the defensive sword net is also spread.

"Hahaha, it's useless. I was born from flames, and your flames can't hurt me." Man Meng flapped his wings and continued to accelerate, his thick and huge body slammed into the fire net with his curved arms and elbows, and smashed the giant ax in his hand. over Russell's head.


boom! ! !

There was no way to avoid it, Russell raised his long sword to block, was shot down by the berserk force in the air, and his body fell to the ground, smashing a deep crater.

Gabriel, who has been waiting for a long time, throws the light and shadow war gun, transforming it into thousands of bodies in mid-air, and repeatedly strikes the area where Russell is located.

The light waves from the upside-down jade bowl rose and exploded, and the attacks continued, each time becoming more dazzling, and the oppressive darkness gradually became invisible.

"Let me come, the dark power in his body is very pure, I have never seen such delicious energy." Man Meng salivated, preventing Gabriel from doing it himself.

The time and place of his arrival were wrong, which directly caused his strength after birth to be much worse than before. Although his authority will not be affected, he can still turn the world into hell, but if his strength drops too much, subsequent promotion will become extremely troublesome .

This would lead to a result he didn't want to see, Satan walked out of hell, and he didn't have enough confidence to fight against him.

Mammon wants to be the only king, not the king who is beaten to the ground, so the dark power in Russell's body is very important to him, and it can make him advance by leaps and bounds like a great tonic.

"In the name of my ****, the graves of the living will be dug up from here, and the souls of the dead will fall into the abyss and die, and become my ****..." Man Meng whispered the spell, because Gabriel was by his side, he deliberately downplayed the incantation. own real name.

The dead air, so thick that Gabriel loathed it, rose from the ground, and a cloud of gray mist spread out without warning, blocking the sight of her golden pupils. Out of caution, she drew back and moved away.

The position on the ground was obscured by the thick and lifeless mist, Gabriel's eyes were closed tightly, and when they opened again, they emitted a faint golden light.

This time, she saw clearly the scene in the mist. It was a huge, bottomless dark crack, which seemed to be the projection of a certain corner of hell.

Several nearby buildings were corroded by the thick fog into jelly, turned into flowing clay, and slowly poured into the abyss.

On the surface of the abyss, unnamed tombstones were tilted here and there, and the rotten soil was filled with dead bodies as pale as drowning. The strong death breath emanated from these bodies.

It is said to be a dead body, but it is an unlucky person whose body is rotting and his soul is imprisoned in it. In the dark hell, he endures endless suffering and torture.

Before it was over, Gabriel could clearly see that the side wall of the abyss had narrow passages that spiraled downward, one after another, layer by layer, and countless dead bodies crowded it on top of each layer.

It is conceivable that if one falls down, one must crawl through endless corpses alone if one wants to climb out. If this is the case, even a holy angel will have difficulty resisting the invasion of death energy, and can only fall into the abyss to become nourishment in the end.

Gabriel's expression remained unchanged, but he was extremely cautious towards Man Meng. Every angel cherished his feathers very much. The sea of ​​corpses below made her feel deeply uncomfortable, and she was afraid of being accidentally caught.

"Hahaha, unknown dark angel, I will accept your energy. There must be a tombstone of you in the tomb of the living!" Man Meng screamed wildly, folded his bat wings, and swooped towards the entrance of the abyss like a cannonball. And down.

Gabriel frowned slightly. He had fought against Russell several times before, and the latter gave him a very weird feeling.

Before the fight, it looked normal, but when the fight started, it suddenly became very powerful, and there will be many hidden cards in the fight...

Very mysterious!

Therefore, Gabriel did not believe that Russell would die, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that it made sense, and subconsciously fluttered his wings away again.

At this moment, drops of rain fell on Gabriel's face, the cold wind howled, and the temperature in the air dropped again and again.

She looked up in astonishment, high above the sky, thick and gloomy rain clouds rolled up at some point, as if appearing out of thin air.


Not only rain clouds, but also frost, hail and snow mixed in the rain, thick fog caused by the change of ground moisture, and wind... Endless storms are howling.

"Sure enough, there are hole cards!"

Gabriel's back felt cold, and he flapped his wings and flew into the distance. She had a premonition that something bad would happen to Man Meng.


Under the abyss, Russell's six wings wrapped his body to resist death and resentment, and he flew up slowly out of thin air under his feet, his dark eyes were covered by paleness.

[Character Card: Orolo Monroe (Storm who can control the weather)]

Storm's character card!

In the Infinity Stream with Russell as the final BOSS, the Lord God evaluated that Storm is the most suitable character template for Russell in terms of superpowers and magic with the thunder attribute.

"Control the weather..."

"It doesn't feel bad..."

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