End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 708 How nice and sweet the vows of the mountain alliance were at the beginning

Even though Russell revealed his real name, Hal quickly used the lamp ring to conjure up a blindfold. Being recognized is someone else's business, and whether he wears the blindfold is his own business. This is the professional ethics of a superhero.

"Excuse me, do you also know the Green Lantern Corps?"

Putting on the blindfold, Hal regained his composure, and hurriedly raised the question in his heart. Remembering that it was not polite to ask questions when we first met, he hurriedly said: "I am the Green Lantern...Hal Jordan, can I know your name?" ?"

Carol, who was tidying her clothes, quietly raised her ears when she heard the words. It is impossible not to be curious about Russell, an angel who walks in the world, and an angel who can do both black and white.

Russell showed his face in the live broadcast last night, and many interested people began to trace his identity. After such a long time, someone must have accurate information.

"My name is Russell, and I'm a human being just like you."

"Really? Reporters and the spokesperson of the church say that you are the reincarnation of an angel!"

"It's not true, my wings are energy bodies, not born..."

Russell said, switching the black and white wings one after another: "The power of the white angel is a long story. I snatched it from an angel. At that time, we joined forces to fight against the demon king of hell. After the incident, the angel was afraid of me. Hit him, I didn't dare to ask to take back my strength."

"The power of darkness is similar. I killed a demon god and gained the power."

( ̄^ ̄)ゞ x2

Can't afford it! Can't afford it!

After listening to Russell's explanation, while Hal and Carol were admiring, their faces were full of black lines. The latter asked speechlessly: "Mr. Did you not say anything?"

"Don't think too much. The latitudes are different, and the big bosses have different ways of looking at problems. Don't judge them by our ideas."

Russell casually said without any pretense: "You only saw heaven appearing on TV, but you didn't know that after the war, Satan also appeared and chatted with me for ten minutes."

"Satan!?" x2

The Devil Boss is so famous that Hal and Carol both exclaimed when they heard the name.

"Don't make that face,

Satan obeys the rules more than you imagine, and is easy to talk to. I beat his son, isn't it all right? To put it bluntly, Satan's stupid son doesn't know the rules, and he won't do anything if he beats him up, so I have to thank me! "

Russell shrugged: "It's the same on the other side of heaven. No one is going to investigate the source of my angel power. On the contrary, in order to stop my mouth and not speak ill of others, they recognize my identity and give me privileges. I, the magician of the world, put on the waistcoat of an angel."

"You're still a magician!!"

"Yes, otherwise, why should I join forces with the angels to fight against the demon king of hell?"


Hal was left speechless by the question, and Carol next to him had bright eyes, which was much more interesting than the smelly and long Green Lantern Corps, so he couldn't help but said, "Mr. What job, do you go to school, work and get married?"

"If you go to school, is it a school for normal people, or do you have your own magic school?"

"We go to a school for normal people. Magicians are not as mysterious as you think. We don't live in deep mountains and old forests, and we don't shy away from scientific knowledge. On the contrary, many magicians are excellent scientists, such as Tesla, the famous king of thunder and lightning in the magic world. , and for example me..."

Russell smiled and said to Carol, "I'm a driver just like you, but I'm a little bit better, and I cover a wide range of fields. Basically, I can drive anything, whether there are wheels or not."

"From biological mounts to technological aircraft and submarines, even space battleships can be controlled proficiently. I have personally traveled through space nodes many times and made long-distance interstellar journeys."

Carol's eyes lit up, and she grabbed Russell's arm excitedly: "Space battleships can do it too, really? You are really amazing, can you tell me more about it?"

Not only that, Supergirl is no problem!

The girl got closer and closer, and Russell skillfully put his hands on her shoulders: "No problem, the night is still long. Come, sit on the sofa, and I will tell you slowly."


"not good at all!"

Hal stepped forward in time and stood between Russell and Carol, which was really not good at all, because he couldn't be greener from beginning to end.

At the beginning, Hal heard Russell's statement that all his powers were stolen, and he was worried that he came to find him for the green light ring. Now, looking at it, Russell didn't come to grab the equipment, he was clearly here to give the equipment.

Green shoes, green one-piece bodysuit, green gloves, green eye patch, green ring, he adds a new piece of equipment, it can only be a green hat!


When Russell saw this, he couldn't help curling his lips. Back then, he was going to die and live as a brother.

But what happened?

He just took a shoulder, and the other side turned his face.

Superficial brother!

Hal was left speechless by Russell's contemptuous eyes. This guy started hooking up with his wife as soon as he entered the door... Well, even if he is not a wife now, he is still the intended wife candidate. He stepped forward to stop him, but he was still despised. What kind of reason is this?

If Russell knew what Hal was thinking, he would definitely despise her even more. It is true that Carol is Hal's wife, but she is also a Canadian wife, which is equivalent to Deadpool Wade's wife...

What's the matter with the shoulders, he and Wade are brothers, okay!

No, it has now been confirmed that they are superficial brothers.

Carol secretly smiled, she was very interested in the space battleship Russell mentioned, but Hal's jealous look was also very interesting.

As for Russell's strike-up behavior, Carol does not reject it. On the one hand, she proves that she is an attractive woman. The more and better suitors she has, the higher her worth will be.

On the other hand, it just happened to be used to remind Hal, lest he acquire superpowers, and his mind would follow suit.

There are as many people who chase after my old lady, and there are all better than you. If you dare to mess around with heroes outside to save the beauty, we will just say goodbye.

But Carol thought too much, because of his face, Russell was more interested in Hal than she was.

The gazes of mutual contempt confronted each other, and after fifteen seconds, Russell was the first to lose. It was too green, and Hal was so green that he dared not look directly, for fear of being infected.

After pulling back a round, Hal was triumphant, and started with the new skill of the Green Lantern Ring 'Coercion', and the topic returned to the beginning: "Can you name the Green Lantern Corps, have you heard of it before?"

"Not only heard, but also seen."

Russell said solemnly: "I often travel in the universe and encounter the Green Lantern Corps. I also know that your legion has gotten into trouble recently. A sealed monster escaped and killed many of you."

"You know this as well?"

"Of course, I have a special intelligence channel."

Feeling that it was too arrogant to say this, Russell explained: "No need to be surprised, every qualified superhero has his own eyeliner to ensure that when a disaster strikes, there is enough intelligence to analyze the solution. No matter how bad it is, you can still lure people over Group fights, we call this team of justice!"


Hal was amazed again and again, no wonder heaven and hell have to give Russell some face, he really is a big boss.

That is to say, Russell was trying to strike up a conversation with Carol, otherwise, Hal was going to ask Russell if there was still a pendant on his thigh.

"According to the information I got, the reason why you were selected by the Green Lantern Ring is because a Green Lantern Corps spaceship crashed on the earth, and the former owner of the ring died..."

"Wait, how do you know everything?"

Hal was not calm anymore, his secret was exposed at the front desk, he just felt uncomfortable, as if he had no clothes on and felt insecure.

"Don't interrupt, just keep listening to me."

Russell didn't bother to answer. There was a reason why the Green Lantern rushed to the street. Deadpool would not ask this question, and continued: "The spaceship of the Green Lantern Corps and the dead Green Lantern messenger are hidden dangers on the earth. These are dangerous. The crisis to be avoided must be dealt with as soon as possible."

"What's the meaning……"

As Hal spoke, he suddenly remembered something, and stammered: "Too bad, Abin Su's spaceship and body were recovered by the US imperial government, and their whereabouts are unknown now. This is going to be troublesome."

As an American, Hal is well aware of the fine traditions of this country, the kind who loves to die and doesn't blow up the earth.

Russell's face changed suddenly: "Damn, am I already late!"

"It's not that serious. I'm also a green light messenger. If an interstellar dispute breaks out, maybe I can come forward to coordinate." Thinking of Abin Su's body being repeatedly disassembled and assembled on the test bench, Hal couldn't help but sweat .

"What's the use of coordinating with you?"

Russell curled his lips in disdain: "It's not that I look down on you. According to my informant in the Green Lantern Corps, you haven't been officially accepted yet, and you are a reserve intern waiting for investigation."

Hal opened his mouth, wanting to ask who the second and fifth boys are, but he didn't ask after all.

"Abin Su, I know that he has great prestige in the Green Lantern Corps, and he has the title of 'the greatest Green Lantern messenger'. Once the news of his autopsy gets out, one can imagine the reaction of the Green Lantern Corps."

Russell slammed his fist hard on the wall, directly smashing a big hole, and said angrily: "I work hard every day to maintain world peace and avoid countless cosmic crises. In the end, this group of people who don't worry about it returned to me. Trouble, I'm really angry!"

Big brother calm down!

Hal hurriedly said: "Mr. Russell, please don't get angry. I'll try to see if I can sense him with the green light ring."

"You are so green, no, you are so weak, can you do it?"


The corners of Hal's mouth twitched, he closed his eyes to extract the energy from the lamp ring, strengthened his spiritual power, and searched for Abin Su's location.

The lantern ring is a very magical prop, depending on the imagination of the user, it can do almost anything.

Take the green light ring as an example, as long as Hal's will is strong enough, he can do whatever he wants.

Turning energy into physical objects and manipulating objects in the real world with mental ideas are the basic usage methods.

Changing the material and one's own form, strengthening the spiritual ability, and deriving various superpowers is the real entry.

But the ability of the green light ring is far from that, because its upper limit lies in the imagination of the user, as long as the courage is strong and the will is strong enough, it is not a problem to resurrect the dead.

Of course, creating a kryptonite with a similar wavelength and then being blown up by Superman is also an operation that Green Lantern is very good at.

At Hal's entry-level level, even if he strengthened his mental power, he couldn't find a person in the vast crowd like Professor X, and he was a dead person without life fluctuations.

But considering that Hal and Abin Su are both heirs of the same green light ring, there might be a special connection between them, so it can really be found out for him.

After a while, Hal opened his eyes with a strange and puzzled expression, as if he saw something remarkable.

"How, did you find it?" Russell asked.

Hal shook his head: "No, I didn't find Abin Su's body, nor did the spaceship."

"Then what does that look mean?"

Hal looked confused: "You may not believe it, I saw a super yellow thing."


Russell coughed lightly, and said with a straight face: "Be serious, let's put aside the FBI matter first, we are here to solve the interstellar dispute!"

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