End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 710 Green Lantern Corps and Parallax Monster

"Can you elaborate on that?"

Russell's exaggerated tone made Amanda Waller deeply disturbed. If it was an ordinary superhero/villain, she would not take it to heart, but Russell was different. In her file, the danger level was numbered the highest.

The superheroes at the same level currently include Wonder Woman and Batman in addition to Russell.

Why superheroes are also regarded as a source of danger is the consistent style of US imperialism. I will not go into details here, and I will bring up Amanda Waller alone to explain.

Amanda Waller is an agent promoted by the U.S. imperial government to deal with superhuman affairs. A staunch patriot, she handles some dirty work that the government is not convenient to come forward to.

She believes that superheroes are a potentially huge threat to the country and society, and she does not trust even human heroes like Batman, so she has multiple secret projects to contain superhumans under her name.

Just like Batman created the anti-death knell armor to prevent Russell from becoming a villain, Amanda Waller also started a series of in-depth investigations on Russell, looking for his Achilles heel in order to control him.

"The detailed description is yes. I am here to convey information and let you know what stupid things I have done."

Russell has some knowledge of DC's well-known heroes and villains, but he hasn't really paid attention to Amanda Waller, so even if she reported her name, she didn't think of Suicide Squad.

Also, when meeting for the first time, Russell had a bad first impression of Amanda Waller, and telepathy could detect the deep wariness of the other party.

Not only that, this woman is too arrogant, Russell saved her broken leg, and after getting up, don't say thank you, she didn't fart at all.

Of course, it can also be dull, no one can hear.

Unlike Senator Hammond, arresting Russell was a thank you, and he patted his chest and made various promises.

It is true that what Senator Hammond said is bragging, you can believe a word, and you should forget who Russell is tomorrow.

But at least he blew it, and he did a good job on the surface, unlike Amanda Waller, who had a businesslike attitude, as if saving her should be done.

"The identity of that alien is very special?" Councilor Hammond interjected. As the supervisor of the declassification plan, he has the right to speak.


His name is Abin Su, and he is well-known in the universe. He is known as the "Greatest Green Lantern Messenger" and is a vigilante who protects the peace of the universe. "

Russell said: "I know that your government departments look down on vigilantes and regard superheroes as the source of trouble. I don't want to make any excuses here. Everyone is an adult, and no one can convince anyone."


Amanda Waller and MP Hammond remained silent. Although they understood Long live, they only believed that the power they could control was safe.

Russell glanced at the two, and continued: "It's nothing to be a cosmic vigilante, but what stands behind the title of 'Greatest Green Lantern' is not that simple."

"Since there is greatness, there is mediocrity. The Green Lantern is not a single individual, but a group of people, or an organization, right?"

Amanda Waller frowned, as did Councilor Hammond next to him. They are not fools in high positions, and they will understand when Russell mentions it.

"That's right!"

Russell sighed: "The organization that Abin Su belongs to is called the Green Lantern Corps. It has been established for three billion years. It has recruited fearless and righteous people from all over the universe as members of the legion to defend peace throughout the universe. , to maintain order."

"The people who created the Green Lantern Corps are a group of guys called the Guardians of the Universe. They are the earliest intelligent life forms in the universe. They live forever and have advanced technology and civilization countless years ago."

Just as he was talking, Hector was hit by Hal's fist of environmental protection, and flew upside down in front of Russell like a cannonball.


Russell slapped it flying with one wing and sent it to Hal, ignoring the two who fell to the ground, and continued the unfinished topic: "The Green Lantern Corps divides the entire universe into 3600 sectors with Oa as the center. Each sector is guarded by at least one Green Lantern, and it is estimated that there are more than 7,200 Green Lanterns serving the Green Lantern Corps.”

Another shell hit, this time it was Hal, Russell grabbed his neck and spoke with a practical example: "This is the Green Lantern Messenger, there are 7,200 guys like him in the entire universe, the Green Lantern Corps may It’s not the strongest organization in the universe, but there’s absolutely no problem adding a ‘one’.”

After finishing speaking, Russell throws sideways and smashes Hal to Hector, allowing the two rookies to continue pecking each other.

Councilor Hammond has black lines on his face, as does Amanda Waller, because the racial advantage is not obvious, she questioned: "Mr. Russell, with all due respect, if there are 7,200 such guys, it doesn't look very powerful. "

"I just used him as a picture introduction to tell you how green the green light messenger is, not to ask you to substitute his strength. In fact, he is just an intern..."

Russell regretted: "He is the first human being selected as the Green Lantern messenger in the entire universe. If Abin Su hadn't died on Earth, given the bad impression humans gave the Green Lantern Corps, there would be no Green Lantern messenger on Earth."

Senator Hammond said in shame: "Does human beings have a bad reputation in the universe?"

Russell nodded: "Fame spreads far and wide!"

"..." x2

Speaking of which, Amanda Waller and MP Hammond have caught on, and conversations between smart people don't need much explanation.

Tell them that the Green Lantern Corps is awesome, that the Earth can't be offended, and that the Green Lantern Corps doesn't like humans, they will naturally think that they must not dissect the heroes of the Green Lantern Corps, otherwise it will lead to disaster.

"I have no right to call the shots!" x2

The two spoke in unison, not to shirk responsibility, but really unable to make decisions.

"I didn't let you make the decision, because whether you agree or not, I will ask the interns to send Abin Su's body back to the planet Oa, to avoid meaningless disputes, and to gain a good reputation for the earth." Russell said bluntly .

"You have no right to call the shots!" x2

Russell smiled, and shook his fist in front of the two of them: "I have a fist, the biggest one present, do you have any questions?"

Amanda Waller frowned deeply, which is why she doesn't like superheroes: "Mr. Russell, give me a moment, you don't need to get yourself into trouble."

"Hmph, shall I give you time to collect more samples?"

"The person who is in trouble now is not me, but you, figure out your position, I am working hard for the safety of the earth, don't hold me back."

Russell glanced at Amanda Waller, and said with disdain: "Besides, I'm not afraid of causing trouble for myself. I have provoked both heaven and hell. I don't have to worry about debts. What's the problem with you?"

"..." x2

Russell held up the flag too much. Opposing him was anti-humanity, and it was tantamount to pushing the earth into a cliff. Amanda Waller and MP Hammond were afraid to answer.

"Don't be too greedy..."

Russell added: "Greed is the original sin, it will send people to hell, you got the Abin Su spaceship, you should learn to be content."

"Mr. Russell, do you think I can go to heaven?"

Councilor Hammond rubbed his hands and asked, thinking that he could not be empty-handed if he wanted something, so he wrote a check and forced it into Russell's hand.

"Yes, you can be a human being."

Russell smiled and patted Hammond on the shoulder: "Actually, it doesn't matter if you have this check or not. You are so bad, I guarantee that Satan will come to pick you up in person."


Senator Hammond looked sad about the death of his son. In contrast, Amanda Waller was more serious: "Mr. Russell, you know the forces in the universe very well. Are you interested in the job?"

"No, I'm very busy. I'm going to attack the Earth villains on the first three days, and I'm going to fight against the invasion of the cosmic forces on the second day, and I'm going to fight against the dimensional demons on Sunday. I don't have time to play house with you."

Amanda Waller was embarrassed, and before she could say anything, Russell suddenly said in surprise: "Hey, look carefully, Mr. Congressman, your son's strength is not simple!"

"What power?" x2

Asked by Amanda Waller and Mr Hammond MP Zizzy, this is what matters most to them.

Russell pointed to the two fighting figures in front of him: "Green Lantern's ability is affected by unknown energy. If I'm not mistaken, this force is called fear!"


"Is it another conspiracy from hell?"

"Not hell, but a cosmic monster."

Russell's face straightened: "Long long time ago, a terrifying monster named Parallax was born in the vast universe. He feeds on fear, is also the embodiment of fear, and is also the natural enemy of the Green Lantern Corps."


The two silently kept the name in their hearts, and waited for Russell to popularize the knowledge of the universe without saying a word.

"You two, another big crisis is coming to the earth!"


"Abin Su brought to the earth, besides the first human green light messenger, there is also the energy of the parallax monster. Since the monster is willing to lend its power to the son of the senator, it is afraid that it has already set its sights on the big meal of the earth." , will come soon."

"Hiss!!" x2

Amanda Waller and Senator Hammond took a deep breath. The natural enemy of the Green Lantern Corps sounds like a BOSS-level monster.

"Mr. Russell, you know so much about the universe, do you know of any way to resolve this crisis?" Senator Hammond panicked.

"If there is a good way, the Green Lantern Corps has already used it, so it's my turn."

Amanda Waller's eyes lit up: "Then... how about seeking help from the Green Lantern Corps? The earth has helped preserve the remains of the heroes. If it's reasonable, you should send troops to support it, right?"

I think you want to fart!

Russell rolled his eyes: "Maybe! But the Green Lantern Corps is also afraid of parallax monsters. The biggest possibility is that they abandoned the earth, which was already unpleasant, and let the parallax monsters have a full meal in exchange for hundreds of thousands of years of peace. .”

Amanda Waller did not give up: "Mr. Russell, I have many desperadoes on hand, if I sacrifice them..."

"Can you fight in space?"


"I'm sorry, they don't even have the qualifications to sacrifice."

Amanda Waller was silent when she heard the words, thinking about the solution. She really has a bunch of ruthless people on hand, and she is about to send her to Gotham City for a secret mission.

When I mentioned Gotham City to Russell before, what I wanted to talk about was this matter. Batman was missing, criminals in Arkham Asylum ran all over the street, and the whole Gotham City was in chaos. Pass.

Worst of all, there's a dirty bomb in there!

Amanda Waller was very melancholy, what happened recently, first the sons of hell came, then the cosmic monsters came again, and the chaotic Gotham...

What an embarrassment!

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