End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 714 Suicide Squad, Assemble

"Satan... is not a bad person..."

Clark's face was weird, and the honest man who had been silent all this time couldn't help but say, "He's not a bad guy, is he a good guy?"

"That's not true, because he is not human at all!"


"Hahaha, just kidding, in fact, the Lord of Hell is easy to talk... This description may not be appropriate. He is the kind of person who obeys the rules. He hopes that he will abide by the rules, and he also hopes that everyone will abide by the rules."

When Russell said this, Clark suddenly realized that the beneficiaries of order would naturally do everything possible to maintain order, and it was only natural that Satan was easy to talk to.

Barry looked confused, seeing Clark nodding his head thoughtfully, he nodded along with him.

Just when Russell was about to treat the two of them to a meal to enhance their comradeship, two rays of light, one yellow and one green, fell from the sky.

It's Hal!

He brought reinforcements from Oua and put on Sinestro, a yellow light ring.

"Rom...Mr. Angel, I have invited Commander Sinestro. He has a way to seal the parallax monster, provided we can defeat the parallax monster."

Seeing strangers around, Hal quickly changed his words to avoid revealing Russell's identity: "How's the situation? Where is Parallax now? I'm not too late, am I?"

Russell rolled his eyes: "Late man, the parallax monster has been defeated, it's under your feet."


When Hal heard the words, he looked down, and there was indeed a dry little blue man under his feet, his breath was weak, and he was only one breath away from death.

"This person is a guardian. He tried to control the parallax monster but failed..."

Sinestro recognized the little blue man's identity at a glance, but soon, his heart was filled with astonishment, and he couldn't believe it: "How is it possible that you actually defeated the parallax monster, this... this, it's incredible .”

The source of fear, which has plagued the universe for many years, caused countless casualties to the Green Lantern Corps, and is still helpless, has been defeated on Earth.

Sinestro seemed to be struck by lightning, and his mind went blank, but he was a strong man with a firm mind after all,

He quickly adjusted and re-examined the planet he looked down upon.

Russell said: "It's okay, that's all. I have seen many monsters that are scarier and scarier than Parallax, so its ability has little effect on me. If it wasn't for protecting the seaside city from being affected, it would have been a long time ago. I was beaten to death."

Clark nodded and agreed, "Well, it's quite weak, a few punches won't do it."

Although Barry felt that the parallax monster was very powerful, in order not to embarrass the earth, he pretended to be deep: "That's right, this monster is too slow."


The pretentious three-combo strike made Sinestro blushed, but fortunately, he was already red, and no one would know if he didn't say it.

"Sinestro, seal it quickly. I told you that there are powerful helpers on the earth. Believe it now!" Hal puffed up his chest, and as an earthling, he felt extremely proud.

Sinestro didn't want to speak, he knelt down and put the ring on the little blue man's forehead, and easily sealed the parallax monster into the yellow light ring.

Russell looked at this scene thoughtfully, and felt very familiar before, and now he can confirm that it is correct. The user of the yellow light ring named Sinestro is the leader of the famous Sinestro Legion, the super villain who single-handedly formed the Yellow Lantern Corps.

People from the rivers and lakes gave him a nickname, Uncle Sai!

Sinestro is a villain who firmly regards himself as a hero, and is also the number one opponent of Green Lantern Hal. In other worlds, Russell does not know how Sinestro got the Yellow Lantern Beast Parallax and then formed the Yellow Lantern Corps. But this world...

Hal personally invited Sinestro and handed over the Lantern Beast, setting up a lifelong rival, and thanked him after the end.

I've only heard that the BOSS gives experience, equipment, castles, daughters, and wives to the male protagonist. This is the first time I've heard that the protagonist gives the BOSS equipment and start-up funds.

It's the Green Lantern!

"Death to the street!"

Once it was confirmed that it was correct, the Green Lantern Hal was killed in the street, and the Canadian died unjustly.

When the earth service area entered the field, they sent the dreaded lamp beasts, and Sinestro was very happy. Although the parallax monsters failed miserably, Sinestro firmly believed that he could exert more powerful power than the parallax monsters by mastering fear.

Now that he has power, he doesn't plan to return to Oa, and decides to start anew and build a new legion, which is righteous and peaceful, and definitely not a decadent new force like the Green Lantern Corps.

"Hal, I'll take the guardian's body back to Planet Oa, and you stay here to deal with the follow-up matters. By the way, thank them on behalf of the Green Lantern Corps." back and left.

"Sinestro, don't worry, leave this place to me."

Hal waved his hands away, Sinestro was so ashamed today, he felt as good as he wanted.

Poor baby!

Russell cast a sympathetic look at Hal, but did not stop Sinestro from leaving. Stopping Sinestro is a thankless task, it is better to let him harm other civilizations in the universe.

If you're lucky, you might even be able to trigger a big event, killing two birds with one stone and clearing the waves.

In terms of harming alien civilizations, Russell has never been soft-hearted!


Seaside Air Force Base.

In an air-raid chamber buried deep underground, a frosty-faced Amanda Waller stood with her arms folded, next to a smoking corpse.

The entire head of the corpse was blown into pieces by the bomb, and if there were no accidents, it should not be saved.

In addition, there are four men and two women in the room, all of whom are dangerous elements in shackles. They are:

Deadshot - Floyd Lawton Jr.!

A mercenary and professional killer, known as 'the deadliest shooter in the world' and 'the most accurate marksman on the planet', his use of firearms has reached the state of being one with guns, and he can let The bullet turns and hits the target without even looking.

Captain Boomerang - George Harkness!

The ability is first-class fighting skills, superb boomerang throwing skills, high-tech boomerangs with various functions, and as many tricks as Green Arrow's arrows.

Black Spider - Eric Needham!

An extreme vigilante without any superpowers, but he has world-class fighting ability, and he is also a marksman who can use spider silk to fight.

The second generation of Frost Killer - Louis Lincoln!

The super power is to manipulate the ice and absorb the heat, the girl with good looks and figure, because of the super power, the personality becomes cold and ruthless, which is commonly known as the iceberg beauty.

Like Poison Ivy, her favorite attack method is Kiss, a kiss of death full of cold air, which directly freezes the opponent's head into an ice lump.

King Shark - Nanase!

With the blood of the old gods, super strength and endurance, regeneration ability, fast movement speed in water, invulnerability to body, sharp teeth and claws can tear steel plates.

It will go crazy when it smells blood, it belongs to the human bulldozer, and it is a good tank in the team.

Harley Quinn - Harley Quinn!

There is nothing to introduce about this one. I know all the DC sisters who wrote their names on the Batman LOGO.

As for the dead body, it was also a well-known figure before it was alive, a super villain nicknamed "KGB Beast", who possessed mechanical arms, a master of hot weapons, and physical fitness beyond ordinary people.

Amanda Waller looked at the six people in front of her, and said slowly: "I am in charge of the X special team, and the members are you unforgivable super criminals, as sacrificial agents, to complete the impossible task .”

"After completing the task, I will arrange commutation for you according to your personal contribution. If you don't do it, you will be like him..."

The normal recruitment method is definitely not enough. Amanda Waller doesn't even trust superheroes, let alone a group of criminals, so she has some tricks on everyone.

A powerful nanotechnology bomb, plus a locator and other gadgets, was implanted into the back of the six people's necks.

If they ran away during a mission, they would be caught, and if they refused to obey orders, or report too late, a bomb would blow their heads off.

The KGB beast didn't believe it, Amanda Waller asked him to try it, and he did.

Try it and die!

The living example is before us, the six super villains have to accept the status quo, Amanda Waller controls their life and death, and now she is more powerful.

"What do you want us to do? Calling so many bastards, isn't it to test the power of the bomb?" Deadshot said expressionlessly.

"I want you to sneak into Gotham City and complete an important mission."

Amanda Waller glanced at the six people, and continued: "A week ago, a Gotham fanatic who called himself The Riddler stole the computer system permissions of a government secret agency, and he downloaded a file, which contained the superheroes. Or super villain data, including your data."

"The Riddler threatened to publish all the information on the Internet, find a way to find him, and bring back the information files!"

"Wait a minute, what do you mean by finding him?"

Several people frowned deeply when they heard the words, and still said deadly: "Is there no specific location? For example, Gotham City's Blackgate Prison, or...uh, Arkham Asylum."

Amanda Waller shook her head: "It turned out that the Riddler was indeed in Arkham Asylum, but now he is no longer. He was released."

"Wow, who is so bold, dare to make trouble in Batman's place?" Harley the Harley suddenly regained her spirits.

Amanda Waller sneered and dropped a depth charge: "Unfortunately, Batman is missing and may be dead."


"How is it possible, are you kidding me?"


Everyone didn't believe it, especially Harley Harley, who would rather believe that Arkham was bombed than Batman died.

"It's true..."

Amanda Waller's face was gloomy, and she narrowed her eyes slightly and said: "During the time you were imprisoned, that is, in the past two days, a group of vicious criminals invaded Gotham Municipal..."


Joined the animated movie "Batman: Assault on Arkham", mainly about the Suicide Squad, the master's daily soy sauce.

Just to make fun of it, DC's animated movies are very exciting, much better than live-action movies.

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