End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 729: Chapter 729

Watching Russell take off the armor one by one, Bane frowned and thought hard, trying to sort out the memory fragments, intending to remember who Russell was.

Intuition told Bain, this is very important!

What's worse, because the dose of poison injected was too large, which seriously affected his thinking ability, he couldn't remember Russell's identity.

The poison Bain used was a steroid-like drug. Simply put, it was a hormone. After the injection, it was like being injected with chicken blood, which greatly improved his physical fitness in all aspects, surpassing the level of 'superhuman' in one fell swoop, reaching the level of 'superhuman' level.

In terms of strength, he can lift 120 tons at full strength, easily destroy buildings, such as parking lots, and throw trucks like shot puts.

In terms of speed, in the eyes of ordinary people, his sprint is no different from short-distance teleportation.

In terms of defense, Bane is immune to trauma caused by cold weapons, and can even be bulletproof. Even if he falls from a tall building, he will not be injured.

In addition, the poison can also strengthen his self-healing speed, immunity to most toxins and diseases, and his nerve response and flexibility are also improved. It can be said to be an all-round strengthening of his physical fitness.

It is a pity that only Bain can use this superhuman drug developed by the US imperialist government, and other people, even the brutally trained special forces, are not blessed.

This is talent, Bane has innate physical fitness, and a world-class super mind, and his spirit can be called terrifying.

Because of the gloomy past of his childhood, he has been tortured so much that he no longer knows what fear and despair are, and his psychological level is unbreakable.

Various reasons made him a beneficiary of poison, and he could inject a large amount without dying.

It is a three-point poison. Although the poison is strong, the side effects are also very obvious. In addition to injecting it every 12 hours, otherwise it will become limp, and it can also reduce people's intelligence.

Overload injection can make the user become a flightless superman in a short period of time, at the cost of losing their minds; the consequences of large-dose injection can refer to Bane, memory confusion, and the need for assistance from others to communicate normally.

In other words, poison is a sacrifice of IQ in exchange for strength, which means that Bain's IQ is off the charts, and the amount is large enough to fill the stomach. If it were an ordinary person, there would be no drop left.

"Ho Ho Ho—"

Bane was still thinking, the muddy face that was punched by Russell before regrouped, blocking his way forward.

Mudface has a highly plastic body. His whole body is composed of soil minerals, and his height and weight cannot be measured. In the magic world, this is an earth elemental baby, and it is still wild and unowned.

Mudface and Bane cooperated. On the one hand, Bane got Batman and won his respect; on the other hand, the dirty bomb in Bane's hand was powerful. Clayface is very excited, as long as Batman is uncomfortable, he is comfortable.

There is also the most important reason, Bane controls Gotham City, and Muddy Face can devour it as much as he likes to make himself stronger.

Mudface raised his hands high, and the surrounding soil flowed and surged, transforming into a yellow wave like a high wall, and he himself merged into it, rushing towards Russell, trying to swallow it into his stomach.

"Go away, Mudblood!"

Russell's eyes glowed with black light: "Who are you, don't block me from going head-to-head with your boss!"

"Ho Ho Ho—"

Watched by Russell's eyes, Mudface felt a strong sense of crisis in his heart, but the arrow was on the string, and he had to launch it. The roaring mud wave rolled up and flooded Russell's position with a bang.

The tide surged for a moment, then shrunk a little at the end, and Mudface reappeared, transforming into a three-meter-tall rock giant.

Bain stared blankly at Muddy Face. Although his IQ had shrunk significantly, his instinct-like intuition still reminded him that the battle was not over, and Muddy Face ate something he shouldn't have.

Sure enough, Mudface didn't feel complacent for long, and knelt down on the ground clutching his chest and abdomen. The rock giant couldn't maintain its size, and it softened into flowing mud while wailing in pain.


Clayface let out a scream, jetting out black flames from his mouth, and then, the black flames burned through his surface, igniting his whole body from the inside out.

The flames are like tarsal maggots, no matter how muddy the face is rolled and tossed, or the elemental body is diffused, it cannot be expelled from the body.

In about ten seconds, the yellow mud ball was burnt to black. The high temperature pressure was daunting, and the struggle of the mud face gradually weakened, and finally turned into dry stones.

Click! Click————

A fist broke through the rock, and Russell stood up from it. Six jet-black wings of light spread out behind him, hovering in mid-air and floating in front of Bain.

"A six-winged...angel!?"

Bain blinked, and the more he looked at it, the more familiar it became. Where did he see it?

Unlike Bain's confusion, since Russell showed his face, Gotham TV has received a request from Brother TV to rebroadcast, and sent video and text materials to introduce Russell's actions in Los Angeles and Seaside City.

Suddenly, many unfamiliar radio stations appeared, and the staff were very surprised. However, the other party was very sincere and offered an undeniable price, so they could only recognize these brothers.

Thinking that Gotham citizens have been blocked in news recently, and it is not clear who Russell is, the interim director hastily ordered to switch the screen. So the live TV broadcast was divided into left and right parts, the left side was still the normal live broadcast screen, and the right side became the highlights of Russell's two major events.

It's all clips of zooming in, which is very popular!

Bruce: "..."

The master didn't speak, and silently burned the plan of "Anti-Death Knell Armor II", and re-wrote the title of "True Anti-Death Knell Armor III" on the white paper.

Russell looked down at Bain, and found that the other party's eyes were slightly dull, and the guide asked: "Bain, for the sake of the wings behind me, tell me the exact location of the dirty bomb."

Bain opened his mouth, his gaze sharpened sharply, he let out a low shout, jumped into the air on the spot, and punched Russell.

The heavy punch broke the wind, piercing through the air and rubbing against it to make a piercing and sharp cracking sound.

Russell fluttered his wings and dodged sideways. When Bane's momentum was exhausted and his body was unable to fall, he leaned forward suddenly, grabbed his ankle and threw it high into the air.

"I can't fly so high that I want to jump so high, I'm clearly looking for abuse..."

As Russell said, he grabbed Baine's shoulders again, turned his body vigorously, and threw him high.

Bain was like a rootless duckweed, thrown high into the sky by Russell again and again. He tried to catch Russell several times but failed. Seeing that he was getting farther and farther from the ground, he finally panicked.


Russell flapped his wings forward, chopped his right leg in a battle-axe style, bombarded Baine's back and spine, and shot him down in the air.

He originally wanted to use a "throw on the earth", but he was afraid that Bane would be thrown to death with too much force, so that no one would know the location of the dirty bomb and how to dismantle it, so he sighed and stopped.

boom! !

Bane fell straight down like a cannonball, rubbing against the air and making a sharp whistling, and smashed a big hole in the ground with a bang, stirring up a large cloud of dust.

After Russell landed, he made up the knife, and four sharp blades condensed from dark elements pierced down, pinning Bain's hands and feet, while he himself stepped on Bain's body.

Three pairs of black wings stood up, and Russell squatted on Bane's chest, raising his index finger that was burning with black flames: "Tell me the location of the dirty bomb and the password to dismantle it, or I will directly torture your soul."

Bain lay half dead in the big pit, staring at Russell indifferently, he would not confide a word about the dirty bomb.

"Many people think that no matter how strong they are, they will make it through, but in the end they are eating chicken drumsticks while crying and regretting..."

Russell kindly persuaded: "If I had known that my mouth was not so hard, I would not have been beaten when I first said it, what do you think?"

Bain was unmoved, Russell didn't bother to persuade, and time didn't allow, his fingertips burned with flames, and swished into Bain's chest.

The black flame burned the flesh and blood, and spread to the surroundings little by little. Baine struggled immediately, but the tendons of his limbs were severed, so he couldn't flex or stretch, and he couldn't even do basic movement.

Russell squatted on Bain's body, obviously feeling that the muscles of Bain's whole body were twitching crazily due to the severe pain, but even so, his eyes remained unmoved, even more indifferent.

"Yes, it's a character!"

Russell sighed in admiration. Baine's chest was charred by the black flames, and a beating heart could be seen in the collapsed cavity. The man didn't make a sound when he was in such severe pain.

Regardless of the position, this tenacity alone is enough to make anyone admire.

"I respect that you are a man who doesn't smell good, so humiliating torture is not enough, but countless lives are at stake, and I can't be merciful..."

Russell put away the black flame, meditated on the contact system, and used a skill card.

[Skill Card: Star Curse (Just look at the name, you must not guess it, this trick is a skill that directly hits the soul)]

The skill level of enslavement is too low, which is very effective for ordinary people, but it is a joke for Bain and other spiritually invulnerable powerhouses.

Jason: (._.)

Jason is an exception, he is a soul enslaved, and secondly, Jason is still a child.

Because he was a child, Jason was beaten into autism by Russell, and he didn't want to continue to be beaten, so he chose to obey him.

Russell knew the result without trying it. He respected Bane's strength and specially used the skill of 'Star Curse' to directly hit the soul to show his respect.

After using the skill card, the black light in Russell's eyes exploded. He pressed Bain's forehead with one hand. After getting up, he dragged out a blue figure visible to the naked eye from Bain's body.

This place happened to be the square in front of the municipal building, and a group of fanatics who raised their hands and surrendered squatted with their heads in their hands. When Russell took Bain to the sky, he moved his feet and wanted to sneak away. Now I don't dare to do it anymore, and all of them changed from squatting to lying down, for fear that I would become the most conspicuous one in the audience.

Is it really a superhero who sucks people's souls when they disagree with each other?

Russell read all the information about the dirty bomb from Bane's soul, twisted it into a ball with both hands, and threw it up and down in his hand, and pressed the headset with the other hand to contact Bruce.

As a result, the press was empty, thinking of the death knell mask that was crushed by his own foot, Russell fell silent.

It might be possible to contact Bruce with the live broadcast of the TV station, but if there are other villains near the dirty bomb, the consequences will be disastrous.

Thinking of the private letter from the butler Alfred, Russell's eyes lit up, and he said loudly to the people lying on the ground: "Scumbags, I know you have undercover agents here, tell me, who is the butler's person? I won't let you know the name of the butler." I said it, anyone who understands it will understand it, so stand up quickly!"


There was silence and no one answered!

Russell was furious: "Hurry up, I got the information about the dirty bomb. Help me contact the butler and save half of Gotham City. Why are you hesitating?"

After the words fell, ten burly men stood up.

Russell: "..."

Huh, so many?

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