End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 740 I Came First

Air base!

Clark hovered above the entrance and exit of the base. He wore a blue tights, a red cloak, and the "S" emblem of the Al family on his chest. He was dressed independently, making the base stand ready for battle, and the commander also came to the scene to talk with him.

Of course, without the red sheets, normal people floating in the air will also attract strong onlookers.

The purpose of Clark's coming here is for reporter Louise Lane, who was arrested by the FBI because she knew the true identity of the "Kryptonians hiding on Earth" and was involved in global security, and was detained at the air force base for interrogation.

As for how this incident was leaked, the main reason is Reporter Xia herself. She met Clark by a coincidence and found that the other party has superhuman abilities. Clark is from an alien.

At that time, Clark was still in a period of confusion, very repulsed by his own identity, helping others while wandering, and his whereabouts were erratic.

In order to find him out, Louise published her report on the Internet, hoping that after seeing Clark, she could conduct a formal interview face to face in order to understand why aliens came to the earth.

That is to say, Superman, if he was a malicious alien, his whereabouts were discovered, and he was posted on the Internet with great fanfare. He would have slapped Louise to death long ago.

As Louise continued to search for clues, she found that Clark had helped many people tirelessly time after time and never asked for anything in return.

In the end, Louise found Clark on the farm. At this time, Clark had just returned from the seaside city, and his life was no longer confused. He decided to be a superhero and use his power to help more people.

Louise had a good talk with him, gave up tracking and reporting, and was willing to help Clark conceal his true identity.

The reason is simple, she thinks Clark is a good person and doesn't want him to be suspected and slandered by the outside world because of his alien status.

This is the official explanation. To put it bluntly, it is the matter between a man and a woman. Clark thinks that Louise speaks elegantly and behaves generously. Louise thinks that Clark has a pure nature and a strong body.

Now, Louise was arrested for being involved in the Kryptonian incident, and Clark would not let it go regardless of his feelings or reason. He came to the air force base alone and stated that he would voluntarily surrender to Zod, hoping that the authorities would acquit Louise.

In the distance, a group of the Justice League was sitting by the lake fishing. According to Russell's intention, everyone followed Clark into the air force base, and they might have a meal with pork chops, but Bruce vetoed it on the spot.

Superheroes belong to the vigilante, and they are not recognized by the law. Because they cover their heads and face, they do not engage in personality cults, and they all contribute to stabilizing social order, so they are turned a blind eye by the authorities and acquiesce in fighting crime. action.

If, like Russell, relying on his strength, he doesn't show any face to the authorities at all, and removes this fig leaf, it will be of no benefit to anyone.

So they arranged for everyone to fish by the lake and wait for the development of the situation. When General Zod broke the contract and stretched out his minions to the earth, it was the most reasonable time for them to appear on the scene.

If General Zod did not break the contract, he would leave directly after getting Clark...

This is the result Bruce hopes to see the most. Clark and his tribe get together, and the earth is peaceful again. The best of both worlds.

In less than half a day of getting along, Bruce succeeded in gaining the trust of the Justice League and others by virtue of his calm mind and Batman's accumulated reputation.

Then, Russell, who was not very reliable, was kicked away, and Bruce took over the follow-up actions.

Russell said that it doesn't matter. As the initiator of the Justice League, his status is as stable as Mount Tai. He can't be the brain of the Justice League, but he can also be the wings of the Justice League.

Justice League looks good too!


Inside the base, Clark put his hands in handcuffs, and saw Louise who was slightly haggard.

Knowing that Clark was arrested because of her own will, Louise couldn't be more moved, that is, the occasion is not allowed, otherwise the boiling estrogen,

Splurged on the spot.

But apart from being moved, Louise was also a little resentful, feeling worthless for Clark.

"You shouldn't be here. Your behavior is tantamount to surrendering to Zod, but his style doesn't seem like a person who keeps his promise." Louise's implication is that Clark is too naive, even if he Willing to sacrifice himself, Zod is also not to be trusted.

"I know that General Zod is not trustworthy, but I have to come here, not only because of you, but also for myself, and this planet."

"Because of this, you decided to sacrifice yourself and let them handcuff you?"

"Handcuffs are good and make everyone feel safe."

"No, I mean, don't you think about it for yourself?"

Clark smiled slightly when he heard the words: "No, someone will help me think about it, I just need to keep my head down and charge forward."


"Some friends, trustworthy friends!"


The air force base contacted the Kryptonian spacecraft in outer space, and General Zod sent his adjutant, Foola, to take Clark away and meet him on the spacecraft.

Drew Zod!

The commander of the Kryptonian military, like Clark, is one of the few survivors of Krypton.

The society of Kryptonians is high-end and deformed. From the day of birth, every child is predetermined for their future social status, such as workers, soldiers, leaders, etc. This system allows Krypton to develop and grow efficiently, but it also loses The possibility of evolution and transcendence.

Because everything is pre-set, Kryptonians have no chance to choose independently. The tool people produced on the assembly line may be very capable, but they will not create miracles. The glory of Krypton can only be doomed for a while.

General Zod realized that the social form of Krypton was full of disadvantages, so he used his best military means to forcibly change it, but he was just a soldier, and his betrayal was suppressed by politicians.

Zod was exiled to the ghost area full of resentment, watching Krypton being destroyed and helpless, he vowed to rebuild Krypton and bring it back to its original glory.

The Jo-Al couple who also discovered the disadvantages of Krypton's social form, that is, Clark's parents, believed that the failed civilization would eventually perish, and their sick products should also disappear together.

However, the couple left a glimmer of hope for Krypton. Clark, who was born naturally, has all possibilities. He can decide his own future and strive and work hard for it.

The couple sent Clark to the earth, and stored the central code that recorded the genes of billions of people on Krypton into Clark. At this point, the future of Krypton was left to Clark to decide.

No matter what choice he makes, it is the choice of Kryptonians in the natural state, not the continuation of a failed civilization.

After receiving this information, Zod traveled thousands of miles to Earth. When he saw Clark, no, he saw the hope of the revitalization of the race, his whole body couldn't be more excited.

Zod hopes that Clark will help him revive the Kryptonian family. Everyone is a Kryptonian. He believes that Clark will not refuse.

Indeed, Clark would not refuse. He has always been soft-hearted, and judging from the current situation, it seems that Zod is not a bad person who is fighting for the rise of the race.

Half a minute later, the two broke up!

Zod told Clark that Krypton will be reborn on the basis of the earth. As a result, the landform and atmosphere will change, and human beings will perish.

Clark couldn't accept it, and told Zod angrily that this was an invasion, and Kryptonian civilization could be rebuilt, but war and massacre should not be used to ignite the fire of civilization.

Zod dismissed it, saying that the Kryptonian reconnaissance ship had come to Earth 100,000 years ago, and had already reserved this planet, and humans were the latecomers.

Clark: Earth belongs to humans!

Zod: I came first!

The two sides have conflicting ideas. Clark is unwilling to sacrifice the earth, but Zod insists on this. As the commander of the Kryptonian military, he has ordered the end of a civilization before.

The two fought at each other when they disagreed, and after a scuffle, Clark escaped from the spaceship and returned to Earth.

Fearing that the battle would damage the spaceship, Zod watched him disappear into the atmosphere, and the battle came to an end temporarily.

Looking at the blue planet below, Zod was expressionless, and said coldly: "To take the Codex from Kar-El's body, do you need a living body?"

"No, just bring him back."

After getting a satisfactory answer, Zod ordered the spaceship to simulate the earth's ecosphere, allowing everyone to adapt to the earth's atmosphere. After half an hour, the "world engine" was launched to transform the earth, and at the same time, all staff dispatched to arrest Clark.

Live or die!

Decades of dreams are about to come true, and Zod can't wait to take action, but seeing the 10 subordinates who are still adapting to the earth's environment, he can only bear with it.


On the other side, Clark returned to Earth, used super hearing, and found a group of people fishing by the lake.

Russell flicked the fishing rod: "How about it, is the talk over?"

"Uh, it collapsed..."

Clark briefly described what happened on the spacecraft, especially Zod's plan to turn the earth into the second Krypton, and explained the principle of the "world engine", telling everyone that once the target is found, it must be destroyed immediately.

Bruce nodded secretly, packed the information of the 'World Engine', and successfully sent it to the air force base with the help of the butler's informant.

"Everyone, the first plan 'send Clark away in exchange for peace on earth' failed, it's time to implement the second plan."

Russell clapped his hands: "Get ready, we're going to fight the Kryptonians next. I have a hunch that the place of the battle is Metropolis."

Bruce nodded secretly. Based on his many years of experience in night walks, the battle location is likely to be a metropolis, so he silently sent the information to the housekeeper.

"Great, finally there is no need to fish!" Barry threw the damned fishing rod on the ground, and let the Flash fish, it was almost killing him, he was about to die.

"Wait, what does the first plan 'send Clark away in exchange for peace on earth' mean?" Clark was dumbfounded, no one told him before!

"Batman's plan, we don't want to..."

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