End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 746 Don't worry, I'll send you to see them right now

"Where's your death knell armor?"

Bruce glanced at Russell up and down, and said in a deep voice, "Was it destroyed by General Zod's female adjutant, or by yourself?"

"What's the meaning?"

"If you broke it yourself, it's okay to say, after all, you made it with the purpose of breaking it in battle..."

Russell frowned: "Wait a minute, don't frame me indiscriminately, as if I have nothing to do."

Facts speak louder than words, who knows who is full, who knows, Bruce didn't want to delve into this boring topic, and continued: "According to my observations of Kryptonians, their individual strengths are not equal, and the strength of the female adjutant is very high." Strong, strong enough to make you go all out, right?"


Russell nodded truthfully. In his perception, supergirls belong to the type that can only be fought with all their strength.

Of the two supergirls he has encountered so far, he has already defeated one, and his winning rate has broken through from 0% to 50% in one fell swoop.

"Is it really strong?"

Seeing Russell being so serious, Bruce couldn't help but feel his heart sink. This was the first time Russell answered his question so seriously. I don't know if he read it wrong. He saw a flash of...fear in Russell's eyes! ?

Bruce clenched his fists, he hoped he was really wrong, otherwise what a terrible enemy it would be.

"Very strong..."

Russell subconsciously replied, and suddenly realized that the topic was off track, cleared his throat and said, "Don't worry, female super...Although the female adjutant is powerful, she was still killed by me. Don't be afraid! Don't be afraid!"

"No, I'm worried about the other side..."

Bruce was silent for a moment, then slowly said: "The strength of the Kryptonians is very different. This may be related to their social status. Adjutants are stronger than soldiers. What about General Zod? Can Clark beat him?"

"It should be fine. Clark is very powerful. If I'm not serious, I might not be able to beat him."

"That's good."

Bruce silently recorded this piece of information and kept it as a backup plan. If one day, Russell or Clark endangers the earth, this information will come in handy.


On the other side, Barry rushed all the way to the desert, his figure was as fast as lightning, leaving flying dust while walking, and occasionally stepped on a big hole.

The hole is not big, and it is about the same size as him, showing a 'big' shape.

As he ran, Barry suddenly thought of a serious problem. He had zero combat experience, and he was a complete rookie on the battlefield. Why did he come here?

Add to the chaos?

The body is faster than the brain series!

Realizing that his arrival might be of no help, Barry slammed on the brakes and slid over ten meters on the dry and hard sand. He stopped, thought for a while, and rushed to the battlefield without hesitation.

It doesn't matter if you don't have combat experience, he runs so fast, his teammates will definitely need it.

At least he can attract the attention of the enemy and cover the attack of his teammates.

As long as you don't suddenly fall...

boom! ! !

Just as Barry was thinking wildly, a pitch-black meteorite fell from the sky and landed directly in front of his moving path.

The ground rumbled and trembled, making Barry's little heart thump. If his foot hadn't slipped just now, the meteorite just hit his forehead.

Buzz buzz! !

The scorching red light shot out from the big pit, and Barry swished hundreds of meters away, the light stretched all the way up, the high temperature split the air waves, as if cutting the sky in half.


Barry looked into the pit with his head, wondering if it was meteorite radiation, or something else?

If it is meteorite radiation, is superpower given?

If you really have super powers, will you have the super power to talk to girls without blushing?


The vicious Kryptonian soldier rubbed his eyes and jumped out of the big pit. Seeing this, Barry silently shrank behind the cactus,

Pray that the other person doesn't see you.

In the vast yellow sand, a group of red tights is as bright as fire, and it is still standing next to the green columnar cactus. Let alone Kryptonians with keen senses, ordinary people can see it clearly.

This Kryptonian soldier was the unlucky one who was slapped twice by Bruce in a row before, was beaten hard by his teammates, and received a hot stare.

Ben was furious, with a fire in his heart, when he saw Barry's red tights, his eyes were like those of a pit bull, and they immediately turned red.

Buzz buzz! !

The thermal vision bombarded out again, Barry exclaimed, and ran a hundred meters away in a whoosh.

"So fast!"

Barry's speed was so fast that the Kryptonian soldiers lost track of his moving trajectory after a blur in front of them, and were deeply surprised.

He said so fast, what does it mean?

The panic on Barry's face dissipated, and his smile gradually matured. Thinking of Russell's words of encouragement, he didn't need to think too much about fighting, as long as he ran faster than the opponent.


The red light was fleeting, and Barry ran towards the Kryptonian soldier at a high speed. He wanted to punch him in the face, but when he got closer, he found that the Kryptonian soldier had a hideous look on his face. Xin Xin walked around from the side.

The Kryptonian soldier sensed that Barry was rushing towards him, and without thinking, he swung his fist. When the front of the fist exploded the air and penetrated Barry's chest, he twisted his body and scattered him with one blow.

It's empty, it's an afterimage!

Sensing that Barry was standing far behind, the Kryptonian soldier's complexion changed suddenly, and he turned around immediately, ready to fight.

The failure of the Kryptonian soldier's attack and the expression on his face as if he was facing a big enemy encouraged Barry, feeling that victory was just ahead, and he could catch up as long as he took two steps.


Barry's figure disappeared in place, and the afterimage lingered for a moment before pulling out countless ghosts on his moving track.

Groups of red lightning crazily revolved around the Kryptonian soldiers, and the ultra-fast moving speed distorted the Kryptonian's vision. There were Barry running fast, end to end, so fast that he could catch up with him.

Visual deception!

The Kryptonian soldier looked stern, and kept changing positions to be alert to Barry's sneak attack from behind. After turning around a few times, he realized that being passively beaten would be tantamount to sitting and waiting to die.

After a while, the Kryptonian soldier's eyes flashed.


He shouted loudly, stepped on the ground with both feet, rushed out at a high speed with the help of reaction force, concentrated all his strength on the front of his fist, and slammed down on the afterimage beside him.

Vaguely, the Kryptonian soldiers saw the panic on Barry's face, and the movement of punching became more determined.

The punch was unstoppable, crushing countless ghosts around him, hitting Barry's chest heavily, and passing through his chest neatly.

The Kryptonian soldier's eyes were horrified, there was no sense of hitting the entity, the punch was empty, and there was still an afterimage.

At the same time, Barry came to the back of the Kryptonian soldier, lowered his body and raised his arms, maintaining a super high moving speed, and hit the Kryptonian soldier's leg diameter.

With one hit, the Kryptonian soldier was top-heavy, his body jumped up uncontrollably, he rolled twice in mid-air, and fell to the ground, eating a mouthful of ashes.

Barry is inspired again, and although his wrist hurts like hell, he finds a way to fight the Kryptonian soldiers.

Yes, just run!


The sound of breaking through the air hit, and the Kryptonian soldiers jumped up from the ground, turned around suddenly, closed their fists, and quickly...

Before the fist was punched, he was tripped by Barry, lost his foot in a row, and ate a mouthful of ashes again.

Damn it!

The Kryptonian soldier was cursing in his heart, his muscles tensed up, and he remained on the defensive. Barry's speed was too fast, and he could only catch the shadow, which was left behind after an unknown number of laps.

once! twice! three times……

The Kryptonian soldiers wanted to leave the battlefield, but they were always pulled and dragged by Barry at the moment of flying, unable to maintain their balance, and fell to the ground.

The Kryptonian soldiers were extremely depressed, and they couldn't vent their anger. Although Barry's attack was neither painful nor itchy, it was too useless to be played with by others.

He let out a roar, his eyes were red, and in the next moment, his chin was pushed up high, and his hot gaze shot straight into the sky.

The Kryptonian soldier grabbed forward with both hands, and only threw himself into a cloud of air. Suddenly, he was slapped on the back of the head again, turned around angrily, and was pushed from behind again.

Turning around again, Barry kicked his foot and slipped on the sand... There was a familiar gray taste in his mouth.

boom! !

The Kryptonian soldier swung his fist on the ground, causing the ground to tremble slightly. He glared at Barry, who was trembling and stopped in front of him. His red eyes couldn't tell whether he was out of breath and congested, or he was preparing for a heat vision attack.

"Asshole, you..."

In the middle of the Kryptonian soldier's speech, the black armor on his body was untied by Barry at some point, and fell to the ground with a clang.

Angry and angry, the Kryptonian soldier hammered the ground with both fists, his figure violently rushed towards Barry in front of him, trying to tear him to pieces, but without accident, he passed through Barry's afterimage.

Whoosh! Whoosh! whoosh

Barry ran around the Kryptonian soldier quickly, pushing him or tripping him from time to time, which made the Kryptonian soldier jump into a rage, and there was nothing he could do about him by circling on the spot.

As long as I run fast enough, the enemy can't catch me! !

The continuous success made Barry full of confidence. He moved at a high speed to avoid the attention of the Kryptonian soldiers, and quietly came behind the opponent without a trace, kicking his leg.


The sand was too slippery, and Barry fell flat and fell directly into the arms of the Kryptonian soldiers.



"Boy, you run fast, why don't you keep running?"

Facing the bloody and murderous eyes of the Kryptonian soldiers, Barry trembled and wanted to shrink into a ball. At this moment, his face changed, from panic, to extreme surprise, and finally to joy.

The Kryptonian soldier sneered: "Childish, do you think I will fall for this kind of trick?"

"It can't be any better!"

The slender palms pinched the Kryptonian soldier's wrist, forcibly snatching Barry away from his grasp, and the female man Diana was covered in blood and was very sturdy.

The Kryptonian soldier turned pale with fright. Diana's powerful wrist made him unable to shake it. The last woman who gave him the same feeling was Lieutenant Foola.

The hot gaze bloomed, and the Kryptonian soldiers forced Diana back, shaking their wrists and saying, "Human, where are my two companions?"

Diana lifted Barry behind her, and pulled out the shield and long sword behind her: "Don't worry, I'll send you to see them right away."

Hearing these words, Barry's blood boiled with enthusiasm, and he was eager to join the battle, which proved that it was just a moment of carelessness: "Diana, can I help? I mean, if there is anything you need, just ask, I can definitely help busy!"

Diana said angrily, "Get off my lap!"


Barry was taken aback when he heard the words, and then realized that he had hugged the big man's long legs tightly at some point.


Barry's face was flushed, and he almost teleported, flashing a hundred meters away.

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