End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 754 Martial arts in the world are invincible

Gradually becoming familiar with Russell's rhythm, Bruce has already acquired a strong resistance to his daily remarks about committing second offenses, and Russell can comprehend by looking at the sand sculpture.

When he first met Russell, Bruce felt that the sand sculpture has incomparable strength, which is a very scary thing, because you can never guess what he will do next.

Bruce doesn't feel that way now.

A guy with great strength is a sand sculpture, and he is lucky for the whole earth, because sand sculptures often focus on some sand sculpture problems.

But the matter of keeping a lover is another matter. Bruce felt that it was necessary to ask. In the past, he never shy away from the title of Playboy, but not now. He will be a father in eight months.

Bruce could even imagine that if he ignored his lover's question, Russell would dare to say that he acquiesced when he went out, and Miranda would dare to set fire to the house on the spot.

As a husband for the first time, the experience is extremely bad!

Bruce smiled and said: "What does it mean to keep a lover? In the past, I did have many girlfriends, but now, don't spread rumors."

"As expected of Batman, the acting is really good."

Russell snorted: "Since you said you don't have any now, let me ask you, what happened to Poison Ivy?"

"You knew already?"

Bruce's heart skipped a beat. The venom made by the Poison Ivy Girl is of great use to him. It is related to many emergency plans. Russell's detection in advance is very likely to disrupt his deployment.

"If you want people not to know, unless you do nothing yourself."

Russell envy...

cough cough!

Russell looked at Bruce, who was in the golden house, with contempt: "In addition to Pamela Eisley, the poison ivy girl, and Harley Quinn, the clown girl, these two women, one is poisonous in body and the other is poisonous in spirit." , what on earth are you thinking?"

Russell omitted a paragraph. If he did not appear, there would be a catwoman Selina Kyle. This is the rhythm of the three sisters of Gotham.

In a trance, Russell's thoughts diverged, and he saw a resplendent palace with black silhouettes of bats hanging on the wall, and Bruce was wearing an anti-death knell armor, sitting on a jeweled and diamond-encrusted gold chair.

Surrounded by the three sisters of Gotham, dressed in sexy bunny girl costumes, each of them pinched their shoulders and beat their backs, with lowered eyebrows and eyes being as obedient as they could be.

Under the golden seat, there are countless dog-licking corpses that cannot be admired by the goddess.

Bruce opened his visor, revealing the thick eyebrows and big eyes of a billionaire, defiantly and contemptuously said: "In martial arts in the world, there is no strength that can't be broken, only the rich can't be broken!"

"Hey, what are you thinking about?"

"Ah! Ah? Ah..."

Russell shook his head, dispelled the fantasy in his mind, and looked at Bruce with even more disdainful eyes: "Tell me honestly, why did you raise those two crazy women?"

Bruce frowned, and wrote lightly: "I will provide them with a place to stay in exchange for a promise that they will never do anything wrong in the future."

"You think the Gotham police will believe your nonsense?"

Russell raised a middle finger: "Please give a more reliable reason for lying, you can insult my IQ,

But please don't insult Batman's IQ, he is ruthless and will never trust others, let alone the two female villains! "


Russell's words were extremely reasonable, and Bruce couldn't find any rebuttal arguments, and even wanted to agree.

"There is no one else here, tell me honestly..."

Russell hooked Bruce's hand, and seeing that he was unmoved, he leaned forward and whispered, "You raised Harley, the clown, because you wanted the clown to give him a mental blow to vent your anger." Hate, I understand that. What about Poison Ivy, have you never heard that she has a boyfriend?"

You know what a fart!

Bruce felt that he had listed Russell as a dangerous target, and had specially formulated a countermeasure. Upgrading the anti-death knell armor to the fourth generation was the stupidest thing he had ever done in his life.

He said angrily: "If you came here for such a boring thing, then you can get out!"

"Bruce, speak politely, the initiative is in my hands."

Russell sneered and sat down, leaning against the computer desk, Erlang raised his legs, like a boss scolding an employee, bossing and arrogantly said: "I'll give you another chance to reorganize the language, tell the truth quickly, or I'll keep you two lovers Every night, in the name of fighting crime, you stay out of bed every night, but in fact, you told Miranda about beating them in the past, and let her kick you out of bed in the middle of the night."

Bruce said with a dark face: "I haven't done it, and you have no proof, why would Miranda believe you?"

"No proof needed!"

Russell spread his hands together: "She's a woman, that's enough."


Makes sense!

Hearing Russell's words, Bruce's face remained unchanged, but he was already discouraged in his heart. He was helpless against Miranda, and there was nothing he could do.

It is said that sweet talk is the best weapon against women, and Bruce has tried it many times, but the effect is mediocre.

He praised Miranda to the sky, rare in the world and hard to find in the sky. The latter was shy all the way, like a girl who fell in love for the first time.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Miranda turned into a middle-aged woman, grabbed him by the collar and asked, did he say these words to other women, how many?

Bruce was silent at the time, poor God, he couldn't remember how many there were!

After analyzing the stakes, Bruce felt that Miranda was more terrifying, and said truthfully: "The venom of Poison Ivy is powerful, and I need her to provide a certain amount every month for making new weapons."

"Used to beat teammates?"

"No, use it against powerful enemies!"

"You can pull it down!"

Russell curled his lips in disdain, and pointed to the computer behind him: "The files of the Justice League have been built. You say that the purpose of developing new weapons is to deal with the enemy. Who would believe it!"

"I'm telling the whole truth, believe it or not."


Russell didn't speak. I remember that two months ago, the Justice League team used the team combo "Justice Siege" against General Zod, and Bruce fired a green gas bomb. It becomes weak.

There is also the Kryptonian soldier who was knocked down by Bruce. His body was so green that he was greener than Hal.

At that time, Russell thought that Bruce had found the green kryptonite, the Achilles' heel of Kryptonians, but now he knew that it was the toxin from Poison Ivy.

He really wants this kind of toxin!

Russell thought about it, and when he went back, he would go to the valley in the outskirts of the city and borrow a batch of toxins to arm the Deathstroke Armor.

I just don't know how much Poison Ivy produces. If the quantity is average, you can consider cutting off Bruce's beard.

"What are you thinking?"

Bruce asked coldly, seeing Russell's expression, he could guess what Russell was thinking.

"It's nothing. I suddenly remembered that there was still boiling water at home. That's all for today. I'll let you go first." Russell said, getting up and leaving.

"Wait, don't rush away, I happen to have something to ask you."

Bruce stopped Russell, walked towards the supercomputer, and said, "You have read all the files on the extension computer, right?"

"Well, although you hid it very deeply, I still found it out."

Russell originally wanted to take the opportunity to mock Bruce, but he thought that many people can do it by digging out what they want in the folder of a strange computer, and there is nothing to be proud of.

You can find it because I want you to find it!

Bruce cursed, and quickly operated on the supercomputer, an encrypted folder was opened, and more than ten videos were arranged.

Bruce played them one by one. They were all pictures taken in the deep sea. Because the picture quality was not clear, one or more humanoid creatures could only be seen moving at high speed underwater.

In addition, there is also the official confidential file of the US Empire obtained by Bruce from the Riddler, which records the incidents of fishermen from all over the world encountering marine humans.

"Do you know what they are?"


Russell thought for a while, and seemed to have nothing to say, so he could only say, "I have deep-sea phobia, so... although I know there are such a group of people in the ocean, I don't know much about them."

"Do you have deep-sea phobia?"

"Can't you?"

Russell said seriously: "When you hear the name Atlantis, you should know that they have something to do with Greek mythology, and I belong to another system, so it's normal not to be familiar with them."


Bruce was speechless, he knew Russell was lying, but he couldn't find a reason to refute.

"If you want to know the details of Atlantis, you should ask Diana. Paradise Island also belongs to Greek mythology. She must know something."

Bruce nodded: "I'll have an interview with Diana, and there's one more thing, I need your help."

"Please, I'm the one who came to your house, why do you keep looking for me when you have something to do?"

"Even if you don't come, I will go to you." After Bruce finished speaking, he took out a stack of documents and handed them to Russell.

"what is this?"

Russell took a thick stack of documents, flipped through them briefly, and found that they were all police investigation reports on missing persons. He pondered for a while: "It's normal, isn't the US Empire always like this!"

"It's not normal at all. Too many people have gone missing recently. I suspect it's not a simple kidnapping case."

Bruce's eyes flashed brightly: "A similar incident happened in Gotham, and some witnesses said that they saw the perpetrator is Batman."


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