End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 759 A little understanding, not a little understanding

"Hey, this box..."

Russell flew from behind, slapped Bruce who was in the way, and raised his hand to take the metal hexahedron out of the concrete wall.

"Don't move, it might be a trap!"

Bruce hurriedly reminded, but it was still a step too late. Russell touched the edge of the hexahedron with both hands, as if a countdown switch was triggered, the surface texture of the metal hexahedron lit up, and the jumping light became faster and faster.

Rumble! ! !

The flames shot up into the sky, and the shock wave crushed the surrounding concrete walls, and large pieces of debris were shaken off to expose the steel structure. Fire dragons rushed out along the tunnel entrance, spreading for dozens of meters before stopping.

Inside the huge space, after the explosion ended, it was in a mess, the mottled walls shattered at the touch of a touch, and all the corpses of demons were buried all over the ground.

Bruce came out of a tunnel, glanced out of the corner of his eye, and started looking for remnants of the explosion.

First of all, the two machines used to transform the demons have been damaged, and they were torn apart by the explosion, and the remaining fragments were also charred and distorted.

Second, Russell...

Seeing Russell flying out of the tunnel, Bruce sighed subconsciously, there was nothing left that should have been left, nothing that should have been left behind.

No reason and no words were blasted at a fixed point. Russell didn't talk nonsense. He lowered his head and rummaged through the rubble. After a while, under the scanning of the Deathstroke Armor, he dug out the intact metal hexahedron.

Bruce's eyes flashed brightly. He never expected that the hexahedron would be intact after it blew itself up. In other words, normal people wouldn't think so.

This has nothing to do with whether Russell is a sand sculpture or not. Only those who know something about the metal hexahedron will think that it is not damaged.

Facts have proved once again that Russell has a lot of information in his hands, but he just doesn't want to say it.

Bruce flew down and watched Russell fiddle with the metal hexahedron. The latter fished out a hammer from behind his ass, clanged it for a while, and finally shook his head and put the hammer back in place.


Where did the hammer go?

Bruce shook his head, not thinking about the mess for the time being, and asked casually, "Why is this iron box still there after it exploded, and what's in it, have you seen anything?"

"Uh, I don't really understand..."

Russell was a little confused. He had roughly confirmed that the high-tech metal hexagon on hand was the mother box.

But in his impression, the plot of [Superman and His Pendant Friend] is that Steppenwolf came to the earth to collect seven... ahem, three mother boxes, Yixue the shame of the defeat that year, and transform the earth into another world , The mother box is regarded as a treasure by him, and there is no reason to abandon it in Gotham at will.

Hundreds of demon-like guards are indeed abandoned.

Bruce held his breath when he heard the words, Russell was very tight-lipped today, and he knew a little about everything he asked.

It's not the kind of slightly understanding, but the kind of slightly understanding, and now he can't tell whether Russell has a little understanding or not.

Bruce raised his hand and touched the mother box to confirm that it was okay to touch it directly. Then he took out a small detector from the metal belt and pointed it at the mother box to scan.

There is no logo or design, and no interface for transmitting data or energy,

Metal scans are also misidentified, consisting of unknown components.

Know nothing, get no leads!

Bruce narrowed his eyes slightly: "Go, take this piece of metal, let's go to the nearest bat base, I want to scan this thing in detail to confirm its purpose."

"Bring it back to the base directly... Aren't you afraid of some monsters sealed in the mother box?"

After finishing speaking, Russell froze for a moment, and added: "Mother Box, what do you think of the name I just named? If it's appropriate, it will be called Mother Box in the future!"

Bruce snorted coldly, not wanting to talk nonsense with Russell, who was pretending to be crazy, and said bluntly: "What is the mother box and what kind of capabilities does it have?"

"Bruce, if I say I don't know, you won't believe me, but I really don't know... Well, I still know a little bit."

Russell pondered for a moment: "First of all, this is an extremely powerful energy source that can open space channels and rearrange the molecular structure of matter. It is said to be a product of technology, but it has some connection with the rules of the universe. The internal program is very complicated, like a Supercomputers can be used in many different ways.”

"Are you sure it was man-made?"

"Not sure, uh, it should be said that I don't know! Don't look at me with such affectionate eyes, I'm serious!"


Bruce rolled his eyes and took the mother box from Russell: "If this is really some kind of supercomputer, it must be able to transmit signals to the outside world. I don't know when the person who controls this computer will activate the space channel. So time is running out, and then we have to split up."


Russell pushed away the death knell mask, showing his confused face: "Bruce, is your turning point too blunt, or are you just trying to find an excuse to send me away?"

As if he didn't hear Russell's words, Bruce didn't react at all, and continued: "I will take it back to the secret base first to confirm whether I can find similar signals, because a large number of missing persons cases are not limited to Gotham City, other cities There are also..."

"The metropolis, the central city, are the cities where the cases are concentrated."

"If there are really similar signals in those two cities, I will immediately contact Clark and Barry and ask them to find the mother box and send it to the nearest US imperialist military base."

What Bruce means is very simple. The enemy can open the space channel and continuously transport the army. It is not safe to put the mother box in the city. Superheroes alone cannot defeat the army. This time, the government must intervene.

As for the mother box in his hand, it will be sent to the nearest U.S. military base immediately after receiving the signal. It doesn’t matter whether it is researched or not. Anyway, there are people there. The military gets first-hand information, and he can also get the information.

Because it is another crisis sweeping the world, according to Russell's ambiguous statement, not only the earth, but the entire universe is at risk.

Therefore, it is not enough to rely on the Justice League and the human army alone. It is necessary to try to get Diana to convince the Amazons on Paradise Island. The Green Lantern Corps behind Hal must also fight for it. The Atlanteans...

It also seems to be a good cannon fodder!

For a moment, Bruce thought a lot, and said to Russell: "I stayed in Gotham to deal with the mother box, and was responsible for contacting other members of the Justice League. You go to Amnesty Bay and win over Atlantis as quickly as possible." people as allies.”

"I have deep-sea phobia!"

Bruce glanced at Russell coldly: "No, you didn't."


"there's no more!"

Bruce said coldly, then he ignored the chattering Russell, looked down at the ruins all over the floor, and prepared to dig up a few corpses and send them to the US imperialist military base together, so as to increase the persuasiveness and allow the officials to raise the military defense level.

"Damn it, it would be great if there was a living monster..."

"Ho Ho Ho—"

While Bruce was talking to himself, a demon-like creature suddenly flew out from the exit of the underground tunnel, holding a comatose human being in its hand.

Seeing that the lair was destroyed, the demon roared and flew towards Bruce and Russell with wings flapping.

"Good luck!"

No matter what you say, even though Bruce has always been serious, the corners of his mouth can't help but curl up slightly.

"Should die, eat my Lightning Speed ​​Fist!!"


Bruce gasped, not even daring to waste the time to stop him, turned around and punched Russell in the face.


He really had enough of this sand sculpture!

Bruce punched Russell with all his strength, and hit Russell in the face. The reason why he punched in the face was the subconscious choice of combat experience dominating the body.

The visor that Russell raised hadn't been buttoned up yet, and his whole body was tightly covered, only here was the flesh.

Therefore, this punch in the face did not contain any personal grievances, it was purely to stop Russell most effectively.


A crisp sound!

The front of the fist hit the door, Russell squatted down, clutching his red nose.

Bruce trembled all over, and the sweat dripped down from his cheeks along the mask. After all, he couldn't bear it anymore, and squatted down with his arms folded.

"Bruce, are you crazy, why are you hitting me?"

Russell looked displeased, and after standing up, he said with contempt: "I told you to change into a bat suit, but you didn't listen, and insisted on pretending to be a tough guy. Now it's all right, I broke it with my own hand... No, between us How much hatred, how much effort did you use?"

"Don't talk nonsense, save a life, I'm useful!" Bruce resisted the pain of broken finger bones, his face was flushed.

"It's fine to say no earlier, it's flying so hard that you hit me in the face!"

Russell muttered, just as the demon rushed in front of him, he raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and a big lump bulged out of the ruins on the ground.

Jason stood up with a machete in his hand. He didn't say much harsh words. He chopped off the hand of the demon-like hostage with one knife.

The demon screamed and fell to the ground. Just as he was about to shake his wings again, he suddenly found that his wings were gone. When he looked back, he saw two wings at Jason's feet.

The monster stands up with one hand on the ground, has no biological weapons to fear, and never escapes from the battle.

"For Darkseid!!"

The monster launched a charge, the monster played GG, and the monster turned into Mi Daguang Lin Gui.


Jason stood silently aside with a big knife in his hand. Seeing that Russell had no order, he consciously hid his figure in the darkness.

"What did the demon just say?"

Bruce walked up to Russell and handed over the broken hand.

"Well, what are you doing, what are you reaching for?"

Russell raised his brows: "Don't try to get away with it. Although your hand is broken, the hand you made first is your own fault, and your motive is not pure, so I will not be responsible, and I have no money."

Bruce: (????????)

Russell: (one `?? one)

Jason: (._.)

For a long time, the two just stared at each other for a minute.

"I'll give you $100 million!"

"Okay, this will cure you."

After the arm was repaired, Bruce took out the high-heat gloves from his belt as if he had forgotten that he had made a fool of himself just now, and sealed the demon-like wound with a few sizzling sounds to prevent it from dying from excessive blood loss.

At this moment, Yoyo, the hostage captured by the demon, woke up. He was a middle-aged Caucasian man with gentle manners. Judging by his temperament, he should be an urban white-collar worker.

The man was startled when he saw the demon, and was shocked when he saw Bruce. When he saw Russell, it was like seeing a relative: "Death knell save me, don't let Batman take me away, I have paid the favor ..."


Russell knocked down the nonsense man with a knife, and shrugged at Bruce: "This bastard may be frightened, and he only said some strange things. No one knows the name of my evil nemesis Deathstroke, and it is ridiculous for me to protect him!"


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