End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 763 Mera: As long as he jumps into the sea, he won't be able to catch up with us


Looking at Russell who rolled up his sleeves and was about to beat someone up, Arthur swallowed another gulp of saliva, and tried to persuade him: "Dude, calm down, and speak up if you have something to say, you are a superhero, you can't hit people casually."

"It's okay, no one will know."

"But I know..."

After Arthur finished speaking, he opened his mouth wide open. What he said was correct. If he was killed and sank in the sea, no one would know!

No, save yourself!

Arthur's eyes flickered, comparing his fighting power with Russell's, he found that he had no chance of winning.

At first he thought that with his back against the sea, if he couldn't beat him, he would just run away, and Russell would definitely not be able to catch up.

Calm analysis, a little thought, strategic layout, and implementation of the plan.

Arthur immediately became more respectful, bowed his head and apologized: "I'm sorry, because I drank too much, I was a little impulsive just now, I hope you can give me another chance to speak properly."

No way, if you can't beat it, you can't beat it. His home court has become Russell's home court, and he is at a disadvantage in sea, land and air. What a fart!

give up!

"So simple?"

Russell sneered, an apology is useful, why do you need the police: "But I remember someone asked me to fart just now, did you hear that?"

"No, you must have heard wrong..."


"I must be wrong!"

People have to bow their heads under the eaves. Although Arthur has never heard of this sentence, it does not prevent him from understanding the meaning.

In short, after cowarding today, tomorrow he will be a hero again.

"Although your apology is very sincere, everyone is an adult and must be responsible for their words and deeds. Don't say I'm small-minded, I'm doing it for your own good..."

Russell clenched his fists and said, "If I don't give you a little color today, so that you can deepen your impression, if you continue to talk nonsense and get beaten to death in the future, wouldn't it be I who killed you?"

Russell said this very seriously. He really did it for Arthur's sake. Young people are arrogant and domineering. It's better to be taught a lesson by one's own people than to be played to death by outsiders!

Arthur looked at the steep and straight water curtains on both sides, and said dryly: "But, I am already very impressed."

"No, not deep enough."


Five minutes later, the tumbling waves stopped roaring, the split sea closed and reset, and everything returned to calm, as if nothing had happened.

Russell lit a cigarette, then handed it to Arthur who was next to him, and the latter took it, silently lighting up his sadness.


"Well, are you impressed now?"


Arthur touched his unconscious face, it was so deep!

Now, he only felt that this was not his face, it was swollen several times, so swollen that when he returned home, his kind old father would think he had seen a ghost.

"Early, I ask again now,

How are you thinking about the King of Atlantis? "

Arthur smiled bitterly when he heard the words: "Dude, do you think the Atlanteans will let a bastard whose queen was executed become their king?"


"Do you think my half brother Orm will give up the throne?"


"Do you think I will become a qualified king?"


Arthur's eyes widened suddenly, but his face was too swollen, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't change the fact: "Uh, I think the third answer, you can hesitate for a while."

"Sorry, I won't lie."

Because he has been honest since he was a child, he has suffered a lot in these years, and Russell has no good way to deal with it. Once some habits are established, they will last a lifetime and cannot be changed.

You are lying!

Arthur only dared to BB in his heart, he took a deep breath of the cigarette, and said melancholy: "In the whole Atlantis, no one wants me to be on the throne, but you...you are powerful and have the ability to control the ocean , if you forcibly put me on the throne, it will inevitably turn into a bloody suppression, I would rather not be such a king."

What Arthur means is very clear. If Russell made him the king of Atlantis to defeat the alien invaders and fight for life and freedom, he should not use the invaders to snatch the throne.

If they did, what is the difference between them and the alien invaders who invaded the earth?

Russell couldn't help re-examining Arthur when he heard the words, and said with emotion: "I take back the answer to the third question. You may not have a bright mind, but your mind and bearing do have a bit of a king's demeanor."

"Uh, I just...just..."

Arthur wanted to say that he cared about Atlantis, after all, it was her mother's hometown, but when she thought of her mother being sacrificed and reclaimed by the Atlanteans, she couldn't say that anyway.

"Arthur, in fact, these things you are worried about are not problems."

Russell frowned: "Atlantis is just a kingdom now, I want you to become the king of the Atlantis empire, find the trident, unify the seven subsea kingdoms, and you are the undisputed king of the sea. "

A long time ago, Atlantis was a high-tech civilization on land. Due to a disaster of self-destruction, the once prosperous empire sank into the sea.

This disaster destroyed the mighty empire, and also gave each Atlantean the ability to survive underwater. In order to adapt to the ocean environment in which they lived, their bodies and appearances changed, and gradually formed the Seven Kingdoms. pattern.

The leading kingdom and the most powerful kingdom is the kingdom of Atlantis, which inherited the name of the empire and the blood of the royal family.

The second is the Zebel Kingdom where Mera is located, and its strength is quite impressive.

The murloc country, where all members have evolved into murlocs, is a country of acceptable strength, but because of its love of peace and philosophy of art, its combat effectiveness is not considered strong.

In addition, there is a saltwater country that has evolved a carapace and all members have turned into reptiles; the Trench Race has fallen into the deep sea and all members have mutated into sea monsters; the missing country is now a desert, and all members are collectively missing , may have dried up; the lost country is very lost, has never been played, and has been recorded as having perished.

Overall, minus the two vanished kings, plus one irrational Trench, there are only four remaining in the Seven Kingdoms.


Arthur smiled: "Dude, what nonsense are you talking about? The Holy Trident is just a legend. It doesn't matter whether it exists or not. Moreover, even if I find it, everyone will not admit it. It's the same as whether it exists or not."

Russell threw the cigarette butt on the ground, stomped it out, and said solemnly: "The trident is not a legend. The emperor of Atlantis once held it. Manipulating the sea and creating tsunamis are the qualifications and symbols of kingship. No one dares to deny its power."

Arthur sighed, and was about to say something, when he suddenly thought of Russell controlling the sea, he licked his sausage mouth: "Tell me the truth, is the holy trident in your hand?"

"What do you think?"

Arthur looked Russell up and down a few times. He had nothing but a stick except for the ring. That broken stick didn't even have a fork, so it must not be a trident.

"Well, you don't have a trident, so how do you control the sea?"

Arthur thought of something again, and his eyes lit up: "I heard that some Atlanteans have the ability to control ocean currents. Are you an Atlantean?"

"What do you think?"

Arthur touched his face, I don't think you are human!

"I was thinking too much. If you were from Atlantis, you wouldn't have anything to do with Aum."

"Arthur, I know where the trident is. I'll take you there to get it out."


Arthur plucked his unconscious ear, and grinned to laugh at him. Seeing Russell's unkind expression, he hurriedly said solemnly: "It's not that I don't believe it, it's that you are too casual. After all, it is a holy trident. You can take it as you say, just like it." It's as simple as eating and drinking water, I was a little... a little surprised, that's it."

"Stop talking nonsense, lead the way now, let's get the trident."

The lessons Arthur had learned were not deep enough, and Russell was thinking about finding another opportunity to repair it properly, and he should be a mature Aquaman.

"I lead the way?"

"Yes, hurry up and lead the way, let's go to the territory of the Trench Clan, where the Trident is."

"..." x2

After ten seconds of silence, Arthur scratched his head in embarrassment: "Well, where are the Trench Clan?"

(??ε(# ̄((O==(▔dish▔╬)??


Russell withdrew his fist, and stepped on the tearful Arthur: "A superhero in the ocean, who doesn't even know where the Trench Clan is, has the nerve to ask me! You don't know, do I know? "

"I'm not a superhero, and I'm also from the land."

"Hmm! Still talking back?"

(??╬▔dish▔)==O)) ̄#)3????)


With another punch, Russell felt refreshed and had forgotten about Arthur's rude words before. He grabbed his collar and lifted him from the ground: "Tell me, you are in Atlantis, Is there anyone I know willing to lead the way?"


Arthur was about to speak, when suddenly a stream of water rose from the nearby cliff, forming a surging momentum in an instant, engulfing Russell's head and face.

Immediately afterwards, the hand holding his collar changed to a beautiful hand.

Arthur could see clearly that this was a red-haired woman with a figure and appearance. Arthur didn't care much, he only knew that the necklace on the woman's chest was very white.

Although the woman didn't wear a necklace, that wasn't the point. The point was that the moment Arthur saw the woman, he felt his heart beating uncontrollably.

"Are you OK?"

The woman put Arthur on the ground, saw that his nose was bruised and his face was beaten into a pig's head, the corner of his mouth subconsciously twitched.

Queen Atlanna's eldest son, is it really him? Did you find the wrong person?

"Excuse me, are you Arthur Curry?"

"Yes, do you have something to do?" Arthur kept a straight face, pretending to be serious and unmoved by the beauty.

"Great, I keep looking for you again, you have to go back to Atlantis with me."

The woman is the queen of the sea in the future, and she is now Princess Mera of the Xebel Kingdom. She said with a serious expression: "Your half-brother King Orm is planning to declare war on mankind. He has already started contacting several other kings. If he succeeds, many innocent people will die whether on land or sea."


"You are the eldest son of Queen Atlanta, the first in line to the throne, take back your throne and save everything."


Arthur suddenly felt a heavy burden on his shoulders. It seemed that everyone was looking for him. It seemed that without him, the whole earth would be destroyed, but he was really not that material!

"This beauty, I..."

Arthur thought of something, turned around suddenly, and saw Russell standing quietly with his whole body intact, with an expressionless face as if he was going to a grave.

In an instant, Arthur only felt a chill rushing from his feet to his forehead.

If you want to suffer, you will be angry!

Not wanting the beautiful woman he likes to become a pig like him, Arthur hastily reminded: "Hurry up, go, you can't beat him."

"Don't worry, I have a solution."

Mera was fearless in the face of danger, looked at Russell calmly, and then nodded confidently: "Arthur, don't be impatient, as long as we jump into the sea, he won't be able to catch up with us."


Arthur was stunned, thinking he had heard it wrong, but Meera proved with practical actions that he did not hear it wrong.

The arm was tightly grasped, and Arthur was dragged off the cliff by Meera's force. When he recovered, it was too late.


Boom! x2

"Ahhhhhh——" x2


Make up this kind of thing, or leave it to me tomorrow!

It is said that tomorrow's me will no longer be me, so this liver is left to him.

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