End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 76 Hell Amusement Park

There is no supernatural event, just simply going to the wrong classroom.

Russell dug out the schedule, and then he remembered that the classrooms in the United States are different from those in China. The teachers in the United States have fixed classrooms, and students have to go to and from different classrooms for each class.

In a history class, Russell found the classroom and was not in a hurry to go in. He stood outside the door and listened. It was not world history, nor European history, but American history.

God knows what's so good to learn about 200 years of history. Anyway, Russell is not interested in learning. Since he was already late, he simply didn't go in.

He first went to the counselor Abt to apply for a late + early leave monthly card, and then drove to the waterfall, the waterfall that gave Magic Pot Town its name.

Immersively, the pothole in the vortex is much more terrifying than the picture, with a diameter of about one meter, just enough to fit a person in, and I always feel that something will come out of it. For people with claustrophobia, this place is a disaster, and it is uncomfortable to stay for a second.

Russell grabbed a pebble and threw it into the pothole. The pebble swirled and disappeared. Nothing happened. He looked at it for a while before turning away.

There is nothing wrong with the potholes. It is a psychological reaction to see people infiltrating. Anyway, Russell did not perceive any abnormalities with his magic power, and his sixth sense did not issue an alarm.

Driving back to school, Russell first picked up Jennifer from school, and then invited Nidi to dinner as her boyfriend. Nidi is Jennifer's best friend. The two have played together since childhood and have a very good relationship.

This is not for a threesome, Russell still has some integrity, because of Nidi's Hollywood actress face, Russell wants to try to trigger a world quest on her.

Nidi agreed very simply. She just wanted to know what kind of person her best friend's boyfriend is. If it is not reliable, she has to persuade Jennifer.

Nidi received a call from Jennifer's mother last night, because Jennifer told her mother that she would stay at Nidi's house. As soon as Nidi heard it, she knew that her best friend used her as a shield, but she could only help her lie, otherwise... Tell Jennifer's mother , your daughter is not at my house, having sex with a stranger?

That night, in the most expensive restaurant in Magic Pot Town, four young people sat together to eat and chat, and the extra one was Nidi's boyfriend.


The name of Niddy's boyfriend, the drummer in the school band, a quiet and shy person.

Russell had a little impression of Chap. He charged like crazy some time ago. He saw this face in a horror movie, but he couldn't name it.

The two couples were chatting and laughing, and Russell was still super rich. He gave Nidi a set of cosmetics, and ordered a drum kit for Chap online.

The dinner was over and the host and guests had a good time. Russell was very satisfied with tonight. Although the world mission was not triggered, he firmly believed that he had found the protagonist team, and the world mission must be on Jennifer and Nidi.

Jennifer is also very satisfied, finding a rich boyfriend is too much face in front of her girlfriends.

With the escort of a beautiful knife, Russell quickly became friends with the two. Although his stinking rich man's posture is very unpleasant, his generous shots to his friends are enough to make up for his shortcomings.

Jennifer told Nidi to stay at her house tonight, and then left in a Lamborghini, and was pulled out again as a shield, Nidi was very helpless.

"What's the matter, is Jennifer's boyfriend okay?" Seeing his girlfriend's sad face, Chap couldn't help asking.

"Russell is nice, but he's too rich...I mean he's from a big city, and he can't stay in Magic Pot Town for long. Jennifer has nothing to do with him, maybe he's just playing around."

Knowing that Nidi cared about her best friend, Chap comforted her, "Don't say that, you have to trust Jennifer's charm, she is the hottest girl in town."

"Huh!?" Nidi's eyes instantly became extremely hostile.

Chap shrugged speechlessly, women are so troublesome!


In the next few days, Jennifer and Russell lived together every day,

The two went to school together, and after school together, Jennifer seemed to declare her sovereignty and kept other girls from getting close to Russell.

The girls who also wanted to go for a ride in a supercar hated Jennifer so much, but Jennifer watched too closely, and Russell often skipped classes, so they had no chance at all.

Russell was not idle either. The batch he bought arrived. As a novice magician, he didn't have many spells he could use. To make up for his lack of attack power, he had to find another way, such as enchanting bullets.

The subject of enchanting is too advanced, and Russell can't play it for the time being, but he has a tricky way to engrave magic symbols on the bullet, which can prevent the super high speed of the bullet from throwing out the magic power.

And the bullets with magic power can increase the lethality against supernatural creatures, and there will be no embarrassing situation where a shuttle of bullets is fired and the hairstyle of the opposite side is not messed up.

To get the most rewards in the simplest way, Russell thought he was a genius, but soon he found that it was not so easy. Carving is a delicate job, and it is very difficult to carve on the bullet. In addition to requiring one stroke to complete, the lines of the magic symbol must be consistent in thickness, otherwise the bullet will still not be able to carry magic power when it comes out of the chamber.

Russell spent one night, only made 6 finished products, and it was difficult to succeed once out of ten times. The cruel reality made him give up his dream of holding the M4A1 chug.

"I'd better jerk off honestly!"

Sand Eagle Tenshen and M9 are two pistols. Russell prefers the M9, which has more bullets and is easy to use. But if the enemy is a monster or a non-human being, the caliber of the M9 will not be able to catch it. In addition, the blade of the Sand Eagle Tenshen comes with a melee attack, and the overall comparison is more suitable.

After clarifying the target, the next step is easy. Russell threw away the 9MM bullet and started to carve the 12.7MM pistol specially designed for the Sand Eagle.

The two pistols have a total of 14 bullets. Given Russell's lack of firepower and his phobia, the more magazines the better, so he will be busy for a while.

In the school, Russell was promoted to the most hated person in the school by the fastest speed, not one of them.

Because he met Jennifer, who was the most desirable date for all the boys in the school. It is said that only the quarterback of the football team had asked her out among all the boys, and all the others were rejected.

Russell didn't do anything, this guy who often skipped classes just stopped the car at the school gate, and then took the girl they were thinking about day and night to have sex, how could the boys bear it.

A Chinese guy from outside stole their sister and trampled on their dignity, so he had to show some color.

Russell didn't know this at all, and it probably didn't matter if he knew. There were two invitations in front of him, one from Jennifer and the other from Chap.

Jennifer invited Russell to the bar to watch a rock band. The little-known "Low Shoulders Band" is going to perform in Magic Pot Town. If you miss this time, you will have no chance.

Chap invited Russell to participate in the horror theme park. Because Halloween is coming, a team called "Hell Amusement Park" was invited by Magic Pot Town to perform. The haunted house project of this performance team was well received.

Russell instantly realized that the world quest was coming, but the date of the two invitations was on the same night, the question came, which side would trigger the world quest?

A or B?

Normally, the more bizarre 'Hell Amusement Park' is the first choice, but Russell is different, children only do multiple choice questions, he is an adult, he wants both, he needs to grasp with both hands hard.

The horror theme park starts at 7:00 p.m., and the band performance starts at 9:00 p.m. There is plenty of time, enough to catch two performances in a row.

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