End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 765 Run away after taking it, the thief is exciting

Looking at the two shameless men in front of her, Mera felt infinite contempt in her heart. No matter who became the king of Atlantis, she would never marry him.

Never marry!

It can be seen from this that Mera is still a pure girl. If she has experienced one or two men, she will definitely find that although men have different shapes and appearances, their essence is the same.


Mera is melancholy. Although Aum is humble and polite, he is a good king, but his superficial excellence cannot conceal his inner madness. This is a king with a strong desire to control, and his ambition will only bring war and destruction.

And the first two...

Russell seemed to be smiling and friendly, and there was nothing but black in his eyes. Even if there was, it was a colorful black, no matter how you looked at it, it was black.

This kind of person becomes the king of Atlantis, and there are only two paths for the country's future. One is to become dehydrated and become a salted fish, and the other is to erupt in silence and then perish directly.

As for Arthur...

In the end, Mera had to admit that Arthur was the most suitable king of Atlantis if the general was out of the dwarf.

Compared with Aum, Arthur has no ambitions and does not want to be a king for the sake of power; compared with Russell, Arthur is as pure as a blank sheet of paper, even if he is greedy, he is relatively tactful.

This is a good thing, it shows that Arthur knows how to have face, unlike the one next to him, whose face is immeasurably thick.


Mae La sighed deeply, if it was not bad, the best person to accompany her through the rest of her life would most likely be Arthur.

It is impossible to repent of the marriage, as Russell said, political marriage is related to the future of the two countries, and it affects the whole body, how can she change it as soon as she says it is a princess.

Inexplicably disheartened, Meera patted her face to cheer herself up. She is a strong woman. Difficulties and setbacks will not make her retreat, but will only make her stronger.

Since Arthur is a blank sheet of paper, she will fold this blank sheet of paper into high-rise buildings, making Arthur a pillar of the ocean and a qualified king.

If Arthur can't do it, then replace her, she is as confident as anyone else!

Thinking of this, the stagnation in Meera's chest was swept away, and instead she exuded a domineering aura.

"Meera, do you know where the Trench Clan's territory is?"

"Trench Clan!"

Mera looked at Russell in surprise: "Why are you asking this question? Are you going to the Trench Race? This is not acceptable. I can't take you there. It's a forbidden area in the ocean, it's too dangerous!"

Since the Trench Clan split from Atlantis, due to the environment, they gradually turned into sea monsters who lost their minds. They are not afraid of death, have no emotion, and use crazy crowd tactics to avoid the other big kingdoms.

The soft ones are afraid of the hard ones, so the Murlocs are afraid of the Atlantis Kingdom and the Zebel Kingdom, and the hard ones are afraid of death, so several big kings regard the Trench Clan as scourges.

Fortunately, due to evolution/degeneration, the Trench tribe is afraid of the sun and only moves in the deep sea, and their activities at night are also limited. Otherwise, the other big kingdoms really can't bear their life-for-life style of play.

To what extent are the kings afraid of the Trench Race? From the kingdom of Atlantis to sacrifice Arthur's mother,

That is, Queen Atlanna, which can be seen.

Note that the sacrifice here is not the weak offering sacrifices to the strong in a broad sense, but the cruelest punishment.

The Kingdom of Atlantis regards the national fear of the Trench Race as a punishment, and throwing the heinous people into the Trench Race's territory is equivalent to a death sentence, but in a different way.

"We are going to the territory of the Trench Race to find the Holy Trident. With it, I am qualified to ascend to the throne and reduce unnecessary resistance and sacrifice."

As Arthur spoke, seeing Mera looking at the 'sand sculpture', he whispered BB: "Russell said it, but I'm actually not very..."


Arthur straightened his face, and said solemnly: "I firmly believe in the existence of the Holy Trident. For the sake of the peace of the sea and the land, even if it is the territory of the Trench Race, I am willing to take the risk to enter it."

"The Holy Trident is in the trench family, are you sure?"

Mera is skeptical. The legend of the Trident is widely circulated in the ocean kingdom. Countless people want to take it as their own for the ambition of unifying the sea. No one has discovered its location so far.

Suddenly, Mera frowned tightly. If the Trident really existed, and it was really located in the Trench Race, then it would make sense why no one has found it for so many years.

People in the ocean avoid the Trench Race, because of this fear, they can't find the true location of the Trident.

"Okay, I can take you to the Trench Clan's territory, but..."

Mera stared at Russell and said seriously: "You must give me a promise. If there is a fatal crisis, you must first save Arthur's life. He is the best candidate to end the war. Atlantis cannot lose him."

"I can promise you, but do you believe it?"


Mera was silent. To be honest, she really didn't believe it.

When your life is in danger, you must be the first to protect yourself. Those with a bit of conscience will help their companions, and those without conscience will use their companions as bait.

"Let's go, don't worry about these things anymore, if you want to stop the war, there is no risk."

Russell said lightly: "If you don't want the citizens to take risks, then the three of us will go."

"it is good!"

Meera gritted her teeth and decided to give it a go. She bet that Russell's ability to control sea water would make the Trench Clan helpless.

Obviously, her imagination is not enough, what Russell controls is not the sea water, but the ocean!

Where is the Trench Clan's territory?

Russell couldn't understand Mera's description of the name of the sea area of ​​the Atlantis, but he had a map, which was identified by Mera and determined to be the Mariana Trench, which is suspected to be the deepest trench on earth.

The reason why it is said to be suspicious is because human beings have a serious lack of understanding of the ocean, and the ghost knows if there is a deeper one.

The distance is very far, and it takes a lot of time for Russell to fly straight there at full speed. With Mera and Arthur, the speed is only slow.

Fortunately, the problem is not big, he still has the Bat fighter, and under the condition of flying at full power regardless of wear and tear, he can reach the destination before dawn.

As for whether the long-term overload flight will cause the bat fighter to be scrapped, the answer is yes.

Fortunately, it's not a big problem, this is Bruce's plane, and I don't feel bad about losing Russell.

He guessed that Bruce didn't feel distressed, and even when he handed over the fighter plane to him, he was mentally prepared for the plane to be destroyed.


Mariana Trench!

The bat fighter lived up to expectations and successfully arrived at the destination before the sun went down.

Russell wanted to miss one thing, that is, the earth is round, it is dawn on the US side, and it is just dark in the Mariana Trench.

Too bad!

We must know that because of reverse evolution, the Trench Clan's vision cannot adapt to strong light, and night is the best time for them to hunt.

In the dark night, the clouds covered the top, and the sound of clanging echoed on the sea.

The Bat fighter was suspended in mid-air, and Russell ran around the plane with a hammer, knocking a few times with his hands from time to time, so busy that he didn't sweat a drop.

Mera was puzzled: "Arthur, what is he doing?"

"Maybe it's repairing the plane!"

Arthur shrugged: "It is said that the plane is only one step away from disintegration. If Russell doesn't fix it, we can only swim back."

At this time, Arthur's pig-headed face had already healed on its own. His physical fitness was amazing, and his self-healing speed far exceeded that of normal humans.

It's just that the sausage mouth is still there, giving people a sense of honesty and honesty. I don't know if there are any secret actions by Russell.

For example, leave some dark energy in it to delay Arthur's self-healing speed.

"Instead of worrying about how to return, it's better to worry about the present. Because of the existence of the Trench Race, I don't know anything about the following, and I may die due to a little negligence at any time."

Speaking of which, Mera sneaked a glance at Arthur, because the Mariana Trench is where Queen Atlanna died.

With a bitter smile on the corner of Arthur's mouth, he looked down at the sea area where his mother died, and said after a while: "Meera, you stay on the plane, Russell and I will go down to look for the Trident."

"Why, are you looking down on me?"

Mera frowned and said, "With my ability, the probability of surviving under the sea is higher than yours."

"I know, it's just... once a beautiful woman died here, I don't want to see the second..."

As Arthur was talking, he suddenly felt that the topic was wrong, and stammered: "Uh, don't get me wrong, I don't mean anything else, I didn't mean to praise you for being beautiful..."

"OK, stop here!"

Mera raised her hand and shouted to stop, confirming that Arthur has the attributes of a straight man, and he will not please girls with a stupid mouth.

Although it is unpleasant, but from another perspective, this might not be a good thing.

After all, getting married and falling in love are two different things. A flamboyant man will come with sweet words, and lack the sense of security as a lifelong partner.

God knows if they've said it to other women, no... God knows how many women they've said it to!

"You two, don't chat awkwardly, it's time for us to hit the road."

Unlike the two who were worried, Russell had no pressure on this trip. He was a man with a trident, just like the Dragon Saber commanding the world. The sea was his home field, and returning to the sea was like returning home.

As for deep-sea phobia, Russell was right. Bruce was really panicked when he returned home!

A long time ago, when Russell confirmed Gotham City, Metropolis and other place names, he included Amnesty Bay in his important itinerary. Even if Bruce didn't say it, he would take a trip.

The specific time depends on the completion of the task!

In Russell's plan, the five major events are over, and Sea King Arthur has not yet appeared, which is the best time to take the Trident.

If you want to ask the reason, Russell can only say, run away after taking it, and you don't have to be responsible, it's exciting!

It can't work now, so I can only let Arthur keep it for a while, and when the task is over and there are 24 hours left, come and take it once and run away.

If there is any uncertainty in this trip, it is the issue of the two tridents, one male and one female.

The sea monster and Trench tribe who guard the Trident may ignore Russell's orders because of the existence of the holy Trident.

But today is different from the past. Russell has the Water Ring Nanya presented by the Elf Queen. Even if the power of the two tridents overlaps with each other, the power from the sea can protect Russell from the threat of deep sea pressure.

Moreover, monsters living in the ocean cannot break through the protective power of Nanya, the ring of water.

Thinking of this, Russell felt a lot better. The queen seemed indifferent, but this ring was really hot, and Russell had already got her heart.

It's a pity that there is no fate, Russell can only say sorry, forgetting each other is good for everyone!


A stream of water rose from the surface of the sea, and through the magic power of Nanya, the ring of water, it turned into a ball of water, wrapped the three of them, and dived into the deep sea like taking an elevator.

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