End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 79 Slavery and Sacrifice

Twenty minutes later, Russell drove home. As soon as he opened the door, he noticed a faint smell of blood in the room. Turning on the light in the living room, Jennifer, who should have heard nothing, was squatting on the stairs leading to the second floor from the living room.

Instead of squatting on the steps, Jennifer squatted quietly on the wooden handrail of the stairs like a black cat. She put her hands on her feet, her head was slightly lowered, her long black hair covered most of her cheeks, and the corners of her grinning mouth were full of blood.

The source of the bloody smell was Jennifer, she was covered in blood, and her creepy silver eyes stared at Russell standing at the door.

Very aggressive eyes, Jennifer's eyes in the past can only make Russell think of "spring is here, everything is revived", but now, it is unabashedly "hungry, meat-eating", it is the eyes of predators looking at the food on the plate.

Russell picked up the two guns and looked over without showing any weakness: "Wow, Jennifer, is this still you?"

"Hoo Hoo—"

With an indescribable roar, Jennifer made a non-human voice, jumped up from the stairs, and rushed towards Russell.

Russell was about to shoot subconsciously, but when he remembered that this was his home, the loud gunshots of Sand Eagle would attract the police, so he dodged sideways and dodged the pounce.

Under the circumstances that the situation is unknown, Russell is not going to have too much contact with the town police, let alone whether the police will believe the devil's rhetoric, the possibility that the police station has the devil's minions is extremely high, and it is risky to cooperate with them too big.

After Jennifer was thrown into the air, her limbs bounced off the ground quickly, and she rushed towards Russell again. It could be seen that she was extremely eager for Russell's flesh and blood. This may be directly related to Russell's magical power and the fact that flesh and blood are more delicious than ordinary people.


The tearing sound of muscle tearing came from Jennifer's body. Her face was deformed, her upper and lower jaws were opened like a snake's kiss, and her buccal muscles were violently torn.

Sharp fangs, torn mouth, bloodthirsty silver pupils, the hottest girl in the town, at this moment describe evil spirits.

Russell snorted coldly. Jennifer's appearance made him feel a little bit unbearable before, but now he has no scruples at all. The blade of Sand Eagle God God is wrapped in magic power, and stabs hard at the wrist that is grabbing at him.

After cutting and slashing, half of her wrist was cut off by the blade, and only some flesh remained. Jennifer let out a pained cry, and fled out the door at a speed of sprinting 100 meters.

It was easy to come in, but difficult to get out. Russell had no reason to let her go, accelerated on the spot, and caught up with her in two steps. A leg sweep tripped her, and the gun butt hit her hard on the back of the head.

Jennifer's body froze and she lay on the ground and passed out.

Russell found nylon rope from the kitchen, and tied Jennifer up with a shameful binding method that emphasized two basic points. During this period, he found that Jennifer's injured wrist had completely healed.

"One or two are both immortal, and the devil is too generous..." Russell was a little embarrassed, but also a little envious. If he had an immortal body, he would have to be careful, because he would have been exhausted long ago.

Envy is envy, it is impossible to make a deal with the devil, even if there is the temptation of immortality.

Russell thought for a while and asked, "System, will my self-healing ability be enhanced by adding some points to the 'body' attribute?"

"Uncle Luo's father, there is no problem in theory. Adding a 'body' can prolong your life, and the number of cell divisions will also increase. When it reaches a certain value, you will indeed gain a recovery ability far beyond ordinary people, because you have enough life to support consumption. .”

"Can you be reborn with a drop of blood?"


"Is it possible to survive a headshot?"

"also can not!"

"The rebirth of a broken limb...well, I get it, get lost!"

The system didn't roll, and he licked his face and said, "Uncle Luo, since you're targeting mages, I have to remind you that adding 'intelligence' attribute points to mages is the right way. As long as the magic power and casting speed increase, the enemy will never be able to attack you." hurt you,

You can't even break the shield, so what you're doing now is putting the cart before the horse. "

Russell dismissed it: "Old Huang Li, those mages you mentioned have been eliminated by the times. Now mages are popular with two-handed swords and crush warriors with their muscles."

After speaking, Russell crumpled the system into a ball in the spiritual world, kicked him away and let him go.

Having captured Jennifer alive, Russell has a difficult task tonight. He has to extract some useful information from Jennifer as soon as possible. For example, who is the devil, what are the devil's minions, and most importantly, how to get rid of the immortal body.

Russell resisted Jennifer into the basement, found a chair and tied it up, took a deep breath, and recited profound and complicated spells while saving his magic power.

The obscure incantations were mixed with many uncommon characters. Russell read silently without any haste. 'Enslavement' is a high-level witchcraft. If it hadn't been lucky enough to be included in the skill column, Russell's current level would not be able to perform it.

Because it is too long, a mantra that is thousands of words long must be read out every single word without any pauses in the middle.

At the end of the spell, Russell cut his palm, and blood dripped on Jennifer's forehead. Just like the last time she cast it on the witch, Jennifer quickly came to her senses and fiercely resisted Russell's mental invasion.

Similar to the ability of mind power, Jennifer's silver pupils were rounded, and the blood droplets were suspended in mid-air and could not fall. However, Jennifer is not a witch. Before tonight, she was just an ordinary girl who loved vanity. Without the support of the witch's tyrannical perseverance, she just got the power of the devil, and she couldn't fully exert it. She couldn't resist Russell's spiritual invasion. Ten seconds Then it crashed across the board.

The blood drops melted into Jennifer's forehead, forcibly contracting the bond of slavery. Jennifer screamed, and dark red magic lines appeared on her forehead.

Green smoke rose from the red lines, as if scalded by a hot iron. After a while, the lines gradually faded and disappeared into the skin.

The first successful contract, Russell felt something in his heart, his eyes froze, and the red lines appeared again.

Green smoke rose, and Jennifer let out a heart-piercing scream as if she had been tortured. She broke free from the nylon rope and rolled on the ground with her head in her arms, begging for mercy in a wailing manner.

The effect is very good!

Russell only needs to perceive Jennifer quietly, and he can perceive the location of Jennifer. The soul of the other party is held by him, and whether life or death is all in his mind.

"No wonder the witch would rather kill herself than compromise! After signing this slave contract, she is basically no different from RBQ...It's a pity that she died too unjustly. If you try to understand me, you will find that worry is unnecessary. I Not that kind of person."

Russell sighed and let go of the restraint on Jennifer. The latter immediately relaxed and lay on the ground gasping for breath. His body was covered in sweat mixed with dirty blood, his face was withered, his hair was disheveled, and he was so ugly that he didn't have the charm of the past.

But even so, the beauty-loving Jennifer remained motionless. Looking at her dilated pupils, one could tell how strong the contract was, and she was so tortured just now.

Russell was condescending, bowed his head and said, "Jennifer, can you speak now?"

Jennifer's dilated pupils suddenly closed, and a look of fear flashed in her eyes: "Russell, you never told me that you are a wizard!"

"Similarly, didn't you tell me that being your boyfriend risks being eaten!"

"No, it's not like that, I just... had a nightmare..."

Russell secretly thought that the topic was coming, eager to see the devil's clues, blurted out: "Jennifer, tell me what happened?"

Jennifer didn't want to recall this nightmare, but she couldn't resist Russell's order, as if she was hypnotized, she said stiffly: "The Low Shoulders! It's them... They sacrificed me to the devil's teapot, on the edge of the abyss. devil……"


Russell was thoughtful when he heard the words. In the witch's memory, there was a fragmentary memory about the sacrifice.


【Fighting Street Diary】

There was a guy in the group who planned to abandon literature and pursue martial arts and go to the construction site to move bricks. I patiently enlightened him.

"Don't give up, you've only written a few books, and it's normal to be off the street. If you don't believe me, if you write a few more books, you will find that it's really normal to be on the street!"

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