End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 824 Captain of the Nine-Headed Snake: The Enemy is the Nine-Headed Snake

Thor's hell-like special training in the dark dimension is still going on, and the effect is very gratifying. He has recently practiced a big move, which can make eye contact with two people at the same time.

While the left eye looks directly at a, the right eye observes every move of b flexibly.

Restricted to the right eye.

This trick is very scary, well, it looks very scary to the bystanders anyway.


On the earth far away from the dark dimension, Steve was once again blocked by Nick Fury and Tony. It has been half a year since the Avengers Alliance was quietly established. During the period, the two asked the identity of the enemy several times, but Steve prevaricated .

Today, Tony and Nick Fury finally couldn't help breaking out, and the general framework of the Avengers has been established. As a result, Steve, the captain and spiritual leader, never showed up, and he didn't care at all.

Forget it, Captain Marvel has a heavy responsibility, and it is understandable that he is busy.

But it’s a bit too much to be vague about the identity of the enemy. Since the formation of the Avengers Alliance, they don’t even know who the enemy is. How to take revenge and who to take revenge on?

If this drags on, not to mention Tony and Nick Fury, the members will be dissatisfied.

What if I quit the group?

"Captain, the members who have already joined the group are already mentally prepared, don't hide it anymore!" Nick Fury said in a condensed voice, looking directly at Steve with one eye.

Tony nodded, and his words were slightly irritable: "That's right, if you don't tell us who the enemy is, I'm going crazy."


Steve opened his mouth and didn't know how to speak. He was sure that the other Avengers were indeed ready, but the two undercover agents, Tony and Nick Fury, were definitely not.

Thinking of the hole Russell dug, Steve was reluctant in every possible way, but he also knew that he couldn't delay any longer.

It's not because Tony and Nick Fury will ask repeatedly, but because they are afraid that Russell will ask and find that the task has not been completed, so they put on shoes for him in a rage.


Steve sighed deeply, closed his eyes and remained silent for a long time before speaking.

He swept his eyes over Tony and Nick Fury, and cursed the two unlucky guys for making him unlucky too, and then he said: "Listen, I didn't want to involve you in the first place, because the identity of the enemy is too unbelievable. Now, I'll just say it."

"Please say."

Tony and Nick Fury's faces were terrified, and they cheered up, for fear that they would miss a few words.

"The enemy is... the name of this organization must have been heard by you. Howard and I have been fighting against this organization for the first half of our lives. Its name is... it is..."

"Captain, can you stop delaying!"

Tony was furious. If he dared to be more straightforward, he was almost dying of anxiety.

Steve Youyuan looked away, and whispered: "The enemy is Hydra, but it's not Hydra."

"Hydra, the organization that cuts off one head and grows two heads?"

Tony knows very little about Hydra, only that Hydra was active during World War II, and was once part of the Axis powers of Germany, which was wiped out in the war and buried in the dust of history.

And Captain America Steve Rogers, and the Roaring Commando led by him, are the stormtroopers who destroyed Hydra.

"No, captain, that's impossible, you and I both know,

Hydra is long gone. "

Nick Fury shook his head resolutely. He can accept any answer, except for Hydra. After all, S.H.I.E.L.D. is not a display. If any Hydra members were secretly operating, they would have been noticed long ago.

Nick Fury is convinced, and he is a little proud to say it. The pervasive intelligence capabilities of S.H.I.E.L.D. are no joke!

"Not the Hydra of this world, but another universe...uh, quantum mechanics and the multiverse, do you understand?"

Steve gestured with his hands: "This is a universe, and this is another universe. They are related to each other... Forget it, let's leave it at that. I know you all know it well, so I won't say more."

Tony nodded, and briefly said: "Quantum mechanics reaches the Planck scale, and it will lead to Delica's point of view. David combines quantum theory with multiverse theory, and proposes the inevitable connection between time travel and parallel universes. Captain, I can Do you understand that?"

"Ah, that's it!" Steve blinked, and he meant it too.

"Captain, excuse me, I don't doubt you, it's just..."

Tony looked at Steve suspiciously: "You don't seem to understand very well, you didn't make up something to lie to us, did you?"

"No, I'm telling the truth, the enemy is Hydra!"

Steve looked directly at the two, and the five eyes looked at each other for a moment. Tony and Nick Fury confirmed that the eyes are the windows to the soul, and Steve's eyes don't seem to be lying.

"Captain, the Hydra from the parallel universe, how do we deal with such an enemy?" Nick Fury frowned, the S.H.I.E.L.D. is pervasive and impossible to go to another universe, and was a little helpless for a while.

"On this point, Dr. Pym's side is working hard to find a solution."

Steve glanced at the two of them and explained: "Dr. Pim is also one of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D. After Howard discovered the Hydra invasion in the parallel universe, he secretly contacted him, so Dr. Pim has lived in seclusion these years. There has been theoretical research in the quantum field."

Nick Fury frowned, silently keeping this information in his heart, and then he saw Steve's warning eyes.

"Director Fury, don't think about it, the quantum realm is very dangerous, and it is it that brings us strong enemies.


"I agree with the captain, that thing is really dangerous."

Tony nodded and said: "The uncontrollability is too strong. Unless it is the end of the world and the situation will not be worse, don't expect the quantum realm to bring benefits."

Nick Fury was silent, and smiled to show that he had no idea.

"Captain, keep talking!"

"Howard was the first to discover the enemy's invasion, but..." Steve paused when he said this, and asked the two to wait for a while, and returned after half an hour, taking out a roll of video tape.

Seeing the videotape, Tony's face darkened. He is now allergic to the videotape.

"This is the video tape Howard left me. It contains information about Hydra in the parallel world. I can't describe it. You can watch it for yourself..."

After Steve finished speaking, he played the video tape, and then watched it together with the two of them with a strange expression on his face.

The picture flashed and skipped, showing Howard's suit and leather collar, with a tired expression and three-pointed melancholy in his eyes.

"Steve, I don't know how to explain the situation to you...First of all, congratulations on your return to Earth, I am very happy to see that you are safe and sound..."

"Do you remember the Hydra? That... evil organization that once set off a terrifying shady scene. We have defeated them, but now, they have come back and become stronger."

"Not the Hydra on Earth, but the Hydra in the parallel universe, where the Earth was conquered by the Hydra, and they became the masters of the world..."

"Because of an accident, I came into contact with the Hydra members who entered the earth, and voluntarily surrendered as a scientist, and penetrated into them. There, I saw a lot and learned a lot..."

"It's a bit like the evil taste of the universe, like the reverse of good and evil. In the parallel universe, the leader of Hydra is named 'Steve Rogers'."

"I know you won't believe it, but the fact is that Captain America, who led the Roaring Commando to defeat Hydra, transformed into the evil and cunning Captain Hydra in another universe. Moreover, he is as powerful as a god, and It does enslave some names that exist in mythology, such as... Thor."

"Steve, I will do everything possible to close the space channel of Hydra into the earth. That is the power of the Infinity Stone, which can be traced back to the origin of the multiverse. Captain Hydra has a space stone that can lead his army into other parallel worlds. Universe, luckily it's going to take a long time."

"I don't know if I can succeed. If I don't come back, it should be considered a failure. I hope you wait patiently and give them a fatal blow the moment the Hydra's fangs open."

"Captain America vs Captain Hydra, very interesting picture, I am looking forward to it..."

"Finally, don't tell this to my son Tony and let him live as a normal person!"

At the end of the picture, Tony and Nick Frizzi fell silent. Steve glanced at them from the corner of the eye, and coughed lightly: "Over the years, I have been looking for traces of Hydra, and I have been looking for the traces of their hidden sons lurking on the earth. Remove them one by one."

"Captain, did my father fail?"

Tony suddenly asked and answered himself, lost and said: "Yes, he failed, so he was killed. So, what about the metal one-armed man?"

"No, Tony, your father Howard made it."

Steve's face changed: "He successfully closed the space channel, so the earth can maintain peace so far. He is a hero. As for Bucky, uh, I mean the metal one-armed man. After he was found by me, he fled. Back to my own universe...that's it."

At this time, Nick Fury, whose face was so black, said, "Captain, Tony met a mysterious man in a steel suit in Monaco. What's going on? Is it a Hydra lurking on Earth?"

"It's not!"

Steve shook his head and said: "The Hydra on Earth has been ruled out by me, either eliminated, or fled back to another universe."

"The mysterious man?"

Steve's face turned serious: "The space channel has been restarted!"

"What, restarted?" x2

"The initial restart can only accommodate one or two people to enter. This is what Howard encountered back then. With the delay of time, it is enough for the Hydra army to drive straight in."

Steve took a deep breath: "That's why I don't want to involve you. I can deal with one or two enemies. After Dr. Pym's research is completed, the space channel can be permanently closed, and the earth will be safe."

"Captain, your thinking is very wrong. What if you encounter an enemy that you can't fight against? For example... Captain Hydra!"

Nick Fury frowned and said: "You should have said it earlier, so that the Avengers can be formed earlier."

"If I can't resist, there are Marvell and Carol Danvers, and the surprise team exists for this." Steve said that he had read the script before coming, and he had answers to all questions.

"Captain, have you ever thought about it, if the surprise team can't fight against it?"

"Well, if the Marvel team can't fight, the Avengers..."

Steve glanced at the two of them, looked away, and said softly, "I don't mean anything else, I'm not underestimating you, teamwork is indeed very important, but...respect objective facts, and minimize casualties."

"..." x2

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