End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 830 Inheritance of the Supreme Mage


In a daze, Strange only felt the stinging pain on his face. He slightly shook his head and opened his eyes, only to find himself lying on the cold floor.

This is an antique hall with wooden beams on the top, ink paintings and calligraphy on the walls, and vase decorations on the bookshelves. The charm is deep and the artistic conception is long.

Although he can't read it!

There are two portraits hanging on the wall in the center, an old man with white hair and a young man with black hair and black pupils, the contrast between the old and the young is sharp, but they give people a very similar feeling.

Strange looked at it for a while, and realized that this kind of similarity is called temperament, and it seems that they can't be provoked..., they are extraordinary people.

On the table in the main hall, incense and green smoke are curling up, and the air is filled with a special smell, not the fragrance of flowers, refreshing and refreshing, as if taking the body and mind away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

The owner here must be a worldly expert!

If you are more courageous, this is Karma Taj, the pure land where mages live in seclusion!

Strange's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly got up from the ground regardless of the pain in his body, but when he turned around, he saw a NS-3 robot!


Strange rubbed his eyes to confirm that he was not mistaken, it was indeed NS-3, the most expensive and most advanced robot on the market.

The NS-3 robot nodded slightly to Strange, carried the watering can to water the green plants in the house, and then took out the scissors to trim the branches carefully.

Strange was dumbfounded, did the worldly masters keep up with the times so closely?

Before he could finish his daze, two more NS-3 robots entered the arena. One was holding a feather duster and a rag, and the other was holding a broom and mop, and began to clean the hall.

"This TM is too extravagant..."

Strange didn't know what to say anymore. NS-3 was expensive. During the pre-sale, the price could be sky-high for one place. As a result, the family of the world's most skilled people kept three.

"Tea please!"

The fourth NS-3 appeared, handed over a teacup, and filled Strange with a teapot.


Strange choked on his words, although it was very abrupt, but there was no rule that the worldly masters could not be rich.

But this is too rich!

For a moment, Strange was a little flustered, feeling that he had sold himself and couldn't afford the consultation fee of the expert.

"Biu biu biu~~~"

"Supreme Master, your technique is really powerful, I am no match at all."

"No, you're too good at it."

"That's what you said!"

There was a conversation behind the screen, and Strange was shocked when he heard the word "Supreme Mage". I don't know what to do, but it sounds like an outsider, who will definitely heal his hand.

He stepped forward quickly, went around the screen, and stayed for a while, only to see two super-large monitors with triple screens back to back, and two black-haired Asians sitting opposite each other, holding handles and fiercely pecking at each other.

Strange: ∠(°ゝ°)??

These two... are these the sons of a high-ranking family?

"Outsider, are you awake?"

Seeing Strange, Wang was overjoyed and dropped the game controller,

He is not a person who can play games, a standard noob.

He used to think it was very difficult to win, but today he found it even more difficult to lose!

But he had to lose, because Master Ding Yi repeated orders and repeatedly emphasized what the Supreme Master was, if he offended... Bah, if he played super-level and won a small game, he would never be able to get mixed up in Karma Taj in the future.

Wang worked hard and tried every means to make his loss less obvious. Just when he was sweating profusely and felt that he was about to lose his hold on winning, Strange came.


"It's you!?"

Seeing Wang's seemingly honest face, Strange turned pale with fright, and took several steps back.

"What's the matter, do we know each other?"

Wang thumped in his heart, scratched his head, and showed a simple and honest smile.

"It's you, you are with the group of people who beat me, I saw it all." Strange panicked, turned around and ran away without saying a word.

Today, as usual, he looks for Kama Taj with a devout heart.

I didn't think about it, I didn't provoke anyone, and suddenly a group of gangsters jumped out. When they caught him, they gave him a fat beating.

Based on Strange's experience as a doctor, he judged that this group of people was organized and premeditated, and the strength of their strikes was precise. Although the blows were hard but not fatal, they were obviously trained professionally, and they definitely did not seek faults for no reason.

Just when he was about to pass out from the beating, the fat man standing in the crowd suddenly yelled, punched and kicked the gangsters away, and performed a brave act.

Strange was indeed in a coma, but before he passed out, he saw clearly that the fat man and the bastards were in the same group, and he gestured OK to them.

Therefore, this is not the residence of a worldly expert, but a den of thieves!

Having figured this out, Strange didn't dare to stay for a long time, fearing that he would be eaten alive, he rushed out of the gate and went straight into the distance. He didn't know where he was going, but running was the right thing to do.


The hall was extremely embarrassing, Russell was speechless, and the face of the king next to him turned pale. He messed up the first thing the Supreme Mage explained. This is the rhythm of the end.

"What are you still doing in a daze, go after it!"

"I'm going right now.

"Wang nodded hurriedly, and chased out of the hall in a hurry.

Russell shook his head speechlessly, because of Wang's mistake, he couldn't stand up as a fairy-tale expert.

Fortunately, the problem is not that big, there are many versions of Shiwai Gaoren, just change one.

On the other side, Strange ran wildly in Karma Taj. With great luck, he walked through the wooden corridor after a few turns, passed the garden landscape and came to the open square in front of the gate.

Along the way, Strange saw many NS-3 robots and many mages sitting quietly in pavilions and winding corridors. He didn't dare to approach them, so he rushed to the gate and pushed them away with a bang.

Boom boom boom! !

The snowflakes are blowing on the face, and the cold is pressing.

Outside the door is a snow-covered frosty world, with blue sky, white clouds, and majestic mountains, as if you are on the top of the world.

The bitterly cold low temperature made Strange tremble, and he closed the door against the wind and snow, then put his hands on his shoulders, trembling with his back against the front door.

Inside the door, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, and the temperature is pleasant. Outside the door, it is icy and snowy, which can freeze people to death.

"Boy, you can really run! Run, why don't you keep running?"

Wang stepped forward angrily, pulled the trembling Strange up, and walked quickly towards the hall.

In order not to disturb the rest of the mage's retreat, he walked all the way on his feet, otherwise Strange would have been caught.

He wasn't worried that Strange would be able to escape from Karma Taj, people without magic could not open the portal, and Strange would not be able to escape in his life.

Strange asked tremblingly, "This...where is this place?"

"Of course it's Karma Taj!" Wang said angrily, "Come with me quickly, don't make the Supreme Master wait too long."

"Supreme Master! That young man is Supreme Master?"

Now that the matter was over, Strange could also see that the Holy Land was completely different from what he had imagined, the mages here were cut in black.

It's just that disaster can't be avoided, he doesn't have the ability to escape, so he can only resign himself to fate.

Wang E's eyes widened fiercely: "Don't talk nonsense, the supreme mage is highly respected, how can you make rash comments?"

"But he looks really young, younger than me and you..." Suddenly, Strange remembered the two portraits on the wall, one of which was Russell's appearance.

"Hehe, from the perspective of the world, the Supreme Mage looked like this in the last century."

Wang didn't bother to say anything, he had never met Russell before, and Dante told him about it, so he knew some information about Russell.

"He will surely heal my hands..."

"Shut up, why are you talking so much nonsense, be honest in front of the supreme mage later. Don't say what you shouldn't say, don't ask what you shouldn't ask, understand?"

Wang dragged Strange, and when he met other mages along the way, he nodded and greeted Strange's head, and returned to the hall as quickly as possible.

"Supreme Master, I have brought him back."

"Well, you go down!"

Wang bowed and retreated, leaving Strange embarrassed. He had seen many celebrities in society, but this was the first time that the Supreme Mage existed, and he didn't know how to speak for a while.

"Please sit down."

Russell sat cross-legged in front of the low coffee table, and raised his finger to the futon in front of him.


Strange was not used to this kind of sitting posture. He raised his hand to straighten his legs, and looked at the tea set in front of him. He thought that Russell would do it himself, but the NS-3 robot on the side stepped forward, slowly and calmly as if creating art. The two demonstrate the tea ceremony.

Always feel weird!

Strange was puzzled, but he didn't dare to say more. After drinking a few cups of tea, seeing that Russell hadn't opened his mouth, he had to say first, "Supreme Master, I am..."

"I know that Stephen Strange, the famous neurosurgeon, came here from New York looking for a cure for his hands."

Strange's eyes lit up when he heard the words: "Yes, you can call me... Strange will be fine."

Russell said meaningfully: "Don't you need to add the prefix of doctor?"

"I'm not a doctor anymore."

"I mean Doctor!"

Russell picked up the teacup, blew on the cooling air, and took a sip: "You are indeed not a doctor anymore, but your doctorate is still there. I thought you would like this title, and it can make you feel like a doctor."

"Uh, you know that too?" Strange's face turned pale, his little thoughts were exposed, and he suddenly thought of something called mind reading.

"Don't worry, I'm not using mind reading."


Russell's heart was dark, and he finally understood Gu Yi's feelings back then. No matter how awesome Strange is in the future, he is just a younger brother now.

What, you said Doctor Strange, he is awesome?

I know, back then he looked like a fool in front of him.

As Russell thought about it, he suddenly realized a problem. Gu Yi must have done it on purpose back then, knowing that his future would be great, so he belittled and ridiculed him in various ways in order to increase his worth.

Despicable and shameless old man!

Russell cursed secretly, and looked at Strange, who was a fool, his eyes froze instantly.

He thought he couldn't be left behind, he was forced to pretend by Gu Yi back then, and now he has to pretend to be Strange again.

Those taught by the ancient one should be regarded as the inheritance of the supreme mage from generation to generation!


There is a reward from the lord 'Xingjin'...

:. :

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