End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 842 Elimination

The latest website: Two-to-one, in terms of numbers, Russell and Odin have the upper hand, plus Igo on the opposite side is still disabled.

This one should be solid!

It has nothing to do with the old general. Russell and Odin have tested it, and it is indeed stable without accident.

Considering that the level of combat is too high and not friendly to the onlookers, Odin sent a voice transmission to Russell, asking him to help send Asgard's warship away.

Russell had exactly this intention, the space gem flashed, jumped the battleship, and sent it to a safe area.

On the battleship, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Watching the duel between the gods up close is indeed a rare experience in a lifetime.

But they are not strong enough, and they don't even have the qualifications to watch the battle. Watching the battle escalate, if they don't leave, they will really spend their lives.

Now the distance is just right, the proportion of the characters is right, and it looks comfortable and at ease.


In the void, the three giants confronted each other for a moment, Russell and Odin activated at the same time, stabbing down with spears and swords from two angles, escalating the battle in an instant, without giving Egg a chance to breathe.

Two fists are no match for four hands, and Egg knew this truth very well. He stepped forward to be beaten without a head, pulled back, and grew two arms behind him, and a warhammer longer than his body emerged.

The body formed by the energy-polymerizing material, except for the brain, is shaped by thinking, and there is no such thing as a fixed form.

The two warhammers blocked the spear and the great sword respectively, and the sudden collision stirred up the turbulent energy flow. With the size of the three of them, even if there is no surging energy fluctuation, a slight movement can easily destroy a planet.

In line with the principle of respecting the old and caring for the young, Russell handed Igo's face to Odin, and he turned around to meet Igo's extra hands.

This is called tactics!

Soon, he discovered that Egg not only had two extra hands on his back, but also a face on his head, and there was no essential difference between the front and the back.

The great sword swung down, but was blocked and swept away by Egg's swing of the warhammer. His facial sensory energy surged, and he suddenly emitted a destructive purple beam of light.

Russell draws energy from the dark dimension,

Raise your hand and sprinkle a cold black light curtain, and after blocking the impact of the beam of light, it turns into elemental magic unique to the dark dimension.

Flames, frost, storms, lightning, etc. are all cold and gloomy in color, but they are extremely pure.

Pure darkness, without any negative hopelessness, just one color, alternating back and forth between eternity and ephemeral.

The torrent of elements crushed down, distorting the surrounding universe rules, causing the space to collapse, fragmented and turned into a state of disorder, forming a terrifying and powerful attack.

As early as when Russell and Dormammu were fighting, the opponent used a similar torrent of dark elements, but when Russell used it, the power was several times smaller.

One is that he has left the dark dimension and cannot take advantage of the situation, and the other is that the dark dimension has shrunk, and his power is not as good as before.

On the other side, Odin waved the Eternal Spear upon seeing this, and cooperated with Russell to form a pincer attack.

A golden light full of destructive aura erupted from the tip of the spear, and the fire burst out from the mouth of the crow. The catalyst generally made the golden light burst into thousands of beams, penetrating the endless void in an instant, eliminating all blocking forces, and hitting Ego hard first.

It's a bit like a weapon of causality, which locks time, space and all matter, and has the property of being sure to hit.

The light beam penetrated through Igo's head, smashing his huge head, and then the dark tide hit, submerging Igo's body, and the elemental magic spun like a razor, cutting him into pieces, peeling off the purple armor little by little, and constantly consuming his energy body.

Under the double attack, Egg's body dissipated from the abdomen, but soon, the energy reshaped the bones and flesh, and even the armor was regenerated quickly.

"His brains are not in his skull!"

"Continue to attack and drain his energy!"

Russell and Odin spoke one sentence, and almost simultaneously conveyed their thoughts. The three eyes looked at each other, and they stepped forward to attack Egg again.

Holding the sword in both hands, Russell suddenly felt that the power of the gem was a bit wasted. After thinking about it, imitating Yi Ge's appearance, the demon god's body was surrounded by energy around his shoulders, forming two slender and ferocious arms, with a gem inlaid in each palm.

space! strength!

Russell slashed heavily with both swords in his hands, forcing Egg to raise his hammer to block, the Space Gem freezes his body, and the hand inlaid with the Power Gem grasps a fist, and slams down on his face.

After the silent vibration, the purple light exploded on Egg's forehead, shattering his face armor, revealing a material body connected by energy lines.

Before the armor was fully repaired, the Power Gem's big hand transformed into sharp claws and penetrated into it, viciously pulling out a large mass of material energy.

Russell was thoughtful, and threw it to the rear with his hands. The black chains engraved with runes protruded from the crack in the dark dimension, rolled up the energy substance, and dragged it in.

On the other side, Odin's eyes flickered, and when he saw Russell's actions, he suddenly increased his attack power.

When the golden spear pierced, the realistic gemstone lines around the tip of the spear appeared faintly, and the shadow of the golden spear protruding through the body was dazzling.

Every point he advanced, the shadow of the spear would magnify by one point, and the pressure and attack power doubled and soared, and the devastating offensive cut Yi Ge in the middle in one fell swoop.

On Russell's side, it seems that he has tasted the sweetness. He regards Igo as an inexhaustible mineral vein, freezes in space, and grabs his power by force. He continuously strips his energy, and then plunges into the dark dimension.

Odin, on the other hand, went crazy. It was as if he was competing with Russell, and his offensive was violent. He wanted to cut Egg into slices and study it.

For a while, Yi Ge was suppressed miserably, and was beaten helplessly by Russell and Odin.

"Dormammu! Odin!"

The roar of anger resounded in the hearts of Russell and Odin, purple light radiated from Ego's body, and the two giant hammers emitted a star-like glare like a furnace. Dangerous throbbing struck, and the two retreated decisively.

Russell lit up the space gem, and found that the surrounding space was obscure and difficult to understand. If he used it casually, he might be transported to an unknown corner. He immediately switched to the power gem to strengthen the space in front of him, and then raised his sword in front of his chest to block.

The purple light filled the void in front of him, Russell narrowed his black pupils slightly, and saw a stream of purple light attacking, the solidified space shattered in response, the body of the demon god was pierced through his chest, and the terrifying gap almost cut him off in the middle.

After the rays of light dissipated, Russell realized that the beam of light attacking him was a warhammer in his hand. Looking at Odin again, the old guy was old-hearted... The old guy has endured for a long time. Fighting fiercely with guns and Egg.

It's a bit strange!

Russell felt that something was wrong before. It stands to reason that one of the two must be in a paddling state when they join forces.

He worked extra hard because he could gain advantage by digging up Egg's energy.

What about Odin?

The god king who is old and mature, it is impossible to go all out if there is no benefit, and he fights more vigorously than him.

I don't know, I thought Odin and the gods...

It is true that there is a grudge. Back then, he was hanged up and beaten by several god groups, three or two were beaten with hammers, and the rest were onlookers.

But this doesn't make sense either!

It's very refreshing to take revenge with your own hands, but it's not worth putting your old arms and legs into it.

Russell believes that Odin is definitely not a ignorant person. Thinking in another way, Odin should play dead first, and wait until Egg's blood bar is gone, and then suddenly attack the head with all his strength.

It is even more impossible to say that it is to protect his son-in-law.

Odin is not that kind of person. For the long-term stability of Asgard, not to mention Hela, even Thor can strangle to death with his own hands.

What kind of onion is his son-in-law who has not yet written his horoscope? Odin ignored Asgard and turned to life and death for him. He could not dream of such a plot in his dreams.

Suddenly, Russell caught a glimpse of the broken head of the golden god's body, and immediately took a breath. Without thinking about it, he raised his hand to draw a frenzy of energy from the dark dimension, and rushed down towards Ego and Odin.

The frenzy compresses and condenses, and then he folds it with the space gem and strengthens it with the power gem, causing the huge energy to stir into a spiral arrow, increasing the penetrating power and speed, and piercing through the energy entities of the two giants at the same time.

Yi Ge's body healed slowly, but the golden god ignored the wound and continued to fight Yi Ge with the Spear of Eternity.

The old guy is gone!

Russell understood clearly, but then he thought about it, the future of Asgard, Odin's three children are all there, and it is impossible to leave them three when he runs away.

Moreover, they are all pushed to the opponent's crystal, why should they surrender?

Talking about the opponent's crystal, Russell changed his mind and fixed his gaze on Ego, thinking that Odin had important information to hide from him.

"Igo only has brains left, the brains of the gods, there must be something good..."

In the land of nothingness, the brain tissue and spinal fluid of the dead Tianshen group can be sold for sky-high prices. Russell bought a batch of raw materials before and brought them back to the base to cook hot pot.

The taste of being alive, bah, the value must be higher.

Thinking of this, he manipulated the body of the Dark Demon God to attack Igo together with the golden god, while he himself used the space gem to quietly enter the inside of Igo's damaged body. brain.

A giant that is three times larger than a planet can't be completely explored without hundreds of years of hard work by conventional means.

At this point, Russell also understands why Odin is trying to slice Igo into pieces. This is using the method of elimination!

Then he is also ruled out!

The Dark Demon God attracted an energy shock, knocked away Yi Ge's arm that raised the hammer, and then swung the great sword to chop off the arm.

Well, arm exclusion...


Don't need to be reminded by the big guys, I know I still owe a few chapters!

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