End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 844 Loki: My brother told me that if I want to become stronger, I will come to you

A ray of divine light broke through the barriers blocking the way. Odin, who was wearing the Destroyer Armor, was like a machine that destroys everything. He killed countless Egg clones along the way, and found the central center of the brain.

The brain is the root of Yi Ge's thinking, as well as the source of energy. Whether it is a material planet or an energy body, they are all artificial shells for him to protect his brain.

To put it bluntly, Ego is the brain of the Celestial Group, that's all, it doesn't mean he is a Celestial Group.

This also shows the strength of the Celestial Group from the side, with only one brain left, and still has the ability to dominate the universe.

boom! !

The Spear of Eternity turned into a streamer, nailing the central center that was about to escape in place. Odin did not kill Egg in the first place, raised his hand and opened it, blessed by the Destroyer Armor, released energy shocks, and knocked out the clones in all directions. Erase it.

In the outside world, the huge energy body giant stopped self-healing, and the movement of the body became rigid. In just a moment, it was sliced ​​into thin slices by two giants, one black and one gold.

Finally, the location of the brain center was determined, a piece of materialized flesh the size of a little finger, to the two giants, in the eyes of ordinary humans, it was comparable to an asteroid, and its surface area was about equal to that of a metropolis.

The body of the demon god and the golden god stood still, and three seconds later, the black claws stretched out first, grabbing at this piece of flesh and blood.

Russell didn't know what Odin was going to do, but he fought monsters together, and he gave out people and efforts, and he didn't feel guilty about dividing the spoils.

Half of the meeting is divided, either to leave equipment or experience.

Of course, it's best to stay here!

Boom! !

The golden god stretched out his big hand, and held the wrist of the demon claw in the air. The eyes that flashed with thunder and the golden one-eyed stared at each other, colliding with a strong smell of gunpowder.

From the crack in the dark dimension, several black chains shot out rapidly, wrapping around the center of Egg.

The two crows on the shoulders of the golden god flew around, spewing flames and melting the chains, like a falcon fighting a poisonous snake, it was hard to tell the winner.

The body of the demon god withdrew his hands and held the black flame sword tightly, and the golden god also held the sharp gun. The divine light and dark energy stirred together, and there was a faint sense of uneven distribution of spoils, and it seemed like a big fight.

It is impossible to fight. Adults put on airs, express their attitudes, and test the other party's bottom line by the way, so as to facilitate negotiations later.

Russell doesn't understand the value of brains, lacks intelligence and doesn't know where Odin's bottom line is, but his attitude has already shown that no one can enjoy the spoils to himself.

The confrontation in the outside world was the result of the collision between Russell and Odin's thinking. In the center, Russell stood with a sword in his hand, and behind him was the star-lord in golden armor.

Because this guy’s dress is not formal, T-shirt + boxer pants, can’t cover the perfect abs, seriously lowering his own style.

Not only did it not have a deterrent effect, but it seemed like it was going to laugh, so Russell lent him the golden armor to dress up.

Odin's side is very different. The Destroyer armor looks unremarkable. Anyone who knows the goods knows that this thing combines offense and defense, and can also increase divine power. It may be more powerful than the Eternal Spear.

"My son-in-law, you..."

"God Odin, if you say that, then there is nothing to talk about."

"Okay... Supreme Master, you are one step late."

"It's not too late, it's just right!" Russell waved his hand and threw the black flame sword, which turned into a black javelin and pierced Egg's brain.

Crossed with the Eternal Gun.

Odin raised his brows when he saw this, knowing that Russell was the master who didn't see the rabbit and didn't scatter the eagle.

This is also the reason why he is optimistic about Russell and wants to use marriage to win him over. In fact, if people don't play that trick, they won't suffer.

Unlike his child, who loves vanity and cares about face, after a few flattery, he doesn't know his last name.

This is very bad!

"Supreme Mage, it's useless for you to take this thing." Odin opened his mask and showed a kind smile. He has used this official expression for many years, and it is not artificial.

"God Odin, if you don't tell me what's the use of it, how do you know it's useless if I take it?" Russell was also smiling like a flower, and the two sides entered the negotiation stage.


Xingjue frowned slightly, he could hear that the two of them were going to carve up his biological father's mind, and suddenly felt what he should do.

Here I want to say that the Xingjue Sand Sculpture belongs to the Sand Sculpture, and his IQ is still sufficient if he does not make mistakes.

Rounding up, there is no time when he doesn't make a mistake!

Xingjue pondered for three seconds, then decided to remain still and not express any opinions.

He felt very heartbroken for his cowardly behavior, but the situation was stronger than others, and he couldn't think of a way to stop the two of them for a while.

The only thing he can do is to live a good life, find many girls to fall in love with, and spread Yi Ge's genes, so that he will not die, and even the blood inheritance will be broken.

For a moment, Xingjue only felt that Gamora was very green, no, he only felt that the burden on his shoulders was heavy!

"Mage Supreme, it's really useless for you to take this thing, because I'm not sure about its specific effect..." Odin said, raised his hand and pointed at Igo's brain, and the Eternal Spear split it in two , no more, no less, the division is very even.

Russell's expression remained unchanged, and he watched Odin's movements without moving. It was not until Odin took off the Destroyer Armor and used it as space equipment to charge half of his brain that he suddenly interrupted.

"Wait, I want the left half, and the right is yours."


Odin didn't say anything, stopped what he was doing, and turned to collect the right half of the brain.

"Wait a minute, I thought about it, it's better for the right side to belong to me, after all, the right side..."

Russell raised his flexible eyebrows on the right, and said sincerely, "I don't want to cause God Odin to misunderstand something because of some insignificant things. I really don't mean that."


Odin rolled his eyes and put the left brain into the Destroyer armor. He didn't feel anything at first, but when he explained it, he felt malicious.

Confirming that there is no distinction between left and right, Russell was suspicious, and threw Ego's right brain into the dark dimension. Odin didn't say what it was for, and he just studied it by himself.

The Tianshen group is full of treasures, and they can always research some uses. If it's really not good, it's good to cook it in a big pot and have a dinner together.

"Supreme Master, if there is nothing wrong, I will leave here first." Odin said, and left in a hurry without waiting for Russell's reply.

After a while, Asgard's battleship set off and left the current space node.

Russell saw this scene in his eyes, waved his hand to collect the armor on Star-Lord's body, and brought it into the command room of the Hydra Fleet, and ten warships also jumped away.

In the deep space universe, the material wreckage belonging to Ego's body spread and floated. Poor guy, he didn't even think about it until he died, how did he offend Odin and Dormammu, and let the two join forces to deal with him.


"Boss, do you still need someone?"

In the command room of the battleship, Xingjue met Yondu's father and learned of his undercover identity and the high salary he could receive. He decisively demanded that the Guardians of the Galaxy be disbanded, integrate into the Hydra family, and contribute to justice.

Silly refusal!

Russell rejected it without hesitation. Other superheroes are easy to say, but Guardians of the Galaxy is definitely not good.

All of them are disorganized and undisciplined, not to mention idle, and like to sneak around.

If you really want to pull this group of people in, the morale will be corrupted in a few days, causing the Hydra regular army to get into bad habits.

Although he didn't pull people in, Russell stuffed Yondu in, and the task on the Predator was replaced. Yondu's new task was to follow Star Lord, to be precise, to watch Gamora.

According to Russell's insinuations, words guide Gamora's thinking, and after reading it, it is found that Thanos already holds two infinite gems.

On the basis of the original Mind Stone, Thanos got the Time Stone from nowhere, and resurrected the Death Blade General who was killed by Russell in the past.

Relying on the time gem alone, it is very difficult to resurrect General Deathblade. Russell doesn't know how Thanos can do it. Considering that there are countless big men in this universe, maybe Thanos met his beloved goddess.

That level of existence is too far away from Russell, he will not think too much, let Yondu watch Gamora, and at the same time collect information on the last soul gem.

The plot has been subverted too much. It is not known whether it is necessary to sacrifice a soul to obtain the soul gem, and it is not known whether the long-disappeared Red Skull is still standing guard.

But there is one thing Russell is very sure of. He threw two gems into the dark dimension, and Thanos will not be able to collect all six infinite gems in his life.

Just like many hot-blooded comics, Thanos couldn't keep up with Russell's footsteps. He changed from the final boss of the first part to the elite boss of the second part, and when he came to the third part, he was just an ordinary NPC.

At most give a red name!

The fleet migrated back to the Hydra base in Walt Alheim, and the princess Hela lived in the palace next door. Odin assigned this planet to her as her territory, and suddenly became the owner of the Hydra territory.

Similar to big landlord and second landlord.

Russell thinks that Odin is a villain, and recently he feels that Hela has thoughts about him, thinking that the crazy father and daughter can't be offended, and is considering relocating the base.

As Hydra's path is getting bigger and bigger, Walter Alheim is not enough as a cosmic outpost, and it should be replaced by a resource-rich planet.

On this day, he sent someone to invite Thor to the base to contact him, but he was actually planning to find out what Odin was doing recently and analyze the reason why he was obsessed with Igo's brain.

As a result, Thor didn't come, but Loki did.

"Did I hear you right, you said your brother was sick?"

Russell looked puzzled, didn't he say that fools don't get sick, why is Thor sick?


Loki kept silent when he heard the words. Thor was not sick at first, and he was healthier than anyone else, but when he heard that Russell wanted to reminisce with him, he immediately fell ill and lay on the bed moaning, as if it would pass at any time.

Confirmed, it's a heart attack!

"So Prince Loki, what can you do?"

Russell looked at Loki. The latter looked preoccupied and wanted to say something, but he was ashamed to say it because he wanted to save face.

"Uh, Supreme Master, my brother said..."

Loki struggled and said: "I asked him why he became stronger, and he told me that all of this is due to you, and he came to you if he wanted to become stronger."

Russell: (one`'one)

Thor, Loki is your own brother!

:. :

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