End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 849 As you can see, I am a priest

The mountain road is winding, and the green forests and seas stretch away, covering several nearby hills.

On the edge of the steep canyon, there was a slight roar, and an RV slowly drove across the mountain road and went straight into the artificially dug tunnel.

At this time, an eagle flapped its wings and swept across the canyon with its sharp eyes, patrolling the hunting ground like a lord.


A grid composed of countless hexagons flashed across the air, and the eagle lord crashed. After a burst of sparks and lightning, he fell off the cliff.


Even if it is not killed, it will be cooked by high-voltage electricity, and even if it is not cooked, it will be killed by falling from a high altitude.

After the sparks ended, the defense grid disappeared like an enchantment, as if nothing had happened.

Of course, the RV had just driven out of the tunnel, and the passengers inside did not see this scene.

The five college students in the car are the children selected this year. They were entrusted with the important task of the Earth Guardian Organization in the United States, sacrificing themselves to become the whole world, and shouldering the burden of sacrifice.

Because the sacrifice must die with fear and resentment, so they don't know anything, and they come here to spend a happy and unforgettable weekend.

Unforgettable is certain, happy is hard to say!

The RV traveled through the winding mountain trails, arrived at the destination, and parked in an open space in the woods, with a wooden cabin in front of it.

The trees on both sides are shaded, with luxuriant branches and leaves to block the sun, and the beams of light are mottled and sprinkled, covering the ground full of withered yellow leaves with a layer of light.


"It's amazing here, I love this weekend!"

Three men and two women got out of the caravan, very satisfied with the cabin in the forest, chattering and carrying their luggage inside.

The hut in the forest is not big, but the bedroom just meets the needs of five people, one room per person, which makes the five people say that they are so lucky.

There was still some time before dinner, and the group of five went swimming by the lake, officially starting a pleasant weekend trip.

On the other side, in the miserable underground base, the staff repaired the equipment. After being exhausted, they barely repaired the main equipment and instruments to ensure that the ceremony can proceed normally.

The five people under the video surveillance began to carnival on the weekend, and their annual prize quiz also arrived as scheduled. Taking advantage of the absence of the person in charge, a group of people bet one after another, betting on which monster the five would die at the hands of.

There is a stipulation in the ceremony that the death method of the sacrifice is one's own choice. In the basement of the hut in the forest, various summons are stored, and each summon corresponds to a monster.

"What if they choose the wizard's summon?"

"Don't worry, the wizard's summons have been cleaned up!"

"What is it? I'm curious, what kind of summoned object can it face the fallen angel?"

"A black cross."

"Super cool!"

"Yeah, the truth has long been in front of us. It's ridiculous that we haven't understood it. We really thought he was just a wizard."


"Hey guys, something went wrong!"

Just when a group of people were celebrating this year's escape, the surveillance personnel suddenly yelled and zoomed in on the main screen.

In the picture, the mountains and forests are dead and silent, the shadows of trees on both sides of the road are dancing wildly, a priest in a black robe, probably a young Asian man walking quickly, the cross necklace on his chest is slightly shining.

"Who is this man and how did he get in?"

"Damn it, there are only five people in the ceremony, who put him in?"

"It may be due to the previous shock, many monitoring systems have failed..."



Russell walked along the mountain road, frowning deeply. To be honest, he didn't want to go back to the cabin in the forest.

As we all know, Russell is a man who keeps his promises. Since he promised Cronus that the two sides will say goodbye, he will not bother him to have fun.

But it’s impossible not to come back, there is no way out, no matter the sky or the ground, there are hexagonal grids blocking it.

At first, Russell didn't take it seriously, it was just the power grid, and his lightning rod physique was not a decoration.

In the end, the lightning rod was indeed not a decoration, but the enchantment made of hexagons not only looked like the AT position, but also had the same defensive power as the AT position.

He tried all kinds of attack methods, but he couldn't break through the barrier.

The answer is obvious. The hut in the woods is a plot that must be lived through. Before the plot ends, the Lord God does not allow the people inside to leave at will.

Russell had some guesses in his mind, thinking of the last trip to the Lord God's space, a routine called "Jumanji: Infinity War".

Ignoring the dice-throwing link, the routine of Infinity War is very simple. The reincarnation enters the current mission world, divides the camp according to his own choice, and the winner enters the next world.

Russell figured it would be the same this time, so he returned to the cabin in the woods and waited for the other reincarnations to show up.

One is to collect information to determine whether your analysis is correct, and the other is to contact the reincarnation, mix in and try to trigger the world quest.

It would be best if it could trigger a lottery draw.

Unfamiliar reincarnators are not easy to get in touch with, and the main god space is a world lacking trust. The only team that Russell is familiar with and can make the other party lower their vigilance is the group of people under Superwoman.

Collaborating against enemies many times and having life-threatening friendships is the best source of intelligence.

For this reason, he specially brought an electronic watch, which was a magic locator given to him by Ying Yingying. As long as there are Superwoman teammates nearby, they can be displayed in the positioning.

As for the Jason vest covered by the black robe, Russell thought about it, and decided to officially retire in the main god space because there were too many scapegoats.

The solution is very simple. There is a monster named Cronus in front of him. He can fight very well. At that time, he will perform a touching cover and retreat, sacrifice himself and Cronus, and Jason's vest will be successful. retreat.

In this way, the matter of women's clothing, and the matter of being given benefits by Ying Yingying, can be perfectly exposed.

Counts in one fell swoop!

Russell silently gave himself a thumbs up, walked forward quickly, and knocked on the door of the wooden house.

The door was pushed open, and Kurt, who had the face of Thor, was stunned, holding the beer in his hand and wondering: "Man, who are you?"

The four people in the house walked behind Kurt, feeling a little worried. A stranger suddenly appeared in the background of deep mountains, old forests, inaccessible people, and midnight, lest the visitor be unkind.

Russell looked serious, and picked up the cross on his chest: "I'm a priest. I passed by here and noticed a strong dark atmosphere, so I came here to take a look."

Father! ?

The five people's eyes were fixed on the starlight sapphire cross, and then they looked at the water ring Nanya on Russell's finger, and they fell silent for a while.

so rich!

It's hard to say whether Russell is a priest or not, but the chances of those coming here are very low. They are only five students, and the robbery will not fall on them.

As for the two beautiful girls...

They are self-aware that they are not really pretty for rich people.

"Several, can I go in and rest for the night?"

"Uh, all right!"

Kurt stepped aside and looked outside the dark room with his probe to confirm that there was no movement nearby. Out of caution, he inserted the lock when closing the door.

"Let's get to know each other officially. My name is Jason. As you can see, I'm a priest and a part-time exorcist."


After some introductions, several people exchanged names, and they barely knew each other.

Based on the combing of the plot, Russell easily identified the identities of the five people and the order in which they were sacrificed.

Kurt with Thor's face is tall and muscular, representing athletes in the offerings; Julie, a blonde beauty with a bumpy figure and looking very open, is the bitch in the offerings; wearing gold-rimmed glasses, Bin Holden, who is polite, represents the scholar in the sacrifice; Martin, the herb lover with blurred eyes, is the fool in the sacrifice; Dana, who has long chestnut hair and dignified manner, represents the virgin in the sacrifice.

On the surface, this is true, but their real personalities are all wrong, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are very different.

Although Kurt has good sports performance, he majored in sociology at school and received a full scholarship. He has profound knowledge and excellent memory, and he belongs to the level of a god of learning.

The blond beauty Julie seems to behave dissolutely, but in fact it is because the hair dye has been smeared with chemicals, which interferes with her thinking and judgment. In essence, she is a quite conservative girl.

In the United States, a female college student with a first-class figure and appearance is actually a virgin. One can imagine how conservative she is.

Holden, a scholar with a gentle face, is the best catcher of the school football team, with first-class physical fitness and a natural athlete.

As a fool, Martin is not only not stupid, but also very smart. A typical representative of great wisdom and stupidity, the daily confusion seems crazy because he has absorbed too many herbs.

As for Dai Na, who was supposed to be a virgin, this person...is the school's famous little wavy long hair, who just broke up with a married professor.

The reason for her having sex with the professor is very simple, not because she believes in love, but because the professor looks very handsome in lectures.

"Father, you look so young... Uh, we are playing Truth or Dare, do you want to participate?" Kurt invited.

"No, I won't disturb private parties."

You have bothered!

Kurt's eyelids twitched slightly. Seeing Russell walked to the corner and sat down, he shrugged and continued talking and laughing with his companions.

Because of the appearance of a stranger, several people felt restrained, and the warm atmosphere at the beginning was lost.



"Who is this guy?"

The person in charge slapped the table, and his hair turned white with anger. There were many major accidents on important days, and he couldn't remember how many times he slapped the table today.

"Sir, the sacrifices in other places are quite bad. Japan, Sweden, Argentina, Spain... all failed. We are the last one, and we must not fail."

"I know, open the mechanism and let them quickly enter the basement to choose the summoned item."

Hearing the report from his subordinates, the person in charge felt dizzy for a while, and looked at Russell who was sitting quietly with his eyes closed: "As for this outsider, he shouldn't appear, but there is nothing we can do, let him die in the sacrifice!"

The person in charge closed his eyes and prayed, hoping that God would hear his prayer, that everything would pass safely, and that the earth would still be alive tomorrow morning.

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