End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 870 The Prime Minister Gives the Beauty to the Red Face

I'm good at eloquence, why don't I know?

Susan was very suspicious. If she had a good eloquence, she would have controlled Reed submissively, so why would she use it to arrest men on the street.

"I didn't lie to you, your eloquence is really good, and the parallel universe knows it." Russell nodded, and then pointed to the Silver Surfer, signaling Susan to start persuading him to surrender.

The superwoman is holding her forehead with her hand, the picture is so beautiful, subconsciously think of the prime minister giving the beauty to the red face.

Not a very friendly association, not because of the red face beheading the beauty, but because the prime minister was greedy for the beauty's body.

Susan shrugged her shoulders, she had to bow her head under the eaves, since Russell said she was eloquent, then try it, in case of hell!

"Hello, what's your name...just like my name, Susan, you must have your own name, right?"

Susan asked, seeing that the Silver Surfer remained silent, and continued: "That Mr. Jason and his companions said that you came to Earth to destroy this place, is that true?"

Silver Surfer stared at Susan with a blank face, his face was indifferent and unmoved, as if he was an eunuch.

Susan blinked, then turned to look at Russell: "I can't, my eloquence is very average, he doesn't talk to me at all."

You pull the neckline down and he'll talk to you!

Russell complained in his heart, and said on his mouth: "Go on, it's just the beginning, believe in yourself, you can speak well and are good at expressing words."

It's just that the equipment doesn't work!

Russell thought, if Susan puts on the must-win suit against Reed, and guarantees that the Silver Surfer knows everything, he will take the initiative to strike up a conversation without Susan asking.

"Why destroy our planet? What good will it do you to bring your master here?"

Susan felt the pressure on Yin Yingxia's expressionless face, and continued: "I don't know how many planets you destroyed for your master, but the life on the planet is innocent. You can help them, but you choose to help the evildoers..."

"You are very much like my lover!" Silver Surfer suddenly said.

Susan was slightly taken aback by the endless words, and subconsciously tightened her collar: "What did you just say, are you being threatened?"

"Not a threat,

It's that I don't have a choice..."

The Silver Surfer looked majestic, as if he was a positive person: "I serve my master and look for life planets with a lot of heat and organic energy. In exchange, my home planet and my beloved will survive."

"Look, I knew that Xiaoyin was greedy for the body of the invisible girl, so he sold the boss directly."

Russell sent a voice transmission to Superwoman, who rolled her eyes and pretended not to hear, waiting for the Invisible Woman and Silver Surfer to continue communicating.

"No, you can choose. Your master, the demon king named Galactus, must have some way to defeat him!"

Susan asked the key point, and subconsciously held Silver Surfer's hand: "Tell me, what are his weaknesses, and we can help you get out of his control."

"No one can defeat Galactus, he is the oldest life in the universe, he is invincible!"

Silver Surfer said, touching Susan's temperature with his fingertips, he struggled for a moment and then said: "But I can help you drive him away, the surfboard is a positioning signal, as long as I tell him that this planet is short of energy, he will will not come."

"Then what should you do, continue to serve him and find other energy planets for life?"

"This is an agreement, I have no choice!"

Silver Surfer was moved by Susan's concern, and the figure of his beloved overlapped with Susan. He decided to give up the earth as the target of sacrifice: "The master's strength is irresistible. I will leave here and promise not to come back."

Superwoman looked at Russell, and asked through the telepathic channel: "Russell, that's it...is it a bit unreliable?"

Silver Surfer fell so quickly that she couldn't believe it.

Russell also found it incredible that he fell down without any benefits. If it were him, he would definitely persist, at least until the invisible woman changed into equipment.

"In the setting of the movie, Susan and Xiao Yinlian's wife look very similar, so it's understandable to be emotional..."

Russell didn't believe what he said, so he changed his mind and said, "Sexy, the Silver Surfer is bewitched by beauty, so he decides to stab his boss twice, and that will work."

Too real, causing discomfort!

The superwoman's face changed, she was so speechless that she didn't know how to express it, and finally condensed into one word.


Here, Susan returned to Russell: "You heard that it is not realistic to defeat Galactus, but returning the surfboard to him can protect the earth from being swallowed."

Russell nodded. If the plot ended here, it would be a lot easier, signaling Superwoman to release the restraint on the surfboard.

He wasn't worried that Silver Surfer would break his promise, if he could catch him once, he would be able to catch him a second time.

The surfboard slowly floated up, and the Silver Surfer stepped on it quickly, fearing that Russell would repent.

Energy filled his body again. He ignored Russell and Supergirl, nodded to Susan and said, "I will abide by the agreement and lead my master away. I also hope that you... and this planet will be safe in the future."

After saying this, Silver Surfer smashed through the roof of the wooden house and flew straight towards the sky. The surfboard had been parked on the earth for too long, so he needed to report back to the star swallowing immediately and rush to the next planet as soon as possible.

Seeing the disappearing Silver Surfer, Susan was a little dumbfounded. It turned out that her eloquence was really powerful.

"What do we do now, the crisis is over..."

Suzanne used her powerful eloquence again, asking if she could leave, not asking Russell to send her back to New York, thank God if she could let her go.

Russell waved his hand and flew high into the sky with Supergirl, heading to the barrier on the edge of Jupiter's orbit. If the plot really ends smoothly, they can enter the next world.

There was no one in the wooden house. Susan looked left and right. Freedom came too fast, and it was unreal.

She oiled her feet, checked her position against the shadows of the trees, and moved in the direction of New York City.

After walking for a while, several planes flew in the sky. She recognized that they were military planes and used superpowers to create movement, which successfully attracted attention.

Human Torch Johnny was the first to land on the ground. He was very happy to see his sister, and contacted his teammates through the communicator.

Immediately afterwards, Reed jumped from the sky and fell into a photo. His soft body deformed arbitrarily, ignoring the physical attack. He was not harmed. He ran forward quickly and hugged Susan tightly.

"Are you okay, the aliens didn't hurt you, did they?"

Reed's eyes widened, panicked in his heart, and he said that a battle could be resolved by urinating. From Susan's arrest to the present, after such a long time, the business of the world's top 500 companies has been negotiated. .

"No, he's not an alien, here's the thing..."

Susan explained the situation succinctly, emphasizing her gregarious eloquence, and in a few words saved the earth from destruction.

Johnny and Ben were silent when they heard the words, and they looked at each other, thinking that it shouldn't have much to do with eloquence.

"Susan, you just said they came from a parallel universe?"

Reed's eyes lit up, and Susan's boastful eloquence was automatically ignored by him, and he firmly grasped the keyword of "parallel world".


Johnny and Ben looked at each other again, and in a way it wasn't luck that these two got together.


Deep space universe!

Silver Surfer knelt on one knee on the surfboard, put one hand on his chest, and used the surfboard to send a signal to get in touch with Galactus.

"My master, your envoy is calling you. This planet is severely deficient in life energy and is not suitable as a target. I will immediately rush to the next planet. Please wait patiently for a while."

"I see, I will give you time to find new planets..."

In the dark, an ethereal voice came into Yin Yingxia's mind, and just when he was secretly relieved and ready to start a new journey, the voice sounded again.

"According to the coordinates of the location you sent back, tell me the name of that planet."


Silver Surfer has experienced similar conversations many times, but he didn't take it to heart, and said in a natural voice: "A barren planet, with life but insufficient potential energy, is not worth your trip."


After waiting for a while, Galactus did not respond, Silver Surfer got used to it, got up and stood on the surfboard, ready to start the journey.

At this moment, Tun Xing's indifferent ruling suddenly came in his mind: "I know this name, you betrayed me!"

Yin Yingxia was startled, he didn't understand what went wrong, there are as many planets as the Earth in the universe, why the reaction of swallowing stars is so violent.

He deliberately explained that the surfboard was out of control, and it was flying him at high speed in the direction of Jupiter.

On the other side, in the same deep space universe, Russell and Supergirl are running side by side. Supergirl has the experience of fighting in the universe, but it is the first time to cross such a long space.

Both of them felt that the task was too smooth, and it was not a challenge for the reincarnated people who were familiar with the plot, but then they thought, for ordinary reincarnated people, the difficulty of resisting star devouring is no different from hell mode, and the main god will not let them commit suicide , the Silver Surfer who can't get up and down is very suitable as an elite monster.

Moreover, how to cross the universe is also a big trouble.

Just when the two were betting and guessing the next world, a white light galloped from behind, and the overtaking car passed by the two of them.

"That's the Silver Surfer, how did he run so fast?"

"Normal. The boss is hungry. Employees should work harder if they don't want to be fired."

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