"Pretend... to be a gentleman..."

Ying Yingying almost laughed out loud when she heard the words: "Stop putting gold on your face, look at you hiding your head and showing your tail, can you pretend to be a gentleman?"

"Not like?"

It's not that you don't look like it, but that you have never pretended, and the Band-Aid is the proof!

Ying Yingying secretly cursed, staring at the black flame sword in Russell's hand, the rich dark energy made her look sideways, feeling that Russell's reward points are so many, it's been a long time since I saw him, and I exchanged for new abilities.

Sensing Ying Yingying's sight, Russell smiled: "I advise you not to ask for trouble. With your current size, lack of magic power is not my opponent at all. Moreover, you should remember that when we first fought, you were the last The lightning magic I'm good at is useless to me."

"That was before."

Ying Yingying snorted coldly, tore the scroll in her hand, and disappeared in place. When it reappeared, he dodged to come behind Russell, and the tip of the staff swept down towards the black robe.

Russell turned around slightly, held the sword to block the sneak attack from behind, swung the staff away, spread his five fingers, and the black mist filled the air, grabbing at Yingyingying's face.

An invisible light curtain lit up, blocking between Russell and Ying Ying Ying, it was Mu Xinxin who used telekinesis to create a barrier.

Night Devils Strike!

Russell flicked a cloud of black mist towards Mu Xinxin, and a steady stream of black and red-eyed bats flew out, screaming and making a piercing noise, enveloping them in the center.

The telekinetic barrier opened, Mu Xinxin propped up his defense, his eyes lit up with blue light, and an invisible shock wave crushed the ground, bounced off the crazily biting bat, and slammed straight towards Russell.

The black light sword slashed down, easily cut off the shock wave, and smashed into the telekinetic barrier, oppressing Mu Xinxin, leading her to plow a ravine on the ground and crashing into the ruins behind.

Bladestorm! !

Under the cover of her teammates, Ying Yingying was ready to attack, and a hurricane rose around her, forming a large storm in an instant.

She is located in the center of the eye of the storm, waving her staff at high speed to leave continuous light and shadows, and the sword light lines are gorgeous, densely overlapping into a big net covering the sky, rolling down the sky and covering the earth.

"Don't use the same move to make it look embarrassing!"

Russell's eyes glowed red,

Scattered a large number of bats with his hands, surrounded the surrounding area to resist the cutting of the sword energy, and strode towards the center of the eye of the storm.

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding----

The sharp sword light cuts the black bats, and every time a layer is swept away, countless black mist floats out from under Russell's robe, offsetting the strangulation of the sword storm.

Seeing Russell getting closer and closer, Ying Yingying didn't intend to stop at all. She measured the distance between the two with her eyes, and when she got close, she suddenly stopped and took out the scroll from under the robe and shredded it.

The pentagram enchantment opened from under his feet, and the dense blue mist floated up, turning into several miniature tornadoes, intertwined and intertwined into chains, entangled Russell's hands and feet and the black flame sword.

Entangled in chains, Russell suddenly felt that the magic power in his body was passing away crazily, and the speed of dissipating made him extremely surprised.

On the opposite side, Ying Yingying's figure was tall, her slightly youthful face gradually matured, and she became a young lady in a second.

"Jason, how do you feel about the scroll specially prepared for you?"

Yingying raised her eyebrows, and before Russell could answer, the magic stone on the staff lit up, and four magic circles were spread out in front of her.

Inscriptions are inscribed on it, representing the fire, storm, rock, and frost in elemental magic, and there are more, such as thunder, light, and darkness. Considering that these magics may be given to Russell for free, they are not displayed. .

As an assassin who turned into a warrior, and then turned into a magician, he is a magician killer who has the physique of devouring magic power. Ying Yingying had to admit that Russell's ability restrained her too much, and if she didn't make enough preparations before the battle, there was almost no chance of winning.

Russell didn't care about the massive loss of magic power in his body. The dark energy burst out and broke free from the chains. He glanced at the two superwomen who were still fighting in the sky, looking for a way to barely save themselves.

His identity was exposed, and Jason's vest was useless!

Even if Shen Menghan didn't speak, he knew that the other party had seen through everything, and he was very sure of this.

Ying Yingying said before that team missions are not team battle missions, this is the most important thing, if you don't want to expose the smuggling, you have to get over it, otherwise he can't explain it clearly.

"Hey, Jason, now that it's over, tell me your real name!"

Ying Yingying collected information, faintly carrying a hint of gossip: "What is the relationship between you and our captain?"

In fact, there is no need for Russell to confess, she herself has seen some clues. The superwoman hugged Russell to declare her sovereignty when she came out.

Green yourself, and then tear yourself apart!

The two supergirls are already very exciting, and there is also a man who claims to be "I came first" Duan Xinlan, who dares to pry her captain, Ying Yingying praises her courage, this is the rhythm of being broken what!

Ying Yingying felt very excited when she thought about it. Although she was a little sorry for her teammates, she still couldn't help giving a thumbs up to this plot.

want to see!

"It's okay, I don't know you, stranger!" Russell said angrily.

As the voice fell, four hot lines of sight descended from the sky, crossed across the heat waves, passed over Russell's head, and swept the ruins behind into a mess.

Russell: "..."

"Tsk tsk, I understand!"

Yingyingying smiled, and the expression on her face made Russell really angry, and the black flame sword swept across, cutting out a black sword energy.

Ying Yingying waved her staff, and the four magic arrays in front of her were shining brightly, releasing flame pillars, wind blades, stone spears, and ice edges continuously, overwhelming the sky like a magic fort.

Rumble! !

The roaring explosion submerged Russell's location, filled with dust, and he could not see his fingers. The aftermath penetrated along the ground, shaking a large area of ​​land violently.

She was thoughtful, her feet flew high off the ground, and the four magic circles revolved around her, attacking and also serving as a defensive enchantment.

This level of defense alone was not enough, she took out the scroll in the space ring, gritted her teeth and tore it up, and a gorgeous magic array spread out from under her feet.

The majestic golden light spread for a hundred meters, and around the huge pentagram, dotted with the sun, moon, stars and various elemental symbols.

"Damn guy, every time I meet him, I can't keep my magic power..."

Ying Yingying complained in a low voice, the magic stone on the staff shattered, and the golden light spread all over her body, hooking into a translucent golden armor.

In the light, the giant in golden armor slowly condensed, holding an epee with an extremely long hilt in each hand, the magic formation that was under his feet floated to the back, releasing the formation of four elements, then It hovers over the arm and shoulder like a floating cannon.

After Ying Yingying finished her preparations, the magic power she had just extracted from Russell's body was exhausted, and she even took a part of it in, her breasts became thinner visible to the naked eye.

The giant in the golden armor crossed his arms and swept across with two raised swords, blowing away the diffuse dust.

On the ground, dark energy erected a barrier to block the elemental attacks falling like a shower.

The golden giant didn't hesitate, and suddenly slashed down with two big swords. The next second, the big swords were frozen in the air, and Ying Yingying chose to stop with a depressed face.

I saw the light curtain spread out, Russell stood on the ground, covered Mu Xinxin's body with a black robe, grabbed her neck with one hand, and held the black flame sword in front of her with the other.

"Damn guy, I knew you were not a good person!"

Ying Yingying snorted disdainfully, and was worried about Shen Menghan's eyes. There are so many men on the earth, and she has to choose a guy who is so bad that he would risk black water.

Must be blind!

And Duan Xinlan is also an idiot!

"Dissipate the magic, hand over the interspatial ring, and then be my prisoner."

Russell gestured with his sword: "You can also choose to refuse, but Xinxin's little face will be ruined, such a beautiful one..."

Buzz buzz! !

Another four hot gazes crossed over Russell's head, interrupting the second half of the sentence he was about to blurt out.


Russell stared at the sky speechlessly. This is the second time. Is this a consensus or a good deal?

In her arms, Mu Xinxin's neck was stuck, her breathing was difficult, and her face was flushed.

Just when the elements were washing the ground, Russell suddenly appeared from behind, split the Psychic Defense Shield with a sword, and scattered bat-shaped shock waves, imprisoning her body functions and easily capturing her.

Mu Xinxin looked at Yingyingying from afar, unable to speak, and shook her head slightly to signal not to surrender.

Russell noticed this scene, and raised his hand to stun him: "How about, how about exchanging hostages and being a prisoner, anyway, it's not the first time?"

"You think too much."

Ying Yingying raised her hand and threw out a scroll, only to see a flash of light, the scroll disappeared, replaced by the unconscious Mu Xinxin.


Russell held the scroll in his hand, and the black flames burned it to ashes. He shook his head and said, "I only wanted to capture one prisoner. Now that the negotiation has collapsed, I can only capture two!"

While speaking, black mist rose from Russell's body, and he turned into a huge dark demon body in mid-air, only half of it. The upper body held the black flame sword tightly with both hands, and slashed at the golden armored giant aggressively.

He had entered the main god space three times before, and all of them were team battle missions, which made Russell subconsciously ignore the main god space and the missions in the team mode.

People are unlucky enough to drink cold water and get stuffed between their teeth. This time he overturned the car and he admits it. He no longer thinks about the shit on Jason's vest. The bad debt can't be explained, so let it go!

It's just a superwoman, just grit your teeth and get through it!

But his identity can be revealed, and Jason's vest can be discarded. Only the secret of smuggling must be kept. This is his bottom line.

With the mentality of breaking the jar, Russell thought in his heart that he couldn't go back, so he built a vest for special reincarnators, such as chasers, avengers, etc., to explain why he can enter the plot independently.

This is the last resort, because a lie needs a thousand lies to be fulfilled, and it can only be used as a last resort, and Ying Yingying regards him as a bronze mirror projection, which seems to be a good vest.

Russell frantically built a trumpet, and chose the more reliable one, but first, he had to figure out what the bronze mirror was.

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