End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 878 I finally got around

Using his face and hair as a threat, Luo Su successfully pried out important information from Ying Yingying's mouth.

Said it was important information, it was for him.

Ying Yingying didn't think there was anything wrong, and based on the principle that heroes don't suffer immediate losses, she described the current world as "Museum Wonderful Night", and the way to end the plot is to capture the escaped monsters back to the museum.

As for the bronze mirror projection, that's the same thing, and it has the same effect as the former bronze god tree.

Russell's face remained unchanged, and he was madly praising the golden slabs of the Pharaohs and the bronze mirrors from the Western Han Dynasty. If they hadn't appeared and some coincidences caused misunderstandings, the car would have turned over today!

Fortunately, there was still time, Russell put on the bronze projected replica vest, and hurried to the two women's positions, and the two captives were also held by him, which was an important tool for escape.

The plot of [Museum Wonderful Night] has been completed by Shen Menghan. Don't look at the museum bombing, but completion is completion, which means that Russell will be able to leave the current world immediately with the superwoman.

Great news!

When Russell learned this important information and threatened Ying Yingying, he almost laughed out loud.

It's fine if he can leave, he really doesn't want to fight Shen Menghan, and he can't let the superwoman fight her, if he starts talking about it and exposes his background, who can he complain to?

Therefore, it is necessary to arrive before the two of them fired, use the new vest to take the superwoman away, and go to the next world, or drive Shen Menghan away.

In short, we must separate the two as soon as possible!

On Supergirl's side, he is a reincarnation who participated in the team battle. He has not met other reincarnations, so he can use the huge scale of the Rubik's Cube to fool him.

On Shen Menghan's side, he is a replica projected by the bronze mirror. After leaving this world, he will disappear automatically if he does not meet again. After all, the scale of the Rubik's Cube is so large, it is not easy to meet again.

Russell calmly analyzed, thought for a while, and figured out that this trick is foolproof, as long as the IQs of the two supergirls...

Hehe, he looks like a man, not stupid, but definitely not extremely smart.

It's not that Russell is bragging, presenting facts and reasoning, just like them, when he gets serious, he can lie to them seven times a night.

Of course,

There is no need to lie to Supergirl, Supergirl loves him so much, just brush her face!

As for the exposure of Jason's vest, and the unreasonable bad debt on the vest, Russell, who was broken and broken, no longer considered it.

Let's talk about today first, and let's talk about tomorrow's matter tomorrow. Maybe he has a brainstorm and can think of a way to break the situation.

Luo Su Zhizhu held it tightly, and snorted softly: "My brain is like a patriarch's meal... No, this is my patriarch's opening my mouth and pouring rice into it!"


"Okay, I already know, you don't need to say any more."

Shen Menghan stopped all kinds of yin and yang superwomen, looked at the person exactly like him, secretly startled, it turned out that when his character collapsed, he was so underwhelmed.

"Okay! Are you sure?"

The superwoman put her arms around her shoulders, with the attitude of a winner: "You are an ex, or an ex who has been played around, so I really don't need to say anything to make you give up?"

"Hmph, I've been tricked all over the place, how can you be any better?"

Shen Menghan also put his arms around his shoulders, and said with compassion: "You are just my substitute, he loves you because he loves me, otherwise you are nothing."

"Really? If I'm really just a substitute, what would he do to resurrect me?"

"..." x2

The question was very sharp, the two women fell silent at the same time, thinking of some kind of shameless answer, they clenched their fists at the same time, wanting to find someone to sink.

Shen Menghan said slowly: "Aren't you curious about what secrets he hides?"

"Of course I'm curious! For this secret, he deceived again and again, hiding his head and showing his tail, refusing to show his true colors..."

Just as she was talking, Super Hearing sensed the sound of breaking through the air approaching in the distance, and the superwoman kept her mouth shut and looked at Shen Menghan.

This glance has a lot of meaning!

Shen Menghan didn't speak, and nodded slightly with narrowed eyes. The two started at the same time, leaning forward and stepping forward, and collided with each other in an instant.

The strong collision formed a powerful shock wave, which crushed the ground and rolled up dust in the sky, and the deafening sound continued to echo.

When Russell arrived, he saw that the two women were competing on the spot, their hot eyes collided, the high temperature evaporated the air, scorched and dried up the earth, and the force spread across the surface, cracking a spider web of cracks.

Good fight!

Russell nodded secretly. If the two women fight, he will be safe!

Neither the Shura field nor the Shura field exists.

Thinking of this, his heart became more stable, and he proceeded to carry out the original plan, first threw the two captives to the ground, then drew out the black flame sword, and gave a heavy cold snort.

"The hostages are in my hands, I don't want them to die, stop immediately!"

As he said that, the black flame sword split into two, pointing at Yingyingying and Mu Xinxin from left to right.


The fists collided and made a loud noise, and Superwoman and Shen Menghan took advantage of the situation to retreat a certain distance, both squinting their eyes and looking at each other.

It was silent, but they believed that the other party must understand what they meant.

Russell has a plan, and so do the two Supergirls, and unfortunately, Russell doesn't know he's surrounded.

"Jason, you're Russell, right?"

Shen Menghan struggled, his eyes were weeping and complaining, as if he was asking Russell why he lied to her.

"Russell, don't hide it, take off the mask and let this poor woman know the truth!" Superwoman said with a grin beside her.

Don't make trouble!


Russell coughed lightly, the situation was still under control, and snorted coldly: "Yes or no, you know in your heart what the truth is, if it wasn't for Ying Yingying, we wouldn't have met."

"What do you mean, what is yes and no?" Shen Menghan didn't speak, and the superwoman asked impatiently.

Russell stretched out his hand and pressed it, telepathic voice transmission, signaling to her to be safe and calm, and explain to her slowly after leaving this world.

The superwoman nodded in response, and without saying a word, she gave Shen Menghan a look, and the latter also accepted it silently, and chose to remain silent after weighing the pros and cons.

Seeing that the Superwoman shut up and stopped talking, Russell heaved a sigh of relief, the big stone in his heart finally settled down, and the replica vest fit better.

"Russell, why do you want to hide your identity? As a replica, you must have the memory of the main body. Tell me what the truth is?" Shen Menghan answered the question in time.

"The truth is machismo, and I don't want to be regarded as a soft food."

Russell uttered the prepared answer, secretly saying that she is indeed a superwoman, and she asked the same question again and again.

"Tell me the answer, or don't blame me for doing it!"

Shen Menghan's face turned cold: "You are not the main body, it doesn't matter if you kill you, just tell me quickly."

That's right, the main body is still sleeping in the cinema!

Russell praised Shen Menghan's understanding ability, everything was within the plan, sneered and shook the black flame sword: "Recognize the reality, now I have the final say, you are not qualified to ask questions."


Shen Menghan sneered with unknown meaning.

Russell's heart skipped a beat. Hearing the laughter made his hair stand on end. Then he thought that the vest he was wearing had nothing to do with the main body of the movie theater and should be fine.

"Hmph, don't be silly, there are two roads in front of you now, the first is to fight us to the death, but I will kill the two captives, and the second is to get out immediately and leave this plot world."

Superwoman raised her brows and opened her mouth to say something, but Shen Menghan said first: "The duplicate body appeared to prevent me from completing the task, you would be so kind to let us leave?"

"of course not!"

Russell looked down, glanced at Ying Yingying and Mu Xinxin, pondered for a moment, and kicked Ying Yingying to Shen Menghan's feet: "I exist to increase the difficulty of the task, I will keep one of the hostages, and I want to rescue them." She, just bring the others together, and I will kill you all."


Shen Menghan's sneer became more and more proficient, and he raised his eyebrows and said, "It sounds nice, the appearance of replicas means that the plot of [Night at the Museum] is not over yet, and I can't leave this world."

This is easy!

Russell waved his hand: "It's changed, the main god has revised the rules again, this world is the most difficult plot, you can leave, and I will wait for you to come back here."

"..." x2

It sounds just like the real thing, why didn't I find out before, this guy is so skilled at lying! x2

"Well, you wait here, I will come back."

Shen Menghan picked up Ying Yingying on the ground, carried it on his shoulders and turned around, using Ying Yingying's body to cover her eyes, and the superwoman looked at each other, without stopping, flew straight into the sky, and disappeared through the barrier.

Fuck, I finally got over it!

Russell pulled back his hood, wiped the cold sweat off his head, and at the same time he felt a lingering fear, he couldn't help feeling a thrill of pleasure.

No wonder the bosses like to use their brains to solve problems, and their IQ crushes the situation. It is really memorable, and I want to do it again.

"Russell, why are you sweating so much on your head?" The superwoman stepped forward with concern written all over her face.

"It's not sweat. It was splashed by her water magic during the battle with Yingyingying, but it's not a problem, and the skin trauma is not considered."

In a small scene, Russell fooled it casually.

Superwoman squinted her eyes slightly, and her acting skills in secret channels were also good. She really underestimated Russell before.

"By the way, when I was fighting her just now, why didn't you come to help, are you reluctant to do it?"

Hmph, what a sudden question, fortunately I was prepared for it.

Russell was very proud, as far as Superwoman's IQ was concerned, how could he be far behind him, and immediately said with a serious face: "Ying Ying Ying is quite strong, I have consumed a lot of energy, and for the sake of the next task, I chose peace as the most important thing, in fact I really want to help you."

"Oh! What if you have enough energy?"


Russell squinted his eyes slightly, and the proposition came again, but he survived the strong winds and waves, and this kind of problem is a matter of sprinkling water.

He thought about this kind of problem, whoever he chooses is a scumbag, so he simply scumbags to the end, and took the opportunity to test the bottom line of Superwoman: "You... are all my wings, and I can't do without anyone on the left and right. How can there be a single wing? Angel of the... huh?"

"But you have three pairs of wings!"

"Uh...that's ability, it can't be counted, I'm just a metaphor now."

Russell observed the expression of the superwoman, saw her smiling and full of words, felt a little uncertain, and said bravely: "You are all alone, if you insist on letting me choose one, I will fail the two of you, do you think this is the case?" reason?"


"That's right, so... I don't mean anything else. I just think it's not good to call back and forth. It's all because of my heart. Otherwise, when we meet next time, everyone will sit down and have a chat, just the three of us."

Supergirl smiled: "Sounds good, might be interesting!"

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