End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 897 The car finally overturned

King Ghidorah didn't come, but Godzilla and Mothra arrived. Russell closed his eyes to disperse his telepathy, and revoked the control of the soldiers in the stadium, telling them to get out as soon as possible.

In case of a fight later, with the size of Godzilla and the weight of nearly 100,000 tons, the average person really can't bear it.

There was endless commotion on the court. The soldiers raised their heads and saw two giant titans rushing to them, and they turned around and ran away without saying a word.

"Ho Ho Ho—"

Sensing the change, Godzilla bowed his head and roared, and then Mung Bean stared at Russell on the roof, exhaling hot air from his nostrils, as if he had intended to do two tricks.

It seemed that roots had taken root under his feet, and he didn't even move.

This kind of behavior is understandable, all male compatriots are like this, and the girlfriend is watching, and you can't lose face if you lose anything.

Russell pursed his lips slightly, despised Godzilla, who wanted to save face, turned over and jumped into the broadcasting room.

He turned off Orka's sonar broadcast. Godzilla and Mothra are not the targets of the plot mission.

Just as Russell thought, after the sonar was turned off, Godzilla raised his head to the sky and screamed, Pea Ding squeezed his eyes at Mothra, then shook his head and turned back to the coastline.

The big fluttering moth probably didn't fully understand what was going on, fluttered its wings on the spot for a while, and then turned around and chased Godzilla away.

Russell watched and shook his head again and again, feeling that the things between men and women can also be applied to monsters. The man who wants to save face is full of lies, and the infatuated woman is willing to be fooled.

At this moment, the hairs all over his body exploded, and he sensed an astonishing electromagnetic reaction from the north. The electric current in his body was like a demonstration, and he turned into a giant silver wolf, roaring into the distance.

"Ho Ho Ho—"

The sound was like thunder, and the ripples in the cloud layer rolled away.

Russell couldn't make such a loud roar, it was Godzilla's roar, and it also sensed the change in the north.

The difference is that Russell has a sense of electromagnetic force, but it heard the ultrasonic wave sent by King Ghidorah, who is fighting a powerful enemy, and it seems that he is still a little bit defeated.

Someone stole my blame!

Godzilla was furious,

Carrying the victorious posture of forcing Russell to submit by force, he stepped into the ocean, plunged into the wormhole-like underwater tunnel, and went straight to the Arctic Circle.

The boyfriend is about to go to war, and Mothra, who is his girlfriend and nanny, will naturally not fall down, and flies to the north with butterfly wings.

Russell flapped his wings and landed behind Mothra, regardless of whether the other party could understand or not, telepathic voice transmission asked for a ride.

Mothra slapped the butterfly wings slightly, and responded in less than half a second, also through the way of telepathy.


Russell was shocked by the word deserted, because it was a moth, no, it was the young lady with a soft voice, like a fairy who didn't eat fireworks in the world, and it was as nice as it could be.

To be honest, Russell has experienced so many worlds, and has never stopped having such a beautiful female voice.

"Then what, little sister, let me ask you something, a giant titan like you can live for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years, can it transform?"

Nothing else, just curious!

It's a pity that Russell didn't get an answer. The reserved Mothra only talked with Russell once through telepathy, and no matter how much he asked, Mothra didn't give any response.

Russell angrily withdrew his telepathy, the queen is too arrogant, whether it is the queen of elves or the queen of monsters.

Mothra's flying speed was very fast, unlike Raton and Ghidorah who flapped their wings and set off natural disasters, it flew calmly and did not cause any weather changes.

It can also be seen from this that Mothra's speed can be even faster, and in order to avoid disasters, it has converged on the earth.

Russell vaguely remembers that a certain version of Mothra can fly at sub-light speed in the universe. When encountering an enemy that cannot be defeated, travel back in time to 100 million years ago, save enough power to wake up, and overwhelm the enemy with an overwhelming advantage. Confused enemies to defeat.

By the way, this bewildered enemy is King Ghidorah.

huh huh———

In the Arctic Circle, the sky and the earth are white. Mothra arrived one step ahead with Russell. It seemed to have received some kind of induction, and it stopped on the spot and did not move.

Russell's eyes turned black, and his eyes jumped over the boundless distance, and he clearly saw a dark mottled land in the middle of the white area.

The free electric charge in the air is very weird, not a normal natural discharge phenomenon. Russell speculates that King Ghidorah is here to fight with people, and the opponents who are fighting are most likely the group of Supergirl.

"Who blasted who?"

Russell raised his brows, wanting to telepathize with the superwoman, but the distance was too far to sense it. Worried, Mothra, who was waiting for her boyfriend, opened her black wings and flew towards the target direction.

Supergirl frowned and looked at the distant sky. The dark dots were getting closer and closer. This is not the point, but the colorful glare behind Russell.

Mothra is here, Godzilla must be nearby too, don't think about it, this must be here to pick people's heads.

She sent a voice transmission to Shen Menghan to ensure that there would be no deviation in Ghidorah's seal, otherwise it would be too late for the scumbag to regret.

The telepathy of the Supergirl team is in charge of Mu Xinxin, who has enhanced mental abilities. The latter can compile the team's communication network and assist the captain to have an overview of the overall situation.

"How are you doing?"

Luo Su fluttered his wings and landed, and found that Jian Shaoxin and his daughters all looked serious, as if there was another memorial service.

Especially Duan Xinlan, with tears in the corners of her eyes, wanted to cry but couldn't. If the scene was really a memorial service, she must be playing the role of a family member.

"What's going on with these people, is the man dead, or has the price of cucumbers increased?"

Russell teleported through his mind, and asked suspiciously. He put his gaze on the superwoman, and found that there were hidden cracks in the golden armor, and more than half of the dark energy had been consumed.

He frowned, raised his hand and pressed it on the golden battle armor, sending dark energy to complete it, and at the same time said via voice transmission: "I sensed it in Boston, next time you meet a powerful enemy, don't rush into it with all your blood!" Go up, wait for me to go up together, if you get hurt, I will feel bad."


The superwoman encounters a knowing blow, and her heart is full of alarm bells. The scumbag is too sweet, or let's forget it this time!

"Hey, why don't you talk?"

Russell asked in surprise, looked around and found that the atmosphere was not right, frowned and looked at Raton who was lying on his stomach not far away, and telepathically asked the reason.

"What's wrong with the hostess, did you break your head in a fight?"

Raton chattered some unintelligible bird language, because it was telepathy, and Russell roughly understood its meaning.

Everything works fine, nothing happens.

Nothing happened, but Supergirl behaved differently, obviously still struggling with the bad debts of Jason's vest.

Russell secretly thought it was unlucky, he promised to hand over the black account to himself tomorrow, but he forgot it for a while.

"Then what, is Ghidorah dead or running? If he is not dead, with its self-healing speed, it will be alive and kicking again soon. I will go and look around." Russell turned around and was about to slip away.

In the distance, Shen Menghan, who was hiding in the barrier, had a long face. The superwoman was greeted by Russell, and she couldn't find her way after a few words.

"Trash, you can't walk when you see a man. I knew she was unreliable."


Ying Yingying next to her rolled her eyes, secretly thinking that it would be the same if you went, they were all unreliable.

Seeing that Russell was about to run away, the Superwoman was still refusing to throw the cup, Shen Menghan also fell into a state of jealousy with herself, Ying Yingying decisively said: "Master, that fellow Yang Lianting hooked up with other women in front of you, it is really hateful, Tong can't stand it anymore."

The original words are not like this, but changing a few names roughly has the same meaning.

Sure enough, Shen Menghan's face was blackened, and he personally threw the cup and gave the order to attack.

"Wait, I suddenly remembered something."

Duan Xinlan felt sorry for receiving the sound transmission, gritted her teeth and stomped her feet, swished and jumped onto Russell's back, like an octopus using the seven-day love lock.

"Captain, I'll lock him up..."


Standing next to Russell, Superwoman punched Duan Xinlan down with one punch. There are many ways to block people, but she uses joint skills and wraps her so tightly. Do you think she is blind?

Russell's pupils narrowed slightly, and the six wings behind his back spread out and flew straight into the sky.

Buzz buzz! !

The crossing red hot eyes swept across, and the volley blocked his way, which made him turn around and look down immediately in shock.

"Heat sight in two directions, no way..."

Sure enough, the hidden barrier was opened, and Shen Menghan walked out with the left and right guardians. She couldn't see any expression on her face, but Ying Yingying had a villainous smile on her face, and she winked at Russell, as if she was mocking His death is approaching.

A drop of cold sweat fell from the corner of his eyebrows, Russell's eyelids twitched, and he couldn't figure out why the two supergirls stood together.

The said love rivals are incompatible?

How did he reconcile before he started doing ideological work?

Without even thinking about it, he turned around and flew straight into the sky. It was impossible to fight, and he would not be able to survive in the future.

Buzz buzz! ! !

The golden enchantment was opened, and the magnificent hexagon covered the entire space, and each side was carved with complicated magic talismans, so densely packed that it made people dizzy.

On the ground, Ying Yingying, who consumed a lot of magic power, degenerated to the growth stage, her magic robe dragged the floor, and her height was less than 1.2 meters.

In order to see the scumbag being dealt with by two superwomen, she also worked hard.

Holding the great black flame sword in his hand, Russell slashed at the barrier with all his strength. The aftermath shook and rippled, but he couldn't break it. , What did you have with Ying Yingying before.

boom! boom!

Two loud bangs landed, and Unit 1 and Ultraman Beria appeared, blocking the way from left to right, followed by Superwoman and Shen Menghan, and the remaining minions blocked the gap in the barrier.

Russell tightened the black flame sword in his hand, and sighed, the car finally turned over.

"Russell, tell me, what are you hiding? Why can you enter the team mission of other teams, and what is your relationship with the main god?"

The superwoman's voice transmission, as long as Russell throws his gun and confesses, she can let go of the matter of women's clothing.

"The truth has been told to you. You have a special status. If you tell it, you will be punished by the Lord God. Why don't you believe it?"

Russell was still the same old way, his eyes rolled around, and finally fixed on Ying Yingying, what a hostage, there is no need to be a pity.

"You lie too much, I can't tell which one is true and which one is false."

"The matter of identity is true, I didn't lie to you..."

Russell squinted his eyes, and waved down the endless black bats, his body merged into it, and the billowing black torrent rushed towards Yingyingying's position at high speed.

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