End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 902 Spoiler about the future to the savior

The matrix is ​​a virtual world and has nothing to do with the real body. Therefore, after Zion's human rebel army hacked into the matrix, they all flew over the walls, one against ten, and killed without blinking an eye.

Of course, they also have limits, and they are far from being the opponents of 'anti-virus software' agents.

The same is true for Russell. He just entered this illusory world, and his thinking is still limited by the original inertia.

Taking the two passive skills of lightning rod and electricity storage as examples, he felt that he couldn't store electricity without his body, but in fact, when he appeared on the stage like a Terminator, he was surrounded by electricity, so nothing happened.

"As long as my heart is strong, my ability will be as great. As long as I feel strong enough, I am the god of this world..."

Russell muttered to himself, his heart is not that big, he doesn’t want to become a god, it’s enough to manifest the original power X10, anti-virus software is not easy, so don’t bully people too much.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Several gunshots were heard in the distance, Russell folded the wings behind his back and turned around to look, a man in a suit and leather collar, and a long-legged woman in a tight black leather jacket were staged a chase on the roof of the building, followed by a group of The slow-moving American imperial police.

In other worlds, it must be the scene of the FBI chasing the female snitch, maybe the FBI will give a warning at the beginning of the film.

In [The Matrix], the FBI in a black suit and tie is an anti-virus software. The meaning of its existence is to eliminate junk programs, and then to kill the rebels who hacked into the matrix.

The long-legged lady is the rebels. Russell saw her short hair and strong facial features. As a woman, she has a heroic mind comparable to that of a man. She guessed that she is the heroine in the trilogy, named...

"Well, what's her name?"

While Russell was muttering to himself, the lady with long legs, that is, Trinity who had sneaked into the mother's body, jumped and jumped over the building gap of more than ten meters wide. After landing, she rolled and unloaded, and hid behind the water tank next to him .

Their eyes met, Trinity's eyelids twitched, it was fine to stand on the top of the building and blow the wind at night, but it was a bit unreasonable to not wear clothes.

Russell smiled and turned his head, full of embarrassment, but this was only a superficial phenomenon. He was very shy in his heart, worried that he would be ridiculed if he showed it, so he pretended to be calm.

This is a pervert!

Seeing that Russell was not ashamed but proud, and grinned obscenely, Trinity touched the pistol at her waist,

Turned back and fired several shots at... the pursuer.

On the other side, the American imperial police who were chasing were forced to stop. OMG marveled at Trinity's jumping ability, feeling that long legs have an advantage.

Immediately afterwards, Agent Jones of the antivirus software staged a leap over the building again. He accelerated to the side of the building, ignoring the distance between the buildings, leaped and landed smoothly, his feet stepped out of the cracks on the ground, his eyes locked on Trinity's position, and at the same time I also saw Russell, a passerby.

Agents, as advanced anti-virus software, are ubiquitous in the matrix matrix, and any consciousness that has not been unplugged will be forcibly entered by them and transformed into their appearance.

Of course, Agent Jones switched bodies, wanting to take Russell's place and end the cat-and-mouse game.

Buzz buzz! !

Agent Jones swayed slightly, stared at Russell dumbfounded, frowned and invaded again, but still failed.

"This is impossible!"

On the side, Trinity, who didn't notice the abnormality, shot back and killed Agent Jones who was in a daze on the spot.

After she succeeded, she exclaimed inconceivably, thinking of the pervert next to her, she turned her gun around, fearing that she would turn into an agent.

But no, Russell has everything in sight, no black suit and tie.

Trinity looked disgusted, and felt that if she looked at it again, it would be a needle's eye. She quickly ran for more than ten meters, jumped onto another building, and quickly disappeared into the night.

Russell didn't catch up, the plot had just begun, and the contact with Zion's rebels was meaningless, so he was going to hang around for a while, looking for confidence to get all his abilities back.

Also, as expected of the heroine, the legs look longer from behind.

"Hey, I forgot to ask just now, her leather jacket is not breathable... Will it bulge when you fart?"

Without wearing a tight leather jacket, Russell was really curious about this seemingly boring question.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

After three high-altitude leaps and the sound of footsteps landing, three agents in suits and sunglasses jumped to the roof of the building, and surrounded Russell with expressionless faces. Agent Jones, who had just been headshot, was in line.

Agent Jones discovered Russell's abnormal 'program', and the information was passed on to other agents. The three immediately replaced the body of the policeman. Because the situation was too weird, Russell was listed as a priority and gave up chasing the escaped Trinity.

Another familiar face...

Russell looked at the leading Agent Smith, and vaguely remembered Elrond, the elf lord of Rivendell in Middle-earth.

Elves are such a thing, it's annoying to think about them.

"Unknown program, no identity on record."

"Exclude immediately!"

The three agents did not speak harshly, and the leader, Agent Smith, spoke out coldly. The three of them pulled out their waist pistols at the same time and pulled the trigger on Russell continuously.

The bullets fired continuously, and in Russell's tiny eyes, the speed of the bullets became slower and slower.

He believed that he could dodge bullets, and he could dodge it a long time ago. In this illusory world, this strong confidence made the trajectory of the bullets slower and slower, slow enough for him to brush his teeth and wash his face before changing clothes.

Can dodge!

But why hide?

Russell didn't move his body, let the bullet hit his body, swung up on the spot, spun around the edge of the roof, and fell down top-heavy.

The three agents stepped forward quickly and heard the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground from a distance. They looked at each other and turned to leave, letting the American police clean up the mess.

On the street, Russell raised his hand to flick off the bullet on his body, chose a random direction to hide in the darkness, his body merged with the darkness, and soon disappeared.


Thirty minutes later, Russell pulled up his pants and walked out of a shopping mall in a neat suit. It was closed at night, so he couldn't find a salesperson even if he wanted to swipe his card.

Negative Ratings!

He wandered aimlessly in the city, and found that many shops in the streets and alleys were closed, but instead there were groups of hooligans one after another.

"Chicago, no wonder!"

Passing by a weapon sales store, Russell stepped in, picking and choosing under the watchful eyes of the clerk.

Browning M1911, Beretta 92FS, Glock 17, the sales volume of these three pistols remains high, Glock is too ugly, the first pass, among the remaining two, Russell chose Beretta.

There are three types of Beretta 92FS in the store, regular, stainless steel, military M9, nothing to consider, of course the M9.

When checking out, the clerk inadvertently revealed the large revolver at the waist, put the M9, magazines, and bullets into the shopping bag, and did not pull up the open jacket until Russell swiped his card to leave.

"Let me think about it, where should I go next?"

Russell, who was wandering around, noticed a few small tails behind him, sighed and turned into the alley next to him, walked out after three minutes, and continued to think about the appropriate time to cut into the plot.

In the end, it was concluded that as fate would have it, as long as Neo dared to appear in front of him, he dared to break the plot so that the main god could not recognize it.

Passing by the bar ahead, several wobbly men helped each other out, and the smell of alcohol could be smelled from far away.

"Well, how was the buddy I introduced to you last time?"

"It's expensive, but it's worth the money. The technology is really good. I'll look for him next time."

"To be honest, that guy Anderson is really a genius. The documents he stole for me last time made me kill that fat pig a lot of money."

"Hahaha, me too, sometimes I really want to start a company with him, he is responsible for collecting information, and I am responsible for door-to-door debt collection..."

"Sounds great, why don't we try it another day."

"Guys, can you introduce this Mr. Anderson to me?" The first two words made Russell subconsciously stay away from them, but the latter words made him involuntarily come closer.

"You fucking are..."

Facing the familiar Russell, the drunks were about to go mad on the spot. Shocked by Russell's arrogance, they lined up in a row in an instant, stood obediently in place, and reported Anderson's address and phone number without reservation.

Russell waved his hand, told the drunks to get out, turned around and walked towards the destination two streets away.

The current Neo is not yet the savior, his name is Anderson during the day, and he burns CDs in the company. In the evening, his name is Neo, and he is a hacker who collects money to burn CDs for clients.

As long as the price is right, he will not refuse the client's request, and he will engrave any CD.

Not only is the savior’s hack not turned on, but Neo has not been in contact with Zion’s rebels and the mother’s anti-virus software.

"If I contact Neo now and spoil what will happen in the future, what will happen to the plot..." Russell raised his eyebrows, this matter is very interesting.

Also, with his luck, in such a large area of ​​Chicago, you can come across information about Neo when you just walk around the streets. Don't think about it, it must be the guidance of fate, and it is suitable for Neo.

No, it's Neo's fortune!

The distance between two streets was short, Russell glanced at the old-fashioned apartment building, passed by the sleepy security guard, and knocked on the door of room 101.

"Who are you?"

Neo pushed open the door and saw Russell dressed in a suit, tie and sunglasses. He froze for a moment and said, "If it's selling newspapers, I've already subscribed, thank you."

"Acquaintances introduced you, and they said you have good skills."

"Sorry, you have the wrong person."

Neo's face turned cold, and he raised his hand to close the door.

Russell raised his hand against the door: "Mr. Anderson, do you have this feeling that you don't know if you are awake or in a dream?"

Neo is currently in a period of confusion, and Russell believes that the other party will definitely sit down and talk to him slowly after saying this.


The door was shut tightly, and there was a faint sound of the bolt being inserted.

Russell: "..."

Sure enough, if you want strangers to talk to you well, only eloquence and good looks are not enough, you have to make the truth clear at the first time.

So, two minutes later, Neo was tied to a chair by strips of cloth torn from the bed sheet, and a black rag was stuffed into his mouth...

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