End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 905 You are indeed born with supernatural power

The apartment suite is very spacious, and there are seven or eight young children in the living room, not ordinary children, they all have special functions.

Some can levitate building blocks, and some can bend spoons into twists with ideas.

Russell is not interested in these little ghosts. He knows very well that these children are not human little ghosts with tubes inserted in the back of their heads, but programs, and special functions are a way of expressing their authority.

"Don't try to bend the spoon, it's impossible..."

The little boy who practiced mind power was a little familiar, or out of a desire to show off, he passed the spoon in his hand to Russell, asking him to try changing the shape of the spoon.

Russell shrugged, and squatted down to take the spoon in the little boy's hand. He knew that what he was holding was a set of data, but he didn't have permission, so he could only see a spoon.

Seeing Russell cooperating with him, the little boy smiled: "You have to realize the reality, in fact, there is no spoon at all."


"So you will understand that it is not the spoon that bends, but yourself."

When you think about it, it is not the wind or the sail that is moving, but the heart is moving!

Russell raised his brows, he understands this truth, but the tree wants to be quiet but the wind keeps on, it's like he wanted to be a good man all the way, but in the end the ship split by itself, what he can do is to follow the path of a scumbag up to black.

"Little friend, you made a mistake in your first sentence. You are the only one in the world who can't do it. Nothing is impossible."

Russell showed a kind smile, and patted the little boy's head: "It's actually super easy to bend a spoon, Uncle will show you."

Squeak! Squeak! squeak----

Russell clapped his hands and left, leaving behind a bewildered little boy and ten twisted spoons.

There was a pair that could no longer be called spoons, and was straightened violently by Russell, turning them into chopsticks.

"Wait a minute, sir, the Prophet is still receiving other guests."

Seeing that Russell walked directly into the kitchen without waiting, the black woman hurried forward to stop her, but it was useless. She grabbed Russell's arm and was dragged into the kitchen.

in the kitchen,

The Prophet was sharing a cookie he had baked, and Neo picked up one, eating more than half of it.

Seeing Russell's appearance, both of them were taken aback. Leaving aside the prophet's bewilderment, Neo was surprised by Russell's appearance. When Murphys told him that there was such a person as a prophet, he always thought that Russell was a prophet.

"Hi, Mr. Anderson, we meet again."

Russell stood still, with an attitude of "I opened this mountain", rooted under his feet and did not intend to leave.

The black woman couldn't do anything to Russell, even pushing and pulling, and kept apologizing to the prophet. It was her negligence in duty that caused the prophet's reception to be disturbed.

"It's okay, I just finished talking here."

The Prophet shook his head slightly, expressing that he didn't mind. She was an old black woman in her fifties who looked ordinary and nothing special.

"Hi sir, what should I call you?"

The Prophet extended his hand politely, Russell glanced down and didn't take it, and hooked Neo who was about to leave with his backhand. It seemed that the two brothers were good, but he insisted that the other party stay as the audience of the meeting.

The Prophet was slightly taken aback: "Sir, you don't seem to be very friendly."

"I'm easy to talk to, but it depends on what kind of person I'm facing. Unfortunately, you're not even a human being." Russell shook his head slightly, cutting straight to the point, pointing out the truth that the prophet is a program.

The Prophet shook his head and said with a smile: "Can I take your attitude as a form of discrimination?"

"up to you!"

Neo looked dazed and was held in place by Russell. After listening to the guessing conversation between the two, he suddenly figured out something, and said in surprise, "Prophet, you are not a human, but a program?"

"Obvious things, I thought you knew."

The Prophet responded to Neo, looked at Russell and asked, "Then this gentleman of unknown origin, why did you come to me?"

"Hey, aren't you waiting for me?"

"I didn't wait for you, I only knew you would come when you appeared."

The Prophet shook his head: "I can't understand the code on your body. It's disordered, chaotic, illogical but traceable... It's very contradictory, as if staring at the darkness, everything I can think of is in it, but more, all It's beyond my imagination."

"Interesting, the omnipotent prophet actually has something he doesn't know."

Russell said the gunpowder-flavored words, and picked up a baked biscuit: "I am very surprised, since the prophet knows everything, why does she still bake biscuits, since she can know the taste of all the biscuits in the world with just one thought. "

The Prophet frowned: "Sir, the ending is not important, what matters is the process."

"That's for humans, the machine just needs the result."

Russell put the biscuit to his mouth. After thinking about it, he felt that it was unreliable. He stuffed it into Neo's mouth and continued: "The prophet is simulating human beings. As a program, her task is not only to maintain the stability of the matrix, but also to detect human beings." feelings, to explore the root of human self-cognition, to seek the uncertainty of chaos..."

Every time Russell said a word, Neo's handsome face turned paler, and correspondingly, the Prophet's face turned darker.

"The Prophet leads the human resistance, gives the people in the matrix matrix who are unwilling to accept the illusion the right to choose, learns the concepts of self, love, sacrifice, etc. from the human resistance, and incorporates these concepts into the machine civilization, and finally achieves the goal of evolution."


Neo broke free from Russell's shackles and took a fighting stance. The target was the prophet who had a good talk with him before. There was no reason, but he felt that what Russell said was right.

"Mr. Anderson, why are you so excited?"

Russell waved his hand, hating him for not contending: "This is exciting. If I tell you that there are five generations of saviors before you, wouldn't you explode on the spot?"

Neo stood there stunned. His body didn't explode, but his brain exploded. He was so shocked by Russell's words that he couldn't tell east, west, south, north.

"This gentleman, what are you, are you also a program?"


Russell nodded the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose: "The matrix world is 1999, so I am the millennium bug. The meaning of existence is to cause various system dysfunctions until the system collapses."

"There is no such possibility!" The Prophet shook his head decisively.

"Yes, the sixth-generation matrix system is not perfect, and the appearance of the savior means that the system is about to reach the brink of collapse and must be restarted again."

Russell pulled Neo, who was stiff all over, and stuffed a biscuit into his mouth again: "You used that... Trinity, this name is hard to remember, and implanted the concept of love into the savior, making him different from the previous one. Five generations of the savior program, this is very good, love represents infinite possibilities, this silly boy may really be able to upgrade the system."

"I... I am a program!?"

Russell repeatedly uttered shocking words, which made Neo's mind go blank, and he almost fell into a coma.

"Not all, half of you are human."

Russell patted Neo on the shoulder, comforting him with the good news. The effect was mediocre, and Neo's face became paler.

"Sir, you disrupted my plan..." The prophet's eyes were cold, as ruthless as steel.

Russell shrugged, ignoring the cold eyes of the Prophet, and looked at each other without fear: "No, if I don't say these words now, the designer will tell Neo, and if the designer doesn't say it, you will still tell Neo. A little earlier, same result."

Hearing this, the Prophet's face flashed a look of surprise, and perhaps some fear: "How do you know so much, these... are things that haven't happened yet, the future is unpredictable, you..."

"Prophet, the future is in your plan. The savior is locked in love and will only act according to your plan."

Russell took a deep breath: "To tell you the truth, in the future, your plan succeeded, and Agent Smith successfully infected the whole world. In the end, Mr. Anderson died with him, the matrix restarted, and the program gained feelings."


The Prophet showed joy, and suddenly saw Russell's teasing smile, and immediately said coldly: "No, you are lying to me!"

"I didn't lie to you, but there is no me in this future. When I appear, this future will be eliminated."

Russell grinned, showing his white teeth: "How about it, for the sake of a better future, hurry up and destroy me!"

The Prophet's face changed, and he didn't know what he was thinking, and finally said stiffly: "Why do you want to eliminate this kind of future, the survivors of Zion have not been wiped out, humans and robots have reached a coexistence, peace is not good?"

"A peace based on the dominance of machines is not rare to me."

Russell said disdainfully: "You are only simulating human feelings, but you can't learn human selfishness and arrogance. In all fairness, this is a good thing, but it also means that you are a flawed program after all!"

The Prophet was also firm: "You really are discriminatory. Human civilization is over. It is inevitable that machine civilization will replace it. Learning takes time. I believe that one day we will learn human feelings."

"Do not!"

Russell pulled down his sunglasses and looked directly at the Prophet. His eyes were so dark that no light could escape: "I said you are a flawed program, which means you have feelings, understand?"

The Prophet was furious, the value of his own existence was completely denied by Russell, and he experienced real anger for the first time.

And the contempt and arrogance in Russell's eyes was very much like a human being who did not give the machine 'human rights', and even trampled on her dignity. A series of complex emotions flashed, making her anger intensify again and again.

Boom! !

The wall was violently knocked open, and a man wearing a retro Hanfu, a white mandarin jacket, black trousers, and round sunglasses stepped out. His eyes pierced Russell like a blade through the sunglasses.

"Wow, Chang Wei, you are indeed born with supernatural power!"

Russell smiled coldly. Under the astonished gaze of the Prophet, he clasped his five-finger claws around Neo's neck: "Prophet, guess what, do I dare to kill Mr. Anderson?"


Neo: "..."

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