End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 908: A Mortal After All

"What two?"

Neo vaguely heard Murphys talk about the savior again, and asked excitedly: "Murpheus, you said there are two saviors, is it true?"

The truth about the savior is too heavy, and Neo was not mentally prepared for it, and now he can't bear it anymore, and just wants to find someone to quickly throw the blame.

"I'm just guessing, the mysterious man dressed as an agent..."

When Murphys said this, he shook his head: "It should be because I think too much, not to mention that I have never seen him, nor heard of this character, and the real savior will not attack the prophet."

A true savior does not attack the prophets because they are of one kind!

Neo smiled wryly when he heard the words. In the war between man and machine, the savior who brought hope to mankind is a key figure in the robot camp. Thinking about it, he is full of despair.

Just when Neo fell silent, the car drove into the suburbs and stopped at a fork in the road, and an abandoned building with mottled walls could be seen in the distance.

The abandoned building is the secret location where the crew of the Nebuchadnezzar invaded the matrix. Except for the tank brothers who stayed behind on the spaceship, all the crew members entered the matrix through the telephone line here, and now, this hidden stronghold has been exposed for some reason.

"Neo, can I trust you?"

Murphys looked to the left and right, looking forward to the arrival of the savior in his heart, killing all directions and rescuing his crew from the trap, but he was very scared. If Neo couldn't cover it, his last hope would be gone.


Neo nodded, took out his sunglasses and put them on. He didn't want to be a savior, let alone leave his companions alone.

After half a month of getting along, he had already regarded the crew of the Nebuchadnezzar as his friends, and he couldn't survive and leave alone.

Murphys nodded, put on sunglasses at the same time as Trinity, and drove straight to the abandoned building.


"Target close, Murphys in the car, they passed."

From the helicopter, Agent Jones trails the car and relays a message to the circle of abandoned buildings where Agents Smith and Brown are located.

The first target of agents is the exile program, as antivirus software, they are responsible for cleaning up problems,

Or the old programs that have been eliminated, and most of these programs are unwilling to be eliminated, hiding in various places.

For example, the group of people under the French are all under the exile procedure.

Hackers do not belong to the problem program. As a human resistance organization, it is the squid’s duty to clean them up. However, hackers will cause chaos in the mother body. In the absence of the exile program, the agents will also take it as the target of cleanup.

But this time the operation was different, with Agent Smith loathing humans, seeing them as diseases and viruses, and eager to escape the Matrix prison for freedom.

So he and the twenty-five boy Cypher made a plan to capture Murphys alive, torture the password of Zion's mainframe, and exterminate all human beings, then he will be able to gain real freedom.

This is an ideal antivirus software. Of course, it can also be regarded as a deliberate intention by the designer to balance the powerful power of the savior.

Receiving the message of Murphy's arrival from the communicator, the corners of Agent Smith's mouth twitched. Emotion is the biggest disadvantage of human beings, because emotional human beings will always make some ignorant actions.

Like this time!

"Kill everyone except Murphys!"

At this time, Agent Smith still didn't know the significance of Neo, and his cheat hadn't awakened, so he naively thought that this operation was foolproof.

The car stopped outside the encirclement, and Neo ignored the guns and short guns in front of him, and calmly opened the door.

Behind him, Murphys and Trinity walked out one after another, as well as the driver Switch who had been driving.

Caucasian female, 30 years old, with yellow hair, different from the three of Neo, she was wearing a white suit.

You can tell from his performance that Switch is a taciturn person, and he didn't say much along the way.

Switch: "..."

"Mr. Anderson, we meet again."

Agent Smith grinned evilly, locked his eyes on Murphys, and raised his head to order: "Catch them!"

Seven or eight special police officers stepped forward quickly and took out the handcuffs from their backs. Whether it was Agent Smith or this group of people, they all regarded the behavior of Neo and others as a surrender.

With dozens of guns pointed at them, can they still turn the tables?


The three of Murphys pulled out the micro-chargers on their backs, and the shuttle shot out of the barrel, smashing seven or eight special police officers into a hornet's nest, and the sudden resistance immediately attracted a counterattack.

clatter! clatter! clatter! clatter----

Dozens of black holes spewed out flames from the muzzles, and the projectiles were pressed down like a shower, turning into a metal storm capable of tearing everything apart.

Agent Smith secretly thought something was wrong, fearing that Murphys would be shot to death randomly, but before the astonishment appeared, it was replaced by shock.

I saw the unarmed Neo standing in front of the three of them, with his five fingers spread out, as if he had propped up an invisible air wall as a defense. Bullets were frozen in midair, unable to move as if time stood still.

The gunshots gradually stopped, and the special police who emptied their magazines were dumbfounded, deeply shocked by the incomprehensible scene before them.

Neo tilted his head slightly, took down the fixed bullet in front of him, and threw it on the ground casually, and the other suspended bullets fell to the ground, and there was a constant jingling sound for a while.

"This is impossible!"

Agent Smith was stunned. As the anti-virus software of the system, what he couldn't do, an intruding hacker actually did it.

The three of Murphys, who had been shocked once, also found it incredible. After all, a bullet and a thousand bullets are not the same concept. Fortunately, after receiving the shock once, they quickly woke up and dunked at the stupid live targets. Pull the trigger.

clatter! clatter! clatter! clatter----

Clusters of blood bloomed, and the leader, Agent Smith, rushed to the street in an instant, replaced the body of a special police officer, and contacted the communicator to let the helicopter fire.

Re-confirmed that the primary target of elimination is Neo, and no longer obsessed with capturing Murphys alive, and wiped out all of them without leaving one.

The helicopter rained dense bullets, and Neo stretched out his five fingers with his backhand, and the bullets were frozen in exactly the same way.

In the abandoned building, because the telephone line was cut off, the three crew members who had nowhere to escape rushed out quickly, cooperating with Murphys to attack back and forth, and poured firepower on the special police behind the police car.

The firepower of the special police couldn't hit Neo, and the dumpling was wrapped in his back, and he suffered heavy losses for a while.

At this time, the helicopter changed its attack target and turned to strafing the abandoned building. The three crew members ran wildly and hid in the building.

The three of Murphys reloaded their bombs calmly. With the savior here, they are the only ones who can hit others, and others can't hit them. They don't need a bunker, just stand still and shoot. It feels so cool.

The contrast is stark, SWATs are ordinary players, hackers are high-tech players, agents are RMB players, and Neo is a hacker.

clatter! clatter! clatter! clatter----

Murphys held a microcharger in each hand, pulled the trigger twice with his left hand, and then pulled the trigger twice with his right hand. The black flesh on his face kept shaking. The smooth battle was more enjoyable than playing a single player in the simulation, that is, after training, Otherwise I can laugh out loud.

The two ladies are no good, thin and flat, when the trigger is pulled, the whole body is as solid as a rock, and no one shakes.

"Damn it!"

Seeing that more than half of them were killed or injured, Agent Smith cursed angrily and gave Agent Brown a look. He rushed towards Neo, and Agent Brown turned around and rushed into the abandoned building, preparing to capture hostages as a threat.

RMB players attack high defense and have their own high-speed moving aura. Murphys micro-shooting and strafing are all avoided by his flickering phantom.

Neo didn't move, and when Agent Smith came punching, he stretched out his hand to catch it steadily. The strength of the two sides was out of proportion, and Agent Smith couldn't even break free from Neo's palm.


Neo hit Agent Smith's abdomen with an uppercut and was able to levitate up, and then a roc spread its wings, leaped into the air, and kicked Agent Smith into the air.

A very familiar scene, leather clothes, sunglasses, machine guns, dodging bullets, kung fu, no cover 4V100, the four of them are unparalleled, and the enemy on the opposite side is like cutting wheat, falling down one after another.

Agent Smith fell to the ground, rolled several times and stopped, his body swayed and changed into the appearance of a special police officer, and he switched his body and revived beside the police car.

Almost at the same time, the door of the abandoned building was violently kicked open. Agent Brown took Cypher as a hostage and walked out with a pistol to his head.

Neo and the others stopped attacking, and Murphys frowned and looked at Cypher. Cypher was arrested too quickly, but he was still not sure whether the other party had really betrayed Zion.

Cypher's eyes widened, and he shouted loudly, "Murpheus, leave me alone, shoot me, you run away!"


Agent Brown gave Cypher a smack, his head was bleeding, his forehead was stained with blood, he whimpered and stopped talking.

"Mr. Anderson, meeting again, you really surprised me..."

Smith glanced at the hostage Cypher, and laughed: "After all, he is a mortal!"

boom! ! !

There was a loud sound of shells piercing the sky, and then the helicopter shattered and exploded in the air. Everyone present looked up and saw a phantom flashing by, and the ground trembled slightly.

Russell swept away the dust around him with a wave of his hand, and stepped out of the sunken ground. The shape of the suit and tie made Agent Smith slightly taken aback.

When he saw Russell's face clearly, his pupils shrank slightly, and he subconsciously said, "Why are you here, aren't you dead?"

Russell didn't answer, and walked towards Agent Brown who was closest to him. His sunglasses were burned when he released his heat vision, and he urgently needed to add one.

"The guy who attacked the prophet, is he chasing us?" Murphys said in surprise.


The corners of Neo's eyes twitched, and his intuition told him that he was being haunted by the devil.

At this moment, Trinity also recognized Russell, frowned and said, "I've seen this man before. Last time I was chased by agents, I met him."

"and then?"

"No then, this is the second meeting." After Trinity finished speaking, she added in her mind that Russell put on her clothes so suddenly that she almost didn't recognize her.

Boom! Boom! Bang————

Agent Brown supported Cypher with one hand, pointed at Russell with the gun in the other, and every bullet hit Russell in the face.

The effect is mediocre, Russell's thick... solid defense, the bullets can't cause damage, and all the bullets fly out.

When Agent Brown emptied the magazine, Russell also walked up to him.

Agent Brown pushed Cypher away and punched Russell with a vertical fist, but the latter was faster than him, and before the punch fell, he clasped his neck with his five-fingered claws.

With a little force, Russell lifted Agent Brown up in place like a chicken, and then took off the sunglasses from his face and put them on for himself.

Agent Brown held Russell's wrist with both hands, trying to break it apart, but after a crisp click, there was no movement.

This scene was even more shocking than when Neo intercepted the bullet and defeated Agent Smith with three punches and two kicks. After all, Neo still had to defend, and Russell...

Such a thick skin! xN

Russell tossed Agent Brown's body lightly, and when it landed on the ground, he pulled out his whip leg, hit the dumbfounded Agent Smith, and shot the two of them against the wall.

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