End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 912 Want to learn, you, I'll teach you

"Whatever you want to call it is up to you."

Russell didn't care about being called the savior by Murphys. He didn't think there was any savior in the world, and he had to rely on himself after all.

Take Neo as an example. The savior who came out after a long wait was set by the robot.

But he didn't deny that the vest of the savior is really useful, it can be fooled... Ahem, it can skip a lot of unnecessary troubles.

Also, if there is really a savior in the world, Russell also hopes to be saved.

He recognized that the ship was broken, natural disasters and man-made disasters are inevitable, a responsible man will never push back and complain about the added disasters, but silently carry these disasters with one shoulder.

Like him!

Aggrieved, but do not say.

But the problem right now is that the two boats are running further and further away. He needs a strong backboard to step on the two boats and make sure they are not carried into the water.

It's not that Russell thinks too much, but that he is prepared for danger in times of peace and looks too long-term.

After receiving Russell's affirmative reply, Murphys smiled like a black fat man weighing two hundred pounds, and said excitedly: "Great, I want to bring the truth back to Zion, and I want to bring the savior back."

Murphys laughed and shed tears. At the beginning, he learned that all the resistance of human beings was a game of chess played by robots. No matter what human beings did, they could not escape the fate of the chess pieces, and this was already the sixth game of chess. Really close to breaking down.

That is to say, to hold your breath in grief, indignation and depression, otherwise you could really kick your legs and die.

Fortunately, there is still hope for mankind, and the real savior has appeared!

Murphys didn't know whether what Russell said was true or not, but it didn't matter. The layout of the robot was interrupted by Russell, and the human beings struggled until the sixth reincarnation, and finally saw hope.

Those soldiers who died, their blood was not shed in vain, they are not pawns of robots, their beliefs have never collapsed, this is enough!

"Murphys, the Nebuchadnezzar can't move, the electromagnetic levitation device was damaged by that bastard Cypher, and the spaceship is paralyzed!" Brother Tank checked the power equipment, and poured a basin of cold water on Murphys' head.

Are you fucking kidding me?

Murphys widened his eyes,

It's just a stun gun, but it can blow up the power system of the Nebuchadnezzar. Is the ship broken to this point?

Russell nodded beside him: "It's really broken, and the smell is also very strong!"

Murphys: "..."

"Morpheus, there is a lack of spare parts on the ship. We need to go out and collect the wreckage of the old world. If we are lucky...we don't encounter a squid, so we can fix it." Dozer, the tank's brother, shrugged. The situation is very bad.

Russell didn't speak. He came to the damaged spaceship, squatted down and studied for a while, touched his chin and said, "It's okay, the problem is not big, give me twenty seconds, and it should be fixed."


"Give me the hammer."

Under the eyes of everyone who didn't know why, Russell took the hammer from Murphys, demolished the east wall to repair the west wall, and repaired the generator with a big hole in it with a few ping-pong-pong pangs.

At least on the surface it is fixed!

"Twenty-three seconds..."

Russell curled his lips in dissatisfaction, and stuffed the hammer behind his back: "No way, it's the first time repairing such an old hovercraft, and I'm not used to it."

Murphys looked at Dorze in astonishment. The latter's eyes were demented, and he didn't understand the meaning of those hammers.

"Dose, what are you still doing, go start the spaceship!"

"oh oh!"

Doze recovered and nodded again and again, feeling that Murphys must be crazy, Russell is very good at fighting, but maintenance...

Angels are on the side of mythology. Do you know what magnetic guidance and linear drive are?

Buzz buzz! ! !

After the successful start, Duo Ze was stunned, this TM is okay, now he feels that Murphys is not crazy, but he is crazy.

"how did you do it?"

Tank made a sound of surprise, just like his brother, his curiosity was like a cat's paw, scratching him uncomfortably.

"Want to learn, you, I will teach you!"

Russell took out a hammer from behind his hip, knocked a piece of scrap metal off the deck, and walked to the broken computer screen.

"Can this be repaired?" the tank said in surprise, half of the display screen was burnt, and it was properly scrapped.

"Of course, it's actually very simple..."

Russell stuck the scrap iron on the big hole of the screen, picked up the hammer and made a few gestures at the corners: "Boy, you are lucky. Today I will analyze it for you in slow motion. How much you can learn depends on your luck."


Tank nodded again and again, and other people came up together, wanting to know how superb Russell's repair skills are.

"First of all, knock a few times on the corners to fix this piece of scrap iron in place."

Russell's hand holding the hammer was as steady as an old dog, and he said seriously: "The first step is very important. If you don't position it properly, it will seriously affect the appearance after repair, understand?"

clang! clang! clang!


The crowd watched in confusion as Russell tapped the edge three times with a hammer to fix the iron sheet to the hole in the screen. To be honest, they didn't understand.

"Keep your eyes open. The most critical step is coming. Next, I will knock on the central position..."

Everyone held their breath when they heard the words, all their eyes were focused on the hammer, and they didn't dare to take a breath.


Russell dropped the hammer, and the iron edging turned into a display screen like magic, perfectly fitting the original damaged position.

He pressed the display switch, and after starting it, it was as good as ever.

"How about it, do you understand, isn't it very simple?"

Russell thrust the hammer behind his back, raised his eyebrows and looked at the crowd. He couldn't learn it so simple, that means he has no talent, so don't expect him to teach it a second time.


I just saw a hammer!

Murphys and the others were speechless. They understood that it had nothing to do with science. Those hammers were all deceitful. Russell clearly used his super fast hand speed to reverse the time and return the computer to the place before the hammer fell. look.

That's right, that's it, and only in this way can it be explained!

Everyone felt resentful and wanted to complain, but they were afraid that Russell would pick them up and stuff them behind their backs when they told the truth. They smiled dryly and nodded in praise, never mentioning the repair.

A group of untalented students were blinded by the slow-motion demonstration.

Russell shook his head and walked towards his private room. Neo followed quickly, still having questions in his mind and wanting to ask for advice.

A group of people looked at each other on the spot, was rushed to the post by Murphys, and immediately set off to return to Zion. By the way, they found a rope and tied Cypher tightly from the beginning to the end.


In the single room, Neo, who entered the door, looked at the spaceship cabin with a very sci-fi vision, and stood there in a daze. It took a long time to find a suitable corner to stand in.

"Would you like something to drink?"

Russell produced a metal cup and pointed to the soda dispenser hidden in the wall, which he had hammered out.

"Okay, I'd like a cup of coffee."

"Sorry, only ice water!"


The time we spent together was too short, and Neo hadn't gotten used to Russell's deceitful way, so he silently took the water glass and sipped it one after another.

"This water is very sweet, just like the mineral water in the matrix."


Seeing Neo savoring it carefully, Russell frowned: "I bet you don't want to know where the water comes from."


Neo swallowed a sip of water down his throat, and sprayed it out directly from his nostrils, choking and coughing again and again, his posture was very much like the young master of the Qi family who coughed out his lungs.

Russell waved his hand to condense the splashed water into a ball, throw it into the sewer next to it, and recycle it for the next person who wants to drink.

"Tell me, what do you want from me?"


Neo frowned fiercely, just being rectified by Russell, he forgot everything here, and said after a while: "I want to know, since you are the savior, why do you want me to be the savior in the matrix? What's the point?"

"Hey, it does make sense, I'll tell you when the time comes, but now..."

Luo Suruo smiled meaningfully: "This is not the purpose of your coming to me, I will give you one more time, what do you want to know."

Neo Jun blushed slightly when he heard this, and said hesitantly: "I heard all the conversation between you and the Prophet. The Prophet used Trinity to implant the element of love in me, which successfully upgraded the matrix system. Then Trinity... ...was this all pre-arranged as well?"


Russell looked at Neo in surprise. When the latter boarded the Nebuchadnezzar, he also boarded the ship together. He had never seen the two of them alone, so how could they be so excited?

Or, Neo likes those with long legs?

"Young man, don't think so much. In a future without me, Trinity is willing to die for you, and you are willing to die for her, and more than once. You just need to know these things."

Russell gave an answer, whether it is an arrangement is not important, as long as they love each other.

"But, I always feel wrong."

Before the love begins, the result is already known. Neo feels that this kind of love is not real, and subconsciously wants to reject it, but...

Those legs are so long!

Sensing Neo's thoughts telepathically, Russell curled his lips in disdain, secretly thinking that a bitch is hypocritical.

Obviously they all fell in love with each other, bah, they fell in love at first sight, and they still have to worry about what is there or not. It's really blind to Zha Kang's scumbag face that loses his memory when he pulls up his pants.

"I'm tired, that's it, please go out of the door and close the door for me!"

Russell didn't bother to say anything to Neodor. He would understand when he arrived in Zion that the general was drawn out of the dwarfs. Although Trinity was a vise, it was already considered a high-quality stock.

"No, this is really important. If I fall in love with her, don't I just fall into the prophet's trap?"

"Don't get close to your face, remove 'love', this is your real thought."


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