End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 918: Powerful Painting Style

In the matrix world, the avatar flickered and stabilized the prophet and designer.

Russell didn't know any of this.

When he simulated Satan in the virtual world, he absorbed the dark side of the world and created a clone. The purpose was to help Neo delay time, and wait until he got the Mech City on his side, and then went back to clean up the prophet and designer.

Obviously, he underestimated his painting style, and the avatar didn't play cards according to the routine at all.

This is a good thing!

As we all know, painting style and special effects determine a person's combat effectiveness. With his painting style, few people can surpass him, and it is even difficult to see through him.

It was another quarter of an hour's flight, just when Russell thought he had entered the technological version of Ghost Hit the Wall, some kind of space weapon, he finally saw the endless light under the night.

At the end of the pipeline, there are continuous mountains on the horizon, like a crouching dragon across the continent, stacked and majestic, making people call themselves insignificant.

Russell narrowed his eyes slightly, seeing that the mountain was not a mountain, but the external defense system of the Mechanical City.

Sure enough, the mountains split and disintegrated, turning into giant warships, charging countless muzzles, releasing lasers and special missiles.

For a time, the sky was full of artillery fire!

When the pipeline was cut off, the inside of the mechanical city noticed it, and mobilized the surrounding squid to repair it.

The hard-working squids rushed to the scene, but they were unable to repair the damaged parts, not because of poor technology, but because the entire pipeline was gone.

How to fix this?

The mechanical city, which was shocked by the vision, immediately turned on the defense system, scanned the approach of a huge energy body, immediately sounded the alarm, activated all the defense systems, and started the factory, using its powerful war potential to print soldiers on the spot.

This is machine civilization, just like Zion has a population of 250,000, so it makes sense to dispatch 250,000 squid.

They pursue balance, and in the absence of external threats, all actions and purposes give priority to energy conservation.

Humans will never understand this.

Even if it is playing games, even if there is only one enemy on the opposite side, human beings have enough first aid kits, too many bulletproof vests, as many weapons as they can take, and magazines must be filled up.

Empty one and pick one up...

It's not my fault that I'm running slow, it's a game design problem!

What, there is still a car to drive?

Then I'm fine, and the game design is fine!


Dense light beams shot up into the sky, a little bit of flash spread out evenly, and the raindrops were dotted into a flat net, leaving no room for Russell to dodge.

Behind the beam barrage, the mechanical self-explosive missiles are also lined with dots, weaving into a surface overwhelmingly.

There is no aiming in the crazy offensive, because this wave flows down, and the creatures that walk on two legs basically come and give as much as they want.

It's a pity that the imaginary enemy of the machine is human beings, and the anti-human weapons can be upgraded to anti-army weapons, which cannot be used against "God".

Russell vibrated his six wings, waved down countless bats to open the way, followed by his body, and used energy consumption to pass through the first wave of laser barrage.

The second wave of mechanical self-explosive missiles looks a bit like a mechanical octopus, with its own cutting and drilling functions.

The red sensor on the face detects that the bat is blocking the way, and the information is transmitted and exchanged. At the same time, it chooses to self-destruct, and the power superimposes to disperse the bat group, directly acting on Russell who wants to take advantage of it.

The fiery wind blows, and the violent hurricane presses down on the ground, crushes cracks, and raises countless gravel and dust.

Russell wrapped his body with six wings, and was forced back a hundred meters away by the explosion. He froze in mid-air, and found that the laser weapon had been recharged, and couldn't help curling his lips.

"If there is only this level, I will destroy the mechanical city..."

His eyes turned black, the six wings on his back vibrated, his body turned into a sharp sword, and he went straight to the dark clouds in the sky.

The dense laser weapons followed, and they were submerged in the cloud together. The sky and the earth were silent, and the turbulent clouds suddenly became silent.


After a brief pause, there was a deafening loud noise, so loud that it could be heard clearly hundreds of miles away.

The dark and dark clouds were torn apart by a pair of invisible hands, and strands of warm sunlight shone down, illuminating the wasteland more than a century ago.

In the center of the gap, six black wings bloomed up and down. Russell raised one hand high, and a thunderball full of destructive aura was located on his five fingers.

The thunderball has a diameter of 100 meters, and the energy contained in it is incalculable.

It's not over yet, violent energy condenses from all directions, and at the same time as it gathers, the aftermath pulls out sharp-edged branch currents on the sky.

The arc flashed, roaming around every corner of Russell's body, covering the pitch-black wings with a layer of dazzling white light.


As soon as the voice fell, the thunderball deformed violently, divided into eight and shot thousands of meters to the sides, then landed vertically, the beam cut, and swept across the ground repeatedly.

From a distance, it looks like a white eight-legged spider, using the skill of war trampling on the ground.

The eight lightning beams landed vertically, connecting the sky to the ground, illuminating the silently weeping sky, and easily pierced through the warships at the speed of a flash before the machine could react.

The eight sharp swords cut, and the rolling thunder continued to descend, shaking the earth and trembling between the interlacing.

The steel warship was torn into pieces like paper, and black and red fireballs shot up into the sky, but even so, the sound of the explosion was covered by the rumbling thunder.

The last cry before death, unable to compete with Thunder!

The invincible army formed by the continuous mountains was destroyed wantonly at this moment, just like Russell faced the insignificance of the mountains before, now it is their turn to tremble and helpless in the face of the majesty of the world.

Rumble! !

In the distant sky, one after another thunderbolts gathered, splitting the sky to pieces, and in the center of the torn sky, pulled out a large net of light beams that wandered, continuously charging Russell, making his firepower almost infinite.

"One hundred thousand volts!!"

Thousands of thunderbolts surged, thunderbolts roared and roared, and the ear-exploding sound made people fear that it was a cosmic explosion.

After a loud noise, countless thunder pillars landed at the same time, like dense searchlights shining down from the clouds.

The brilliant light was only for a moment, but it illuminated the pitch-black sky until it was as bright as snow, and the pitch-black earth was also extremely pale at this moment.


The lightning disappeared, the large dark clouds dispersed, and the bright sun shone brightly, projecting the black six wings onto the ground, elongating a grinning devil face.

"The machine civilization is really powerful. If you don't show some real skills, you really can't beat them."

Looking across the mottled land, Russell stood in the sea of ​​burning steel, spit out a mouthful of plasma, and expressed his lofty respect.

The black wings vibrated, pulling the demon's shadow towards the mechanical city.

So far, the boxy mechanical city has been breached, and its defense force has lost a quarter.


The whole city gave an alarm, and the ear-piercing buzzing sound spread over the city. The robots in the city looked up to the direction of lightning and thunder, where the sky was torn off a corner, and the infinite light was extremely eye-catching.

However, what light brings is not warmth, but cold darkness.

The dark demon's body is towering above the ground, and the energy materialized black robe is shrouded in mist, turning into a twisted and screaming facial features. The giant holds a black flame sword, and a boundless hurricane is formed with a wave of his hand.

The demon's two horns pierced the clouds, and after collecting the thunder, it was released by the rolling eyes of the thunder, breaking the steel forest easily.

The black flames that cannot be extinguished dotted the ground, eating away at the mechanical city bit by bit. Judging by the speed of its destruction, if the mechanical city did not come up with an effective countermeasure, there would be no mechanical city in an hour.

Rumble! !

The body of the demon god holds the sword in both hands and raises it above his head. The sword body condenses the thunder that is about to explode, and then lifts his hands upside down and inserts them heavily into the ground.

The thunder light sprinted, and the roaring thunder turned into a silver-white giant wolf, rushing towards all directions densely, like mercury splashing on the ground, clearing a large space in an instant.

In mid-air, countless tiny mechanical flying insects soared into the air, turning into a serious face. The moment they opened their mouths, the body of the demon god was slapped away, and the dense darkness eroded, leaving behind a pile of scrapped residue.

This was the first time that Russell went all out to destroy a city. He felt that he was very talented, as if he had turned on some indescribable switch, and he was able to quickly enter the state.

It's not that he brags, the efficiency of the monsters in the special film to destroy the city is far worse than him.

Buzz buzz! !

It may be that the negotiation ended before it even started. The armed forces of the Machinery City began to counterattack, the steel ground cracked, and floating warships rose from the ground, enclosing the body of the demon god into the encirclement net.


The body of the demon god raised the black flame sword high, and the white lightning spider descended again. The war trampled and swept across the field, eliminating all the warships, leaving no one behind, and bombing to scum.

Before, Murphys wanted to raid Mech City with Russell, and his confidence stemmed from the fact that the spaceship had EMP, which is an electromagnetic pulse device.

This thing will paralyze all electronic equipment within the range of action, making it self-closing.

In the early stage of the man-machine war, humans used this weapon to wipe out robots in large numbers, but in the end, because these weapons needed time to recharge, they were defeated by the endless steel ocean of the robot army.

Russell has studied this kind of weapon, generally, it is not as efficient as hitting a mine, so he didn't bring hundreds of them on his body.

Of course, he wanted to bring hundreds of them, and Zion couldn't provide such a quantity.

When Russell was killing all directions, the sirens in the mechanical city suddenly changed, and the air was extremely chilling, and the killing was full of coldness and ruthlessness of steel.

The defenses on all sides of the mechanical city were broken, and they were collectively buried under the thunder. At this moment, the robots in the city evacuated to a safe area, and the remaining three sides turned their muzzles. Thousands of arrows were fired, and the beam shower lit up the sky.

Russell scanned three sides, except for the side where he came, there was no room to dodge in other directions.

It's definitely not good to be tough from the front, it consumes too much energy, and it doesn't conform to the principle that only he hits people and others can't hit him.

It is even more impossible to retreat. The strong can only advance but not retreat. If you take one step back today, you will take a second step back tomorrow. If things go on like this, it becomes a habit. How can you advance bravely?


Russell gave a cold snort of disdain, restrained the body of the demon god, and used his magic skill - digging a hole!

Dig a hole, and the opponent will miss this round.

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