End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 928 Gravekeeper

In Texas, the sudden surge of dark clouds enveloped the sky, and the thunder tore through the air, splitting a dry tree in half the moment it landed.

Flames ignited and black smoke rose.

Dense black raindrops fell on the head, and the moment it covered the flames, it dyed the red flames into a thick black color.

Russell stepped out of the shadows, looked at the background board next to him, and frowned tightly.

"It's too bad, this way of appearance, if I say that I am a good person, no one will believe me!"

No one really believed it, and ordinary devils didn't have this kind of battle at all, starting with a boss at the level of a devil.

This can't be blamed on Russell, he wants to have a white light, countless holy feathers fluttering, accompanied by the singing of "Hallelujah".

However, it takes a lot of energy to reach the human world from hell. When the energy is transmitted to the human world, the aftermath of the overflow will intuitively show the essence of the energy.

Black is black, white is white, God never lies.

"After all, you're new, so it's justifiable! Next time, next time, I must use the holy light to open the way!"

Russell nodded secretly, and his telepathy swept across the surrounding area to see if there was any place nearby where information could be collected.

The passage between hell and the world is located in the middle of the desert, and the possibility of human activities in the surrounding area is extremely low, but it is not impossible, after all, rabbits do not eat grass beside their nests!

Just like a photographer, the surrounding grass is a spare ingredient, and it will not be eaten lightly unless it is absolutely necessary.

Also, it's okay to understand it as keeping a hidden nest and not being seen through at a glance.

The result was unsatisfactory. Russell found a bar on the side of the desert road, but there was no living person in it, and they all died.

The six black wings swept across the ground, and Russell flapped his wings and landed at the door of the bar. Before entering, he could smell the smell of sulfur.

Taste of Hell!

At the entrance of the bar, the water in a body evaporated, and the distorted corpse with a dark blue to black body raised its hands to the sky. The withered limbs and skeleton-like facial features made people shudder.

Especially the hollow eye sockets of the skeleton are very weird, no matter what angle you stand at,

It can make people feel its sight in the dark.

"Tricks from hell, someone is spreading fear..."

Devils feed on the fear of human beings. Killing is not their goal, it is just the most basic and least technical method. They use killing to create fear, and then gain their own strength from fear.

If the world is compared to one dimension, the greater the fear of human beings, the stronger the power of the devil.

Unfortunately, in this materialistic society, human beings fall down before the devil can move his mouth, and then the devil can become stronger by lying at home...

You may not believe it when you say it, but the devil degenerates into a house that has been dead for thousands of years, and is finally defeated by the brave man who came to the door.

Russell pushed open the door of the bar, and dead bodies could be seen everywhere in the room. Just like outside the door, these corpses were all distorted, as if they had suffered incomparably painful torture before death.

No intelligence was obtained, but he could already confirm that these people all died at the hands of the devil.

The death is so painful that the dead body cannot be looked at directly. If others look at it more, they will have nightmares at night and feel that there are people everywhere in the house.

This is the method of the devil. The person who is killed will not live in peace after death. Hell magic will be applied by the devil, the corpse will be used again, and fear will be spread to wait for the devil to harvest again.

"Which idiot did such a good thing, a novice, that he didn't even let go of the spare ingredients at the door?"

Russell shook his head again and again, he was either a novice or an idiot, a mature devil would never expose the location of the door for such a small gain.

Even if it’s not a devil, if it’s him, the lord of the dark dimension, the channel that connects to the earth, whether it’s Kama Taj or Wakanda, will be fattened up in vain.

Russell took the motorcycle keys from a deceased person, looked at the map on the wall, and was about to go to a nearby city to try his luck, but when he looked up, he saw a poster with amazing graphics and text.

"Best biker stunt man of the century, Johnny Burning defied the death record... from one end of the 300ft (90m) course to the other..."

Gaining important information in one fell swoop, Russell locked his eyes on the stadium of the motorcycle exhibition race, shook the car keys and went out, and took the map with him before leaving.

With just the words 'Hot Johnny', he had already guessed who the opponent was, Ghost Rider Johnny Blazer.

Looking at the poster, Russell speculates that this is the plot of the movie version. There are countless multiverses in the Marvel world, and it is not surprising that such a world appears.

What Russell is curious about is whether there are other heroes in this world besides the superhero Ghost Rider, or whether there is only Ghost Rider here, which belongs to his personal booklet.

"I don't know if the Mephisto and the Black Heart Demon here are the two I saw at the meeting of the Demon King, or they are branches of other parallel universes..."

Russell is not very interested in Ghost Rider, but Mephisto is more able to attract his attention. Every time this guy appears, he is accompanied by conspiracies and tricks.

Of course, he has been under too much pressure recently, and it would be good to rub the Ghost Rider on the ground.

Russell picked up the car keys, tried them one by one in the parking lot in front of the bar, and finally successfully started a locomotive, heading towards several cemeteries in nearby cities.

If it's the plot in the movie, then the contract in the cemetery is the most important prop in the plot. He doesn't like to be passive, so the contract must be in his own hands.

The main plot of [Ghost Rider] is very simple. Mephisto’s son Black Heart Demon, like the sons of hell in all worlds, has been the prince for countless years, and finally he can’t bear it anymore. lord of hell.

But he was not strong enough, and he could only be hanged and beaten in front of him. His IQ was touching, and his conspiracy and tricks were not Mephisto's opponent, so he chose to use props.

San Van Gonzale Contract!

Looking at the name, it seems to be a very sacred contract, but it is an evil contract for the devil to bind the human soul and turn it into an evil spirit.

Once this contract is signed, the power of the evil spirit and the evil spirit itself will become the devil's private property, and it will never be reborn forever.

The previous generation of Ghost Riders was ordered by Mephisto to sign this contract with the townspeople in a small town called San Van Gonzale. Because of his conscience, he refused to hand over the contract to Mephisto and disappeared incognito. not see.

The small town of San Van Gonzale, you can tell from the name, what kind of people live in this small town, either kind by nature, or devout believers.

In a word, their souls have very few impurities.

Once a pure soul falls, the power contained in it is far more terrifying than a pitch-black soul.

Mephisto took a fancy to this and continued to make deals with the residents of the town. As a matter of course, the devout faith was defeated by the temptation of the devil, and the townspeople gave up and sold everything to the devil.

Seeing that the general situation was settled, Mephisto asked the first-generation Ghost Rider to retrieve the contract, but Erwu Zai ran away with the goods.

The black heart demon learned about the contract, and believed that if he obtained the contract, he would have the power to defeat his father, so he sneaked into the world to find the contract.

Because Mephisto could not exert his full strength in the world, he ordered his knights to dispatch to defeat the black heart demon and regain the contract of San Van Gonzale.

At this point, the protagonist of the story, Johnny Blazer, the second generation of Ghost Rider, appears.

Johnny and his father make a living by riding stunts in the amusement park. The resolute and brave father has always been Johnny's idol, and he dreams of becoming an excellent motorcycle driver like him.

At the age of 17, Johnny's father was dying of cancer.

Just when Johnny was in great grief, Mephisto found him and promised to make Johnny's father heal, but Johnny had to sign a contract at the price of his soul.

Johnny had no choice but to sign the contract for his father's life, and his father's body recovered immediately. As a result...

He died on the spot while playing acrobatics the next day.

Mephisto: If you die on the spot, you will not die of cancer. According to the contract, your soul is mine.

Johnny was furious because he couldn't beat him, so he became Mephisto's running dog and cleaned up the rebels in the world for him.

Johnny was unlucky, but Russell would have no sympathy for him, and people who make deals with the devil never end well.

This point, when Johnny signed the contract, he must have known it well, it was just because of luck, imagining that the devil had sympathy.

The way of heaven is good reincarnation, who will the heavens spare!

Mephisto took Johnny's father away. After many years, he became the king of hell, "Satan". He was handsome for only three seconds, but was robbed of the throne of "Satan" by Johnny's anti-general, and finally he was imprisoned and lost his freedom. .


The locomotive sped along the night road, and Russell searched backwards for two cemeteries, and arrived at the third and smallest cemetery.

The gloomy purpose is self-evident, the mist is hazy, and nocturnal creatures such as owls scream, without other special effects, it is enough to shoot horror movies.

Russell stopped the locomotive, telepathically guided the way through the tombstones, and found the gravekeeper's house.

The sound of the locomotive engine was extremely loud in the empty cemetery, and anyone who was not deaf could hear it clearly, and the grave guard was no exception. Standing at the door with a shotgun in his hand, he squinted his eyes and looked at Russell, feeling a sudden thump in his heart.

It was dark, darker than night!

The visitor is not good...

When the gravekeeper looked directly at Russell, Russell was also examining him, a hale old man in a cowboy hat.

Confirmed the eyes, the first generation of Ghost Rider, he is the only one!

The gravekeeper shook the shotgun in his hand and warned: "Outsider, this is not the place for you, you will wake up the sleeping dead."

"It's okay, if they dare to wake up, I can make them sleep again."

As Russell said, he strode towards the old man who guarded the tomb. The latter held the shotgun tightly and pointed the gun at Russell.

Seeing that the two sides were about to explode, Russell stopped suddenly, glanced at the wall of the house, picked up the shovel, turned around and left.

The San Van Gonza contract is hidden in the shovel!

Gravekeeper: "..."

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