End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 931 Tit for Tat

Casino Las Vegas!

A luxury casino located in a prime location, the private room on the top floor is resplendent, spacious and gorgeous, with crystal chandeliers shining brightly, and floor-to-ceiling windows designed so that people in the room can easily overlook the whole venue and have a panoramic view of all living beings.

Mephisto and Russell sat opposite each other. The former held a goblet and gently shook the bright red wine inside, while the latter had a glass of ice water. After drinking the water, he ate ice directly.

This casino is the property of Mephisto, to be precise, the whole street is his property, and every day, people lose their souls to the devil.

Mephisto wanted to invite Russell to play two games, but Russell resolutely refused. As an outstanding dimensional demon, he would not even touch the bad habit of gambling.

"Brother, what's going on with the Black Heart Demon, I'm curious as an uncle."

Russell's eyes stayed below, a red-eyed gambler signed an agreement with the casino staff, and soon got the bargaining chip.

Then, the gambler who lost everything was invited away by the casino security and sent to hell on the train.

Mephisto smiled lightly, took a sip of the red wine, first took a deep breath, closed his eyes and enjoyed the atmosphere of the casino for a while, and then slowly said: "Brother, why don't you talk about other things? It's a bit unspeakable!"

Mephisto didn't want to say it, and Russell didn't force it. Anyway, this is not the point. He is concerned about other things: "Brother, where is this world? Is it your exclusive territory?"

"Brother is being humble again. As a Dimensional Demon God, how could you not know?"

Mephisto raised his glass of red wine, and the beautiful waiter next to him immediately poured some for it, and continued: "You should be able to tell that this is not my territory, and I am just a passing traveler, just like you."

The universe of [Ghost Rider] is not related to other Marvel universes. Mephisto entered this universe by mistake because of a magical teleportation.

He was very concerned about this, intending to build this place into a new colony, and continuously harvest soul currency, but was blocked by the forces of heaven.

That's right, this is a world belonging to heaven, and Mephisto, as the devil king of hell, is a key target.

Leaving his own dimension, he is not an opponent of the army of heaven, and the strategic shift is based on retreat.

But he didn't give up,

Instead, write down the coordinates, secretly project your own hell dimension here, and build a new hell to replace the false hell woven by the angels.

The angels cannot enter the dimension of hell, and Mephisto is no match for the army of heaven when he leaves hell.

Mephisto has always relied on his IQ to make a living. Give him a mouth, and he can turn the world upside down, so he doesn't contradict the terms of the truce.

Even, in order to show his determination to yearn for peace, he left his main body, leaving only a clone to sit in charge.

As the demon king of hell, although Mephisto is a nail-biting household, he must be forceful. He is unwilling to do everything by himself, and created the black heart demon as a thug to help manage the new hell.

As for why he is a black heart demon again, it can only be said that it is easy. This son has used it for many years, and he is not used to another one.

On Johnny's side, the source of the Ghost Rider's power is indeed heaven, and its fundamental spirit of revenge was created by God himself.

After the Noah's Ark Flood, God found that the original sin nature of human beings had not changed, but he had promised not to punish mankind with such cruel means as the Flood, so he used the Spirit of Vengeance to supervise the sinful nature of human beings.

Since then, the spirit of vengeance that came to the world in the form of flames combined with the human host to become a ghost knight to cleanse the sins of the world.

The main duty of Ghost Rider is to monitor the evil nature of human beings in the world, and to avenge those innocent people who were killed by evil, which is the standard evil nemesis.

Therefore, Ghost Rider's real name should be 'God's Wrath'!

As for why he became a Ghost Rider and was forced to work for Mephisto, it could only mean that the Vengeful Spirit was too unlucky, or Mephisto was too smart.

Mephisto signed a contract with the Vengeful Spirit through clever deceit... eloquence, and obtained the ownership of his soul.

Heaven is unwilling, both sides stare at each other, they are both social people, it is impossible to fight, so they decided to use negotiation to resolve the dispute.

The result is that the souls of the Vengeful Spirit are divided equally between the two sides. The Vengeful Spirit has become a warrior in the two realms of heaven and hell, but he has no absolute allegiance to either side.

In other words, this thug has two leaders, doing some dirty work that is easy for both parties to come forward.

Because this world is related to an important plan of Mephisto, Mephisto brought the Spirit of Vengeance here to do dirty work for him in the world.

As soon as Heaven saw that the criminal's skull was one of his own, it felt as disgusting as eating a poop. It didn't want to suffer this loss, and it added the task of punishing evil to the spirit of revenge.

Just like that, Ghost Rider is good and bad, jumping back and forth between black and white camps.

The intuitive performance is that the previous generation of Ghost Rider Sorey did a lot of good and bad things, and once suspected that he was split.

In fact, it is true, the soul is in two halves, can it not be schizophrenic!

That's why Mephisto didn't recognize Russell immediately, but thought for a while before remembering his identity.

He is a clone, not a body!

But now, it's hard to say whether the person sitting opposite Russell is the avatar or the main body.

"Brother, you said that I am a passerby, I admit this, but you said that you are also a passerby, which is a bit insincere."

Russell chuckled: "I went to hell, a piece of dimensional fragments that are being cultivated, it looks delicious, is that your place?"


Mephisto shook the goblet's hand slightly, and praised: "Brother, it's your fault. You didn't say anything when you arrived at my house, which caused me to not entertain you well."

"Entertainment is fine, I'm afraid you have ideas, brother!"

Russell grinned: "Like now, seeing how weak you are, brother, I can't help but have thoughts, that is, let's be brothers, otherwise I will really do it."

"Brother, don't think so, this is someone else's world after all, it's better to keep a low profile..."

Mephisto smiled meaningfully, and raised his finger to the top of his head: "Those guys have a bad temper, and they fight when they disagree with each other. They're not as easy-talking as I am."


Russell raised his head and poured the last piece of ice into his mouth. While chewing the crushed ice, he put the empty glass on the table, raised his brows and said, "I've seen those guys getting upset a long time ago, why don't we two try it out and win?" If it’s gone, we’re half of us in this world, how about it?”


Mephisto closed his smile when he heard the words, and stared straight at Russell with no expression on his face.

Behind the two, red flames and black fog emerged, turning into two distorted and evil faces looking at each other.

Forced by the aura of the two, the resplendent and resplendent private room was cracked with large cobweb cracks, the gaps spread all the way, and the huge floor-to-ceiling windows shattered, causing the crowd in the casino below to scream again and again.

The violent aura collided and collided in the private room, without leaking out in the slightest. The ordinary people outside didn't feel it, and the waiters in the private room were miserable.

For example, the bunny girl who poured wine for Mephisto just now was forced to reveal the real body of the succubus with wings.

After a while, both the flame and the black mist dissipated and converged back into the bodies of the two.

"Brother, are you serious?"

Mephisto squinted down and narrowed his eyes slightly. Everyone seemed to be under an illusion, frozen in place and unable to move.


Russell snapped his fingers lightly, erasing everyone's memory, and shook his head with a smile, "Brother, it's just a joke, why are you so excited?"

"This joke is a bit too much, I have a bad heart and can't stand the stimulation!"

"This is what I said, I think you are young and strong, brother, and it is not a problem to live another 10,000 years."

"Hahaha..." x2

The two looked at each other and laughed, the chaotic casino seemed to go back in time, the broken things returned to their original places, the sober gamblers looked sullen, and began to sell their souls to the devil in exchange for a direct ticket to hell.

"By the way, brother, I suddenly remembered something."

Russell raised his hand and asked for a glass of ice water. Miss Succubus changed into the appearance of a human bunny girl, walked away quickly in small steps, and handed over the ice water.

Added lots of ice!

Mephisto narrowed his eyes slightly, exuding a fierce light: "What is it, is it related to knights?"

"No, it's a contract called Saint Cassie. I'm curious about its usefulness. Can you tell me about it?"

"It's the Saint Van Gonzal contract!"

"That's right, that's the name, it's too awkward to pronounce, and I can't remember it all the time."

"That's a contract for me to exercise my eloquence when I'm bored. After all, I'm a devil, and I rely on this mouth to make a living. The kung fu of my mouth needs to be tempered frequently." Mephisto smiled and said indifferently.

"I see, I won't panic if you say that..."

Russell smiled slightly, took the contract out from behind his buttocks, ignored Mephisto's ashen face, and said to himself: "Since it's your playful work, brother, I can safely collect it."

"Brother, you're a little too far!!"

"It's nothing, I've always regarded you as an idol, but my talent is not good, I can't learn one ten thousandth of your evil, so..."

Russell stuffed the contract back, and said with longing: "As a fanatic, it's not too much to collect a few autographed photos of idols!"


Seeing that the contract disappeared, a haze flashed in Mephisto's eyes, he put down his red wine glass, got up and hugged the succubus beside him: "Brother, eat ice slowly, brother, I am very angry, go out and vent."

"Hey, you haven't said what the contract is for..."

Seeing that Mephisto left without turning his head, Russell's voice faded, he glanced at the crazy gambler below, shook his head and left.

To be honest, he really didn't know what this contract was for.

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