End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 948 The next wave of actors is in place

Metal One-Armed Man!

After learning the important information, Tony was shocked, forgot about the battle, and watched Stephen Strange's personal files repeatedly.

In a 3V3 game, if there is a teammate who is disconnected from the team, it stands to reason that he will definitely hit the street, and there is absolutely no possibility of survival.

But the fact is, with the blessing of BUFF, it doesn't matter whether there is Tony or not.

Jarvis's strength is entrusted to fight on behalf of him, and the actual combat effectiveness displayed by the Mark50 after driving the magic reform is much stronger than Tony himself.

Tony watched the information and asked Jarvis to retrieve Strange's files from S.H.I.E.L.D. After several verifications, he confirmed that the information was correct. Strange's severed hand was indeed caused by the metal one-armed man.

Don't ask where Tony got the authority to transfer files from S.H.I.E.L.D. As a senior consultant, it's very reasonable and very human-friendly for him to leave a back door in S.H.I.E.L.D.'s system.

It's a pity that there is too little information. Tony doesn't know whether the murderer who attacked Strange is the same person who killed his parents.

If so, then the reason why Strange was attacked is very worthy of investigation!

According to the file, Strange was attacked because of his lack of virtue, and he was paid to break his hands.

This needs to be verified, because since the birth of USR's mechanical prosthetic technology, many veterans have a metal arm.


boom! !

A loud noise woke Tony up from his thoughts, and the sound of breaking through the air came from behind him. Without even thinking about it, he immediately turned around and took a defensive stance, and a scene of despair appeared in his sight.


Tony's eyes were dark, and he was brought down by a huge force, and his body fell backwards and fell to the ground.


He felt that if this went on like this, the battle armor on his body, especially the visor, should have a taste.

Steve turned over and jumped up. The battle was so fierce that it was too late to thank Tony. He released photon energy with his hands to resist the roaring bats.

His eyes swept across the audience quickly, his body moved at high speed, as if performing a clone technique, leaving overlapping blurry afterimages, and rushed to the side of a Dormammu clone.

The five fingers closed together to form a knife, and the photon energy entangled and turned into a sharp blade, which slashed directly at Dormammu's neck.

Dormammu's head was easily chopped off with a knife in his hand. Steve spun along the tip of his toes, turned half of his body, and hit the headless Dormammu's chest with his elbow.

Dormammu was blown away by the heavy blow before he could react to the extremely fast two-stroke combo.

With both feet on the ground, Steve pursued hard and was blocked by a swarm of bats. The moment the obstacle was cleared, a black flame blazing sword swept across his waist and abdomen.

The attack left no room, and the timing was perfect. Steve had nowhere to dodge, and his hands propped up the photon energy as a barrier to resist the attacking epee.


The photon barrier shattered, and Steve plowed the ground with both feet, and he barely stopped after moving a distance of tens of meters.

He raised his hands tremblingly, and the edges of his palms were grooved by the corrosive black flames, cutting deep and visible bone wounds. The flames burned the flesh and blood, leaving behind a pungent stench and burnt.

Photon energy flows, dispels the black inflammation attached to the wound, and makes it heal itself quickly.

He frowned and looked at his opponent. This avatar was completely different from the other two. Thinking about the script, he suspected that the other party was most likely playing Dormammu... one of his own.

It's just acting, why are you so serious?

Steve frowned and asked with his eyes. He never thought that Dormammu on the opposite side would not only ignore him, but instead held a sword in both hands and made an attacking posture.

He is a true person!

Steve sighed, he had no choice but to fight.

boom! !

There was a loud crash, followed by the sound of metal rubbing against the ground. Steve's hair stood on end, only to see Tony fall to the ground and slide towards him.

He raised his foot and stepped on Tony's shoulder, which stopped the sound of the brakes.

Tony shook his head and stood up: "The situation is not good, the avatar is so difficult to fight, isn't the main body more... Hey, this is the main body, right?"

Noticing Dormammu holding a sword in both hands, Tony examined his eyes, and through his invisible elemental body, he saw through the essence behind the scenes.

Real hammer, Dormammu sex female!


There was another loud bang, and the deformed Deathstroke armor fell from the sky and fell at Tony's feet.

Three guys, except for Steve who can split 50-50, and the remaining two can only be beaten.

Just when the three of them fell into a passive situation back to back again, a black mist suddenly spread behind Dormammu who was holding a sword in both hands, and the big sword as holy as snow slashed out.

Dormammu turned around to block, with the black flame sword on his arms, his whole body was full of flames.


The holy light cut off the black flame, and the rest of the force did more than split Dormammu's elemental body in half.

The elemental body that was divided into two fell to the left and right sides, and collapsed into a white magic barrier under the black flame burning.

Russell stepped out of the black mist passage, slashed with the long sword of holy light in his hand, and the sword wind pressed down, extinguishing the burning black flames.

He held a sword in one hand and a flaming black elemental head in the other. When he stepped out, dozens of identical heads rolled out of the black mist passage, all of which were clones of Dormammu.

Tony: "..."

As expected of the Supreme Mage, he couldn't beat any of Domamu's avatars. In the end, he was replaced by the Supreme Mage, who chopped melons and vegetables and piled his heads into a hill.

Steve: "..."

The drama was too much, and the powerhouse aura of Captain Hydra was gone in one fell swoop.

Deathstroke Armor: "..."

not my business!

"Supreme Master, I haven't seen you for a while, your martial arts have improved even more."

The head of the element held by Luo Su opened his mouth slowly and indifferently, and he didn't know whether it was a compliment or a mockery.

"Dormam, I haven't seen you for a while, you talk a lot more nonsense than last time!"

Russell threw his head into the air, and a crescent-shaped holy light cut out, tearing apart the black flame and dissipating it.

Seeing this, the remaining two avatars each summoned a black flame sword, and rushed towards Russell from left to right.

Black flames billowed, the speed of the avatar was as fast as teleportation, Russell activated at the same time, bumped into a avatar head-on in front of him, raised a sword with one hand and struck down, oppressing the opponent to block, and violently made it succumb to one knee.

Immediately afterwards, as if he had eyes behind him, he reached out and grabbed a holy white shotgun from the void, and pulled the trigger sideways at Dormammu who was sneaking behind him.

boom! !

The holy flames from the muzzle of the gun gushed out, turning into a frenzied wave and submerging Domamu's body, then the muzzle turned around and pointed at the forehead of the clone in front of him.

"Supreme Master, you have already..."

boom! !

When the trigger was pulled, Domamu was swallowed by the tide of holy light together with half of his unfinished words.


Russell raised his gun and blew through the golden mask: "There's so much nonsense, when did the Lord of the Dark Dimension become a chatterbox?"


Emotionless laughter sounded from all directions, one by one dark passages opened, and densely packed Dormammu walked out, each holding a black flame sword.

"Oh, this scene is not good!"

Seeing this, Tony swooped behind Russell. He didn't want to do this either, but the high-end game was really powerless.

On the ground, Spider-Man and Daredevil looked up at the sky, their necks were a little sore, and found that there was a live broadcast in the bar next door, which was still in high-definition quality, and walked in side by side.

On the white magic barrier, Russell spread transparent light wings behind him, and as the holy halo spread, the wings grew bigger and bigger until they covered the entire barrier.

Infinitely strong light bloomed, and the white flame ignited over the barrier, spreading rapidly with the momentum of a prairie fire, burning countless Dormammu's clones to ashes and annihilation in an instant, leaving no trace of residue.

Tony: So powerful!

Steve: Too much!

Deathstroke Armor: ...

After clearing Dormammu's clone, Russell looked up at the sky, and said to Steve next to him, "Should I call you Captain Marvel, or Captain America?"

Call me Captain Hydra if you have the ability!

Steve was slandered in his heart. As the background board for this battle, he used his own weakness to perfectly support the strength of the Supreme Mage.

At the moment, I am exhausted physically and mentally, I just want to wrap up quickly and find a quiet corner to have a drink.

"It is not my wish to involve you in this battle. After all, the level of the Dimensional Demon God is too high for you..."

Russell caught Dormammu and blew wildly, as if forgetting that he just killed the four-figure Dormammu's clone.

"Supreme Master, can you find a way to close the dimension channel first?"

Steve smiled awkwardly, Russell's face-stomping behavior was no longer in the script, and he interrupted decisively to move on to the next link.

"It's hard!"

The impromptu performance was interrupted. Russell rolled his eyes. Because he was wearing a golden mask, others couldn't see it. He continued: "Once the dimensional channel is opened, it can only be closed from within the dimension. The dimension where the earth is located has no initiative."

"Isn't that..."

"Yes, the longer the dimension channel is opened, the stronger Dormammu's strength on Earth will be. The real battle has not yet begun."

Russell said, waving his hand to open a passage on the white magic barrier: "You two leave first, the next battle is not convenient for you to participate in."

"No, the Supreme Mage is fighting alone, while we are watching the fun below..."

Tony shook his head again and again, and said seriously: "Although my strength is mediocre, I believe that you must be useful to me."

"Tony, we will only cause trouble for the Supreme Mage if we stay."

Steve uttered a line that was too embarrassing to speak, it may be that this line was too contrary to his will, and his acting (liang) skills (xin) were a little bit overwhelmed, so when he spoke, his eyes widened to increase his persuasiveness.

"Hey, captain, that's not like what you should say!"

Tony then widened his eyes, and said in disbelief: "You are the spiritual leader of the Avengers, where is your belief that Captain America/Marvel will never give up?"

That was the old version, after Captain America/Marvel turned into Captain Hydra, the belief was gone from him!

Steve snorted angrily, grabbed Tony by the shoulders, and dragged him away from the battlefield.

The white magic barrier was closed again, Russell counted one, two, three in his heart, the scene switched, and the next wave of actors was in place.

"Hahaha, Supreme Mage, I didn't expect it, I opened the door to the dark dimension, and I introduced the power of darkness to the earth."

Casillas spread his black wings behind his back and landed on the opposite side of Russell, his arrogant expression full of pride.

"Ah, I'm a little surprised!"

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