End of the Sky (Multiverse's End)

Chapter 965 Captain Save Me

Surprised by Tony's wild words, Howard took a breath of cold air into his abdomen, and when it passed through his lungs, the flow was too large, causing a severe cough, and tears came out.

"I take back what I said before. You can cough like this when you take a breath. You are really suitable to play Howard. You look good on the outside, but you are about to retire on the inside."

Tony shrugged, never forgetting to taunt the enemy.

"You, you... cough, shut up... I don't have a son like you!"

Howard wiped away his tears, as far as Tony's words were concerned, there was basically no end of time.

He squatted in the laboratory for more than ten years, and finally saw the opportunity to be released from prison. He didn't want to be implicated by his cheating son, and squat for another ten years.

"Idiot, it wasn't in the first place!"

Tony's face was gloomy: "Children will not believe your lies. I warn you, don't insult my father again."

"Okay, then I'm not your father."

Howard raised his hand and gave a thumbs up. He agreed with this decision very much. His son can be regenerated after he is gone. He is still young, so he can't just die in such a muddle.


Tony lost patience with the weird impostor, only felt that Howard's face was growing on the other person's body, no matter how he looked at it, it was twisted, and the thoughts of nostalgia were suppressed, and the mask was put on again.

"Jarvis, was the invasion successful?"

"Sorry, sir, the opponent's technology is very advanced, and I can't hack into the system of his steel suit."

"Shut down?"

"Sorry, sir!"

"How is it possible that both you and the battle suit have been strengthened by the Supreme Mage, and you can't even invade an outdated old computer?" Tony didn't believe it. It was the magic won by the "Left of the God's Throne", the Supreme Mage and God's bet.

"Sir, just because I am stronger than it does not mean that the technology is superior to it. In fact, the other party's hardware and software are superior to mine. If it weren't for the enhancement of the Supreme Mage, I would have been invaded." Jarvis explained.

"Okay, then use your strengths and go all out to kill him!"

Tony activated the attack mode, that is, the incarnation of the parasite, and handed over the control of the suit to Jarvis.

"Sir, there is one thing I want to remind you. According to the scan and comparison, Mr. Howard on the opposite side is very likely to be your biological father..."

"Shut up, you have been tricked, attack immediately!"

"Yes sir!"

The moment Jarvis took over the control, the cold eyes on the faceplate of the Mark50 magic suit suddenly became sharp.

The battle suit that looks like a dead thing, in the coldness of the steel, has an extra strong aura.


Howard didn't know why, so he subconsciously put on his armor, and controlled three unmanned battle armors to block in front of him. The fire control system aimed at Tony, and it rained bullets in an instant.

Jarvis raised his hand and turned it into a shield, his body lay down on the ground, and the thrusters accelerated to sprint, avoiding barrage blockades again and again.

With the explosive increase in speed, Jarvis's rhythm is obviously much higher than that of Howard. The latter's fire control system automatically locks. Although the capture can be completed, the attack has already been missed.

Tracking guidance is also invalid!

The empty underground plaza gave Jarvis enough stage to perform. The golden and red figure flickered continuously, occasionally freezing and leaving confusing false shadows. Under the blockade of heavy bullet screens, Howard was getting closer and closer.

"Damn, that's not how the script works."

Howard secretly thought it was unlucky, he got the script with great interest, but Tony also had his own script, but the scripts of the two were exactly the same, they both hung and beat each other and rubbed them on the ground.

It's too evil, if I knew it back then, I wouldn't have given him skills!

Howard was full of complaints, and he didn't understand why Lao Tzu was inferior to his son with the same technology.

Seeing that Tony was approaching rapidly, a melee battle was inevitable. He activated the thrusters and flew into the air with three unmanned battle armors, forcibly changing the ground battle into an air battle.

boom! !

The result of the air battle was still that Tony's script was better. In less than three seconds, Jarvis approached three unmanned battle armors with a coquettish move, and cut one of them into a stick with a knife.

As Tony said, this scene is very similar to Obi-Wan hanging and beating Darth Vader, except that the black warrior at that time was still called Anakin.


Earth, the headquarters of the Trident of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Nick Fury clenched his fists, his face was gloomy and terrifying. On the screen in front of him, Tony walked through the dark corridor and was about to fight ten steel suits.

Although the styles are different, the red and gold coatings all indicate that these armors are very likely to be as advanced as Tony's.

After hitting ten, he couldn't help but sweat coldly for Tony, and instantly forgot where the metal one-armed man was.

Afterwards, the picture freezes and does not move for a full minute.

Nick Fury got used to this rhythm, left his desk silently, opened the spacious bulletproof window, took two breaths of fresh air, and threw out the coffee table beside him, only then did he feel much better.


boom! boom!

Another two unmanned battle armors were chopped into pieces one after another. Howard watched the white flames engulf and spread with lingering fear, and imagined the result of his own attack.

Very bad, ten dead but no life!

To make matters worse, the nano-warframe was extremely worn out due to multiple releases of energy for attack and defense, and lost its automatic repair function.

To follow the Stark metaphor, he's participating in a bag-scissors stripping contest.

After the next round, he had to make a difficult decision, which armor to take off in order to maintain his father's majestic image from collapse.

Buzz buzz! !

The blue defensive cover was broken by the sharp blade, and Howard erected the laser sword to block it. The moment he passed by, the laser sword was destroyed by Jarvis.

Unarmed, he gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, opened his hands and pointed at Jarvis. After a burst of bright light, he released dense signal jammers and chose to run.

If you don't run, you can't. If you don't run, Darth Vader's arm will be cut off by his son.

Boom! !

With a loud bang, Howard's way forward was blocked. The system issued an alarm and automatically opened the defensive cover. He was shot down from mid-air by the flying blade and fell to the ground in a very indecent posture.

"Tsk tsk, although you look like my father, even Jarvis was deceived by you, but your strength..."

Tony shook his head, taking control of the magic suit from Jarvis, and he wanted to end the battle with his own hands and kill the impostor who humiliated his father.

"Tony, calm down, trust Jarvis' judgment, and don't do something stupid that you will regret for the rest of your life."

Howard flipped off his visor again, pointing at his handsome face that was dripping with cold sweat: "I am really your father, if you don't believe me, you can ask questions, I know all the little secrets about you."

"Really, then tell me, how old was I when I first fell in love?"

"Six years old!"

Howard didn't think about it, and blurted out: "When you were six years old, you secretly kissed my secretary and threatened to chase her."

Tony was taken aback for a moment: "You all know that, Hydra's intelligence is really scary."

"No, this has nothing to do with Hydra intelligence."

"Stop talking nonsense, your answer is wrong."

"How is it possible, this is absolutely true."

Tony disdainfully said: "Don't use ordinary people's thinking to measure geniuses. I have kissed several of my father's previous secretaries, and I even went on a date with one of them to see a movie."

Howard looked troubled, and explained: "Wait a minute, Tony, that's not the secretary, she's the nanny I hired to watch the kids, date movies or something, she's the one teasing you."

"You think I'll believe it, how could such a beautiful woman be my guarantor... Uh, it's really possible!"

"Well, do you believe it?"

"Bah, when you show this face, I won't believe a single letter of your words."

As Tony said, he opened his hands and opened his arm weapons, ready to send Howard to hell with one blow.

"Tony, calm down!"


The teleporting figure stopped Howard's yelling abruptly. He looked at Bucky who appeared out of thin air, and said pleasantly: "Bucky, explain to me quickly, this silly boy won't believe anything, he insists that I'm dead gone."


Bucky was stunned, he didn't understand Howard's brain circuit, so he explained the difference from adding fuel to the fire.

"I'm in a hurry, you and Tony play slowly!"

After finishing speaking, Bucky teleported away, leaving Howard stunned, and Tony with an increasingly gloomy expression.

"Tony, cold..."

The virtual figure solidified in the field, Strange frowned and looked at Tony, and then looked at Howard.

Tony frowned and said, "Master Strange, I don't need your help here, hurry up and catch the murderer. Remember our agreement, his hand is yours, and his head is mine."

"Uh, then take your time!"

Strange's figure blurred, his levitating cloak was raised, and his figure accelerated and disappeared in place.

"Hmph, your helper can't protect himself. When I kill you, I'll cut off his head." While Tony was speaking, the weapons in both arms were charged with white light.


Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Three figures with changing offense and defense rushed into the square. Steve saw the battle below, and Howard was at a disadvantage.

"Steve, what are you three doing, stop Tony and tell him the truth!" Turning around, Howard saw hope again.

"the truth?"

"What truth?"

"who are you?"

The surprise team, one person at a time, strayed into the battle between father and son, knowing that someone was peeping secretly, and chose to pretend to be crazy, came like the wind, and then disappeared like the wind.

Howard: "..."

"You are a hydra, you actually asked Steve and the three of them for help, do you really think that you can fool everyone by standing in the face of my father?"

Tony laughed, angrily.


A group of Avengers came to the entrance of the square, and when they saw the battle between father and son inside, they all stood there in a daze.

Tony: "Look what, I don't need help here!"

Howard: "What are you looking at, hurry up and help!"

The two voiced their voices to their teammates at the same time. The Avengers thought about the script, looked at each other and then retreated, not wanting to get into this muddy water.

Tony shook his head speechlessly: "You really have a worrying IQ. It's fine to ask the surprise team for help, but you actually ask the Avengers for help."

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