Rumlow's words made Nick Fury's heart feel infinitely cool. As a terminal patient of persecution paranoia, he instantly imagined countless possibilities.

In addition to shock and fear, there is also curiosity, wanting to see the adult in Rumlow's mouth immediately.

A group of people walked through the building, but instead of leaving the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters by means of transportation, they walked towards another office building.

The office building of Alexander Pierce, the Minister of the World Security Council and the former Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Seeing this, Nick Fury was completely desperate.

No wonder the secret elevator was leaked, and his close friend who had known him for many years was indeed also a member of Hydra.

The elevator went up to the top floor, and Nick Fury saw his old boss in the corridor, Alexander Pierce, who had promoted him.

Rumlow saluted and said, "Sir, Nick Fury and Phil Coulson are here."

"Thank you, Agent Rumlow, leave him to me."

"Okay, sir!"

After the handover, Rumlow left with a group of people, and the group around Pierce pushed Nick Fury and Coulson forward.

Nick Fury did not speak, and watched all this silently. Hydra had a clear internal hierarchy, Rumlow was just a younger brother who ran errands, and Pierce had higher authority.

"Fury, my old friend, you can still hold your breath after today's upheaval. I thought you would ask a lot of questions as soon as you came up."

Nick Fury replied indifferently: "Minister Pierce, are you showing off to me?"

"No, on the contrary, I am envious."

"What's the meaning?"

"literal meaning."

Pierce stopped and looked at Nick Fury with complicated eyes: "You know, I have been the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the head of the World Security Council for so many years, but I have never been summoned by that adult, and you... a It really makes me mad with envy that an outsider who doesn't even know who he works for has won such an honor."

"So I should be honored?"


"Secretary Pierce,

I do have a question that I want to get an answer to, why should I be chosen, and what is the meaning of letting me, an outsider, become the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.? "

Nick Fury can't figure it out, not because he has a limited IQ, but because the question is too contradictory.

"This is what the adult meant. I don't know the specific reason."

"He chose me, so I became the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

Pierce sneered with disdain: "Otherwise?"

Nick Fury was silent again, and asked in a cold voice after three seconds: "Minister Pierce, I don't know how long Hydra has been lurking on the earth. I just want to ask you, are you worthy of the responsibility you shoulder?"


Pierce seemed to have heard some funny joke, and let out a standard villain laugh. After a while, the smile subsided, and he said seriously: "Fury, who do you think is maintaining the order of this planet, and who do you think is resisting the forces of the universe against this planet? The coveted planet?"


Pierce lowered his head slightly and stared at Nick Fury with his eyes: "Without Hydra, there would be no long-term peace and stability on this planet. Not only will I not be ashamed, but I will also be extremely proud of my identity."

"Hehe, that's really nice to say. Since Hydra is so great, why don't you make your identity public, but wear the mask of S.H.I.E.L.D.?" Nick Fury sneered back.

Pierce shrugged: "This is not the answer I am qualified to know, why don't you try asking that adult, if he is in a good mood, he will tell you the answer."

"So, the last question, who is that lord?"

"Sorry, I can't answer this question. You may not believe me if I tell you. My authority is not enough to know the identity of that adult."

"Hmph, after talking for a long time, it turned out to be a poor wretch!"

"Whatever you say..."

Pierce ignored Nick Fury's taunt, straightened his collar and pushed open the front office door.

Nick Fury recognized this as Pierce's office. Seeing his solemn expression, he knew that the person who was about to appear was Pierce's upline. His eyes lit up and he looked into the room.

The black combat uniform outlines graceful curves, and the long red wavy hair is extremely familiar. Nick Fury was surprised to find that the woman sitting behind the desk was actually Natalie, his most trusted subordinate.

No, not Natalie, the two are 80% similar, and the strange woman in front of her is younger and more beautiful.

"Sir, Nick Fury has been brought."

Natasha nodded: "Okay, you have nothing to do here, go down!"

"Understood, sir."

Seeing his old leader acting like a younger brother, Nick Fury showed a bitter smile. Although he didn't know the specific identity of the woman in front of him, referring to her and Natalie's similar appearance, it was not difficult to guess the relationship between the two.

Thinking about Pierce recommending Natalie to him, and he regarded Natalie as his right-hand man, Nick Fury smiled bitterly and didn't know what to say.

The Avengers have been invaded by Hydra. I don't know how safe they are on Mars. Have they alerted their teammates that they are actually enemies?

"Nick Fury, Phil Coulson, come with me, BOSS wants to see you."

Natasha glanced at the two of them, and the invisible force turned into shackles, imprisoning the two of them, and her feet were suspended from the ground to follow behind her.

Nick Fury and Coulson were stiff, only their eyes could move, and their figures followed Natasha uncontrollably, passing through a blue light curtain into the office cubicle.

Behind the light curtain, the scenery in front of the two of them changed suddenly. They were in an open-air outdoor square, with the red sky in the distance.


Nick Fury remembers very clearly that the background of Tony's mechanical spider aerial photography is such a picture.

"Boss, someone brought it here."

"Ah, leave it alone!"

Hearing the voice in his ears, Nick Fury widened his eyes. The mysterious adult was finally about to show up, but because of his one-eyed, half of the visual blind spot, he just couldn't see what the adult looked like.

so terrible!

Nick Fury had just finished complaining, the confinement on his body dissipated, and he immediately turned his head and looked over.

A domineering dark throne was placed in the middle of the square, and the black mist enveloped the surroundings of the throne, turning into winding tentacles that were constantly twisting.

Around the throne, the ground was eroded by darkness and turned into pitch black.

Nick Fury firmly locked on the figure on the throne, it was a silhouette of a figure in a black robe with a face of black mist.

The most eye-catching thing is the gold glove worn by this person's left hand, with two slightly shining gemstones dotted on it, one blue and one purple.

The two gemstones seemed to possess infinite magical powers, and Nick Fury was in a trance just by looking at them, biting the tip of his tongue to wake up.

You can't be wrong, with this appearance, this equipment, and this aura, he is that adult!

In fact, not far from the Dark Throne, there is a three-seater sofa. A black-haired Asian man sits cross-legged on the sofa. There are snacks and fruits on the tea table in front of him, and there is a holographic projection erected on one side.

At this moment, the man was smirking at the projection screen, and Nick Fury automatically ignored him because his behavior was too silly.

The contrast is too obvious, this temperament, this virtue, this silly face, definitely can't be that adult, otherwise he will eat live...

"Boss, how strong is it?"

Natasha walked behind the sofa and squeezed Russell's shoulders.

"Didn't you eat? Like a bitch..."

Russell didn't look back, and continued to stare at the projection screen and giggle.

Nick Fury: "…"

Coulson next to him was very calm. Because his eyes were normal, he saw Natasha talking to Russell from the beginning, so he regarded the concave shadow clone as an advanced thug.

"Boss, people are here, pay attention to your image of bravery and martial arts." Natasha lowered her head and whispered in Russell's ear.

Nick Fury: "…"

The poor painting style exhausted him physically and mentally, and he didn't want to face this cruel reality. In his heart, even if the adult was an enemy, he should have an unparalleled charisma.

"I saw it, and the bald man over there muttered in his heart that I was a sand sculpture with no charisma, and said that I had a silly face."

Russell curled his lips: "Let the chef prepare the preparations to satisfy his desire to live broadcast eating Xiang."

Nick Fury: "…"

"I see."

Natasha glanced at Nick Fury in surprise, and pressed the headset to convey the order.

As soon as it seemed true, Nick Fury panicked, stepped forward and was stopped by Natasha's open mind power, his eyelids twitched in embarrassment and said: "This gentleman..."

"According to the relationship between superiors and subordinates, you should call me sir, but how you call me is up to you, and I personally don't mind."

Russell patted Natasha's hand to let her disperse the telekinetic barrier, raised his hand and pointed at the ground, and the dark mist condensed into a small maza: "Sit down and say, I don't like someone standing while I'm sitting." .”

The corners of Nick Fury's mouth twitched, and he sat down on the Maza. He didn't know whether his butt was too big or the Maza was too small. Only the smaller half of his butt was supported. Sitting was more tiring than standing.

Coulson's face is distorted and his head is turned sideways. Nick Fury, who is tall and thick, doesn't look like squatting, nor does he sit like sitting. The picture is too beautiful to look at.

"Oh, and Agent Filson, please sit down."

Russell raised his finger again, and the black mist solidified beside Nick Fury, turning into a normal-sized folding chair.

Nick Fury: "…"

Coulson: "..."

"Sir, sir..."

Nick Fury bite the bullet and said: "I want to know, why did you choose me as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

"He chose, not me."

Russell pointed to the shadow avatar that was still in a concave shape: "I have not been active on the earth all year round, and all the big and small matters of Hydra are left to him to take care of. It is also his idea to choose you as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D."

When Nick Fury's eyes lit up, he knew that his vision was right, that Russell was indeed the BOSS, and that the guy in black was the black hand hiding behind the scenes to control the overall situation.

"Oh, I forgot to say, he is my clone, his ideas are basically the same as mine, and he is an excellent tool man."


Nick Fury scratched his head, but didn't catch anything. He looked at Coulson's hairline beside him, and missed the lush years when he wanted to squeeze it.

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