After chanting the slogan, Nick Fury and Coulson seemed to have lost something. They were devastated with one hand on their hips, looking up at the sky to prevent the crystal liquid from flowing down.

Oh, there is no Nick Fury here, the old cheeky man has had his tear ducts ligated long ago, and it is Coulson who is lost because he is an iron fan of Captain America/Marvel.

Coulson has regarded Captain America as an idol since he was a child. The Captain America Memorial in New York was free for children to go every day when he was a child, and he had to go there three or five times a month after he grew up. The documents in the memorial are almost up to date.

Among them, Captain America led the Roaring Commando to crush Hydra's conspiracy again and again. The legendary story is his favorite part, which inspired him to keep forging ahead and never bow his head in the face of difficulties and setbacks.

Although he didn't believe it much when he grew up, but when Captain America evolved into Captain Marvel, he started to believe it again.

Childhood heroes will not fall behind due to the advancement of the times. Whether it is Captain America or Captain Marvel, their never-say-die spirit is a bright light that illuminates his way forward.

However, as soon as he turned around, Captain America/Marvel tore off his disguise, revealing Captain Hydra's uniform!

It's too pitiful, never give up what you promised, is it incompatible with Hydra?

Life is full of ups and downs, can't it be so bitter?

The dream of being an idol was shattered, and Coulson's hairline seemed to have moved up again, becoming more mature.

It's a pity that he underestimated life too much. Life is not about ups and downs, but ups and downs...

Sometimes, you don't fall many times, and you don't know how deep the pit of life is.

When you know how deep this pit is, congratulations, you can hardly climb up.

Under Coulson's hellish gaze, former idol Steve took out a pack of cigarettes from the interlayer of his battle suit, took out one and handed Russell one, with a doggy look on his face.

"Sir, you smoke!"

"No, thank you!" Russell raised his hand and patted it away.

"It's not good to smoke. Smoking hurts your body."

"If you say that, then I must have one."

"I'll give you some..."


In Coulson's sight,

Steve skillfully rubbed out the photon energy flame, lit the cigarette and Russell puffed.

As if struck by lightning, he froze on the spot in shock. Judging by his posture, it would take at least ten years to overcome this hurdle.

"Sir, regarding Carol's matter, the task is completed, I have already repaired her, do you think this matter can be passed?"

When the cigarette is lit, it's time to talk about business. Steve doesn't want his own face for the sake of his teammates.

Russell looked at the projection screen without blinking: "Carol, who is that?"

"Sir, I knew you were broad-minded and tolerant..."

Steve touched his conscience, said something against his will, looked at the screen with his head, his voice suddenly decreased, and he was attracted by the battle inside.

The father-son game started the second round. This time, Howard's script prevailed.

Coulson suffered too much, and has not yet come out of the shadows, falling into autism. Nick Fury stepped forward curiously, and saw the father-son game and became more energetic.

He secretly grabbed Steve's elbow: "Captain, this Howard should be Tony's biological father, right?"


Steve came back to his senses and looked at Nick Fury in a daze. What do you mean, Tony has another biological father?

Seeing Steve pretending to be crazy, Nick Fury said slightly sullenly: "Captain, you knew the whole truth from the very beginning, but you kept it secret and deceived me and Tony. You really killed me this time."

"This, this..."

Hearing that Nick Fury was here to ask questions, Steve smiled awkwardly: "It's not all my fault. At the beginning, I told you not to meddle in your own business. If you don't listen to your life and death, you have to wade into the muddy water. any solution."


Nick Fury was speechless. It seemed that this was the case. Steve obstructed him in every possible way, and he and Tony swore to the death.

"But you turned around and sold me and Tony, which is a bit unreasonable, we trust you so much."

"At that time, the position was different, and now they are all our own people!"

Steve made a few perfunctory sentences, not wanting to continue this nasty black history topic.

Nick Fury said unhappily: "Huh, Captain, you are really skilled at lighting cigarettes."

"It's okay, I'm afraid you will be more skilled than me in the future!"

It’s not that Steve was black on purpose, but out of feeling. His proficiency belongs to a half-way monk forced by life. Nick Fury is different, he was born to eat this bowl of rice, and he will definitely surpass him in the future.

Nick Fury rolled his eyes, and didn't want to continue this topic, entangled: "Captain, tell me the truth, in the Avengers team, who else is undercover besides Natalie?"


Seeing Steve's silence, Nick Fury's old face darkened. He thought of some possibility, and changed his words: "In other words, besides Tony and Mage Strange, who else is the real Avenger?"


"Captain, why don't you speak?"

"People who don't exist, what do you want me to say?"

Steve patted Nick Fury on the shoulder, shook his head and said: "To be honest, your plan is all undercover, so it's not that I secretly inform, but that others will tell if I don't say it."

"not a single one?"

Nick Fury asked bitterly, if he really didn't have any, then he would have failed too much.

"There was one before, Spider-Man from Queens. Tony kicked him out of the candidate list on the grounds that he was too young."


Nick Fury covered his face, and the only teammate was kicked out of the team, which was more failure than none of his teammates.


Time went back to the moment when the father-son game was reversed. The Mark50 nano-armor enchantment on Tony's body expired. A series of attacks hit Howard who was waiting to die with his eyes closed, but he couldn't even break through the protective shield.

Howard didn't know why, the offensive was thunderous and rainy, and it seemed to be deliberately showing mercy.

The field fell into silence, Howard didn't understand what Tony was thinking, Tony stopped attacking, lest he would expose the true level of his plummeting strength.

"Sir, Mr. Howard on the opposite side is most likely your biological father."

"You let me recognize a thief as my father? This is absolutely impossible!"

Tony replied stiffly to Jarvis, glaring at Howard on the opposite side: "You bastard over there, your psychological tactics won, I can't kill my father's face, get out before I change my mind, don't let me do it again see you."

Howard: "..."

In the life-and-death battle, Lao Tzu was pushed to the ground by his son and beat him up, because his old face narrowly escaped his life...

Is he shameless?

Howard thought, if he really left like this, there would be no need to tell jokes inside Hydra in the future, just come and see him.

If you don't leave, you won't be able to beat him at all!

He struggled and backed away slowly, seeing Tony standing in place in the field, with a strong demeanor who disdained to pursue, the more he thought about it, the more angry he was, and before he stepped into the corridor, he asked his computer housekeeper to invade Jarvis, preparing to leave Give Tony a hard time before.

This kind of behavior can be seen as Laozi's anger after being hanged and beaten by his son. Howard didn't expect it to work, because the previous attempts all ended in failure.

The result was beyond his expectation. Jarvis's firewall was rigid, far less flexible than before, and it actually worked after a try.

"..." x2

There was a silence in the field, Tony saw Howard stepped into the corridor and stopped in place, let Jarvis hold on for a while, and opened his arms with both hands.

"Since you intend to seek death, don't blame me for changing my mind!"

With a loud shout, Tony released the arc pulse cannon with his palm and chest, while the shoulder armor ejected missiles.

Rumble! !

The entrance to the corridor collapsed, and the vibration of the ruins had just stopped, and there was another loud noise.

Howard rushed out of the ruins and entered the underground plaza. In his sight was Tony who had already run away, leaving only his back in a hurry.

Run away after hitting, how can there be such a good thing!

Howard chased after him aggressively. Although he didn't know what happened, the combat power of the steel suit on Tony's body was terribly weak, and the white flame that made his heart palpitate the most disappeared out of thin air.

It's not that he brags, Tony is now wearing a steel suit, he can easily hit ten.

Even if the energy of his own battle suit was almost exhausted, he still had the confidence to avenge his shame and rub Tony on the ground.

"Brat, I must teach you a lesson today!"

Howard showed a fatherly smile, a little ferocious, but overall he was very fatherly.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The two steel suits were flying at high speed in the corridor. Tony was limited by technical problems and lacked flexibility. The distance between him and Howard was getting closer.

Mark50 released signal jamming bombs, densely congested in the corridors, weaving a chaotic current line of defense.

Immediately afterwards, several small missiles followed, blocking Howard who broke through the barrier.

boom! boom! boom! boom----

The eight missiles lifted off and cut through the air at high speed, suddenly lost their focus, flying around in mid-air and exploding on the ground.

Howard rushed out of the flames and thick smoke, and became more and more sure that Tony was at his wits end. The short-term power came from some unknown energy source, and the exhaustion of energy immediately revealed his true nature.

The father and son chased and fled, and staged the speed of life and death in the complicated corridor!

Because of the exhaustion of weapons and ammunition, Howard was unable to force Tony to stop escaping, but through his advantages in speed, explosive power, and flexibility, he attacked later and gradually narrowed the distance between the two.

The white light in front came on, and the two rushed into the underground square. Seeing that there was no way to escape, Tony changed his tactics and turned around abruptly, firing full firepower and pouring ammunition. .

Can't escape, can only fight!

Tony was lucky and prayed that the magic of 'Left of the Throne' was counting down and would be online again soon.

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