End of the Sky

Chapter 1007: This matter is not over

"Sir, the casualties have been counted."

Karon Lenghanjinjin handed the document to Winston, saying: "Excluding the adjudicator and the people he brought, a total of 196 killers died and no one was injured."

"What about our people?"

"Apart from the 74 killers from all over the world, the rest are ours."

Mr. Caron said with an ugly face that the loss of the Continental Hotel in New York was heavy, and the loss of manpower had seriously shaken Winston's foundation.

With the adjudicator dying at the Continental Hotel in New York, Winston is very likely to be revoked from the manager's desk by the high desk under the rage.

When the new manager comes to power, the entire New York reshuffle will be confusing for a long time.

"I know."

Winston rubbed his temples, which was bad, but he couldn't do anything about it.

I remembered his old friend, John Wick, who had high hopes for him, and Winston wondered if he wanted to make another call without asking the other party to kill Russell.

"Sir, death numbers ..."


加上 "Including the adjudicator and the people he brought with him, the number of deaths in the hotel was 237, exactly the same as the number of killers who had died in the slums before."

Speaking of this, Caron's face flashed with fear: "I don't know if it was a coincidence or an accident. If it was intentional ... sir, he was counting the number of murders."

"I understand."

斯顿 Winston smiled bitterly and provoked someone who shouldn't be provoked. He had regretted taking Steinfell's order.

However, the rules are the rules. There is no reason for a mainland hotel to refuse an order. Moreover, when receiving an order, who would have expected this result.

"Sir, take the liberty to ask, is there any response from the high table?" Caron tentatively made a sound.

"Are you curious?"

"Yes, after all, the adjudicator died in the hotel, and I worry that you will be implicated, sir."

"I conveyed the words of Police Officer Russell as they were. The twelve managers were very dissatisfied with me, and then increased the reward of Police Officer Russell again. The news will soon be sent to the global killer, a head worth 500 million.

Winston shook his head again and again, fearing: "500 million dollars can make everyone crazy, but do they really have the life to make this money?"


没 "No, there is only this reaction over the high table, I am curious what will happen next."

Winston closed his eyes and tasted the red wine, and said to himself, "It was Police Officer Russell's bounty continued to rise until the high-table meeting collapsed, or a lucky man was lucky enough to earn the sky-high bounty and died of an accident. "

"Sir, this has nothing to do with us, does it?"

"It's true. They laugh when they like it. I admit that I'm a coward."

Uh ...


Karon rushed into the office with the documents, patted the documents in front of Winston, and his face turned into a chrysanthemum with a smile.

"Karon, pay attention to your tone, this is not good news."

Winston frowned, looking at the deputy with dissatisfaction: "What does it mean to be dead? Is my old friend Hotel Manager Thermes also dead?"

"Yes, a total of 620 people have died, including Manager Thormason," Caron said happily.

哦 "Oh, Mason, you died terribly."

Winston smiled sadly, opened the file and asked, "Why are there so many 600 people? Is the price of a hotel in Los Angeles cheap?"

Caron explained: "No, Sergeant Russell stayed in the Los Angeles Hotel for three hours. The guards waited for the rabbits to kill all the killers who had been taken to the door. None of the killers who entered the hotel were spared.

"Dead from greed, money made them forget about a few pounds or two."

Winston made a comment, and after a moment, he frowned and pointed at a black and white photo: "What does this mean, provocative?"

On the black and white photo, there is the desk of the hotel manager of the Los Angeles Continental Hotel Mason. There is a note on the table that reads ‘Mexico’, a metaphor for the next death center.

"Sir, I'm not very clear about the specific situation, but contacted the Continental Hotel in Mexico City. There were thousands of killers gathered there, as well as local gangs and major families, led by a manager of the high-level table council. On the increase. "

Caron was so incoherent and excited: "This is an unprecedented action in the underground world. I never imagined that I could see this scene in my lifetime. It was crazy!"

"Yeah, it's just because of one person ... it's crazy."


斯顿 Winston sat solemnly at his desk, next to Caron, who was stunned, and the documents on the table described the tragic defeat in Mexico City.

粗 After rough statistics, more than 2,000 killers have died, local gangs and various underworld families gathered fleeing wildly, giving up their long-term operation.

Then the organizer, one of the managers of the High Table Council, was uprooted along with his crime family, and none remained.

"A manager is dead, those guys will go crazy."

Winston whispered to himself, only a moment before he thought: "Caron, what about the Continental Hotel in Mexico City?"

"could not be reached."


"Is there anything left by Officer Russell?"

"Yes, next stop Brasilia!"


Another document was placed on the desk. After a few photos like the battlefield, it was the dilapidated Brasilia Continental Hotel and the heavy casualties.

The 1,500 corpses that died of the death were multiple holes in the forehead, and the wounded fell by himself or was hit by the loss of a companion.

"..." x2

Winston and Caron remained silent. The latest death toll figures in Mexico City have counted. In just three days, more than 5,000 people have died.

These are either killers or members of the gangs and criminal families who make up the high table.

At the same time, the twelve managers of the high table conference lost another two after the 'Basilia battle', which is currently 9/12.

[Name: Russell]

状态 [Status: Global Open Contract]

[Amount: $ 1 billion]

Winston didn't take a look at this reward. He is very convinced that this is just a number. There is no difference between 1 billion and 10 dollars. No one can earn this money anyway.

摸 He touched the globe on his desk, connecting New York, Los Angeles, Mexico City, and Brasilia in a line, to judge Russell's next foothold.

Either Africa or Europe, Australia is certainly possible.

"Sir, don't you call to ask about the high table?"

"What does it have to do with me? I'm a hotel manager and I'm not qualified to participate in big events ... this is already a war."

Winston was very calm and slowly said, "I'm more interested in Sergeant Russell's next destination than the helpless high table. Regardless of the number of people, he captured a city in one day. I suspect he is traveling at all."

"Sir, is he really human?" Caron whispered.

"I don't know, but Officer Russell said before that if he wasn't a police officer, he could only be a devil."

Winston said this, got up in the bookcase and pulled out the Bible: "To be honest, I suddenly started to believe."

Uh ...



大陆 The fall of the Dalberta Continental Hotel killed all the 3,000 gang members and killers gathered here, including two high-table conference managers.

The number of remaining seniors is 7/12!

On the same day, the elders who had higher authority than twelve managers living in the high table conference in the desert of North Africa were killed, and the scene was a mess.

When the high table in North Africa collapsed across the board, gang members fled to flee, preferring to surrender to the police instead of obeying orders and participating in the so-called counterattack plan.

This is not a counterattack, it is a queue to kill you!

Avalanche-like radiation extends from North Africa to the world. For example, in the nearest Cairo, Egypt, the hotel manager of the mainland ignored the order of the high table, closed the business that day, the killers could not escape, and each one disappeared.

[Name: Russell]

[Status: Closed]

[Amount: 0]

The high table was under pressure and took the initiative to abandon the global reward. The remaining seven managers risked themselves and did not dare to show up in a safe house.

The easiest is the manager of the Canadian province. Russell's course of action is unobtrusive. According to the order, he is the last stop. The manager of the neon underworld family only turns to him.

"Sir, I have contacted Police Officer Russell, but he can't answer the phone, and I can't help it." Winston kept explaining with his mobile phone.

Only today, seven high-level desk managers communicated with him in succession, almost blasting his phone.

Because Winston was the only hotel manager who did not die when he met Russell. In addition, Russell was a local police officer in New York. Through Winston's message, the managers thought he could get in touch with Russell and stop the crazy killing. .

The high table is willing to apologize for their previous behavior. As long as Russell is willing to stop, they can accept any request.

I said frankly, they were afraid of being killed and were willing to surrender unconditionally.

Winston is honored, and the managers with higher authority chase him and ask his grandpa to tell his grandmother.

But Russell didn't answer the phone, he couldn't help it, and he had given the phone number, not just him, other managers could not be reached.

This only shows that Russell does not want to stop, this matter is not over!

Uh ...

on Saturday!

The closed Cairo Continental Hotel was broken, because no one died, only the general manager's office was smashed.

Uh ...


Rome, Dantonio crime family.

Two family members, Gianna Dantonio and Michel De Dantonio, are hiding in an ancient castle. This is their family's property. They robbed them fifty years ago ... No, it was a legal process. Bought it.

Sister Jaina, who inherited his father's will, is the head of the family and one of the remaining seven high-level desk managers.

I was panicking now, she was only in her early forties, just at the age of a woman's magnificence, she didn't want to be a cold body.

"My dear sister, as far as the current situation is concerned, we should be separated. In this way, no matter who we die, someone can inherit the family's inheritance and carry it forward."

My younger brother, Michael, was very indignant, and felt that her sister wanted to pull him all together, because what happened to the Continental Hotel in Cairo said everything.

Russell is a lazy man and will not come to kill one by one, so as many people die as possible, and less people fart.

"No, I'm protecting you."

Jiana was talking, and hurriedly walked into a servant outside the door, whispering in her ear.


Jiana got up and rejoiced, swayed and walked out quickly. She didn't look back and said to Mike, "I have invited Bishop St. Louis. He will help us through the difficulties and destroy the devil!"

"Bishop! Are you serious?"

Miked is speechless, the clergy has fart, if there is a god, he will go to **** early.

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