End of the Sky

Chapter 1020: Failed to lock, the target is cleaned up


John Paul Jones received the attack order, and multiple combat units on the hull operated by themselves without manipulating. The neat movements seemed to be one.

"The artillery system is locked!"

"Missile system locked!"


John Paul Jones is the U.S. Navy's Burke-class guided missile destroyer, proud of its Aegis combat system radar, and the reconnaissance ship facing Planet G did not serve any purpose.

Fortunately, the two sides engaged in close combat, and the range and azimuth could be calculated manually. There is not much difference in the existence of this radar system.

罗 After Russell upgraded this warship, the John Paul Jones had a more powerful radar system, the triple-mounted main turret was slightly adjusted, and the main gun with a caliber of more than 400MM erupted.

The shotgun swept through the spiral rifling, whistling across the sky, and after a rapid whistle, it exploded on an alien reconnaissance ship.

Rumble! !!

The flames of light burst into the sky, billowing smoke, and large pieces of metal debris spilled around with the impact of the explosion.

Followed closely by vertical-launched Tomahawk cruise missiles and anti-ship missiles.

Twenty-six missiles with long tails of flames rushed up and approached the two alien reconnaissance ships at extremely fast speeds.

In slow motion, you can see the golden stigmata lines attached to the missile.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

The white light flashed, the roaring explosion sound was deafening, and the locations of the two alien reconnaissance ships were covered by white flames, disintegrating into countless metal fragments.

"Filling ammunition!"

"Relock ...!"

"Lock failed, target cleaned up!"

The sea was choppy, and the wreckage of white flames evaporated into a mist. The original four alien reconnaissance ships had only the last main ship alone suspended at this moment.

After a brief silence, John Paul Jones and Myoko were cheering countlessly. Captain Nagoda on Myoko was standing in the control room and watching the changed shape of John Paul Jones, his face was full. envy.

Intuition told him what he might have missed.

John Paul Jones control room, frightened by the cross pattern behind Russell, the cheers here are much smaller, one by one, the crew members fist and hammer each other, grinning their teeth to express the shock and joy of their hearts.

Temporary Captain Elix took a lot of punches, and did not fight back at one time. His hot eyes locked Russell's standing position, and his eyes were filled with longing.

的 Longing for battleship artillery, this is man's romance.

Although it is said that the destroyer is more advanced and meets the standards of modern warfare, the battleships are a bit thicker in muzzle, and the destroyer is a living target.

事实上 But in fact, no matter how long the battleship exited the stage of history, its caliber, that is, the theoretical concept of justice, will endure and guide the nation's dedication to the oceans and territories.

"Sir, was the enemy fire system locked, was it intercepted and avoided?"


"Understand, start anti-shock preparations and enter a defensive state."


The interim captain, Alex, heard a fog of water, and the next second he saw that most of the hull of the last alien reconnaissance ship surfaced. The final BOSS fire control system was turned on, and hundreds of them were released instantly. Ground Boring Missile.

Boom! boom! boom! boom----

The intensive projectile missile covered the area where the John Paul Jones was located. Most of the ammunition fell into the water and exploded, and the rest was generally embedded on the surface of the hull with nails.

The shotgun exploded a second time, deeply embedded in the hull, and exploded simultaneously after a short standstill.

Rumble! !!

Hurricane hurricane set off a raging wave and shook thousands of hectares of water into the sky, the scene was spectacular.

John Paul Jones was unmoved in defense, and was as stable as an old dog in the face of crazy saturated attacks, without shaking.

The wounded part of the hull was healed automatically, and it was repaired as soon as it took a few breaths.

Temporary Captain Elix's eyes are even hotter, not only him, but the entire ship, including the crew on the Myoko, next door, has extremely hot eyes.

I want it!

I only bully people, others can't bully my warships, they want to operate once in their dreams.

Elixer thought a lot, assuming a battleship with self-healing capabilities, what would it look like.

I am not saying that the aircraft carrier is not good, nor is it that the cruise missiles are not advanced enough, but that the battle that ends in an instant lacks passion, and cannot be like the battleship's **** grandeur and hearty.

He imagined that the two armies would face each other and control a battleship that would never be sunk. They rammed through the rain of gunfire, and every time the shells slipped, there was a burst of smoke.

World War I established the supremacy of battleships. During World War II, its space was occupied by aircraft carriers.

For the last time, the battleship was used as a fire support ship and cruise missile launching platform. Its cost and role were disproportionate, and it retired from the stage of history.

There are various reasons. In addition to the gradual rise of the aircraft carrier's strategic position and the emergence of new missiles and guided artillery shells, the original advantages of large-caliber artillery on battleships have ceased to exist, and they cannot assume the task of destroying the enemy's key targets.

The most important thing is that although the battleship has a large tonnage, strong firepower, and thick armor, it also has shortcomings such as large targets, vulnerability to attack, and poor anti-aircraft and submarine capabilities. It is especially awkward under air attacks.

In the face of flexible aerial firepower, the battleship was reduced to a living target on the sea. Under the violent bombardment of the carrier aircraft carrier, it only sank.

Also, battleships are really too expensive!

I can say ten thousand and ten thousand, let Alex choose between destroyers and battleships, he will still choose battleships.

Don't ask, ask is caliber.

After passing through the enchantment on the left side of the seat of the throne, Alex saw the battleship that only existed in dreams. The advantages of powerful firepower and invincible armor were magnified infinitely, and he was strangled to death.

"This ... sir, I'm Captain Alex Hop."

Elixer couldn't help the enthusiasm in his heart. He stepped back to Russell two steps forward, and wanted to call ‘Angel’. He remembered the title of John Paul Jones and changed his words immediately.

"Hello, Captain! Goodbye, Captain!"


Elix pulled his eyelids, and Russell had a harder time communicating than he expected, but he couldn't bear the desire in his heart, and spit with his mouth, "Sir, the last enemy ship will allow me and my crew to come Solve it? "

In the control room, the crew members held their breath and became so excited that they wanted to ask.


Russell turned his head slightly: "I'm on a mission, and Heaven has research projects to do."

The words of the crickets fell, and the death knell and armor entered the control room. The eight sharp blades behind them folded and folded, looking indifferently to Alex, and stood quietly in front of Russell.

Russell found a silver-gray metal ore from the back of the butt-Mysterious Metal X!

产物 The product of a certain advanced civilization, the magic metal that can only be used by mechanical life forms, can bless mechanical life and greatly enhance the user's power, such as super ability.

Superpowers vary from person to person. When Russell uses a mechanical character card, he obtains a fusion ability from Mysterious Metal X.

Russell defeated the enemy twice with this prop.

For the first time, he used Skyfire's character card to grab Megatron's body for fusion, defeating the immortal fallen King Kong.

The second time, he used the character card of the fallen King Kong, fused with the metal body of McZord, and killed Godzilla.

Then it was gone, but in Russell's character card, there was still a 'Optimus Prime', which would definitely be used in the future.

"Try it out, what capabilities have you gained."

Russell threw out the mysterious metal X, and after the bell of the death knight's armor was caught for a moment, the mechanical voice said: "I can fuse any mechanical life."

"Fusion !?"

Russell was surprised. He remembered that the super powers given by the mysterious metal X were not fixed. The death knell was actually the same as him. It was a coincidence.

Without Russell's voice, the death knell suit understood him and put the mysterious metal X on the deck.

"Who then, what power have you gained?"

"Sir, I can fit with any machine, such as ... hehehe, this white brother."

John Paul Jones made a gigantic laughter from the door hidden in his laughter. He heard the death knell armor stepping back several times, eight sharp blades ejected, the whole body's fire control system opened subconsciously, and the energy of the long gun and short cannon was filled. .

丧 "The death knell, fit with it, no, I mean fusion."

He is an ability of fusion. It is too coincidental to say that coincidence. Russell blames the life of John Paul Jones and Deathstroke Warframe, so he is treated equally by Mysterious Metal X.

I proved that the conjecture was very simple. Go back to Eleanor and Arnold and try it out.

Alas, T-1000, and the presence was too low, Russell almost ignored him.

"Sir ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Can I decline?"

He and John Paul Jones agreed differently. The death knell is very repulsive. Although he has no **** as a machine, the soul of the pure man refuses to let him merge with the guy.

Especially this **** guy opened his mouth and closed his mouth, which made him listen awkwardly.

"What do you think?"

Russell asked back, and the death bell was silent for three seconds. The face armor bounced off and threw the mysterious metal X into it.

Until this time, Alex discovered that the Deathbell Bell, which had been talking, was empty and had no mech division to control it.


He remembered that Russell claimed to be a paradise for heaven, so the angels in mythology took the technological route?

I turned out to be a fake Bible!

In the control room, there are many people who share the same idea with Alex. Several navies with cross tattoos found that they could not understand the faith.

The next Judgment Day is coming, will God launch a flood, or will the Four Knights of Apocalypse, or a dark matter annihilation gun blast the earth into high-energy particles.

The times are different!

Russell can guess what these people are thinking without using telepathy. In order to maintain the high-cold angel image, he is more lazy to explain and let them keep their brains open.

Mysterious Metal X melted in the death knight's armor, and took him together into a silver-white liquid, sinking into the battleship.

Fusion begins!

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