End of the Sky

Chapter 1023: Horror Upright Ape Ocean Edition

The chaos in the laboratory did not last long. When the three sharks took turns hitting the tempered glass and knocking it out of the crack, the chaos directly transitioned to panic, and everyone took the elevator to evacuate one level up.

This includes Dr. Susan, who is still horrified. She put her hands in her hair and shivered in the corner, as if experiencing extremely terrible torture.

"Mr. Russell, did you do that?"

Let Leon protect the two children, and Arnold whispered to Russell.

"Speak carefully, there is no evidence, why do you say I did it?"

Russell shook his head again and again: "Many people can testify for me. Dr. Susan has become like this, and it has nothing to do with me."


诺 Anuo narrowed his eyes silently. What he wanted to ask was not Dr. Susan, but the three strangely behaved sharks.

"Well, I did it. This woman is not so clear-headed. I help her refresh."

Russell shrugged. When the shark attacked, he strengthened Dr. Susan's internal fears, leaving an indelible shadow to ensure that he would become weak in both legs when he saw the shark doll in the future.

不 "No, I asked the three clever sharks. They actually use tools and write."

哦 "Oh, it doesn't matter to me. It was Dr. Susan who increased their brain capacity to make them so smart."

Russell groaned, still surprised in his eyes: "It's amazing, they actually speak two languages, these three sharks are very ambitious!"

诺 Anuo rolled his eyes, he has found the black hand behind the scenes, just just doubted, now very confident.

"It's a pity, when I left, I glanced at it. Three sharks suddenly killed each other, and their heads and tails formed a circle, and they bit off each other's tail."

Russell shook his head: "Breath mode of the grey mackerel shark impact breathing, staying still, dead."


Anuo looked around and determined that no one was approaching, and whispered, "Why kill three sharks and stop the experiment from continuing. Is there anything wrong with this study?"

"The three sharks are the product of genetic engineering, and their brain capacity and physique have been greatly strengthened. To put it bluntly, they are smart.

Anuo heard a slight change in his expression: "It's terrible. If they suddenly get into trouble, the experimenters here have to finish playing."

"This is not the most terrible ..."

Russell squinted at the panicked researchers and continued: "The most frightening thing is a fool who thinks he's a wise person. They think the shark in the cage is as obedient as the mouse, but they don't know that the mouse is preparing To escape, you need to pass on the smart genes to future generations. "

"This is bad!"

Anuo's face became completely serious, as Russell said, it would be the ocean version of the horrifying erect ape.

"It's up to you to handle this. Invest in a pharmaceutical project at the Institute. Anything you do is good, just don't study sharks."

"Understand, leave it to me."

Uh ...

Due to the water pressure problem, the Observatory Communication Station contacted the surrounding airport, and a rescue helicopter arrived and took everyone away from the place.

Russell took a lottery and left with satisfaction. Correspondingly, John and Matilda returned.

Twenty-five returned to the hotel and called Eleanor on the yacht to inform them that the two-day and one-night tour was over and asked them to return as soon as possible.

The bankrupt sister was fainted on the plane, Max was drunk, and Caroline was reluctant to wake up from a good life. She knew that she opened her eyes again, except Max.

Everyone returned to New York by private jet, and Russell returned home to take a short break and returned to work with a full spirit.

Jingle bells ~~

The telephone rang, and the director was afraid that Russell would forget to go to work tomorrow. He called and reminded him, and said that he had prepared two cases.

At the same time, told him a very unfortunate news, the headquarters found a new police benchmark, he was eliminated.

"Who did it?"

Russell's eyes widened, and then he looked back and found that there was no need to be angry, which was a good thing for him.

Star police or something, he has no interest at all.

谁 "Who, who is the star's face in the office?"

Russell asked cheerfully, the aesthetics of Meidi's side were generally clear, and the standards of star police were divided into two categories.

The first is the sturdy, straight, muscular policeman with a bald brother, and the second is his idol, who can eat with his face and is good at convincing people and taking the line of the people.

"I don't know. I only know his name is Murphy. He was a New York policeman. It looks like she's under the command of Mochi."

The director thought for a while and added: "Now he is the latest technology of a company, a robot whose body is mostly replaced by mechanical prosthetics. The top group hopes to evaluate the robot police based on his performance in the police system. Feasibility of batching. "

"Mechanics !?"

Russell was stunned for a moment, and it seemed that another plot began.

"Yes, that's what it means. Now that you understand, I won't explain more."

After the director said, he began to complain about the increased work pressure: "If the police officer Murphy performs well, I will also be stuffed with a few metal puppets under my hands, which is too bad, which means that someone will be unemployed ... maybe I Also, he was fired before he could retire. "

I said a lot, Director Russell didn't hear a word, and asked: "Secretary, where does this Murphy police officer work?"

"The emergency service team in the special operations department, who was tested by someone special before he took office, was as strong as a monster."

Director Xun gloated gloatingly: "I'm not sure if I will be laid off, but you are no longer the policeman with the best pistol in New York. Officer Murphy is."

"I want this kind of honor for him, I'm not rare ..."

Russell pouted his lips. He knew what the emergency service team was. The special police team in Los Angeles was called 'SWAT'. The special police team in New York was the emergency service team. The English abbreviation 'ESU' was mainly used for counter-terrorism tasks. Important armed forces.

"Okay, here is nothing, I will see you tomorrow morning, and before I get laid off, I will send you two more cases."

"Secretary, first talk about what the two cases are, I'm a bit mentally prepared."

"One is a pending case of bank theft. For some time, the suspect has not been locked. The specific situation will wait for you to see the file tomorrow in the bureau."

"The second is ..."

Uh ...

The next day, Russell drove to the branch office and got two files and the relevant search certificate in the office of the director.

No one blocked the door because Russell was outdated.

持续 The alien fertility incident continues to ferment, causing a global panic. The media in various countries are writing about aliens. Billionaires lack the attention of police officers and naturally lose the favor of journalists.

On Emperor's side, the destroyer Sampson was sunk, and the entire ship, including the captain, was killed. This incident could not be concealed. The military simply acknowledged that a fierce battle broke out with the alien fleet.

Official version!

The heroic U.S. Navy soldiers did not fear sacrifice and destroyed the evil alien invaders in the Pacific Ocean at the cost of the destroyer Sampson. They also defended the Earth with both sides and praised the U.S. Navy.

Media version!

The Emperor's Navy conducted military exercises in the Pacific Ocean, and encountered an unknown fleet of unknown origin. Due to the large disparity in firepower between the two sides, the destroyer Sampson was launched into the soul, and all the soldiers were killed.

The remaining two John Paul Jones and Myoko destroyers surrendered with white flags on the spot, so they did not sacrifice on the spot like Sampson.

After the encounter, the aircraft carrier battle group that came to the news took out the secret weapons of the military exercise and destroyed the unknown fleet by unknown means. It was only after the wreckage of the wreckage that it was known that those were aliens.

The media version is widely disseminated. Many people are willing to believe this statement. Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why Sampson was broken into **** on the battlefield. The other two destroyers did not even have a scratch, and they must have surrendered.

For a while, the public was particularly concerned about the secret weapons of the US Navy.

Netizen version!

The three destroyers encountered the alien fleet in the Pacific Ocean. The Sampson was taken away by a wave because of too arrogant, and then the angel came and upgraded the destroyer to a battleship. It was still the kind that could transform into a super mech and transform the aliens. Press on the ground and rub it to death.

The version of the netizen is too nonsense, and the people of IQ Online smiled and didn't take it seriously. Even if the leaker claimed that he was serving as a soldier by John Paul Jones, these were the first words he saw without any falsehood, but he was still laughed by the sane people.

I added that the soldier who broke the news posted the next day, crying like a child with tears, and he made up the previous remarks.

No angel came, no super mech ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ All these are his pranks, which are purely a brain drain, and want to attract the attention of beautiful girls with crooked tricks.

No one believed the original online version, but when the soldier apologized, many people began to believe.

In short, aliens are hotly debated all over the world now, because the discussions are too fierce, and the incidents of thieves and petting have become fewer.

Russell got the file, followed the messy news on the Internet in the office, and began to look at the two cases that the director had given him.

The first case, bank theft.

Not that the Speeding Party violently blasted the bank and dragged the safe across the street, but it cost US $ 20 million overnight.

The alloy gate of the Treasury is equipped with a timing opening device and a pressure device. Theoretically, it cannot be broken by violence. The fact is true. The gate is intact. The bank found it stolen the next afternoon.

Surveillance video showed that no one was in and out of the vault that night, and all internal bank personnel were innocent during the trial, and the US $ 20 million disappeared unclearly.

The FBI got involved, so far no clues have been found, and it is not even clear how the criminals entered the vault.

Russell nodded, confirming that he had triggered a plot, and the protagonist had a teleporter.

记得 He remembers it so clearly, because of his familiarity with teleportation, and because he has a ‘soul transmission’ skill card in his inventory, it ’s not wrong.


I missed it ...

:. :

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