End of the Sky

Chapter 1025: Time reset twenty-four hours ago

Russell was desperate in traffic in New York. He set off from the bank and arrived in the high-end apartment where David Rice lived. It took two hours. If he did not insist on using the police to solve the case, he would have pushed the door and flew by. Already.

At the front desk of the apartment, Russell showed his police officer's ID and learned that David Rice was out in the morning and that he was not at home.

Russell did not mind, and let the front desk open the door of David Rice's house, rejecting the other party's telephone notification, while checking at David Rice's house, while waiting to throw the net.

豪华 Photos of tourist attractions are everywhere in the luxuriously decorated rooms. With the power of the teleporter, each photo represents the footprint of David Rice.

To be honest, without any preparation, ordinary people want to catch him, it is tantamount to foolish dreaming.

The first second was still in the Western Hemisphere, and the second person arrived in the Eastern Hemisphere in the next second. How to catch?

Russell examined the photos and found in the room a large number of tourist souvenirs that could be exchanged for money, as well as David Rice's private collection.

Motorcycles, surfboards, snowboards, racing suits, diving suits, climbing suits ... and engines disassembled from the supercar.

房间 This room, not so much as an apartment, is more like a showcase for rich children, used to show off the colorful life of donkey friends.


Russell knocked on the wall east and west, found a closed chamber, and violently demolished the wall to enter it.

The closet area is not large, about seven or eight square meters, three rows of shelves are placed close to the wall, and each floor is full of cash.

Is not limited to beautiful knives!

This is really bad. David Rice not only stole banks in the United States, but also committed crimes around the world.

Obviously, the ability of teleportation made David Rice taste the sweetness. He thought that no one could catch him. From then on, he was out of control and became unbridled now.

After a minute and a second passed, Russell was not in a hurry. He took out the soda from the refrigerator and watched TV while waiting for David Rice to show up.


As soon as midnight, David Rice hummed and opened the door with a brisk minor tone.

Today he met a hot female model in Paris, who was entangled all night with Yijin. Then, as usual, he settled for lunch on the top of the Sphinx.

These are not important. The thing that makes David Rice proud most is that every time he throws the sun behind him, he makes him to chase his steps.

"who are you?"

When I entered the living room, David Rice looked at Russell, who was watching TV on the sofa, and there were two rows of empty soda bottles on the coffee table, apparently staying in his house for some time.

"Oh, you're back. It's not easy to meet you, I've been waiting for sleep."

Russell stretched out and stretched out a lazy waist, by the way put down a hundred dollars for the cost of drinks.

回答 "Answer my question, who are you and how did you get in?"

莱斯 David Rice looked on alert, raised his hand to pick up the baseball bat next to him, and warned: "No matter who you are, leave here, or I'll call the police."

Russell revealed his police card: "Mr. Rice, I received your report and talked about what trouble I encountered."


莱斯 David Rice stunned and looked at Russell's police officer's card. His throat was up and down. He was guilty of a thief. He didn't dare to look directly at Russell's right eyes, but the baseball bat in his hand became tighter.

"Mr. Rice, are you planning to attack the police?"

"No, no, I am not ..."

David Rice threw away the hot baseball bat, and he was lucky to say, "Sergeant, are you doing anything to me? To tell you the truth, your sudden appearance made me very disturbed, maybe I should get a lawyer ... "

"What does a lawyer do to explain the large amount of cash from your family?"

Russell shook his head again and again: "Young people, let's talk about the reality, and use money to balance everything. The contradictory status of the two parties is not equal."

"Simply put, if you want to use money to equalize each other, you must have absolute economic strength ... Don't get me wrong, I don't mean that I am rich, although it is true ..."

Russell said as he discovered that the more explanations became more chaotic, he skipped the bad people, and said coldly: "The people behind the banks you stole are not easy to settle with money. It is useless to find as many lawyers as you want. . "

莱斯 David Leshan was in the rain: "You work for them, don't you?"

"No, I am investigating this case. You have been arrested. Come with me!"

"Don't think about it!"

莱斯 David Rice didn't want to wait, and quickly turned to grab the picture on the wall to activate the ability of telepathy.


莱斯 David Rice groaned, his body reappeared after a brief disappearance, and Wolverine fell on the carpet.

Seeing that he was still in the apartment, he couldn't help but be shocked, and couldn't help thinking about it, and used the telepathic power again.


摔 The second time he fell on the carpet, the surprise on David Rice's face turned into deep fear, and he panicked out, "What did you do to me, why did my super power fail?"

Nothing makes you forget how to use superpowers properly!

Russell replied in his heart, but his face changed into surprise: "Damn, why are you, why did it suddenly disappear and appear again ... wait, you say superpowers, is this why you can sneak into the vault?"

The expressive eyes revealed surprise and curiosity, and a sense of relief. Russell used the acting level of the movie emperor to interpret the image of a righteous police officer who first saw superpowers.

莱斯 David Rice was deceived. Little young pick-ups all rely on the ability to pay money. Where is the opponent of the old drama bones, in panic, they are desperate to try the ability of teleportation.

I failed several times in a row, he fell a lot, and collapsed to exhaustion.

虽然 "Although I don't know what happened, your superpowers seem to have failed."

Russell shrugged, sympathized with desperate David Rice, and found a pair of handcuffs out of his pocket, tortured his hands.

等等 "Wait a minute, police officer, give me a chance. You can take the money in the house as much as you want, just don't arrest me."

莱斯 David Rice begged hard, he didn't know what evil had happened tonight, why the superpower suddenly failed.

But he believes that there will be a day of recovery of superpowers, and the beautiful Huahua world is waiting for him. He must not be convicted and sentenced, otherwise he will escape from prison in the future.

"I will write this sentence in the report and let the judge decide."

Russell was unmoved, and took David Rice and walked out the door.

"No, let me go! Hurry up !!!!"

莱斯 David Rice stretched his feet to hook up the sofa, madly stimulated the ability of telepathy, invisible waves radiated from his body, the web cracks spread out on the ground, and then ...

Huh! !!

With a loud noise, Russell turned in front of his eyes, and felt a sudden pause in time, then reset to a certain node.

He was not an illusion. The David Rice he had confiscated disappeared, and the cracks on the ground were restored.

Not only that, the coffee table was empty, and a hundred dollars and empty soda bottles were missing.

Russell inspected the room, and the walls he had broken were intact, and found soda in the refrigerator that had never been opened.

"The teleportation still has this ability ... why don't I know?"

Looking at the date on the mobile phone, Russell was a little dumbfounded and the plot went violently. He closed David Rice's super powers, but unexpectedly stimulated the other party's potential capabilities, making time back to 24 hours ago.


At this moment, the bedroom door was pushed open, David Rice stepped out in his pajamas, and watched Russell alertly: "Who are you?"

(一 `′ 一)

Russell frowned slightly, ignored David Rice's question, and started to think for himself.

Assuming that David Rice's teleportation ability has changed due to interference, causing time to flow back, then David Rice himself should not be disturbed by time and retain his own memory.

However, as a result, David Rice had no idea what was going on. He reset himself with the time and returned to a day ago.

Russell was speechless. The situation was a little different from his imagination. He had never seen such a poor time control ability.

Suddenly, his eyes widened and he took a breath and called Elinor.

回答 "Answer my question, who are you and how did you get in?"

莱斯 David Rice picked up the golf club on his side and exclaimed, "No matter who you are, leave here or I'll call the police."

Russell ignored him, and under the impact of telepathy, David Rice collapsed to the ground in a coma.

"Ilinow, is there anything unusual at home?"

"Sir, you are in the bathroom. If you have any questions, just talk directly. There is no need to call."

"Hisse !!"

Russell took a breath, and his worry still happened, and he had his own copy ...


The spiritual world is bombarded violently. He listens to the sorrow of the system and confirms that he is not a replica.

结束 The pause is over ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Russell continues to breathe, and his worry still happened. 24 hours before the time was reset, his own replica appeared again.

"Eleanor, are you sure I'm in the bathroom, not Max and Caroline are borrowing the bathroom?"

Russell secretly calmed down and asked Eleanor to open the bathroom door to confirm.


"Eilenor, why don't you speak?"

"Sir, if you want to use this to trick me into the bathroom, I won't be fooled. Also, my body structure will look mature and beautiful, in fact, it won't work. If you really need it, I can help you make an appointment ... "

"To shut up!"

Russell was dark-faced and snorted coldly: "Enter the bathroom, immediately, immediately, or it will make you see and use."

The opposite side of the phone was silent for a long time. After a while, Eleanor's voice was silent: "Sir, when did you get out of the door? I remember you said you need to take a good rest and be full ..."


Russell hung up the phone, the big rock hanging in his heart fell to the ground, the time reset is not terrible, as long as there is no copy of him, everything is easy to say.

"Boy, your ability is very interesting, but when you meet me, you are unlucky. Come with me!"

Russell pulled out his handcuffs, and tortured David Rice in a coma. Thinking about the time before work, he turned on the TV and watched.

I returned to my post with a full spirit, yes, he said.

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