End of the Sky

Chapter 1080: Divine authority

Ai E's joining made the battle sideways. She was holding a long dagger, and the incarnate wind was moving fast in the giant scorpion group. It was more like a fight than a fight.

This cursed person between man and **** can't take three or five moves under Russell, but for ordinary life, she has a powerful ability comparable to the gods.

Ai E has no divine power or divine authority. She has learned all around the world in her strength and is very cluttered, but she can also help her deal with many unfavorable situations.

In general, there is more than less than better, because all sides understand a little bit, and the efficiency of killing the enemy is much stronger than Perseus.

Russell watched the battle from afar, and silently gave a praise for this era.

Without safety pants and mosaics, there is more trust between people, closer distances, and less suspicion.

Ten minutes later, the movement in the forest faded.

Huh! !!

Leman slid across, carrying a thick slime.

The long sword cut off the tail owl, and Perseus kicked off the waving claws, jumped on the back of the giant scorpion, and lifted the sword to penetrate its brain, solving the last giant scorpion.

The mountain was confusing and overlooked from a high altitude. It can be seen that a large tree was broken violently, and giant scorpion bodies were layered on the ground.

Poisonous serous flowing, withered tree trunks and bushes, corroded the ground and rose up with purple poisonous smoke.

Perseus paled, leaning next to the tongs, and saw a white coat dancing Ai E in the wind, took a deep breath, raised his chest, and motioned for another hundred.

Pure little white flower didn't understand what purpose she acted for, she relied on her instinct to act, and told him intuitively that she should be tough at this time.

"You're poisoned, so be honest."

Ai waved a gust of wind to dispel the poisonous smoke around Perseus and clear a safe area for him.

"Thank you, but my health is good, this gas is completely ..."

Perseus grinned, his body wobbled, and he fell straight to the ground before his voice fell.

With a frown on his face, Ai Fou stepped over Perseus and saw that her lips were black and black, and her face changed immediately.

It's not poisoning, but the poison of the giant scorpion is nothing more than a half-human demigod.

She removed Perseus' breastplate and saw the black poisonous line extending from her heart, and immediately understood the reason.

It's a curse!

When Perseus cut off Akris's arm, blood was spilled on his face, and many splashed into his mouth. In addition, the giant scorpion strove to kill when the attack, and the toxin had spread to the whole body.

"Russell, Perseus ..."

"Ah, I see it."

As soon as Ai E turned around, she saw Russell appearing silently. The waist tightened in the next second, her body was rising in the clouds, and she was taken to the edge of the pool with Perseus.

Russell raised his hand and threw Perseus into the waterhole, then took out the cauldron, threw the mess in the mess, and filled it with water and added a piece of fresh meat taken from the giant scorpion claw.

"Russell, if you are making an antidote, Perseus is not poisoned, but cursed." Looking at Perseus floating in the pool, Ai reminded quickly.

"No, I'm cooking. After this fight, Perseus must be hungry."


Ai'e face was aggressive, and she didn't understand whether she didn't explain it clearly, or Russell's brain was broken.

Suddenly, a white light flashed, the hot soup in the cauldron was boiling, and the glare of the light shook her subconsciously to raise her hand to cover her face.

The white light dispersed, Ai's vision was blurred, the afterimage remained, and a thick aroma was inhaled into the nasal cavity, turning her body into a warm current, making her indescribably comfortable.

Ai E's eyes were stunning and surprised, "What is this and what have you done?"

"White phosphorus, I added white phosphorus."

Russell had a serious face and said inscrutablely: "Don't spread it. This is the secret of the super chef. The meaning is to add fluorescent agents. Master this trick, you can also make dishes that will glow."


Ai was again aggressive, dumbfounded: "No, I'm not asking why it shines, I mean this power ... I saw this power for the first time."

Very wonderful energy, warmer than the sun, more mellow than the fine wine, she did not know how to describe it.

"If you say this ..."

Russell illuminated the holy light at his fingertips and truthfully said, "This is the positive energy in my body, to drive away evil and avoid evil, and to be the best at breaking the curse."


For the first time, Ai'e heard of positive energy. If 'positive' means justice, she would refuse to admit it.

Perfumed, Perseus trembled in the pool, and paddled ashore in a coma. He closed his eyes and came to the side of the cauldron, raised it skillfully, and drank it.

Every time I saw Perseus drinking meat and eating, Russell felt incredible. Since he could drink anything, what was the reason for his teeth?


"Ah ~~ cool!"

The white light wandered the body, dispersing the black poisonous lines on the surface. Perseus opened his eyes and looked at the empty cauldron in front of him.

I do n’t know anything, and I ’m done with the meal. It ’s worse than killing him.

"Brother, my chest hurts ..." Perseus grieved.

"to be frank."

"I'm so hungry!"

(\ '?? \'?) / (??? ε ???)

"Go and call everyone over. They have inhaled poison gas more or less. Let me cook another pot so that they can dispel toxins from the body."

"Go here ..."

Seeing Perseus, who was awesome and trotting all the way, Ai E felt inconceivable. She looked at Russell up and down and said, "To be honest, who are you and who is the god?"

"No, I'm just an ordinary person. I use fluorescent at most for cooking."


Seeing that Russell didn't say it, Ai E could not follow up. Suspicious ghosts looked at him, looking for the gods who could go up.

After thinking about it for a long time, Apollo, the **** of light, and Helios the sun **** touched.

But this is obviously impossible. It is not that the two male gods are both tall and handsome and handsome, but they are very busy recently. They have been arguing about theocracy. They have no time to come and accompany Perseus. Confused.

Apollo emphasized that he was the **** of light, and that the divine power in his palm included the sun, which was also one of his symbols in the world. He asked Helios for a chariot and regained the relevant authority.

Helios naturally disagreed that the sun was his sole authority. If he lost this authority, he would have no place on the mountain.

Moreover, if he surrendered authority, Artemis could use this as an excuse to steal the authority of his sister Moon Goddess Selene.

Because Artemis is the goddess of hunting, but he also holds the divine power of the moon.

Helios believed that this was a conspiracy of the two sisters Apollo, and resolutely resisted. The old gods also strongly supported them. The hands of the twelve gods stretched a little too long.

Russell was completely ignorant of this, and he would only be happier when he knew it. Olympus's contradictions are extremely sharp, and only a fuse is needed to blast it into a mountain.

Perseus led the crowd to the pool of water, detoxifying, and smashing the two birds with one stone. Dragu missed his abdominal muscles and drank the broth while secretly hating his stomach.

If it bears it again, it won't let its hands and feet stop.

Looking at Dragu, who was eating recklessly, Russell crossed the conspiratorial smile. When he first formed the team, he noticed nothing wrong.

There are no fat people in the squad!

This is a dangerous signal. Without mellowness, there will be no auspiciousness, which is equivalent to the lack of mascots in the team to suppress luck.

Since he didn't, he created one himself.

Now it seems that the plan is very successful. Except for him and Perseus, the remaining eight are marching into the fat world. The eight mascots are suppressed, and the exhausted luck cannot be squeezed out.

By the way, there is a fat around each protagonist. This is a very old setting. According to Russell, it should start from [Journey to the West].

After finishing the rectification in place, the team continued to march towards the side of the Ninghe River. After Ai appeared, there was no point in hiding, and she easily joined the team with her beautiful appearance.

Captain Dragu strongly opposed it, thinking that Ai's origin is unknown, and he should be able to avoid it, and must not stay in the team.

He made sense and was isolated.

The reasons for the team members are simple and powerful. All day long, muscles, muscles and fat. Seeing teammates now feels clear, and continue to figure out what will happen, and dare not sleep at night.


It was another four-day march. With the help of the black Tianma, the team successfully jumped over dangerous places such as rivers, wastelands, snowy mountains, and deserts, and reached the northern mountains, a land that the Argos had never set foot on.

Except that Tianma was unhappy and thinned out two rows of ribs, everyone was happy, and the fat on his face was shaking.

The boy group disbanded seven days ago. The two handsome guys of Essex and Eusebius were kicked out by Russell because they were too mellow. He didn't want this, but the circle was so cruel and could not afford a little sympathy.

During the period, Perseus picked up two treasures on the fourth and fifth days respectively. They can walk on empty feather shoes, similar to the magic pocket of a space bag.

The first one is nothing to say. Wearing feather shoes, one can run flat in the air. The increasingly thin black Pegasus has a direct relationship with this pair of feather shoes.

The magic pocket is very magical ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Russell took a look and found that it can store dead things such as weapons and equipment, as well as smaller living creatures. What do scorpions, mice, poisonous snakes and other creatures put in? So, what's the take out?

Just looking at this property is far from simple.

For a while, Russell's interest in the forging technology of Mount Olympus increased greatly. If you remember correctly, Vulcan Hephaestus was the first Olympus ... blacksmith.

In addition to the power of the Earth Fire God, its power lies in forging.

Hephaestus is good at building temples, making various weapons and metal supplies, and is known as the ancestor of craftsmen and the forged **** of protection.

It is said that he created Zeus' lightning spear, Poseidon's trident, and Hades's double-stranded fork.

And then, Hephaestus made Pandora from clay ...

That alone required Russell to meet him.

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