End of the Sky

Chapter 1129: Sanctuary is a holy realm shrouded in divine light

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Delemore looked up at the eleven golden holy garments. He was helpless and helpless. The sanctuary was the site of the sun god, and no one could disobey the orders of the sun god.

Moreover, looking at this situation, he knew that although it was a multiple choice question, he did not have to choose.

Delermoir looked complexly at the golden cloak, and thought carefully, except that the sun **** was darker, there was nothing wrong with it.

If he wants to heal Zoe, he must serve the Sun God. He must be fair and fair. There is no God's mercy or compassion.

Does it really look like Perseus said that the sun **** is black, but he is actually a good **** with good heart?

The idea that suddenly came out was a bit ridiculous, and Delemore glanced at Russell secretly, only to find that the bottom was not black, which was indeed ridiculous.

He was so restless that he no longer thought about it, raised his head to choose among eleven golden robes, and suddenly made him target the saint. He was hesitant and wondered which one to choose.

One said that the eleven garments were perfect, and it was extremely difficult to give up any time.

It's no wonder that Delemore is difficult to choose, because he never thought of becoming a saint. He came to the sanctuary just to cure his sister's eyes. Leng Buding let him re-plan his future life.

After a short while, Delemore saw a robe of clothing, took a deep breath, no longer hesitated, and firmly said, "Sun God, I want to be Pisces ..."

"Taurus' golden garment, no problem, it's perfect for you."

"No, I'm talking double ..."

"I know, you are dazzled. The holy garment is Taurus, not Pisces."


Delemore looked silently, reflecting in his eyes a fish jumping out of the water. The whole body was composed of gold garments, which was extremely gorgeous.

In short, it is not Taurus.

"Very good. Now that you are fine, get close to Taurus, and it wants to communicate with you in depth."

Russell was disdainful. Delemore was a two-meter-two strong man with a waist thicker than the porch. This body actually wanted to be Pisces?

Afraid not to want to fart!

Pisces's preferred option is pretty young lady, or cute boy who is more beautiful than pretty young lady.

The heart has the Tigers, fine sniffing the rose?


As we all know, Pisces Palace is the closest to the Pope's Hall. If Delemore becomes the golden saint of Pisces, the Pope will not agree.

Every day when I look up, I see a muscle guy planting flowers in front of the Pope's Hall.

It's not the same for a beautiful young lady or a cute boy. The Pope must be in the Pope's Hall for twenty hours and can't rush out.

Although the Pope has not yet been determined, Russell is an individual who is under the control of the Pope. The Pope has a high weight and the working environment must be pleasing to the eye.

By no means because Pisces Palace is closest to the Sun Temple, he also wants to see the beautiful younger sister.

One more thing, Russell didn't mess around, since Dromell entered the Temple of the Sun, the Taurus garments showed some intentions.

The reason is not without reservation, because the better talented Zoe is next to her, she is the first choice of Taurus clothing.

"Go, at Taurus Palace, use your power to get its approval."

A golden light flashed, and the Taurus Golden Cloak slowly descended, it seemed a bit reluctant.

It had a good sense for Delemore, but Delemore chose the golden Pisces of Pisces, which is understandable.

As Russell waved his hand slightly, Golden Light wrapped around Dele Moore, took him quickly away from the Temple of the Sun, and went straight to the Taurus Palace.

Because the speed is too fast for ordinary people to see with naked eyes, Delemore was pushed forward by the Taurus.

"Dremore ..."

Zoe turned, thinking of her brother's name, worried about it.

"It's your turn now, open your eyes and tell me what you see?"

Hearing the sound, Zoe was startled and turned to realize that Russell had no idea when to leave the high-back chair and came to her.

Facing a deity at such a close distance, Zoe couldn't keep his mood, and slowly opened his eyes, revealing a pair of dark and unimpressive pupils.

"Very beautiful eyes, except that they don't converge, everything is perfect."

Russell stared at Zoe's empty eyes: "Tell me, what can you see?"


Zoe honestly said that because of the lack of vision, her other senses have far more acuity than ordinary people. Coupled with spiritual talent, she can ‘see’ the world in another way.

A gifted person can do whatever she wants. Without the guidance of a teacher, she can figure out the use of mental power by herself.

Mind reading, perception, hypnosis and more.

Needless to say, mind reading and perception, her talents were perfectly released in the field of hypnosis, and even reached the level of revising reality from a spiritual level.

For example, in the Lion's Palace, Delemore was injured by the golden lion. She used hypnosis to speed up the division of Delemore's wound site cells to achieve the effect of treatment.

Another example is climbing the steps, she hypnotizes herself, uses her spirit to control her body, and subconsciously ignores the so-called stress.

In the world Zoe 'sees', the Sun God's Basilica has three colors, a gray background, a golden golden garment, and a dark Russell.

The Russell in her eyes was a dark sun, and the flames of flames surrounded the outline, rising, turning into twisted tentacles.


Russell pinched his lips: "Sure enough, your eyes can't see anything."

Then, he raised his hand and pointed his fingertips on Zoe's forehead. The flashing arc stimulated Zoe to hum, and took two steps back in place, covering his eyes and beginning to cry.

"This is the first time you have observed the world with your eyes. Vision is deceptive. It is polarized with the world you observe with spirit. Both beauty and ugliness will be redefined and seriously subvert your three perspectives."

Russell kindly added: "Unacceptable, I can just say, I can make you lose light again in a painless state."

"No ... I can bear it. I would love to see what Dromell looks like."

Zoe covered her eyes, opened and closed her eyelids again and again, carefully testing the new world.

As Russell said, the world captured by the vision is very different from the world captured by the spirit, and she cannot adapt in a short time.

After trying a few times, Zoe closed her eyes directly and re-perceived the world with spirit, and she felt relieved.

"Sun God, I have a question."

As it concerns his brother, Zoe carefully tentatively said, "You promised to cure my eyes, provided that Delemore successfully obtained the recognition of the Golden Cloth and became a saint."


"But before the results come out, you have cured my eyes directly. Can I understand that Delemore's becoming a saint is a necessary result?"

"That's right!"

Russell nodded: "Don't underestimate Delemore. Although he doesn't have your talent, he is also a genius who picks thousands of miles. Maybe you do n’t know. He has the blood of Mount Olympus and is a standard half-man. God. "

Zoe heard the words, and immediately widened her eyes, and saw Russell's unwilling smile, closing her tightly.

The next Vibius focused heavily, and he knew that if he wanted to be a saint, the threshold was half-man and half-god.


His father is mortal. Except for his wealth, his mother is also mortal. Except for his beauty, the two are indistinguishable from beings.

Well, as an ordinary ordinary person, the golden garment must not look down on him.

"Zoe, it's your turn now to choose."

Russell looked at Zoe with a smile, and that posture sent him a lollipop: "Dremore will become the golden saint of Taurus. What are you going to do?"

"Sanctuary does not support idle people, etc., Taurus Palace does not have such evil things as" sister bedroom ". You only have two choices. After leaving the sanctuary, you will no longer meet Delemore, or choose a piece of gold The holy clothes, become the golden saints and stay in the sanctuary. "

Tu Qiong saw that after attacking Delemore, Russell extended the magic palm to Zoe.

Brother and sister, he will not let go of either.

"God of the sun, if I fortunately get the recognition of a holy garment and become a golden saint, can you show mercy and let Dele Moore leave the sanctuary."

Zoe speaks carefully, wants to change one by one, and gives his brother a promising future.

"Don't be stupid, why do you want to escape?"

Russell's smile remained unchanged: "The sanctuary is a sacred place, a holy area shrouded in divine light, not a magic cave, and the sun **** does not eat people ..."

"You will know for a while. Everyone in the sanctuary is talented and speaks nicely. You really like it here."


Zoe understood Russell's meaning. The sanctuary was not a place to come and go as long as he wanted to. He fell into Russell's hands. She and Delemore only had fate.

Russell didn't want to talk about the conditions, and Zoe was not able to resist. In order not to be separated from his brother, he could only choose the holy garment according to the instructions.

Zoe was uneasy and a little underpowered.

She wasn't sure if she could be recognized by the Saint Cloth, nor did she have the confidence to pass the test of the Saint Cloth like Perseus. Her talent was fair to humans of flesh and blood, and it was useless to face the cold steel Saint Cloth. Ground.

Looking at ten golden garments, she first glanced at Aries and Gemini, the two garments closest to Taurus in the twelfth house. UU reading books www.uukanshu. com

Suddenly, her sight was fixed on the golden cloak of Virgo, and she could no longer look away.

Virgo's golden garment, when not wearing a saint, is a young girl with a golden mask on her face, knees on her knees, and her hands folded in prayer.

"What a nice view……"

Zoe muttered to herself, and that was her ultimate choice.

Buzz! !!

The golden silk thread fell from the sky, Virgo's golden holy garment exuded a strong light, wrapped around Zoy's overwhelmed, the firmware of each part turned into a streamer, scaled down, rushed to Zoe together, and wore on her.

The speed is fast, giving a feeling of fear of Zoe's remorse.

Wait a minute, this is put on, why not fight?

Wybius was full of envy, and after returning to God, he found that it was wrong. Perseus was beaten with blood in order to get the approval of Leo, and Delemore was almost the same. He wrestled in the Taurus Palace and the Saint Cloth.

Both men are tested. Why is Zoe an exception?

Suddenly, Vibius realized that Perseus and Delemore were half-human and half-gods, but Zoe's identity was more noble than them, most likely a reincarnation of a god.

"Sun god, that's ... I don't have to challenge it?"

Dressed in the golden virgin cloak of Virgo that was as warm as the sun, Zoe was very surprised, too simple and incredible.

"Challenge, what challenge, who said there was a challenge?"

Russell spread his hands: "You like it, and it likes you. It's okay to be double happy!"

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