End of the Sky

Chapter 1162: Demon general

To the west of the sunset, at the foot of the mountain east of the sanctuary, more than a dozen testers struggled, walking slowly along the stone steps and challenging the first palace of the Aries.

Quite terribly, since the establishment of Athena's God Territory, the sanctuary has become less popular than the other.

On the one hand, due to fame, Russell's sudden emergence is still a little cute, and its reputation in the world is far less than that of Athena.

In peacetime, Athena is the goddess of wisdom and literature, arts and crafts. She teaches textiles, gardening, pottery, animal husbandry and other skills related to livelihood, as well as painting, sculpture, music and other art to cultivate sentiment and raise her spiritual realm.

During the war, she is the source of faith that justice must prevail, bringing courage and hope to the defenders of the city, and protecting the people from the invasion and harm of war.

Athena has been running her personal image for many months, and has countless fans on the earth. It is one of the few gods on Olympus with a good reputation.

In contrast, Russell's rise time is too short, and the humans on the earth don't know much about him.

Defeat Helios and become the new Sun God; defeat Ares and become the new God of War ...

In addition to being able to play, the rest are blank.

From the people's point of view, as long as the sun rises as usual, no war will break out on earth, and the sun god, Russell, is a good god.

However, although the sun rises as usual every day, the wars on earth have never stopped, so his reputation is really very general.

On the other hand, the main reason is that Athena is the goddess and Russell is the male god.

This multiple choice question is not difficult, the answer is simple and rude, and very realistic.

Suddenly, the dark clouds were swept by the violent wind, and the testers were shaken up and down, and those with poor qualifications could not get up on their own after falling.

Five mysterious people with gray robes covering the whole body stood in front of the stone steps. One of them lifted his feet and stepped on the first step, his body slightly stagnate. He was surprised and said: "Yes, although the evil door is crooked, it has some skills."

"Evil gate's crooked way is the crooked way of the outside door. A little **** in a wild land dares to use the name" sun "as his own god. When the frog at the bottom of the well does not know that the sky is thick and thick, he dare to be extremely extreme."

"Don't underestimate the sun **** of this world, regardless of his strength first, he only knows how to use the power of Zhou Tianxing, this mind can be called a great wise man among my demon races."

"Don't talk nonsense, take the first level of the sun god, expand the territory for your majesty, and make the pioneer's first contribution."

"It's better to smash the twelfth house first, and seeing the barbarians use the power of the star fight, I feel sick!"




The five people turned into a violent wind, rolled up the dark mist, and rushed up the stone steps.

Behind them, all the testers fell into a coma because they couldn't bear the pressure of the impulsive pressure, and none of them was spared.

The first house Aries.

The five men passed by quickly, the wind passed, the air was torn and shattered by the torrent, and a deep gully was plowed around the ground.

The huge Aries Palace, including the ground and walls, were cut and chopped by the raging wind, and after the criss-crossing cuts were covered, they collapsed into ruins.

"What's the matter, the first house is empty?"

"According to the information gathered, the guardian of the first house is called Chiron, not only the golden saint fighter of Aries, but also the pope of the Holy Land. Under normal circumstances, he never guards the Aries, and takes the overall situation in the papal hall."

"The mouthful name sounds really uncomfortable."


During the speech, the five people quickly jumped over the stone steps and arrived at the Taurus Palace in the second house.

Buzz! !

The golden light bloomed, and the magnificent gold wall appeared out of thin air, rolling the ground bricks into powder, and quickly expanded and diffused.

The pressure of the air suddenly increased, and a large turbulent airflow spurted outward, sweeping through the thick momentum, the aftermath was turbulent, and the turbulent mountains trembling.


One of them waved his hand to break the golden curtain, looked at the golden figure standing in front, and questioned sharply.

"Idiot, this is the Taurus in the second house. He must be the golden saint in this palace."

"What's his name, is there any information?"

"It's not clear, he didn't deliberately collect his intelligence."

"Who's going?"

"Huh, of course they are together."


Looking at the five mysterious people who covered their heads below, they also uttered incomprehensible language. Delemore frowned, but despite his doubts, he was still devoted to his duties: , Who ordered the Pope to guard the Taurus Palace, who came? "

"Demon Race General Tiger Jiao!"

"Red Chi!"


"Warming snake!"

"Ghost car!"


Drummore nodded without changing his face, ashamed, but he still didn't understand.

It doesn't matter if the language is impassable, and it doesn't matter if the species is different. Since ancient times, there have been many ways to communicate, such as sign language.

In addition to eating and holding toilet paper, hands can also be used to hit people.

The fist is the simplest and straightforward language, that is, sign language.

Rumble Rumble ————

With the violent vibration of the ground, the dust and smoke blocked the view. The unrecognizable Taurus Palace was completely turned into ruins. On the messy ground, the eyes were full of cracks ...


Bang Bang Bang Bang! !

"Artemis, open the door!"

Russell stood at the hammer door in front of the Moon Temple. The closed door didn't affect his enthusiasm for the hammer door: "Don't talk, I know you are inside, you have the ability ... In short, the door is right."

Bang Bang Bang Bang! !

The gate of the Moon Temple was shaken, and the Ningfu goddesses behind the door shivered. These days, the sun **** will come to hammer the door every day. It seems that it is going to eat people.

And their master, Artemis, was not moved at all. Even if the door was knocked down, they just bowed and shot arrows, and refused to meet Russell.

"Artemis, if you don't open the door again, I'll go to Athena, and her door has always been reserved for me ..."


The silver brilliance swiped across her ears, Russell's eyes twitched slightly, looking at the through hole on the door, and swallowed hard: "You can't believe what Athena says because of the suit, she has always been right I coveted, and wished that I and you would make trouble immediately, so there is a chance to take advantage of it, and you must not make a fortune! "

Russell whispered Athena's unreasonable troubles. When forging the suit, it was normal operation to put the chest on the back, grasp the hand, and hold the waist. Normally, he did not deliberately take advantage of it. Is it necessary to tell Artemis all?

The careful-eyed woman is unreasonable!

Also, the thighs can be explained.

Russell vowed to heaven that he would slap his thigh on his lap when he was happy.

Helping Athena succeed in forging the suit, he was excited, and then he patted it. When he fell, he remembered that Athena was delicate and weak, lest she would break her leg, and then recover 90% of her strength.

So, that slap is really not touching, he is beating people, just beating.

Besides, after he finished playing, didn't he help rub it!

Russell believes that as long as Artemis is willing to give him the opportunity to interview, he has reason and can explain it.


Another arrow pierced through the door and went straight to Russell's shameless face. He took a breath and raised his hand to hold the arrow.

"Arte ..."

boom! !

Explosive arrows!

The smoky smoke dissipated, and Russell stood in smoky flames, and his exclusive robe of the Sun God was blown into a beggar outfit.

He didn't continue to hammer the door, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked in horror towards the sanctuary with a look of consternation.

"Delemore is dead ..."

"who is it!?"


Sanctuary, the third house, double uterus.

Olympus stood in the hall wearing a golden holy cloth, looking at four men and one woman in front of him without expression. Although the four palace-breakers were human figures in their perception, the breath was by no means the form that humans should be.

In their bodies, monsters are boarding.


The monster car of the demon clan threw the golden helmet of the Taurus on the ground, and said coldly: "Do you have to find the golden saint of the two wombs?"

Olympus looked down at the blood-stained gold helmet. The killing in his eyes flashed instantly, and said indifferently: "The useless waste is a shame among the golden saints."

"Don't talk nonsense with him, the barbarians can't understand our words and just killed him."



The five did not stay ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ At the same moment, they all disappeared together and went straight to Axis.

Suddenly, a touch of darkness covered the uterus, and the five people sensed the dangerous breath, and withdrew and retreated, away from the gleaming Olympus.

"what happened?"

"The strength of the star fight in him is so rich!"

"It should be a force unique to this world, just like the Taurus Saint Seiya ..."


In the darkness, Olympus crossed his hands and held it high above his head, closing his eyes to echo the power of the Golden Saint Cloth of Gemini.

The chaotic starry universe appears, vast and immense. The stars are like the sand of the Ganges River, while emitting a faint light while expanding rapidly.

In an instant, the starry sky was infinitely magnified, and the hazy stars covered the sky and earth, centering on Axis, one dream after another star turned into reality, and surrounded the group of five.

From afar, six solitary figures, including Axis, floating in the endless sky beyond the sky.

At the same time, a powerful force that ruined the world was swaying on Axis.

The golden cloak blazes with flames, and Öxis withdraws his hands across his chest. The compression of the infinite starry sky that originally covered the universe becomes smaller, condensing between his hands.

"Remember, the person who killed you is the Gemini Gold Saint Olympus ..."

Olympus narrowed his eyes narrowly, murderously, and said one by one: "Silver! River! Star! Burst !!!"

Sensing the terrifying power accumulated in UXIS's hands, the faces of the five people suddenly changed, and without thinking, a long banner with a starry figure was drawn from the palm of his hand.

Olympus pushed out with both hands, and the sky and stars rushed to the five people, and then instantly turned into powder.

At the same time, the star streamers in the hands of the five people are shining brightly, and they are connected into a figure of a strange animal, which stabilizes the fragile space so that it does not collapse under the impact of the stars.

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