End of the Sky

Chapter 1208: Olympus will never find a more responsible God King

I regard you as an ally, you actually greedy me?

Russell was disdainful, and Gai Asiai looked down on him. He was not the kind of hungry ghost Zeus could see when he saw beauty ...

Speaking of which, Russell wants to take the elven queen as an example.

At that time, the elf queen tempted him in every way. He didn't squint, and didn't move even if he was pregnant.

Is very proud, but he will not talk nonsense. After all, the queen is also a character with a head and a face.

Gaia frowned slightly: "God, why should I refuse, my strength is back to its peak, it is also a good thing for you."

"No, if the great **** wants to be a diva, there is no need to talk about it."


Gaia's brow furrowed and sneered, "The **** king is worried, I don't like the guy who has the authority of the sky. If it is not to restore strength as soon as possible, I won't ask you for help."

Don't take heart, you don't say early!

True hypocrisy, give you a chance, this is not allowed next time!

Russell clenched his fist with a slight cough, and said with a serious face: "It seems that I think too much, and I also ask the gods not to be surprised, because I am different from Zeus and other gods, and I value the feelings very much, so ... what do you think of us Time to start? "

"right now."

Hey, are you so anxious?

Russell is very ashamed. Compared with Olympus's scum girl, he is still too innocent, and really thought there would be a prelude to the sun and the moon.

"God king, the sky and the earth are the two most suitable powers ..."

Gaia pointed to the ground beneath his feet: "The king of labor, using the power of authority, lay on the ground for a while, and it soon ended."

"What, lie on the ground?"

Russell's face was dumbfounded. This place is purely literal, or Gaia's nickname for himself, such as Xiaotiantian.

"What's wrong, God King?"

"Uh, I think there is no other way."

Russell tightened his trouser belt, which was too strange for the original gods to use rules to heal themselves. As a down-to-earth human, he could not accept it.

"There is indeed a way, but God King valued his feelings. For the sake of cleanliness, it is not a **** like Zeus, so I will not humiliate myself."

Gaia sneered and ridiculed that the generation of King Olympus was more hypocritical than the generation. By comparison, Uranos was a saint.

"That being said, everything should be the big picture. I am the King of God, and some responsibilities cannot be evaded. What's the point of making concessions and sacrifices for allies!"

Russell sighed, and Olympus could no longer find a more responsible God King than him.

"Oh, really embarrassing God King."

"Where is ..."

—————— | ?? ω ????) ——————

Underworld, God's King Palace.

It has been a long time since Russell and Gaia disappeared. The gods anxiously waited for the absence of a figure, and lived anxiously.

There are worries for Russell, and there is a fear of the sudden appearance of the demon clan, and his own lack of top fighting power.

The king of the gods just chosen, and so powerful, if it was killed because of civil strife, it was really ridiculous!

The most terrible thing is that not only the **** king is gone, but the mother of the earth is also dying due to internal friction, which is worse.

The hearts of the gods are worried, but there is no solution at all. The fairy fights the mortal and the top gangsters are struggling. They become like mortals and can only stare.

Hekatsi, who was sitting on the throne of the Queen Mother, said nothing. After Russell and Gaia disappeared, her frowning eyes never let go.

Thinking that if she put more force on it yesterday, she directly set up Russell, cooked rice and cooked rice on the spot became the diva, and shared the power of Russell through the authority of marriage, she would not sit here and helpless.

Suddenly, a gust of wind swept across, and the door of the bones of **** opened in the center of the hall.

Russell walked out of the face with frost and frivolous, seeming to have a serious heart, followed by Gaia who was also cold-faced.

The great joy of the gods, it ’s okay to be okay, but when the two big men look displeased, they dare not say or ask questions.

Gaia remained majestic without expression, but why did Russell hold a face? Was he lost to Gaia and forced to make concessions?

The hearts of the gods are imagining again and again, lowering their eyebrows and waiting for the result.

Russell slowly walked to the throne, waved his hands to cast a seat with dark energy, asked Gaia to sit up, noticed a few concerned eyes, and responded nodded, so that he did not need to worry.

Hestia: "..."

Look at what I do, I don't care about you!

The cautious goddess was very dissatisfied with Russell on the main hall and blamed her in front of the gods. If Russell said earlier that he had the ability to confront Gaia head-on, she would not stand up to be a peacemaker.

Kindly help, but also be counted, even grievances.

As for Russell who accused Sang of insulting Huai, and accused her superficially, he was mocking Gaia ...

Hestia ca n’t remember it anymore, this hatred is written in a small book, the circle is focused, and he is going to find an opportunity to fight back for revenge.

"You don't have to worry about it, I have a great conversation with the God of Gaia, and I have determined a fully cooperative ally relationship. Before the demon clan is repulsed, the God of God will live in the palace of the God King ..."

"Although the Great God does not participate in political affairs, but his status is honorable, you must respect me to respect her, and must not be negligent."

The gods listened to Russell's words, and then Gaia's expression with no waves, they were all startled. The obedient meaning, the battle between the two is very likely to end in a tie, no one has no choice but to get who.

The King of Gods has become so powerful as to be super primitive?

The hearts of the gods had guesses, and they were all taken aback by the answer, which was much stronger than Zeus.

On the throne of the Queen Mother, Hecater's nose fluttered slightly, only to feel that Russell had a seemingly scent on his body, exactly the same as Gaia's ...

So, the two looked dignified, because the battle was fierce and they were both injured?

"In order to increase the force, we must grasp the movement of the demon clan in the world. Only by knowing their purpose can we make targeted strategic deployment."

Russell turned his head to look at Hades: "What about the Pluto, the Night Goddess and the Dark God, are the two primitive gods willing to fight?"

Hades is the king of the underworld, and according to his position, he is the master of the entire underworld, as strong as Hecate, and he also has to wait for his command.

But the actual situation is not like this. The world of the gods is no different from human beings, even more cruel, and the strong are the most respected. Hades was not happy in his underworld.

Similarly, the same is true of the night goddess and the dark **** who have long lived in the underworld.

The two primitive gods have a lofty status, and their strength is too strong. Just pick one out and you can hit Zeus life. You ca n’t take care of yourself. The nominal boss of Hades, facing the two primitive gods, has always been very posed low.

"God king, two primitive gods have vague attitudes, it seems ..."

Hadith did n’t say more than half of the words, and the meaning was already obvious. The night goddess Nix and the dark **** Erebus had been in low-key for countless years. Not very positive.

Unless the demon clan invades the underworld, the two will never take the initiative to appear, let alone participate in the war.

"I understand……"

Russell nodded and turned to Hestia: "How are the gods scattered in the world? Is there any connection to them?"

"Only a few of them were contacted. Most of these gods evaded the world and became accustomed to a free life. They did not want to be related to Olympus anymore."

Hestia's face was ugly. Although these gods did not break the words, they also expressed their ambiguity.

Mount Olympus was broken, Zeus was killed, and the fourth-generation **** Russell had never heard of it. They were reluctant to join the chariot of the Olympian remnant, and they were even more afraid that they could not get off after getting on Russell ’s car. Thugs like cannon fodder.

"Everyone has their own ambitions, since they don't want to come, they don't force it."

Russell touched his chin, a black light flashed in his eyes: "I want to put these gods in hiding places, and then sit and watch them attacked by demon clan, what do you think?"

"……" xN

The eyes of the gods jumped slightly, it is worthy of being the fourth-generation **** king with a ruthless heart, and the way to invite people was so vicious and vicious.

"Forget it, I'm not a cold-blooded person, they are willing to be a tortoise turtle and just follow them."

Russell shook his head slightly and continued, "But everyone has their own ambitions but each has their own lives. Everyone has to pay for their own decisions. If these gods are attacked by the demon clan, I would like to ask for help from the people sitting here. Don't be too busy. "

"……" xN

The gods nodded in scalp numbness, indicating that they were unfamiliar.

"As for the two primitive gods Nix and Erebos, the important fighting power still has to fight for!"

Russell turned his head to look at Gaia: "Tomorrow I will personally visit the two primitive gods, and invite the great gods to go with me to strengthen my strength ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ God ’s words are heavy, Nix and Erebo Although Sri Lankan is of good strength, there is still a big gap compared with the God King. Whether I am accompanied or not, the result is the same. "

"Not the same. I was negotiating, and I persuaded the two gods to join the war instead of forcing them."

The two men finalized the agenda in a few words, and heard the gods sweating in their foreheads, feeling that the times are really different.

When Zeus was in power, he was good at taking advantage of the power of far-reaching and near-attack. Most of the methods were used to win over a group of people. Like Russell, he came to the house without saying anything, regardless of whether the other party agreed or disagreed.

"There is one more thing, the gods are here today, I just took it out and talked about it."

Russell swept the audience and glanced at Gaia slightly: "At the moment when I became the king of the gods, I was thinking about ways to defeat the demon clan in one fell swoop, so that he could never turn over. Titans are unavailable help ... "

"The Titans are powerful, and idle is also idle. It is better to let them out to give a chance to make a contribution."

"God King!"

The face of the members of the Zeus family headed by Hades and Poseidon changed greatly, and Hades, regardless of Gaia ’s presence, directly said: "Ten years of Titan War has almost destroyed the entire world, and finally peace was exchanged. If it is released, I am afraid that the demon clan has not repulsed, and they have had unnecessary civil strife. "

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