End of the Sky

Chapter 1211: You misunderstood me

I talk to you well, you swear when you open your mouth ...

Oh, your family, that's fine!

"Zeus was indeed not killed by me. All the gods know that the gods ca n’t believe me ..."

Russell said, telling the story of the invasion of the demon clan and the battle of Mount Olympus.

Told Kronos that the times had changed, the horizons were wide, and the outside world was very big. Do n’t entangle a curse all day.

Cronus heard the silence, and no longer asked if Zeus died in the hands of Russell. After a while, his frowned brows loosened: "The invasion of the strong enemy, you want to concentrate all the power, including our imprisoned Titans?"

"On the one hand, on the other hand, I didn't want to fight, I suddenly received the news that the demon clan took the back road and killed you prisoners who had no resistance."

"Oh, is it a demon clan, or are you?"

"Great God, I treat you sincerely, why do you always look at me with colored eyes?"

"Because you are the fourth-generation **** king, I am the second-generation **** king, and no one is destined to tolerate anyone."

"The vision of the Great God is narrow, I never think so."

Russell shook his fist: "I always thought that being the boss wanted a stable position, it must be stronger than everyone. As long as I am the strongest, the following people can only hide in their hearts if they are dissatisfied.

Simple and rude reasons, but Cronus did not take it for granted. He used to think the same way, and later moved into a small room.

"Fourth-generation **** king, friendship sent you a sentence, self-confidence is a good thing, but too confident is arrogant."

Cronus sneered: "If you really have full confidence, why should you come to us and defeat the demon clan yourself."

"The great **** misunderstood again, I really didn't see the power of Titan."

Russell whispered: "The forces I value are Erebos and Nix. I will visit Gaia tomorrow and invite the two primordial gods to the war."

"Gaia's support, it really is!"

Cronus nodded and said something yin and yang strangely, faintly sour.

"Wrong again, Gaia did not support me, but formed an ally relationship with me."

Speaking of which, Russell shook his fist again. The voter in the rear bowed his head as if he had not seen it, and Gaia was expressionless, neither opposing nor approving.

Cronus narrowed his eyes, and said coldly after a moment: "Impossible, you are a child of Zeus, there is no reason to be so much stronger than him."

Everyone is a **** king, why do you hang like this!


A flash of lightning flashed over, and the chain on Kronos broke in unison, without the shackles, and the broken body of the Titan healed quickly.

Is almost a blink of an eye, the arrogant breath awakens in his body, the magnificent momentum and speed are extremely amazing, scaring Hades and other people's faces are green.

"Fourth generation king, do you want to use force to convince me?"

Cronus is full of fun. He appreciates the courage of his juniors and disdains the other person's mind.

"Yes, anyone who has been detained for so many years has enough time to think about life ..."

Russell waved two sacred lights and injected them into Cronus and Clios to speed up the repair of their Titans. He continued: "Maybe you can stand loneliness and humiliation, but what about the rest of the Titans, always imprisoned In the dark abyss, until madness or self-dissipation? "


Cronus froze his face, Russell poked at his pain, he would never consider these issues.

Transited from time to time, and the imprisonment of countless years did not smooth his arrogance, but let him learn to respect people who are worthy of respect, such as Clios, such as other prisoned Titans.

"Great God, think about it for a long time, the demon clan is powerful, and you may not be called in one day, and you don't want so many Titans to kill them by the neck, mortified to death?"

Russell's eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes dark and dark: "Their life and future are in your hands, think about it and answer."

"I never think about what the following people think, I wouldn't before, now I won't."

Cronus took a deep breath, moved his stiff body, and slowly stood up and said: "However, the fourth-generation **** king is so confident, I want to challenge it, try it is true or false."

"What if you lose?"

"Leave it to you!"

"Ha ha……"

Russell nodded with a smile, Cronus said so much, just wanted to find a step down.

Men love face, especially in the high position of Cronus. Seeing that everyone is an idol, they will not take him through.

"Cronus, I have to join the war."

Clios gasped on the ground, quickly repaired his body, and saved his energy to help the younger brother.

"It's nothing for you."

Cronus lifted his foot and dropped heavily, directly let Klius enter into a state of autism.

Russell: (one `one)

"What's wrong, does the fourth-generation king want to single out me and Klios at once?"

Cronus frowned and was offended.

"No, the current diva is Hecate, and Klios is her grandfather."

"So what!"

Cronus is extremely disdainful, yes, Klios is the grandfather of Hecate, but ...

Who is not!

He is also Russell's grandfather, and he is about to fight soon!


In the prison, a group of people hurried by, and the three hundred-armed giants opened the way, followed by Cronus, followed by three hundred-eyed giants.

Hugged forward and back, surrounded by six muscular brothers and nobles, and he was very good.

Russell was almost meaningless. Gaia on the left and Hecate on the right, except for the pleasing, have no special features.

The five brothers and sisters of Hades walked at the end, and a group of people were still in the shadows of Cronus, lest he suddenly violently hurt him, so he walked behind Russell.

The sound of the chain continued, and after seeing Cronus appear, each Titan cast his attention, and bowed his head to show obedience as he passed by.

This scene saw Russell quite sighed. Cronus ruled the world with tyranny. The gods were miserable, but among the Titans, the prestige was extremely high, and there was no lack of loyalty.

At this point, it was Zeus ’s turn that caused a lot of fire, let alone him, not to mention, what did the little brother actually hide behind the boss.

"Five of you, go ahead."

Russell looked behind him and said angrily.


"When it's time for you to prove your loyalty, Cronus will run away and eat people later, so you can help me with it for a while."


"What are you afraid of, but you haven't been eaten yet."

(? _?) X5

The faces of the five people are black as charcoal, whispering if they can't beat Yunyun.


In the dark world, Russell and Cronus stared at each other, with salted fish watching on the side.

Hades had five complicated minds, and roughly understood the reason why Russell called them over, making them recall the fear of being dominated by their old father, and then beating Kronos in front of them.

Factual reasoning, Russell can face Gaia head-on, Cronus is definitely not his opponent, not in the heyday, not even for years of imprisonment.

Even now, the five-member group has also noticed that Russell deserves to be a child of Zeus. Both rulings are a routine, and the following people are absolutely obedient.

The difference is that Zeus has insufficient strength, and the vertical and horizontal lines use the family as the center of power to jointly suppress the dissatisfied gods.

Russell is very powerful. In front of them, he shows his muscles and rolls if he refuses to accept them. He is beaten to three quarters before he rolls.

During the war, it was indeed a good thing to have such a **** king, but their days of fighting were not as good as they used to be.

Worrying, there was Hestia, thinking about the night when Russell violently broke the door, and it was estimated that there was no brave dare to stand up when she shouted her throat.

I knew that, and voted for myself two days after the election, at least there is a psychological comfort of justification.

Hera is bitter in her heart. Now that she has seen it, Russell is Russell, not Zeus.

The real Zeus can't be so powerful, nor can it be brazenly singled out with Kronos.

So, she is now tangling one thing, Russell's lover's promise that night is not counted?

It was n’t that she was guilty of not being self-loving, but that was the situation of Olympus. The identity of the widow of Zeus was too tempting the day before and after. The male gods who had been greened by Zeus would definitely find ways to get back.

Whoever sleeps is always sleeping, and if so, why not find the best one?

"God Kronos, do you want to postpone the challenge for ten days, so that you can slow down, after all, fight a cripple, I can't beat it."

Russell said kindly, that is, it seemed to be kind, because Cronus could not agree.

As expected, the opposite Cronus snorted angrily, knees slightly flexed, mouth and nose open, spitting out hot steam.

The upper body of reveals dark red lines, and the majestic wildness of the air comes out through the body. Under the traction of the breath, the dark world is turbulent, and the spreading black ripples spread like a tide.


With a muffled sound, Cronus disappeared in place, and appeared again in front of Russell, punching his fist down, blasting his head into scum.

Black muddy water splash ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Russell's headless body softened and stood above the sky.

Thunder stirs the darkness and divides a new world, and the vast light fills it.

The red lines on Kronos, Russell had seen it once, and when he was dueling with Ares, the latter drank a drop of Titan blood and borrowed the power of Kronos.

Russell is very self-knowledge, he is certainly not the opponent of Cronus in the single fight, the Titans are a group of animals, even if Hecate can suppress him, he ca n’t turn over.

After considering the experiment to find out the true knowledge, Russell decided to give it a try tonight. The truth is second, and the scientific and pragmatic mentality is the key.

Good habits must be maintained!

By the way, during the duel with Ares, Russell saw the blood of the Titan, and he made a follower for the gods at dusk.

Will meet with Aphrodite, trampling Ares ’self-esteem, making an ally to suppress Hera ’s forces, and let the two go nowhere to actively release the imprisoned Titan.

Because of the difficulty of execution, the promise to the big brother of Hephaestus, and the appearance of follow-up suits and holy clothes, this plan was put on hold.

Later, the demon clan invaded, hidden missions appeared, plus he became the king of the gods, and the gods were dusk ...

In short, this was thrown into the trash.

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