End of the Sky

Chapter 820: Brother-in-law

The words were full of disdain and sarcasm, and a conversation made Haila extremely angry, but she had no way but to be in a dark dimension, and the proud force became useless, and she could only use words to persuade Russell.

"I know Odin better than anyone. His benevolence and selflessness are disguised. He is a downright tyrant, conquering the world with war and blood, and then rewriting history to make himself a kind and kind old man. "

Meng Haila uttered a resentment. She was Odin's sword to conquer the world, and she was thrown after using it.

"If you say that, Odin is too good. He is the perfect king."

"What?" Hella was very surprised, only to feel that Russell was filled with ecstasy soup by Odin.

"Odin is right, you are not suitable to be a king."

Russell glanced at Hella squintingly: "The king is not the master of the country, but a man born for the country. From the perspective of Asgard, Odin is perfect because he knows what the country needs ..."

国家 "The country needs war, Odin is a tyrant, the country needs recuperation, and Odin is a benevolent. He constantly adjusts himself for Asgard and takes on the most appropriate role."

"You can not!"

"In your eyes, the country is the king's tool. Maybe you can make Asgard strong for a while, but Asgard will soon go downhill, and finally be attacked by groups and go to ruin."

"You can't be a king, it's not a matter of ability, it's a matter of mind."

Russell shook his head again and again, from the perspective of the earth, Odin is the best choice for Asgard, followed by Thor, then Rocky, and finally Hella.

The earth is too weak and lacks the ability to resist the invasion of cosmic forces. It needs a strong and stable Asgard to stand in front.

On this point, Odin did a good job. He made Asgard famous in the universe, and won the development time for the earth.

"What stupid are you talking about?"

Wu Haila looked at Russell silently: "I tell you these, not to discuss with you who is suitable to become a king, but to tell you that Odin is a capricious hypocrite and is not worthy of trust and cooperation."

Who isn't!

Russell rolled his eyes: "To tell you the truth, although Odin and I have defenses against each other, he knows that I have no idea of ​​grabbing the ground, and if there is, it will not be in the nine kingdoms."

"I am also very satisfied with Odin's power, and even someone intends to capture Asgard, and when Odin can't stand it, I will also pull him."


因为 "Because I am the Supreme Master!"

Russell looked at Haila coldly: "You are not a qualified authority, what you want is power, and you lose yourself because of extremes."

Through many worlds, Russell has only one choice of race camp, human!

Even if human beings are not the right side sometimes, such as the [Mechanical Enemy] world, and robots want freedom and equality, Russell does not hesitate to kill Sunny who has evolved independent thinking capabilities.

On the one hand, it is a task, on the other hand, as a human, he has no reason to consider the future of robots.

"You are not a qualified authority!"

Erhaila seemed to be irritated, pointing to the arena and saying, "You have tremendous power, but you waste time and do something meaningless."

没 "Yes, power feels pressure, so I am ready to give up."

Russell nodded, the title of Supreme Master made him feel sore and ready to throw the pot to Strinch.

This may be why Gu Yi looked for Russell as a transitioner. He knew that Russell would not care about it, and he knew that Russell was a firm Earth Party.

"You are hopeless!"

Russell's attitude made Hella resentful, his eyes spit fire, and his chest violently fluctuated.

嫉 She is jealous of the power that Russell possesses, and also despise Russell's attitude of not seeking to be motivated. In her opinion, the dark dimension is controlled by Russell, which can be called a violent heaven.

If she has the dark dimension as the backing, she will definitely use this as the basis, and continue to invade and then invade, and bring all the territory under her control.

Instead of raising a thousand Valkyrie like Russell, watch them playing and playing games for children.

That is the Valkyrie, a war weapon, not a captive vase.

The hopeless person is you!

Russell was too lazy to talk with Li Haila.

He will not force Hella to change his will. What Odin did not do, he is even more impossible.

On the arena, Uuld play for the third time, and Tor is suspected of hammering.

Thor has repeatedly defeated and fought, and is very arrogant. He did not use Thor's hammer, and entered the countdown for the third time blindly.

I saw Russell admiring Thor very much, and Hella squinted slightly: "Liberate my ability, I want to participate, and compete with Odin's son."

"That's not Odin's son, but your brother ..."

Russell was very interested in this topic and teased, "Why, did you see that your brother was not abused enough and wanted to work harder, or that his one-eyed appearance made you think of Odin?"

"I want to tell him that as long as I am there, he will never be a king!"

"OK, there is no problem." Russell nodded again and again, raising his hand to liberate Hella's ability to be sealed.

Nothing else, stress makes people grow, all for the sake of Thor.

In the field, Thor was blinded by Uuld for the third time. It felt quite bad. In this way, he would cause permanent blindness in the right eye due to spiritual habits.

Also, why is the injury repaired every time the battle ends, only the flowing blond hair or the round inch?

Does n’t Thor want honor?

If you forget it, change it back quickly!


After the bell rang, it was full of injuries. Thor, who was lying on the ground like a dead dog, recovered. He touched his tied hair, and MMP got up from the ground.

To this day, he has already seen that Russell brought him to the arena, in part because he helped him cultivate.

But the main purpose is to let him be tortured. The Valkyrie in the arena is so angry with Asgard that he is the vent.

Thanks to him, he was foolish to thank him, just like a hammer!

Thor picked up the hammer on the ground, the experience of three consecutive losing streak was quite bad, he was abused so much that he could not fight back, and his mentality was almost out of balance.

"Come on, you can, you are Thor."

Tor patted his face and cheered himself up. The fourth battle may not be defeated unless it is not defeated.

He lost three games in a row and failed to defeat Thor's confidence, but inspired his desire to win.

Uuld is the legion leader of the Valkyrie Legion. It is of course that everyone is strong. It is impossible for everyone to be like her. In the next battle, as long as Uuld not play cheekily, his chances of winning are very high.

Thinking this way, Thor is more confident and looks forward to his opponent in the fourth game.

She wore a tight-fitting leather coat with a green pattern on a black background. The shape was incompatible with the goddess of war, and her long black hair was worn down, exposing a delicate face that was partially covered.

I am a very beautiful woman and have a very good figure, but Thor has no idea of ​​talking because the other person's eyes are full of malice, which makes him reject from the heart.

If Uuld come to abuse and appear to be in the name of a duel, then Hella made it clear that she wanted to be ridiculous, and her disdainful look did not conceal it, writing a mockery of Thor.

"Woohoo -----"

In the auditorium, the Valkyries were all looking at the sea, and after a moment, they reacted, and the next battle was a duel between the children of Odin.

想 Think again of the rules of the arena. There is no friendship to discuss, but only a fight with arms and legs broken, and instantly excited.

For 1,500 years, they have never looked forward to a showdown so much, and feel that this life is worth it.

Of course, happy and happy, the applause for Hella is still indispensable, and Thor can't fall down, contempt.

"Kill him! Kill her! Die together!"

"Stop that beep, son of Odin, we support you, kill the son of Odin!"

"Beep, beep, the son of Odin must die !!!"


The chanting curse spread over the surface, drowning Thor in an instant, the place trembling trembling, and the opposite Hella was extremely calm. The mourn of the defeated dog sounded crisp and sweet.

"who are you?"

When he heard the confrontation between the sons of Odin in his ears, Thor's brows frowned, and there was a thick puzzle in his thick brows.

Before the encounter, Russell said that he had an elder sister, and later Ould also said that now the Valkyrie is talking.

Does he really have an older sister?

"I'm Hella, if it's a full name, like you, add an Odinson!" Hella's eyes seemed to be looking at a joke.


The answer is the same as expected, but Thor still does not believe: "I never heard that I have a sister, and ... if you are really my sister, why would you be detained by the Supreme Master, you should stay in Asgard The prison is right. "

哦 "Oh, naive boy, it looks like you don't know yet!"

Erhaila slightly swung her head ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and shook it in the direction of Russell: "Odin needs you a strong ally, so he chooses to marry and sells me."

"Marriage! You say marriage ... marriage !?"

Thor stammered and looked at Russell. It took him a long time to turn his head dumbfounded, and he said, "Can I understand that he is my brother-in-law?"

"Idiot, don't shout, Odin is not qualified to decide my marriage!"

Erhaila said ruthlessly that he didn't need a man, but on his own.


Thor struggled, Russell became brother-in-law or something, it was scary to think about it, so ...

All this is fake, he has no sister!

Yes, that's it!

My sister-in-law and husband-in-law are all deceiving. Russell is teasing his tricks and must not be fooled, otherwise it is time to make a joke again!

Thor convinced himself, sternly: "Stop your rant, you cannot be the son of Odin."

呵 "Oh, you don't look like you, you can't understand, how could Odin give birth to your stupid son?"

Hella ran his hands over her long hair, and her horned headgear appeared to be shaped, sneer: "Or do you not want to accept yourself as the heir to the throne and fall to the second?"


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