End of the Sky

Chapter 824: Captain 9 Snakes: The enemy is 9 Snakes

Thor's hell-style training in the dark dimension is still going on, and the effect is very gratifying. He has recently developed a big move that can face each other at the same time.

While the left eye is looking directly at a, the right eye is free to observe every move of b.

Limited to the right eye.

This trick is terrifying, uh, bystanders look terrifying anyway.

Uh ...

Steering away from the dark dimension of the earth, Steve was once again blocked by Nick Fury and Tony. It has been six months since the Avengers were quietly established, during which time the two asked the identity of the enemy several times. .

今天 Today, Tony and Nick Fury can't help but break out. The general framework of the Avengers has been set up. As a result, Steve, the captain and spiritual leader, has never shown up and is not at all concerned.

That's it. Captain Marvel has a heavy task and understandably busy.

It ’s a bit too vague to be enemies of the enemy ’s identity. Since the formation of the Avengers Alliance, no one knows who the enemy is, how to avenge it, and to whom?

I dragged on like this, not to mention Tony and Nick Fury, the members would be dissatisfied.

What should I do if I retire?

"Captain, the members who have already joined the group are ready to be mentally prepared, don't hide it!" Nick Fury said in a condensed voice, staring at Steve with one eye.

Tony followed and nodded, a little irritable between words: "Yes, I'm going crazy before telling us who the enemy is."


Steve opened his mouth and didn't know how to speak. He was sure that the other Avengers were indeed ready, but Tony and Nick Fury were definitely undercover.

Think of the pit that Russell dug. Steve was reluctant, but he knew he couldn't drag it anymore.

I wasn't because Tony and Nick Fury would ask again and again, but I was afraid Russell would ask and found that the task was not completed, and he was furious to wear small shoes.

"唉 ~~~"

夫 Steve sighed deeply, closed his eyes for a long time and didn't speak for a long while, then spoke.

He glanced over Tony and Nick Fury, cursing two unlucky eggs for causing him to follow them, and then he said, "Listen, I didn't want to involve you because the enemy's identity was too incredible, but it worked. Now, I'll be straight. "

"Please speak."

Tony and Nick Fury looked at each other with a look of excitement, for fear of missing a word.

敌人 "The enemy is ... you must have heard the name of this organization. Howard and I have been fighting this organization for the first half of my life. Its name is ... yes ..."

"Captain, can you stop it!"

Tony was furious, dare to simply, he was about to die.

Steve glanced elsewhere and whispered: "The enemy is Hydra, but not Hydra."

"Hydra, the organization that cut off one head and grew two more?"

Totney knew very little about Hydra, only he knew that Hydra was active in the Second World War and once belonged to the Axis Powers. It was destroyed in the war and buried in the dust of history.

And Captain America Steve Rogers, and the roaring commando led by him, is the assault team that killed the Hydra.

"No, Captain, that's impossible, you and I both know that Hydra is long overdue."

Nick Fury shook his head decisively. He could accept any answer, except Hydra. After all, the SHIELD was not a display. If members of Hydra were acting in secret, they would have been detected long ago.

Nick Fury is convinced, and a little proud to speak out. SHIELD's pervasive intelligence is not a joke!

"It's not the Hydra in this world, but another universe ... uh, do you understand quantum mechanics and the multiverse?"

Steve gestured with both hands: "This is a universe, this is another universe, they are mutually ... forget it, just like that, I know you are very clear, so I won't say much."

Tony nodded and briefly stated: "Quantum mechanics reaches Planck's scale, which will lead to German's point of view. David De combined quantum theory and multiverse theory, and proposed the inevitable connection between time travel and parallel universe. Captain, I can Do you understand that? "

啊 "Ah, that's it!" Steve blinked, so did he.

"Captain, IMHO, I'm not doubting you, just ..."

Tony looked at Steve in confusion: "You don't seem to understand, don't you make a fool of us?"

没有 "No, I'm telling the truth, the enemy is Hydra!"

Steve stares directly at the two. Five eyes look at each other for a moment. Tony and Nick Fury confirm that the eyes are the windows of the soul. Steve's eyes don't seem to be lying.

"Captain, Hydra from the parallel universe, how should we deal with such an enemy?" Nick Fury frowned, and SHIELD was impenetrable and could not go to another universe.

关于 "About this, Dr. Piem is working hard to find a solution."

Steve glanced at them and explained: "Dr. Pimm was also one of the founders of SHIELD. Howard secretly contacted him after he discovered the parallel universe Hydra invasion. He has been conducting theoretical research in the quantum field. "

Nick Fury frowned, silently keeping this information in his heart, and then he saw Steve's eyes full of warning.

"Director Fury, don't think of some crooked thoughts. The quantum field is very dangerous. It is precisely that it has brought us powerful enemies.


"I agree with the captain, that stuff is really dangerous."

Tony nodded and said, "Uncontrollability is too strong. Unless it is the end of the world, the situation will not be worse, don't expect the quantum field to bring benefits."

Nick Fury was silent and smiled slightly to show that he had no idea.

"Captain, keep talking!"

"Howard first discovered the invasion of the enemy, but ..." Steve said this pause, and the two waited for a while, returned half an hour later, and took out a video tape.

Tony's face turned black when he saw the videotape. He is now allergic to the videotape.

"This is a video tape from Howard left to me with information about the parallel world Hydra, I can't describe it, you can see for yourself ..."

Steve said, play the video tape, and then watched the two with strange faces.

The picture flashed and skipped, showing Howard's suit leather collar, his expression was exhausted, and his eyes were melancholy.

"Steve, I don't know how to tell you the situation ... First of all, congratulations on your return to Earth and seeing you are safe and sound, I am very happy ..."

"Do you remember the Hydra? The evil organization that set off the terror ... we have defeated them, but now they have made a comeback and become stronger."

"Not the Hydra on the earth, but the Hydra in the parallel universe, where the earth was conquered by the Hydra, and they became the masters of the world ..."

"I came into contact with members of the Hydra who entered the earth because of an accident, and volunteered as a scientist to break into them. There, I saw a lot and learned a lot ..."

说 "Speaking is a bit like the evil taste of the universe, like the opposite of good and evil. In a parallel universe, the leader of the Hydra is called 'Steve Rogers'."

"I know you won't believe it, but that's the truth. Captain America, who led the Roaring Commando to defeat the Hydra, transformed in another universe and became the evil and cunning Captain Hydra. And he is as powerful as a god, and also Indeed enslaved names that exist in some myths, such as ... Thor Thor. "

"Steve, I will try to close the space passage of Hydra into the earth, which is the power of infinite gems, which can be traced back to the origin of the multiverse. Captain Hydra has a space gem that can lead his army into other parallel The universe, fortunately, takes a long time. "

"I don't know if I can succeed. If I don't return, it should be a failure. I hope you wait patiently and give them a fatal blow when the Hydra teeth are open."

"Captain America vs. Hydra, very interesting picture, I look forward to it ..."

最后 "Finally, don't tell my son Tony this, let him live as an ordinary person!"

At the end of the screen, Tony and Nick Frizzi are silent. Steve Yu Guang glanced at the two of them and gave a cough: "For these years, I have been searching for the traces of Hydra and lurking them in the dark of the earth Unplug them one by one. "

"Captain, did my father fail?"

Suddenly Tony asked and replied abruptly: "Yes, he failed, so he was killed. So, what about the metal one-armed man?"

"No, Tony, your father Howard succeeded."

Steve's face changed: "He successfully closed the space channel so that the earth can maintain peace to this day. He is a hero. As for Bucky, uh, I mean the metal one-armed man. He escaped after I found the trace. Back to his universe ... that's it. "

At this moment, Nick Fury, whose face was darkened, said, "Captain, what is the situation of Tony meeting with a mysterious man wearing a steel suit in Monaco. Is the Hydra lurking on the earth?"


Steve shook his head and said, "The Hydra on the earth has been ruled out by me, or has been eliminated, or has escaped to another universe ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the mysterious man?"

Steve looked right: "The space channel has been restarted!"

"What, restarted?" X2

"The initial restart only allowed one or two people to enter. This was the case for Howard that year. With the delay of time, it was enough to let the Hydra's army leader drive in."

Steve took a deep breath: "That's why I don't want to involve you. I can deal with one or two enemies. When Dr. Pimm's research is completed, the space channel can be closed permanently, and the earth is safe."

"Captain, your idea is very wrong. What if you meet an enemy that you can't fight? Like that ... Captain Hydra!"

Nick Fury frowned. "You should say it earlier, so that the Avengers can be formed earlier."

"If I can't resist, and there are Maywell and Carol Danfoss, the surprise team exists for this." Steve said that he had explained the script to all the questions before, and he had answers to all the questions here.

"Captain, have you ever thought about it, if the surprise team can't fight it?"

"Uh, if the surprise team can't fight, the Avengers ..."

Steve glanced at the two, looked away, and said quietly, "I don't mean anything else, not to look down on you, teamwork is really important, but ... to respect objective facts and minimize injuries."

"..." x2

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