End of the Sky

Chapter 842: Exclusion

Latest website: Two to one. In terms of numbers, Russell and Odin have the advantage. In addition, the opposite Igo is still disabled. Many years ago, he was beaten with only one brain left.

This should be stable!

It has nothing to do with the old general. Russell and Odin tried it, and it was stable without accident.

Considering that the fighting level is too high and not friendly to the onlookers, Odin sent a message to Russell and asked him to help send Asgard's warship far away.

Russell was following it, the space gem flashed, and the warship was transferred to a safe area.

Everyone on the battleship was relieved. Watching the duel between gods up close is indeed an experience that is hard to come by in a lifetime.

But they are weak, and they do n’t even have the qualifications to watch the battle. With their eyes on the battle to escalate, if they do n’t leave, they will really have a lifetime.

Now the distance is just right, the characters are in the right proportion, and they look comfortable and at ease.


In the void, the three giants confronted each other for a moment. Russell and Odin started at the same time. The spear and the sword were stabbed from two angles, and the battle was upgraded in an instant without giving Igo a chance to breathe.

Two fists are hard to beat with four hands. Igo knows this very well. Without a head and iron, he beats up, pulls back, and grows two arms behind it. A hammer longer than the body emerges.

Except for the brain, the body formed of energy polymer is shaped by the mind. There is no such thing as a fixed form.

The two warhammers blocked the spear and the big sword, respectively, and the sudden collision disturbed the energy turbulence. With the size of three people, even if there were no surging energy fluctuations, a slight movement could easily destroy a planet.

In the principle of respecting the old and loving the young, Russell handed Igo's front to Odin, and then he turned around and met Igodo's two hands.

This is called tactics!

Soon, he discovered that not only did Igo have two more hands behind his back, but also a face grew out of his head, there was no essential difference.

The big sword waved down and was swept away by Igo wielding the Warhammer. His facial sensibility rushed and he suddenly launched a column of devastating purple light.

Russell scooped up energy from the dark dimension, raised his hand and sprinkled the cold black light curtain. After blocking the impact of the beam of light, it turned into elemental magic unique to the dark dimension.

Flames, frost, storms, lightning, and so on, are all cold and dark, but they are pure.

Pure darkness, without any negative despair, is just a color that alternates between eternity and instantaneity.

The torrent of elements rolled down, distorting the rules of the surrounding universe, causing space to collapse, fragmenting into chaos, forming a powerful and terrifying attack.

As early as when Russell and Domam fought, the opponent had a similar torrent of dark elements, but when Russell used it, the power was several times less.

One is that it has left the dark dimension and cannot take advantage of it. The other is that the dark dimension has shrunk and its power is not as good as before.

On the other side, Odin waved the eternal lance and cooperated with Russell to form a pinch.

A golden light bursting with destruction was exploded at the tip of the gun, and the fire light spewed out of the crow's mouth. The catalyst generally caused the golden light to bloom into thousands of beams, and instantly penetrated the endless void, eliminating all blocking forces, and struck Igo first.

It's a bit like a causal weapon that locks time, space, and everything. It comes first, and has a certain attribute.

The beam of light penetrated Igo's head, smashing his huge head, and then the dark tide struck, flooding Igo's body, the elemental magic revolved like a razor, thousands of knives, stripped purple armor, and continuously annihilated his energy Body.

Under double pinching, Igor's body disappeared from above the abdomen, but soon, the energy reshaped the bones and flesh, and even the armor was quickly reborn.

"His brain is not in his head!"

"Keep attacking and drain his energy!"

Russell and Odin conveyed their thoughts at the same time. The three eyes looked at each other and attacked Igo again.

Russell held the sword in both hands, and suddenly felt that it wasted some of the power of the gemstones. After thinking about it, learning the appearance of Igo, the energy of the devil's body was surrounded by the shoulders, and two slender arms were built with a gemstone in each palm.

space! power!

Russell split his sword with both hands, forcing Igo to block with a hammer. The space gem fixed his body. The hand inlaid with the power gem grasped the fist and slammed it down.

After the silent vibration, the purple light exploded in Igo's forehead, smashing his facial armor, exposing the material body linked by energy lines.

Before the armor self-healing was completed, the power gem turned into a claw and probed into it, fiercely pulling out a large mass of material energy.

Russell thoughtfully, throwing it to the back, the dark dimension cracks out the black chain of the engraved rune, coiled the energy substance, and dragged it in.

On the other side, Odin's eyes flickered, and he saw Russell's move suddenly increasing his attack.

Under the spear of the golden spear, the jewels of the realistic gemstone coiled around the tip of the gun appeared faintly, and the golden shadow of the spear flowing out of the body was bright.

Every time a point is made, the gun shadow is enlarged by one point, the pressure and attack power doubles and soars, and the destructive offensive cuts Igo in one fell swoop.

Russell seemed to have tasted the sweetness, and regarded Igo as an inexhaustible vein. He settled in space, seized his power by force, kept stripping his energy, and then plunged into the dark dimension.

Odin didn't know which one was crazy, compared with Russell, and the offensive was more than violent. If he wanted to cut Igo into a piece, he would become stronger and stronger.

For a time, Igor was brutally suppressed and was beaten by Russell and Odin.

"Domam! Odin!"

The rage sounded in Russell and Odin's heart, Igo's body radiated purple light, two sledgehammer furnaces emitted star-like dazzling lights, and a dangerous throbbing attack came, and the two decisively pulled back.

Russell lit up the space gem, and found that the surrounding space was obscure. It was likely to be teleported to an unknown corner. If he used it, he would immediately use a power gem to strengthen the space in front of him. Then he lifted a sword and blocked it in his chest.

The purple light filled the void in front of him, Russell twitched his black pupils, and saw a purple streamer strike, the solidified space shattered, the body of the demon was penetrated through his chest, and the scary gap almost cut him off.

When the light faded, Russell discovered that the beam that struck him was a warhammer in his hand. Then look at Odin, the old guy is old and old ... The old guy is long-lasting, and the **** ghost is smashed into half his head, still struggling. Hold a gun and fight with Igor.

A little strange!

Russell had felt wrong before. It stands to reason that the two of them must be in a state of paddling.

He had extra strength because he was able to tap the energy of Igo, which was cheap.

What about Odin?

A man who is a mature **** can not go all out without good, and he is fiercer than him.

I do n’t know, I thought Odin and Tenjin ...

It was indeed a feud. At that time, it was hung up and beaten by several **** groups, three or two hammers were drawn, and the rest were onlookers.

But that doesn't make sense!

Revenge with your own hands is very refreshing, but it is not worthwhile to put your old arms and legs in.

Russell believed that Odin was by no means an unwise person. Thinking in other words, Odin should pretend to be dead, wait until Igor's blood bar was gone, and then suddenly force himself to grab the head.

It would be even more impossible to say that he was covering his son-in-law.

Odin is not that kind of person. For the long-term peace of Asgard, let alone Hella, even Thor can strangle himself.

His son-in-law, who hasn't even written a word, counts as an onion. Odin disregards Asgard and turns to birth and death for him, never dreaming of such a plot.

Suddenly, Russell glanced at the broken head of the golden god's body and still hadn't recovered. He took a sigh of cold air and thought about it, raised his hand to adjust the energy frenzy from the dark dimension, and stormed down towards Igo and Odin.

The frenzy compresses and condenses, and then he uses space gems to fold, and power gems to strengthen, so that the huge energy stirs into a spiral arrow, increases penetration and speed, and destroys the energy entities of the two giants at the same time.

Igo's body slowly healed, while the golden **** ignored the wound and continued to fight Igo with his eternal gun.

The old guy ran away!

Russell knows well, but can think about it. Asgard's future, Odin's three children are all there, and it is impossible to leave the three of them on the run.

Moreover, they all pushed to the opposite crystal, why should they surrender?

Speaking of the opposite crystal, Russell changed his mind and fixed his eyes on Igo, thinking that Odin had important information to hide from him.

"Igo only has his brain, and the Tenjin group's brain must have something good ..."

In nowhere, the brain tissue and spinal fluid of the dead Tenjin group can be sold at a high price. Russell has previously bought a batch of raw materials and brought them back to the base to cook the hot pot.

The taste of alive ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ 呸, the value is definitely higher.

Thinking of this, he controlled the body of the dark demon to step forward, and teamed up with the golden gods to pinch Igo. He himself used space gems and quietly came to the interior of Igo's broken body. He walked through the huge blood vessels and meridians to find his hidden body brain.

A giant that is three points larger than a planet can be searched by conventional methods. Without hundreds of years of effort, it cannot be explored at all.

Russell also understands why Odin was trying to slice Igo. This is using the exclusion method!

Then he also ruled out!

The Dark Demon drew a shock of energy, smashing Igo's arm with a hammer, and then wielded a large sword to cut it off.

Well, the arm is excluded ...


No need for reminders, I know I owe a few chapters!

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