End of the Sky

Chapter 868: It's up to you to marry me

In the hut in the mountain forest, Russell threw his hand to throw Silver Shadow Man to the ground, and rejected the superwoman's torture of intelligence. He suggested that he was familiar with the job.

When he was flexing his muscles and preparing to give Silver Shadow a set of combo skills, he suddenly noticed the cold air in his eyes.

Where is the problem again?

Russell turned his head stiffly and saw a poorly-looking Superwoman and swallowed. "What's wrong, if you have to interrogate, you can come."

"No, I just remembered one thing and listened to your explanation by the way."

"please say!"

"I remember the first encounter. It was a team battle. The assassin in the team, Jian Shaoyu, was captured by you. When I arrived, she was covered with yogurt. It was also a torture. I ca n’t tell. You have a lot of tricks. Well! "

The Superwoman sneered again and again. The man turned out to be a big pig's hoof, and he was sitting on the surface. He flirted with the young and beautiful girl in a blink of an eye.

Russell had a cold sweat on his forehead, Chen Sesame's rotten millet thing was almost forgotten, and he said stubbornly: "The situation was forced at that time. I was curious about your experience in the space of the Lord God, so I caught her for intelligence ..."

"Because it was your team member, I didn't go to the tiger stool, chili water, scare her with yogurt, and then she did everything."

Speaking of which, Russell had a clever move and hit his backhand with a rake: "You have to say this, and I also want to hear your explanation. That girl is a lace edge, and she has been trying to misbehave, and beat your steel body. Tell me the truth, Has she ever taken advantage? "

The Superwoman heard her words and widened her eyes, and said inconceivably: "What, you are not talking nonsense, how could she possibly have that kind of thought about me ..."

"Hum, I knocked side by side, you didn't know it in the squad, everyone knew it."

Taking the initiative, Russell occupied the moral high ground and continued to stir up the water: "Don't change the topic, recruit it quickly, the time, place and specific process of the crime."

"Boring, too lazy to ignore you." The Superwoman pouted and threw Russell a back of his head.

Sure enough, IQs with Superman bloodlines are not high!

The Superwoman fainted in a few words, and Russell was so pleased that he turned around and spit out a plasma on the Silver Shadow Man.

Silver Shadow Man opened his eyes stupidly, and when he saw Russell covered by the dark fog, he suddenly remembered the fighting just now. He jumped up and set off his defensive driving, and at the same time communicated with the surfboard, trying to get him back to himself.

Buzz! !!

The Superwoman caught up with a hot look, and fixed the surfboard that was about to break through the ground. Russell was three fists and two feet, knocking the Silver Man who lacked energy to the ground.


Russell stepped on Silver Shadow Man's chest and looked down, "Small silver face, be honest if you don't want to be beaten."

"Who the **** are you and why did you catch me?"

Russell lowered his feet and stepped on Yin Yingxia, the metal body was slightly embedded in the ground, and snorted coldly: "See clearly, now I ask you to answer, you have no right to ask questions."


Yin Yingxia heard silence, gave up his defense, and lay quietly without a word.

"Name, gender, age, place of birth, as well as information about your boss, home address, whether you have a son or daughter, etc. are all recruited in 1510."

Russell started the procedure. He knew that Silver Shadow would not cooperate. It was better. If Silver Shadow had recruited everything, he would lose his reason to serve others.

Sure enough, Silver Shadow didn't say a word, and it seemed as if he couldn't understand the language on earth.

"Don't do this, cooperate ..."

Russell retracted his feet, crouched beside Silver Shadow, and patted his face: "Trust me, I have seen many tough guys like you. At the beginning, I was resolute and unyielding. I thought I could carry it by biting my teeth. It ’s not crying and begging to stop, why bother? Tell the truth and I will let you go. Hi, hello, hello everyone, how about it? "


Silver Shadow Man remained silent. Russell saw that he did not see the coffin and did not cry. He raised his hand and gave the Superwoman a gesture, indicating that he was optimistic about the surfboard. He moved his hands and feet, twisted his neck, and made a crisp noise at the joints.

→ + D

↓ ↘ → + A

→ ↘ ↓ ↙ ← + B

↓ ↙ ← ↙ ↓ ↘ → + C


In the cabin in the mountain forest, the vibration sound continued like a pile driver, the surrounding trees were shaken to the east and west, and the reliable wooden house also tended to collapse at any time.

Russell threw down his fist, grasped by the Superwoman, and said, "He is the key person to deal with the star swallow. If you kill him, the difficulty of the plot will be greatly increased."

"Rest assured, I have a sense of starting, and I just look painful and can't die."

Russell frowned slightly, Yin Yingxia's mouth was too hard, and conventional methods could not be used to pry it open. However, it was unconventional and unsuitable for use in front of Superwoman, which damaged his good personal image.

"Or I'll try it. If his character is really like the plot, he should be a righteous person, and maybe persuasion can really counter him."

Superwoman suggested that Russell and Russell would sing red face and white face one by one, and the two-pronged approach would definitely be more effective than the unilateral use of physics.

"No!" Russell rejected the offer decisively.

In the original plot, the invisible woman countered Silver Shadow Man, making her active dedication and sacrificing her ego to make her older.

The Silver Shadow Man drove the surfboard into Uncle Swallow's stomach and exerted his strength to do constipation. Biu defeated the invincible Uncle Swallow and protected the earth from destruction.

Why was the Silver Shadow Man countered, and why did he choose to explode with his master for the planet, the eight-pole planet?

The answer is forthcoming, unless Silver Shadow and Optimus Prime have a heart that loves the earth, otherwise, he is the invisible woman.

It's pretty reliable to think about it. After all, this product was very cold when it first appeared on the market, and it didn't care about anyone. It was only when it came to the invisible woman that he took the initiative to talk to each other and explained the boss.

The invisible woman and her whole body glowing genderless little silver face, emotional entanglement and deep spiritual communication, the face of the magical gentleman next to him turned green.

The front car had to be guarded, and Xiao Yin's face was not a good thing at first sight. Russell refused to let the Superwoman communicate with him, wondering if Mr. Wonder's hat could not be grabbed, because he was his.

"Wait for a while, I'll bring the invisible woman over and tell her to fight against tough guys."

Russell said, pushing open the door of the cabin and fluttering towards New York.


At the wedding scene, the venue was chaotic and the guests ran away.

Reid comforted Susan that the accident was a force majeure and vowed to hold a grander wedding next time to make her a bride everyone envied.

As soon as Susan's face improved, Thunderbolt Johnny hurriedly landed, holding Reed sweaty.

"How are you chasing each other?"

"No, but I have important information here, which is very bad."

Johnny spoke fast and recounted his experience in New Jersey: "Your previous inference was completely wrong, the aliens that caused the vision, and the two I met were not a group or even enemies."

"It can't be said that they are completely wrong, at least those two aliens are not malicious to you, they did not hurt you." Reed blinked, analyzing the current situation in his mind, and found that Russell and Superwoman might be able to fight for it.

"What does it mean to be malicious? If it weren't for me running fast, they would definitely hurt me!" Johnny refused, and held back after speaking, which didn't seem to be something to be proud of.

"What was the outcome of the battle, which side won?"

"I don't know. I run too fast."


Reed shook his head helplessly and greeted Ben and Susan quickly to change clothes and rush to the laboratory to check whether the power equipment can return to normal. By the way, contact the military. There is a wireless cable in the satellite shooting battle site.

Susan was reluctant, but was dragged back to the laboratory by Reed. Several people put on team uniforms, went into work, and tried to repair the damaged experimental equipment.

Reed is a standard workaholic. Once he starts researching, he will devote himself to it, forgetting the outside world.

Susan and Johnny worked together to repair the communication equipment. She looked at Reed who was cracking in front of the computer and knocked on the keyboard, and her stomach turned into anger.

After entering the laboratory, Reid never talked to her. The wedding failed, not even a symbolic frustration.

At the wedding, he didn't move like a dead person. In the laboratory, the dragon and tiger were full of energy and it was too scum!


She slaps her hands on the computer table, gritting her teeth, "Reed, when are you planning on your next wedding?"

"The coordinates are XX degrees and XX minutes north latitude, OO degrees and OO minutes west longitude ..."

Susan rolled her eyes: "Our wedding has become a world war, and you have no idea what will happen in the future, our marriage, family, future children ..."

"Also, you secretly added that I added a sensor to the satellite. This is nothing. You are doing it right, but why not tell me, in your eyes, am I the kind of unreasonable woman?"

Reed looked at the computer screen, his eyes blinked: "I found it. The satellite took a picture of the battle site. Come over and see."

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Susan was so angry that she slap her face against Reed's rubber face, and rushed out of the door with anger: "I'm going to find someone to marry on the street. I wish you the right half in the quantum field."

Reed got up from the ground, and patted his deformed face, with a stubborn expression: "What happened, why did she hit me?"

Johnny and Ben glanced at each other, the former shrugged: "Reed, you should hurry up or my sister will exchange rings with other men."

"Why, what's wrong with me?" Reed was more aggressive.

"Idiot, this is not the time to say this ..."

Johnny glanced at the clock on the wall: "Counting the time, she has entered the elevator. It is expected to find a marriage partner in one minute. With her beauty and popularity, there is no opinion to come to the man."

On the other side, Susan walked out of the elevator ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and waited for a moment in front of the main entrance of the building, and found that Reed didn't catch up immediately, and the anger in her heart grew more and more intense.

She swept around and found that the streets were full of men. He was hesitant to pick which one, and a black-haired man came up smiling.

It's up to you!

Susan wondered about choosing everyone, and grabbed her by the wrist: "Go, follow me now."


Russell blinked. What is it, isn't this his line?

"What are you still doing? Come with me!"

"Uh, where are you going?"

"Get married with me!"

(/? д?) /

Russell was so shocked that his chin was about to fall to the ground, and he even shook his head to say no. The invisible woman wanted to die. He hadn't lived enough!

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